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Latest revision as of 13:41, 28 March 2021

Is this The End
Date of Scene: 22 January 2021
Location: Club Mjolnir, Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Hela, Mercy Thompson

Hela has posed:
The club currently isn't at it's peak like later in the night, but there's enough people inhabiting some tables and some Faering boats, which means Miracle Elle, the famed proprietess is out and about to help her staff and converse with some of the more interesting clientelle.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Magic has a way of bringing Mercy here. Given just what she is and who her father is, and how closely tied she is to magic.....Mercy is here alright, the magic drawn her out of the shop, and to the club.

Mercy's not a clubber. She's still dressed in her coveralls with car fluids and stains. I f any ASSE certified mechanics are around they can play 'spot the fluid' and win a confused look from Mercy, even so she's not dressed for clubbing, admittedly, she's no wrench either really. Still she's heading on in, focusing on the magic that's leading her like a giant, magical, coyote treat. Or, something. Mercy can basolutely sense all the magic, and it's....frankly, overwhelming in the club tonight, Mercy's on edge thanks to it.

Hela has posed:
Elle takes notice of the newcomer, dressed likely the most sloppily she's ever seen a patron dressed. It's enough to draw attention, as she offers a welcome smile, "you certainly have a sense that the culture is not at all about dressing to impress."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
That gets a smile from Mercy. "We have different standards of impress" she concedes, not talkative that much as she's still trying to figure out just what is going on with the magic, and a subtle way of asking too. Sure, she's heard of the club...

"Is that the hammer?" Mercy asks carefully. Oh no. No. She isn't going to turn this into a history lesson on the Norse culture and a little on mythology is she? Really? Hopefully....not?

Mercy gazes around the club and then right back to Hela. "Admittedly. Define impress. Would you rather I didn't show up in one of each kind of fluid an old VW spits out when I'm fixing it?" she jokes. "It's okay, I've been told worse"

Hela has posed:
"That is an astute observation, young one," Elle remarks with a pleasant smile, "...care for a horn of mead? A tankard perhaps?"

When Mercy inquires about the hammer, Elle smiles more widely, "so you've taken some interest in Norse Mythology? Or is it the Avenger you're after...?" She muses, and as she gestures towards the hammer, she whispers, "surely you've noticed Thor still carries his legendary weapon...tis but a replica, a rather convincing one no doubt, praised by Thor himself."

When the VW and its fluids are mentioned, Elle seems confused, as if not quite following the path of the conversation anymore. "I know nothing of a VW or its liquids, a mighty beast is it?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"A VW is a car. I fix them for a living, and no thank you on the horn of mead or tankard. I don't drink" mercy says with an apologetic smile. "Ah, I have a history degree, so I was indeed curious, and yes I am aware. Which leads me to figure that is a well made replica of the hammer, and if I misbehave, I will get it beating me around the head correct?" she jokes and isn't really wanting to tempt fate. Or, Mjolnir, whether real or not as Mercy settles on something not alcoholic. She does though give the club another look over.

"Aren't history and mythology interlinked however?" she asks carefully with a wry smile. Oh she went to school. She did her thing, and got her degree. It's worked out that she's useful once a year or so with it. Or whenever her family drop by, or she visits them, but still. Still....Mercy's curious.

Hela has posed:
"Ah...those I know," Elle remarks, somewhat subdued, the topic of cars clearly not as exciting to her as that of Mjolnir itself. She arches a brow as Mercy mentions not drinking, "you've come for food then? Or was it just a peek of the hammer? You can take your picture with it, if you like."

Elle shakes her head at the guesstimation of what is done in time of trouble, "no need for violence...I'm sure."

"Mythology is merely history that time forgot...or people forgot..." she doesn't sound too pleased about that bit of truth.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy nods keenly. "Or as one of my professors said, mythology is the line between history and stories being told. See, my people" Mercy nods. "have their stories. That's mythology to some, history to others. Point" she admits finding a spot to sit. "Point is that who you ask, that's the ansswer you get" Mercy nods keenly.

Hela has posed:
"History itself is a story being told," Elle offers with a faint smile on her lips, "often the truth is unlike what is actually told in the teachings of history. You'd be surprised..." and few know that as well as Elle. "Tell me then...who are your people?" Elle takes some fascination with Mercy, as she speaks more wisely than some.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"I went to college. I got a degree. You're not telling me anything I don't already know. But the upside is I'm not in a lecture hall or studying for exams" Mercy smirks and looks amused, then shakes her head. "My people? My people...well...as you can tell? I'm not exactly whitebread American" Mercy offers, waiting on her coffee.

"Se. My father? Coyote" she says. Just casually throw out in technical terms...demigoddess, daughter of the trickster...sure, why not tos that out there. "My adopted family taught me much the same as you. Helps when you're the youngest of them all, and you don't really fit in. You get to pay attention and listen and notice things while they are all macho" she adds and gives an amused smile. "I still hate playing piano however. Do not...ever....ask me to play Rachmaninov. I will slam the piano cover on anyone's fingers who tries that. Then make sure they can't wear their shoes"

Hela has posed:
"...I did not ask what you are not, only what you are," Elle says with a smile, waiting to hear more. "Coyote..." she repeats, as if tasting the assembly of words. "Oh, not all are meant to play instruments, I myself prefer a different set of instruments. If you will."