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Latest revision as of 14:25, 1 April 2021

But I Thought You Said
Date of Scene: 31 March 2021
Location: Docks, Kvalvika, New Asgard
Synopsis: Power Girl learns it wasn't Thor who asked her out to dinner. This may be the start of a friendship though!
Cast of Characters: Power Girl, Thor

Power Girl has posed:
Things had been busy for Power Girl. Between work and heroing, there wasn't a lot of spare time. Being a big of a workaholic didn't help matters. But when she finally got a free moment, she remembered a conversation not that long ago. Maybe that long ago. Maybe a month? That was long in this type of situation.

She happened to be in Europe, having helped with an oil tanker that had run ashore. Once it was cleared up, she was about to head off to the good old U.S. of A. Yet Norway wasn't that far, as the Kryptonian flew. Conversation and invitation remembered, she leapt into the sky with a final wave to the thankful people below and was gone in a streak of red and white.

Once over Norway, she centered on New Asgard, floating down with her red cape flowing in the wind, her boots touching down gently on the docks. She considered the goings on then eyeing the nearby dock that seemed to be made out of a rainbow. It was beautiful and curious at the same time. For a moment she had thoughts of leprechauns and pots of gold as she eyed the building further at the end of that rainbow bridge.

She shook her head at herself, walking toward the land on the regular pier she was standing upon. A bright smile to the nearest person. "Hello, I was hoping to see T--King Thor if he's around." Because doesn't everyone just drop in and get to see a ruler? She might not have thought this through.

Thor has posed:
    From above the young city of New Asgard stood gleaming with gold and silver. Not as prominent as their settlement of old, but there is still something beautiful in the way the home of the Asgardians seemed to shine against the horizon when she looked down upon it.
    Then he world had blurred as she rushed forward, pulling up before the bay and settling down upon that pier with the sea breeze causing her cape to twist and flap behind her. Various dockworkers look up and she will see curious looks sent her way, appraising smiles, questioning gazes. The men are certainly tall, even as she likely espies some of the guards standing upon the stairway that leads up from the docks and toward the market itself.
    "Greetings, Child of Midgard." One of the dockworkers says, his smile amused and intrigued. Garbed in a rough tunic but wearing a pair of Reeboks, the Asgardian smiles and glances behind himself to the distant castle. "Yonder will you find the King, he holds no court, however. He is only returned some few hours past, gone for this last three day and some."
    Then he leans upon one of the marble pylons marking a length of the pier, "But it will do no harm to have yourself announced, surely."
    Some of the other dockworkers look on, a few drift closer, she is definitely a curiousity.

Power Girl has posed:
Probably someone wearing a white leotard with a paldron of gold holding a red cape in place is a little different from typical Asgardian garb. And her boots with the turned down cuff in blue. She was strong, muscles well developed and toned. All shown in that outfit she wears.

"Holds not court means he isn't accepting visitors?" Power Girl asks to clarify, trying to make sure she isn't losing something in translation. She feels like she just walked into a giant renissance fair and she forgot her wench costume. Course looking at some of those female guards, she might need to rethink wench and create a better warrior one for the settings. If she went to RenFests. If.

"He had asked me to visit sometime for a meal but I guess I should have called first. Course that requires me to have gotten his number." This is going all sorts of downhill fast. "Could someone let him know I stopped by and I'll look him up in New York next time or something?"

She didn't mind the curious looks. Honestly, she had gotten kind of used to it. Looking this way and dressing as she does? It's not like she figures it won't draw attention.

Thor has posed:
    "The court is not being held, the leaders of Asgard are not gathered. But he could still receive visitors," As he speaks some of the guards are walking down those steps and moving toward her. They hold spears in their hands but are not seeming to carry them with malice.
    Then the older dockworker smiles a little and rubs a hand at the back of his neck, "And, in truth, I could not see him denying an audience to one such as yourself, good lady." Which might mean one thing. Or an entirely other.
    But at that point the two guards, a man and a woman, come close enough that the one raises his voice and addresses her. "May I be of assistance, Power Girl?" Apparently knowing of her and of something beyond their city to have such knowledge. Then there's a furrow to his brow as he asks with a hint of worry, "Is aught amiss?"

Power Girl has posed:
She needs to watch some old period movies if she's going to spend much time here. That is a personal note scratched on the notepad she carries inside her brain. It's right up there with getting milk on her way home as she finished it off with her cereal that morning.

"Oh no, nothing amiss. I'm sorry to show up without notice. Just was hoping King Thor might be available to say hi. Which is really pretty silly I realize now. I mean he's a King and y'know, doing stuff."

She looked to the dockworker then back to the two guards. "I was told he just got back from a trip so he's likely resting. Just tell him I stopped by and I'll catch him another time."

