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Latest revision as of 13:41, 28 March 2021

Log 12723
Date of Scene: 10 February 2021
Location: First Floor, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Summary Needed
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, She-Hulk

Iron Man has posed:
"You know, usually when I've had a few drinks... not like, a lot obviously, but maybe less than seven, and I'm not the only one who's noticed this, lots of people have noticed as well, but... even when I've been drinking... the code that I write doesn't look like Spaghetti-O pie... and this does... so that leads me to think that..."

When one is an egomaniac, or at least a narcissist, it's not uncommon for one to talk to oneself. But it's a whole other level to talk to oneself ABOUT oneself, which is, at least to the casual observer, exactly what Tony Stark is doing.

Laying on his back with tools scattered around him, he's wedged up under one of the gigantic mechanical contrivances that serves some sort of function within Avengers Mansion that only he and T'Challa really know anything about. Whatever it does, he's gotten through the part where he dismantles it, and now he seems to be at the part where he plugs a computer in and talks mad trash about the code the system uses.

Among the tools scattered nearby, there's also a bottle of scotch that only rich people know how to pronounce, and an empty glass with a single ice ball melting slowly in it.

"... either I didn't write this code, or I was REEEEEEEALLY drunk when I did."

She-Hulk has posed:
    Toweling herself off, perspiration giving her lightly tanned skin a slight shimmer, Jennifer Walters looks genuinely almost tired... though that may in part be because she is in her natural pre-transfusion form, and not the Jade Giantess. She smiles as she watches, taking a moment to consider her own words. She doesn't tend to talk to herself, but she does occasionally talk to people that few (besides a certain mouthy mercenary whose name is best left unmentioned in situations where he is likely not wanted... which is most situations, and the occasional Great Lakes whatever they are calling themselves this week) tend to recognize as being there to hear.

    After a moment, Jennifer giggles, "How long ago do you remember the code being written. I can ask Bendis, Busiek, Fraction, Favreau, or Downey Jr. about it. Kirby, Lee, O'Neil, or heck, even Heck, are a bit beyond even me to ask. I know of someone who might have a line to them, but I think, even if Death does have a thing for him, he really isn't reliable, and you're better off not knowing than owing a favor to him."

    Pulling a liter bottle of spring water out, she begins to chug it, as its condensation drips and mingles with her perspiration.

Iron Man has posed:
The unkempt, slightly stubbly, very famous face of Tony Stark peers out from under the the giant mechanical widget. It's also a bit damp with perspiration, mostly in the forehead region, though more from apparent frustration than from any working out. Though he is wearing some of that futuristic athleisure stuff that he's fond of wearing around the mansion.

In his defense, it makes a great base layer under the armor.

Craning his neck, Tony looks up, up, and up some more, until he's able to get a clear view of the not so Jade... uh... what do we call her in human form? The Beige Normaless?

Anyway, he cranes his neck until he can see her face.

"That's the thing, Jen. I don't remember writing it at all. Last time that happened, I ended up being chased around Tokyo by a giant tech-eating robot. Speaking of which... did you have a chance to look over those patent documents I sent you?"

"Because I want to sue the balls off of those guys if they ripped off my idea."

She-Hulk has posed:
    Holding up a finger as she chugs a bit more water, Jennifer takes the moment to compose her thoughts. She gives as much seriousness as the Caucasion Cutie can credibly compose, then asks, "There is good news and bad news on that. The good news is Patent Cooperation Treaty makes getting a patent in Japan way easier since you have them in the USA. The Bad News is their Patent requests in Japan and your Patent requests appear to be in conflict, so neither of you currently have a valid claim. The so-so news is I have a modest size team of paralegals, law school students, and pre-bar law grads all working on scouring every possible case to find precedence to get your patents validated in Japan and digging through the records on both continents to prove that your patents were submitted first, even if it is by seconds."

