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Latest revision as of 01:30, 3 April 2021

Fools of April
Date of Scene: 01 April 2021
Location: East Harlem, Manhattan
Synopsis: A couple Thugs think Ivory is an easy target... an end up meeting the fist of the PUNISHER!
Cast of Characters: Ivory, Punisher

Ivory has posed:
Once upon a time, Anne Rice wrote a book about pride and people having bad thoughts about others that were less fortunate. It was critic of the closed minded, but that people didn't see. In the 60s, people marched to Washington for their rights - and faced violence. And even in '28, there were people that vent their hatred upon peole not in their peergoup. Projecting their insecurities on those that were embracing thedifference. Two handfull of these scoured Harlem, wearing T-Shirts spewing hatred on Mutants and the LGBTQ. Proclaiming a better tomorrow after the purge.

Ivory on the other hand was pretty much what those goons proclaimed to hate. A jacket with a kitten wearing a rainbow scarf, a pair of cat-ears poking out from the white hair put them clearly in some of the queer groups... and thus it wasn't entirely unexpected that the two fists of bigottery started to encircle them, yeling obscenities.

Punisher has posed:
Normally, the Punisher doesn't get involved with the day to day of everyones lives. It's a good way to get caught if you fall into a pattern, and the police can usually handle matters. Today however, the Punisher happens to be in staking out another target in the Battle Van when someone gets surrounded by a bunch of angry people. Narrowed eyes look in that direction, and a monocular sweeps over the crowd briefly. Luckily, he was wearing civilian clothing, at least.

Taking his trenchcoat and his covert gear web, Frank opens the driver seat of the Van and starts casually walking over, brass knuckles are subtly placed on both hands and his Ka-bar is checked before it's sheathed under the trenchcoat.

The Punisher starts walking over, his hands in his pockets as he casually moves towards Ivory.

Ivory has posed:
The group doesn't seem to mind the guy in the trenchcoat, instead brandishing the tools of their bigottery and hatred. Balisong knvies flick open and shut, stiletto swirchblades with motherof-pearl grips appear and clean under the fingernails and a quite heavyset skinhead smacks a ringing aluminium bat into his open palm. Which is about the point a muscle monster with pig eyes reaches over to try and yank the ears off of Ivory...

It's the school of hard knocks they learned in, yet yanking at their ears earns them a scream as those are real. Not fake, but real flesh and blood cat ears, which makes the gang cayole for a few moments.

Till Ivory themselves springs up, claws running through the face of the ear-yanker, bloody droplets flying though the night air - and giving the hooligans all the more reason to attack.

Punisher has posed:
With their attention all on Ivory, it's easy for the Punisher to grab one of them with a baseball bat on the arm at the wrist, straighten out the arm, and to /SLAM/ his fist upward into the other mans elbow. It's more than enough to dislocate and nearly pop out the bone from skin. Immediately after, he's spinning in place, and the hand that was on the wrist is turned into a fist that has brass knuckles slam right into the back of another thug, more than enough to send them flying.

Ivory has posed:
As Ivory's fingers tear up the face of one and then rake over the man's chest, sending him back tumbling, the other thugs start to throwm themselves forward. Knives gleam in the dark as they swing at the white haired, but luckily they are not well coordinated and they get in each others way. Not that they harm each other, but only one manages to actually get a proper swing at them.

And the swing costs them deary. While his fist makes contact with the shoulder to yank them around, Ivory strikes back the moment after, claws tearing through the shirt on his knife side, the silver metal falling to the floor, the blade snapping under the impact with a ping.

Punisher has posed:
With no resistance on his end, the Punisher just goes to town. One thug after another gets a brass knuckled fist to the back of the head or the side of the face while they're busy with Ivory. It's a bit like going through punching bags for Frank, really.

Ivory has posed:
Ivory might only mange one at a time, but as Frank smacks them around, turns noses to pulp and inner organs into seas of molten pain, two manage to get the hint to try and flee while a burly one tries to stab his Balisong into the guy's chest. "He's with the freak!" he yells to his buddies, jsut as Ivory sweeps one of the feet, fingers seeking the fallen one's hair to smack the face into the floor.

Punisher has posed:
"I'm not with anyone, punk." Frank flatly replies, his bras knuckles starting to be replaced with elbows and kicks as the group starts to scatter. "Maybe next time don't try to beat someone up in broad daylight, assholes." As he speaks, he bashes in another nose.

Ivory has posed:
Ivory seems content with yanking their clawed fingers into back of another one's knees and thenslamming their elbow into the faing one's back, jumping to attack another one that hasn't yet started to run. The guy does welcome them with his Balisong though as his buddies scatter, the blade tasting blood as he bloodies his face going for his eyes.

Punisher has posed:
For his last couple of people, Frank grabs a pair of shoulders, and manhandles him straight into the other, knocking heads together with a sickening crack. Probably broken skulls, there.

Eventually, the Punisher puts his hands back in his pockets in the trenchcoat, his baseball cap replaced, and he begins to walk away, "If you've got this many coming after you, I'd get a weapon and some training, kid." Punisher offers in advice as he casually strolls.

Ivory has posed:
Ivory breathes hard as she smacks the guy with the balisong over the face twice more before he retreats, blood seeping down the fingers where they claimed it from the thugs, comingling with some that the last thug had claimed in return from Ivory.

His comment earns Frank an angry hiss, the eyes focussing on him with a mix of anger and hard concentration. The mimic on the face of the white haired one was asking the eternal question: Friend or foe?

Punisher has posed:
If Frank saw the face, he's utterly ignoring it as he walks back to the Battle Van. Clearly not intending to stick around. "Good luck. I'd guess the police will be here in a few minutes."

Ivory has posed:
Ivory takes some minute or two to calm down, their feet speeding to try and get them away too. Not because of the advice, but because that arm is hurting like hell. "Hospital..." they mutter, clamping down on the wound.

All that remains at the scene are blood splatters on the ground, a broken knife and some other lost weapons.