Thor has posed:
    "Tis true, that King Thor has recently returned," The Guard turns to look at his partner as the Dockworkers continue to look on, smiling but blatantly curious and making no show of hesitance in keeping their noses parked in someone else's business. "But he is not at the castle, he is in the Artisan's Square, conducting business with the trade elders. If you would speak with him he is there."
    Turning to the side the guard gestures with the spear now, "Up the stairs and to the left. You will likely mark him by the..." He smiles a little and then finally settles on the word, "The commotion that may be occurring." For even in his home, Thor does tend to draw attention.
    Then, clearing his throat, the guard asks of her. "If you wish I can conduct you to him?"

Power Girl has posed:
"Up to you. Don't want you to get in trouble for leaving your post. Pretty sure I can find it by those directions. Seem pretty straight forward." Power Girl says with a smile.

A king drawing a crowd among his people doesn't seem a strange concept to her. After all, not like they can go drinking at the local pub with the guy! He's probably untouchable and rarely seen.

To say she is lacking knowledge on Asgardians is an understatement.

And with that she gives a wave and starts off that direction. It isn't much of a distance and moving at a little above normal speed, she will be there in a flash. Not literally as she doesn't want to just bowl people over in the wake of her passage but still pretty darn quick as she flew that way.

Thor has posed:
    It takes her little to no time at all to flit upwards above the fine city, rising upon the wind and casting her eyes forth. Those directions were indeed succinct and lead her over that rise and toward the curving arc of road that opens to the Artisan's Quarter where the shops of some of Asgard's finest craftsmen reside.
    Almost instantly she'll see the small crowd. Not too large considering but she can make out the figures in a half-circle around a man who stands tall and central. He sees to be speaking with one or more of those others who are paying attention to him and her senses pick up the words.
    "Tis more important you take what time is needed, we are under no constraint nor pressure to have the Bifrost ready. More 'tis better to preserve what artifacts we have recovered, so err e'er on the side of caution."
    Which has the artisans nodding and agreeing and saying as much. One of them steps to the side and out of the way and she'll see him from afar at first. Tall, broad-shouldered, that shock of blond... short hair? He must've gotten it cut since they last spoke. Curious. But that was him, the muscular warrior in the leather tunic that hugged his form rather well.
    His back was to her for now, but indeed with the way the others deferred that must be the King.

Power Girl has posed:
The hair was different. The rest of him looked about right. She was considered pretty tall for a woman on this planet although she was shy of six feet by an inch.

She landed a good distance away, a bit to the side behind the some of the artisans. Not wanting to interrupt but not wanting to be close enough to spook anyone either. After all, they were a warrior people. She knew that much! It didn't do to go sneaking up on warriors and being within arm's reach.

Of course now she was in the line of sight of those in the area who might be more to the center of the cirlce. Or those that weren't a part of it at all but were in the square.

She didn't really blend in.

Thor has posed:
    Several of the men in that half-circle nodded. Then one looked over Thor's shoulder and saw her. Eyebrows lifted, then followed by another man looking in her direction. Which triggered a series of looks shared before one clears his throat towards Thor.
    And that is the moment when Thor turns to look at her and... that is likely not the man she remembers.
    Oh it is him, the face, the handsome line of his aw, that stern brow. It looks of him. And yet not the him she had met. For one he had only one eye. A metallic looking eyepatch covered one eye and his beard was short. He had a face that was not as at ease nor as care-free as the man she spoke with. There were hints of worry-lines in his features, a slight hint of a crow's foot at the edge of his good eye.
    Yet what is more? There was no hint of recognition in this man's gaze. At least at first.
    But then he lifts his head and the smile comes. A smile that transforms his features as he points at her, "Power Girl." He says. For apparently he does know of her.
    "What brings you to New Asgard? How may I be of help?" As he says this he nods to the Artisans and sends them on their way.

Power Girl has posed:
As the eyes started to turn her way, Power Girl just ignored it. But soon most of them were looking and then she had the attention of the person she was looking for.

Didn't she?

She blinked bright blue eyes at the face. It was him but the him she met was very different. He was just back from a trip but damn, that was some change. What sort of trip had he gone on?!

Then he didn't seem to know her but he did call her by name so she was getting more confused by the minute. "I was looking for you actually. Didn't mean to interrupt. We had talked a little while back and wanted to follow up on your offer." She waited until the Artisans moved on their way before spelling it out more clearly. "We talked about having dinner sometime?" she sort of nudges to remind him.

But she follows it up with something else. "What happened to your eye?"

Thor has posed:
    One of the wise men cleared his throat and lowered his eyes, then another shot a look at his apprentice who was standing behind Thor. An apprentice that was grinning entirely too much. As for Thor he lifts his chin, lips parting as his brow furrows. She likely will get the feeling he has no idea what she's talking about. Which, to be fair, is true.
    Yet he plays it off well in part, perhaps not to cause her any embarrassment as he says. "Ah, of course." He touched a fingertip to just under the eyepatch then he looks over his shoulder. "If you will excuse me."
    "Of course, my liege." One of the artisans says as he steps back with a half-bow.
    Which leaves Thor to walk towards her, footsteps calm as he draws closer. "Come, Power Girl. Walk with me for a time? Let us discuss matters."
    And as he says that the smile remains, though there's a hint of apology to it as he starts to move down the street. Pointedly not being followed by anyone else.

