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Wade Wilson, To The Principal's Office
Date of Scene: 03 April 2021
Location: Jean's Office - Xavier's School
Synopsis: A wild Deadpool appears at the mansion after years of being off the grid. It seems whatever happened left him more scrambled than normal.
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Cyclops, Emma Frost, Deadpool

Phoenix has posed:
She felt something in the Force.

The school has an array of security in place from mundane to supernatural, in addition to a handful of some of the most powerful psychics on the planet in attendance in some form at any given time. The static cloud of minds over the school was one that Jean had years to catalog and become familiar with, and so when someone new popped up it set off the mental alarm bells. Someone she recognized.

<< Scott, Emma; I see Deadpool is in our kitchen. >> She says with a grim, unenthusiastic alert to the two minds she knew were nearby. She was in her office and in the middle of looking over some blueprints, though the notepad she was scribbling in is set aside as new business is afoot. << Either of you free to drag him into my office? I'd like to find out why he didn't use the door. If not I'll come get him myself. >>

Cyclops has posed:
There is a loud, withering sigh through their mental link as Scott heads up from his garage, having been elbows deep in his 60's Mustang. He is currently restoring an engine. << I'm on it. >>

As he wipes his hands off on a rag and tucks it into his pocket, the X-Men field leader is wearing a pair of oil stained jeans and a snug white t-shirt. As he spies Wade in the kitchen, his voice is firm, flat, but deep with authority. "Jean's office, /now/." It's not a request, it's a command. He snaps his finger outwards, pointing as he waits for him to make the move before following after him.

"I thought we saw the last of you." His tone is laced with frustration.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma has a brief moment of icy cold fear down her spine.

Oh, it's not because Deadpool has appeared in the school kitchen unexpectedly. Certainly that was a surprise, but she's confident she could handle any untoward actions he may take even if the kitchen might wind up the worse for wear. Oh no, Emma's concern is -entirely- selfish and shallow. But she masks it as she responds. <<Ah. Yes, he certainly is. I'm here and he's... different. But he doesn't seem to have any hostile intent.>>

Emma glowers just a touch as Scott arrives at the kitchen, wrapped in a heavy robe... but that robe doesn't hide the incongruous fluffy bunny slippers she's wearing. She sighs and shakes her head, "Well, we'd best go to the office. I swear, you'd think between the three storey tall killer robots, aliens, and other dramatics. a call to the Headmistress's office wouldn't even register." She sighs and murmurs softly, "You'd -think-."

Still she falls into line to escort Wade and Scott to the office, teeth clenching on her lower lip, mind shifting from late night relaxation to her usual more cool and alert posture.

Deadpool has posed:
Wade was getting tired of all these people knowing him, but not being able to remember any of them. He sighs a bit externally actually falling quiet for a moment as he glares at Scott. He gives a brief look up and down at the man before he looks at Ema "Only because you asked nicely." and gives her a wink moving forward towards a random exit. "Comon Shades, lets get this over with."

He gives a bit of a laugh, "Yea I bet he is a dick too look at him, but we can't... not yet." though he talks in a bit of a whisper to no-one. He is fully armed, but all his weapons are put away right now. He would glance around as they walk looking for a path of escape the man shouldn't be an issue but that woman would be an issue. Eyes darting he falls silent for one of the few times since his arrival. Run or stay, run or stay.. He sighs and shrugs he had no where else to go really so he could at least see what is going on.

He would follow cooperatly the way that he is lead, only stopping to go "Boo!" if they happen to pass a kid on the way though only for a little laugh.

Phoenix has posed:
It leaves Jean maybe a minute or three to get ready while their visitor is escorted. She picks up her cold cup of coffee and looks down into it with a look of regret that there's probably not rum in it, kicks back the dredges, and then sits down in her chair with one leg crossing over the other. Her head rests back against the seatback for a second of quiet contemplation and possibly telling the beast at the back of her mind to hold the line.

Then the door's opening.

She's sitting upright as the lot come through the door and she gestures towards the space in front of her - two chairs in front of her desk, with two more near the back of the room. "Take a seat." She says in that Chris Hansen sort of tone that doesn't leave argument. "Once you're settled, Mr. Wilson, I'd love to know how you got in here. And why. We do have a phone as well as a front door."

Cyclops has posed:
When he tries to scare a kid, Scott reaches out to grab Wade by the arm, jerking him to the side and pushing him forward. There is a tight frown upon his face. "Move it." Once the step into Jean's room, he pulls out a seat for the assassin, pointing to it. There is clear frustration leaking from him.