    Taking another sip, she then furrows her brow, "Not to sound too writing saavy or anything, but, if you don't remember writing a code, and considering M.O.D.O.K., Ultron, Arnim Zola, The Mad Thinker, Hindsight Lad, The Calculator, countless other A.I.s, Technopaths, Tech Geniuses, and Hackers who I can't name off the top of my head... heck, even evil dimensional counterparts of yourself, Bruce, Batman, Hank Pym, Hank McCoy, the adorable Brood schoolkid... or any version of Reed, Kang, or Doom... maybe you should isolate the program and not use it until you have it vetted by a half dozen other geniuses you trust? Just in case?" she pauses, "Not that I don't trust your judgement, but programming you don't know is yours could be programming that is definitely not yours and therefore conversely programming meant to make sure your life is not yours, as well as the lives of those around you not being their own anymore either."

    The last thought seems to trigger a bit of fear in Jennifer's eyes, and maybe it was intentional, maybe it was her subconscious taking a precaution, but her form quickly grows, her outfit stretching and looking almost ready to tear free at any second, only for the outfit to shift as well a few seconds later to fit her increased mass and proportions. Her slight glistening actually becomes almost a glow of health, hued in deep green. Thankfully she was barefoot, so the quick transformation didn't compromise any footwear like it nearly destroyed the unstable molecule treated workout clothes.

Iron Man has posed:
Following along, Tony has a bit of a hard time nodding to indicate his understanding. After all, he's laying on his back under some giant frammistat and his neck is awkwardly craned. So he scoots himself out from under it enough to actually sit up, still on the ground, and unplugs the slightly outdated PDA-esque device that he was analyzing the code with.

Must have been a few years since the security software at Avengers Mansion was updated. But... Tony's a busy guy. Learn to code, people.

Also, learn to build frammistats on your own, people.

As he listens, and ponders, Tony also reaches for his empty cup and the slowly-melting ice ball therein. He fills it back up with some of that unpronounceable Scotch, and swirls it around a bit. It's almost a security blanket.

"Yeah, you're probably right. Why take a risk, that's my motto... no wait... that can't be right, I don't think I really have a motto, not really a... it's not that I'm not a motto guy but, it's more of a situation where I... you know, there are people who are paid to come up with catchy slogans and if I ever decide to have a motto I'll just sort of outsource that whole creative process...

Suddenly, despite having fixed himself so that he wouldn't be awkwardly craning his neck, Tony finds himself once again doing just that as the Savage She-Hulk emerges from wherever Jennifer Walters had her hidden. He's going to get a crick in his neck at this point.

Finishing off the scotch in a few quick sips, he looks up at her, then down at his glass, then back up at her.

"Man, I don't know why, but I could suddenly really go for some pickle juice with this."

She-Hulk has posed:
    Fidgetting with her top, Jennifer glances at the pickle juice remark, "Are you saying I'm sour and slimy like pickles?" slowly crossing her arms as a pout crosses her lips, "I personally always thought I was more like a sweetsop, than a gherkin." tapping her bare foot a bit. Perhaps she is teasing, perhaps she is serious...

    Glancing past, she does add, "I didn't spend years studying law to become Jennifer Walter, Frammijammistatinator technician and coder. Just like you outsource to PR guys, I outsource to people for most things. I stick to what I excel at, and get people that are experts to handle the stuff I don't excel at. It is an efficient arrangment, so why mess with it?" then she pauses as she looks back to the scotch.

    Tilting her head to the side, still pouting, "Perhaps if you cut back on the Ardbeg, Glenlivet, Lagavulin, Kilchoman, Glen Garioch, Bunnahabhain, Wemyss, Bruichladdich, Ledaig, Caol Ila, Laphroaig, Dailuaine, and Auchroisk..." her eyes skimming the bar, "You might remember when you coded something, what you coded, and if something isn't your doing. Also, drunk flying or FUI is likely going to be added to the UIs soon, and you don't want to be the poster boy for a new MADD campaign when you Repulsor Blast or Unibeam someone while intoxicated."