Power Girl has posed:
"Sure." Power Girl fell into step with him. She tried to be a patient woman. It was required for her choice of careers. She couldn't just rush into an experiment and expect results. Yet, at times like this, her patience was not what it should be.

Her question pile was growing and the answer pile had not increased by a single increment!

He seemed confused. Even when he says of course, she can tell he doesn't really mean it. Had she read the request wrong? It had been a pretty obvious ask-for-a-date scenario. So how was he not remembering. Unless he asked out that many women? Maybe that was it. He had asked out lots of women and couldn't keep track of who they were. This did not put a check in the pro column. The very opposite.

"Look, if you just want me to get out of here, I will. I can get a hint if you don't really want to go out. I just thought it might be nice to hang out and talk. Again."

Thor has posed:
    "Forgive me, Power Girl." Thor says that, and the Thunderer does have a way when speaking with another. Of leveling his attention on them, focusing, meeting their gaze with such clarity that it might almost seem as if the person he's speaking with is the most important person in the world.
    "I do not recall that event. I assure you if we had gone out together, or spent time together, I would remember it. In turn," He says with a slight smile, perhaps catching some hint of doubt in her gaze, "I do not think you are mistaken. However I would like to offer another possibility."
    At that point he stops and looks thoughtful, then gestures with one hand toward the eyepatch yet does not speak of it directly. "When we spent time together I seemed to you... different?"
    And indeed, he did.
    "And perhaps I was very..." He looks up as they walk, trying to find that certain word. "Forthcoming?" Which might serve. Then might not.
    "I believe perhaps you instead did not meet me, but instead my brother. For I was wounded some three years back in the fall of my home. And I wear this eyepatch as... a form of penance you can say."
    Thor smiles a little, "And my brother, perhaps he was seeking to create mischief. But also he has felt that. Well. It is time for Asgard to have a queen. This may be his way of motivating me. And I fear you are stuck in the middle."

Power Girl has posed:
There was a gravity to him. He focused. He paid attention. When talking one-on-one, he gave the impression whatever they said was important to him. Even if it was something as silly as this.

"You certainly seemed different." That was an understatement. "Far more open. No eye patch. Which apparently you've had for three years. Hair different. Face the same but different."

Then he is explainng what might be the cause for all the confusion. "Loki." She says the name, having heard it often enough when the invasion of New York had happened a few years back. Mishief and Asgardians. Had to be him. "I see."

Well wasn't this a fine kettle of fish. She has just made a fool of herself in front of a hero she respected who happened to also be king of his people. Just peachy. She chews the inside of her cheek a moment and he might well be able to read her expressions. A hint of color from embarassment followed by a furrowed brow and then she just looks pissed.

"You attached to this brother or am I good to beat the crap out of him?"

Thor has posed:
    She can see his smile reach that good eye of his and for a moment he looks away as if considering telling her, 'yes, please go beat the tar out of Loki' but then with a hint of a resigned sigh he looks back to her and says, "I can understand that sentiment, and admit that I have harbored it as well. Though in this case I... believe he may have been acting in what he felt might be a positive way."
    He turns and continues walking, hands easing into the pockets of his breeches even as the hammer Mjolnir hangs loose at his side. He looks up towards the castle, "He likely expected this very thing to happen. For us to meet, perhaps for one of us to charm the other, and so he gains his goal of distracting me from the work of state and my thoughts elsewhere."
    Thor looks back at her and says with a half-smile, "And in my youth a beautiful woman would have been suitable for such a task. Though now..."
    He stops walking and turns to her, "But Loki aside, I have heard of you in the past, Power Girl. I know you a hero. And there is no harm in us breaking bread now or in the future if that is what you would wish."

Power Girl has posed:
"He might have thought it was positive. Sadly, he's an idiot and wrong. So I may or may not take your permission into account on this one. I don't like being made a fool of," Power Girl admits with a shrug of her shoulders, muscles tightening and relaxing in that motion.

When he exrpresses the thoughts that Loki might have been having, it really isn't making her feel any less annoyed. Or violent. But he moves on and she tries to do the same.

"My reputation precedes me, huh?" She grins a little. "I can say the same. Lots of footage online of you. Seen things here or there." No she did not go full on researching him but Avengers did end up on the news from time to time, same as Superman and Wonder Woman. Even herself, though she wasn't on there nearly as often.

"Sure, we can have something to eat. Now, another time. But it's not a date. Let's just clear that up right now. I'm not Queen material for one and you don't seem to be in that mindset if your brother is messing with your romantic life this way."

Thor has posed:
    There's a hint of amusement as he tells her, "Agreed then, not a date." He gestures with a nod towards the castle. "Just two acquaintances on their way to becoming friends." That said he offers her his arm, though for one not familiar with such things it might seem as if he's just pointing his elbow at her for some reason.
    "Come, we shall walk up to the fortress and share an evening repast and you can tell me of your heroics and I shall assuredly be swayed by your words into thinking such high things that I will toss Loki to you if only to appease you."
    That said his smile slips toward a grin.