He tilts his head over towards Emma as well, casually glancing to her slippers before he steels his face. He rounds the desk to stand next to Jean, crossing his arms over his chest as he stares at him from behind his ruby quartz wrap-around glasses. They're stylish at least.

"I thought we saw the last of you, Deadpool. I see you haven't managed to kill yourself yet. Not that you can."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma sighs as she takes one of the seats at the back of the room, legs crossing, hands adjusting her robe smoothly as she murmurs out, "This... might be unsatisfying and tricky. He didn't seem to recognize me when he appeared in the kitchen."

She frowns and looks Wade over again, hand cupping her chin, elbow propped on her thigh. "And I know -I- didn't scramble his brains up any more than they already were. So that's probably not a great sign."

She settles back and sighs out, "But perhaps he can offer an explanation that will lead us towards some sort of answer. The fact that someone didn't send him in guns blazing is... hopeful."

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool walks in and looks around a bit with a whistle. "Wow... nice place ya got here." he takes a seat and smiles at Jean leaning a bit back to put his feet up on the desk to relax a bit. He glances back at Emma, "So I take it she knows me too? Man I must of been awesome all these people know little ol me" and laughs a bit, he takes his feet off the table to lean forward as he turns back to look at Jean.

"You prob won't believe me but I don't know... I pushed a button on this thingy and it went poof." he puts his hands up. He points a thumb at Scott, "This guy has been eye-humping me since we met, by the way no idea what your talking about either..." he continues in an exasperated voice before he relaxes again leaning back in his chair.

"Look just call me Wade, it is the name on the undies so it should be mine." he gives a laugh that does get a bit away from him.. "But what do I know I am crazy..."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean Grey doesn't look immediately convinced as her eyes narrow at Wade. She's listening to what he says with her arms crossed over her chest, though as he laughs one of those hands raises to rest her fingertips against her temple. Without being right next to him, she doesn't delve any deeper than the surface thoughts of Deadpool. It's quiet enough, because any further and it goes from looking at an Escher drawing to trying to navigate one in three dimensions. But she only needed to check one thing.

"Well, either you're an exceptional liar... or you're telling the truth. You don't actually remember." Her eyes flick up to Scott and across to Emma before looking back to Wade. "Looks like someone finally hit you on the head hard enough. So, what's the last thing you do remember?"

Cyclops has posed:
There is a loud breath that escapes Scott as he sinks down into a chair. "Can you tell if someone deliberately wiped his mind, or maybe just tucked it away? There isn't many telepaths out there that can do that to him." He says as he furrows his brows, thinking. "Outside of the two of you .. Charles .. Shadow King I believe.." He pauses. ".. Quentin."

That at least rules out the majority of Omegas and Alphas that he is familiar with. He leans back, staring at Wade for a long moment, then gives a glance towards Emma as well. For now he will be patient and wait to hear what he has to say.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma's head shakes side to side with a sigh, "Not if it's totally wiped. I can tell if someone's... adjusted things." She frowns and quirks an eyebrow, "But... gone's sort of gone. And I doubt Charles or Quentin would do -this-... I mean, if he were clucking like a chicken..."

Her arms cross and her head tilts, "And as part of some wider scheme, it's an... unusual first move. I'm really not sure what to make of this."

Deadpool has posed:
Wade looks at her shocked.. "Wow you believe me.." he grins a bit talking over to Emma, "They say I am the crazy one.." he shrugs a bit standing up to go look at the other furnature. "I remember waking up in this large tent.. There were these clowns.. I beat them, though they insisted they weren't actually clowns just people in makeup, and got hungry."

He smiles a bit, "I smelled this Chimicanga, and it was like heaven." he pauses thinking about how good that was. He glances at Emma, "I think they are my favorite, but so much to try... wait where was I.." he falls silent

"Oh yes the police!" he laughs a bit. "They try so hard, but I got bored of playing, and I didn't really want to hurt someone just doing their job.." he shrugs, "Being a cop is rough now a days with all us... around. So I pushed a button on my belt thing, and here I stand before you!"

He turns and bows, then something sinks in.. "It seems I am a very dangerous person when cornered.. I seem to have the power to teleport!" he pulls the belt out and is going to hit the button to show you if no-one stops him.

Phoenix has posed:
"Unless he saw something that he shouldn't have." Jean remarks towards Emma as the other telepath answers Scott. "But a full wipe like this is pretty dramatic. I couldn't tell from here if someone was really messing around with his mind, not without going in, and for that I'd want to get properly set up. Given what he gets in to, this could just be an injury."

She looks back towards Wade as he runs through what he remembers and she briefly pinches the bridge of her nose while she recaps. "Alright, so, you woke up in a circus tent, possibly stole food from a food truck, and fled here from the cops. Unintentionally, apparent-- No!"

She reaches out her hand and the belt zips free even before her palm is fully outstretched. "Just sit. Please. Yes, you are dangerous. The weapons on you and our reaction should probably confirm that. I'm willing," She says like there may have been a popcorn kernel scratching her throat while she says it. "To take a look and see what happened. If someone did do this to you, then that means we may be looking at more trouble than you running around as a dangerous object without your own instruction manual."

Cyclops has posed:
"Maybe we should disarm him first before doing that." Scott says with a tight voice in his throat. "That way, if we do jog his memory back, the first thing he does isn't try to kill us. Who knows what he has been programmed to do." He narrows his eyes behind his red glasses a moment as he stares at the costume clad anti-hero slash assassin.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma holds that frown and sighs out, "Well, if we jog his memory back he might be more -or- less agreeable. But I'm not sure we should force it. As is he seems... calm enough." She tilts her head thoughtfully and murmurs dryly, "I'd suggest we put him somewhere not near the students, but at the same time I don't think this is a 'Lock him in a safe and toss it in the ocean' situation. I'm sure if Mr. Wilson surrenders his weapons we can at least help him get situated... although we may need to..." She clears her throat softly, "Adjust the memory of some police officers. Although they don't know he's here presumably."

Deadpool has posed:
Wade gets the belt yanked out of his hand, but he just frowns as he seems to lose his new teleporting power for now. "Fine.. Fine.." he holds his hands up and takes a seat. "When I remember how that works I am going to want it back. Besides it isn't like I have forgoten everything." He draws a gun pointing it at Scott as Emma finishes his eyes are narrowed before he grins again spinning the gun to holding it handle out.. "You might need a basket or something.. I have a lot of weapons." and chuckles a bit to himself at that.

He glances at Emma, "I trust her so I will give up my weapons. You two still wierd me out a bit.. I smell.. authority figure all over you." he shakes his head as he sniffs in the air. "Look I am just trying to understand maybe who I was.. heck who I am right now." he looks at his hands and smiles.. "You don't hear them you couldn't.. it is a beautiful symphony of chaos.. not violent or peacefull.. Just.." he shakes his head.. "Everything."

Seeiming to pull his attention back again. "But wait... So what would I do here? I mean I suck at cleaning, and I have no idea how laundry works."

Phoenix has posed:
"Of course disarmed." Jean says, doing her level best to not sound irritated. The importance of which is proven when he pulls out a gun, which has Jean on her feet alarmingly fast with fire glowing at the back of her eyes like the light reflected off a tiger's eyes by night. The piece of desk paper trapped under her hand begins to yellow and then brown and blacken with the drifting scent of smoke. Thankfully the belt is in her other hand.

"Point a weapon at anyone in this building again, and I promise you that lost memories will be the least of your problems." She says it quietly from the back of her throat, but it's one of those warnings where she doesn't need to raise her voice.

"So two choices. First, the belt stays here and you exit out the door and don't look back. Second option, you give over your weapons and we try to find out what happened to you. We can also explain what we know about you. Just not here."

Cyclops has posed:
When the gun is pointed at him, Scott immediately flinches in recoil as if to predict where the bullet may fire from. It's an immediate reaction, born into him from years of combat. One hand had reached up to his visor, ready to put him through the wall with a tap. Reaching out, he snatches the gun from him and ensures the safety is on.

"For fuck sake, Wade. You're in a school. I can see you haven't forgotten your lack of common sense." There is a growl in his voice as he slips the magazine out into his hand, tucking it into his pocket and snapping the bullet out the chamber.

"Your name is Wade Wilson. You go by the alias of Deadpool. You're an International pay for play assassin. You're impossible to kill due to your mutated healing factor, you've been brainwashed by a deep state government agency and you never shut up."

He leans back into his chair, arms refolding once more. "You're a murderer and a psychopath."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. "Boys. Really." She shrugs her shoulders and scowls half-heartedly, "But yes, that's a fairly concise explanation of who you were, Mr. Wilson. You might consider this... incident an opportunity to reconsider who you'd like to -be-." Her lips press into a thin, dire line as she stares pointedly.

"After all, people -do- take threats to the school quite seriously. And it would be a shame if someone were to further damage your psyche. So please. Try to behave."

Deadpool has posed:
Wade smiles slightly, "Relax.. I find sometimes putting someone in a bit of pressure shows their true colors." he glances at the papers, and then at Scott. "I don't know you despite how many times I need to remind you. I expected the threat, but now you are saying you are going to steal my things despite what I choose." he shakes his head, "You want to lock me up some where away from everything. Here is the deal... I will give you everything.. even this little knife I have hidden where you will never find it." he glances around "I stay here.. I promise I won't break your small people even if I really.... really.. want to. If my memories come back I am poof gone out of your hair"

He then thinks about it, "So I was all that some super evil dude that just killed and slaughtered.. I get the psycho part I mean comon right." and laughs a bit.. "But that isn't what I am now.. That isn't what I am without my memories.. I don't want to kill you even though he is a bit of a dick." he shakes his head. "Well... I can't stay here now. How could I stay anywhere." he stops thinking then asks, "You would still help me, I am some super killer guy." he looks at Emma again, "I don't want to be these guys, don't let me turn into someone this goody two shoes." and grins a bit as his humor is never far away.

Phoenix has posed:
"You're in our home and workplace and pointing the business ends of guns at us." Jean says with a curl of her lip as she leans back from her desk. "And we didn't say we're locking you up. We're not throwing you in a prison cell. We're confiscating your weapons so long as you're on school grounds, which we're actually legally obligated to do. Despite... most of us being born weapons, but the state doesn't know that."

Her expressions are sour as she glances aside to Scott, speaking to him privately across their telepathic connection. << Your call. Victor was one thing and we're still dealing with that. Still, can we just set him loose even more unstable than he usually is? >>

Cyclops has posed:
There is a low sigh from Scott as he rubs the side of his head with his fingers, giving Jean a glance as he listens to her voice inside of his head. He glances to Emma, then back to Jean, then slowly glances over towards Wade.

<< I would be a real hypocrite if I decided to have Illyana toss him into Limbo, huh? I don't know who is more dangerous. Him or Victor. Wade is unstable, even before losing his memories. I wouldn't be surprised if he swallowed a katana and is hiding one in his stomach. >>

As he converses with the two telepaths, he just stares at Wade, arms crossed over his chest. He takes in a deep breath, then lets it out slowly.

"Fine. You can stay here. Every thing you do will be monitored and scrutinized. You will stay away from the student dorms, period. You will not interfere with classes or coursework. We will help you recover whatever of your life we can if possbile. Jean and Emma can work with you on that. But the moment you step out of line, there will be consequences. Zero tolerance policy here. You understand?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma sighs softly and shakes her head slowly in response to Scott's telepathic suggestion, <<Oh, no, I don't think we need to do that... Not that I'm saying Wade being tossed into Limbo wouldn't be a simple solution, but I'm sure throwing people in there like it's a cornfield will just come back to wreak merry havoc.>>

She nods to Wade and speaks coolly, "Yes, I'm sure we can help you with memories, and adjusting however you need to your new circumstances. I'm sure Jean and I can come up with some sort of solution." She flashes a crooked smile to Jean, "After all, we've managed things so far, and we're more cooperative than ever."

And of course, Emma's Emma so she can't resist one last little telepathic jab. <<You know, we could just try to -make- him new memories that make him a little more stable. But again, that seems like as risky a solution as anything. There's just too much around him that always winds up going terribly, ridiculously wrong.>>

Phoenix has posed:
<< We can buzz Lorna and as her to check. I'm sure he'll come out fine even if he did. Eventually. >> Jean drawls back towards Scott and Emma ven while she's regarding Wade. << And once he remembers, Emma, he'll probably just be suspicious of memories that would seem too right. >>

"We can set you up a place to stay downstairs, it'll be more private anyway. We have some bunk space for emergencies. You can have your weapons so long as you're in the lower levels, but not up here or on the grounds. We're working to make sure the kids have as normal and safe of a school environment as we can. So long as you respect that, it'll be fine."

"That said," She continues after a breath. "We're not going to hold you here if you don't want to be here. If at any point you want to go, just say it and your weapons and tools are your's and you can leave. I can't guarantee what we'll be able to accomplish since every mind is different, but we'll do our best to help you."

Deadpool has posed:
Wade glances up, "Whoever says that they are going to send someone to the cell." he shakes his head, "But fine.. I will follow your rules, and won't get into your way indoctinating the little people or whatever you do here in this... school" he uses the hand quotes. Though he starts putting weapons on the desk starting with a few gernades that he had in a pocket, then swords, guns, few more blades, a knife you reconize from the kitchen. They seem to be hidden everywhere, a boot, an arm. the only obvious ones he has already given up first.

He glances at Emma then around, "Wow is this a brooding contest or something.. You three have gone quiet and getting that look.. I mean comon I was lightly armed today I don't have much else to give here." he shakes his head at that one.

As he is laying down more what look like throwing weapons smooth and pointed at the end, he grins... "The little ones best not bite though, I don't want to be around them too much either, but something tells me a dark hole is not where I want to be." he then nods. "As long as I can wonder some a bunker isn't that bad.. You have food down there right?"

Cyclops has posed:
"We're not sticking you in a bunker. We're sticking you in a bedroom. We're going to treat you like a guest for now, and not a prisoner. Technically you haven't done anything wrong .. " Scott trails off as he spies the kitchen knife. He reaches for that, nudging it to the side. He'll make sure to lob that in the dishwasher later.

"Pants off. Pretty sure you have a AK47 in your asscrack." He says with a loud sigh as he pinches the bridge of his nose. "We need a mutant with a metal detector power .. or X-ray vision. That would be incredibly helpful."

He rises upwards, waiting as he stares at Wade. Oh. He was serious.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma can't resist glancing sidelong at Jean and murmuring dryly. "So... is this how running the school goes now? I've never been happier to only be teaching. It and running my business involve -delightfully- few cavity searches. Well, admittedly, international flights are fifty fifty, but I don't travel that much as of late."

She sighs softly and murmurs dryly, "Well, even if you were in a bunker, I'd assume it would be one of Wolverine's little hidey holes, probably full of beer and beef jerky."

Phoenix has posed:
"Since when was this ever a school?" Jean sighs sidelong to Emma. School. Military base. Refugee camp. Prison. Now psychiatric hospital. "I'm demanding a pay raise."

As Scott 'asks' Wade to agree to a thorough search in her office, the redhead looks like she might drop a few shades of color from her already winter pale complexion. << Scott, I swear, if I end up seeing what you're inviting then I'll be erasing /my own/ memories. If a student walks through that door... >> She doesn't complete the threat. They already had a field day when Logan decided to parade across the lawn in Scott's stolen towel.

"I need a refill." She sighs as she gets up from her seat, slaps her hand down over her empty mug, and walks over to where a half-empty pot had been stewing for probably a few hours.

Deadpool has posed:
Wade isnt seeming to pay attention and almost pulls down the paints then stops.. "Waaaait is this a test? This is a test isn't it." he eyes Scott, "You almost got me with that one... The way I see it you have two options, you can pat me down and in that case she does it." he points to Emma, "or... since you have to trust me to not do something at this point you can just go with I got them all I know of." he shrugs "I would go with option two as you do /not/ want to see whats behind the curtain.." he shakes his head at that thinking if there were any other hidden blades he was forgetting about which ends up with him shimming in the office of Jean.

"I feel lighter.. but wierd without anything are you sure I can't have one.. Or maybe like a bat that isn't all stabby. I mean they are young ones.." he leans in and whispers to Jean, "They are crazy... who knows what they will do." and shakes his head, "Maybe a spray bottle filled with water.. Yea that will work." he nods looking up at Emma.. "Who is Wolverine.. I mean guy with that kind of name sounds like a jerk who hates everyone.." and laughs a bit and talks in a deark gravely voice.. "I am a lone wolf.. No-one can tie me down!" thinking to himself yea... that is defenitly a wolverine though sounding more like a bad impression of Batman.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma groans out and shakes her head, eyes closing, rolling her head back so if she spontaneously gains x-ray vision herself she'll be looking up at the ceiling. "Jean, dear, I'd offer to pay you extra myself, but I'm not sure there -is- an adequate salary for... this!" She huffs out a sigh, "Is it wrong that I'm two days back and already thinking we all deserve a vacation? Scott, you're good with engines. Make the plane crash in the Savage Land while we're doing a test flight. We'll all accidentally throw our phones in a lake. It will be grand."

Emma sighs out, "Oh, you'll meet him soon enough and... well, yes, he'll sound an awful lot like that, probably some sort of colourful remark about his claws and your organs or somesuch. I'll be honest, the details aren't going to matter too much, it's simply going to be a version of this meeting with -far- more testosterone flowing."

Cyclops has posed:
"You two don't have a great history together." Scott says as he pinches the bridge of his nose for a few seconds. He gives a glance to Jean and Emma, then starts for the door. "I'm going to have his room prepared. It's only going to have a TV and a dresser along with his bed. This guy can make a weapon out of a piece of paper." He grunts out. Death by papercuts isn't really desirable.

"Just scan his brain one last time to make sure he doesn't have any weapons down his pants. Make him remove them and cluck like a chicken if you have to." He says with annoyance in his tone.