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Latest revision as of 02:35, 4 April 2021

Catching up on little things
Date of Scene: 31 March 2021
Location: Lobby, Hyperion Hotel
Synopsis: Buffy visits Angel to catch up and give a warning.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Angel

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's been a while since Buffy checked in on Angel, but with current events on the verge of chaos, she knew she had to make a trip to check in on him. Of course, this being a last minute stop (She was literally in the neighborhood, for real this time), Buffy had decided to surprise him by stepping into the hotel without any advance notice.

Hopefully she doesn't catch him unawares or in the middle of something as she steps into the lobby, peering around. "Hello? Anybody home?" she smirks at her own words. "Hello. This is a hotel. Technically somebody is *always* home. Wait, this is more like an office isn't it? What a strange place for an office..Great Buffy, you're talking to yourself now.."

Buffy sighs as she strides towards the bar, peering over the edge, but deciding it would be too impolite if she helped herself to a drink, or raide the fridge..Or started running around peering into all the open rooms.

Angel has posed:
Angel was in the Hotel, at the front of the lobby, behind the desk, in the back room. Hearing a familiar voice, Angel peeks out from inside the room, and says, "What a pleasant surprise. What brings you here tonight, Buffy? Everything okay?" His face shows a moment of worry while he regards Buffy to see if she was the worse for wear.

"As for hotel versus office, the answer to your questions is "Yes". It is kind of both, although we haven't had a guest in a very long time since the sign out front says "Angel Investigations" but we do have lots of rooms if you need a place to crash." There, that was that rare Angel smile.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shrugs and smirks, taking a seat at the bar. The last time she was here, that creepy Barbara woman was there, challenging her every move. Good riddance, wherever she is now.

"Angel, how've you been? I guess things in Sunnydale have been fairly quiet lately..Although maybe I'm speaking too soon. Some new threats may be on the horizon.. Even so, it's nice to get a little break before the next big bad."

She chuckles, "Nah, I was just passing through the neighborhood, thought I'd stop by and--wait, did you hear everything I just said?" she blushes a bit. "Geez, I'll have to make a point of speaking more quietly when I talk aloud to myself next time."

Angel has posed:
"I've been okay." Angel reaches under the bar, and pulls out a bottle of brownish alcohol. "Good to have you drop in. Anytime." Next, he places a glass on the deck, and says, "Do you want a drink?" Angel waits to see if she was interested.

In the meantime he adds, "That would be a nice change. Getting a break from "big bads". Here, it has been busy. Demons, etc. Which is why I haven't been around."

That was kind of an apology, letting Buffy know that he was actually sorry he couldn't be there for everything Buffy went through. Angel chuckles, taps his left ear with the index finger on his empty hand, and says, "Vampire Hearing, remember?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods and smiles warmly. "Anytime. Always good to see a friendly face..And sure, a white sangria is always nice if you have something that fancy, otherwise, just a white dry wine for me." Yea, she's not one of those beer types. Like Faith.

Buffy frowns a bit. "Well..Y'know, I guess sometimes I forget but..There's a new potential big bad hanging around, some sorta vengeful spirit..When I mentionned your name he said you'd be next on his lkill list.."

Angel has posed:
"A white Sangria..." Angel's smile fades as he looks at what alcohol they have behind the bar available. "Hmmm." Putting the bottle he had earlier grabbed back, he searches and "Voila! Yes!" Grabbing all the ingredients Angel mixes up the drink, and pushes the glass towards Buffy expertly.

"I'd join you, but you know..." Angel winks. Then, that playfulness fades as Buffy mentions the next big bad. "A vengeful spirit huh?" Angel looks around at the hotel. "Had a few experiences with them. They can be tough unless you are careful. If he comes for me, he'll have more than he can handle."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, "Yeah, too fancy, isn't it?" oh, but looks like he has one and her eyes lighten, grabbing the glass and taking a long sip. "Thanks!" she shrugs, glancing around, "Hey, why not? Even you deserve a break once in a while, y'know? Besides, doesn't look like it's super busy right now.."

She nods. "Yeah, calls himself Hellequin, some sort of ghostly figure capable of attacking with weapons that catch on fire. Hellbent on killing anything he deems 'evil'. He already tried to attack Willow before I intervened, and told him how much good she's done..I got him to back down, if at least temporarily, but I mentionned you and now he said he's gonna come after you next..The worst part is, I dunno how to kill him, since he has no solid form.."

Angel has posed:
Following Buffy's gaze, Angel looks around, shrugs, and goes back to looking at Buffy enjoying her drink. Internally he refuses to admit that her enjoyment of the drink made him happy. "Yeah, true, we all deserve some time off from saving the world don't we? Some more than others." That was aimed at Buffy of course.

"Hellequin..." Angel's face screws up in a "concentrating, thinking, but failing" kind of way. "Can't say I have ever heard of him. Or it. Or her. Or whatever." Today's terminology was challenging for a 300 year old Vampire.

"Have you asked Giles or anyone else deep in the know? I assume you have the Scoobs on a research binge? If you need me to crack some skulls and dig into it I can."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods slowly. "Right, well keep an eye out for a French harlequin ghost guy who is hellbent on killing anything even remotely witchy or demonic, good or evil. And I'll continue to do research."

She takes another sip, thinking, "So yeah, we're still trying to find info on him. The other thing is, do you know anything about a Chumash shield? Or have you seen one around anywhere? It was stolen from the magic box about a month ago and we're worried if whoever finds it pulls off the talismans attached, or heck, breaks it, it will unleash some pretty scary spirits..We gotta find it fast, so hopefully you can keep an eye out for that too."

Angel has posed:
"I will. A lot to take in. I'll do some research and see what me and my team can find out, and let you know asap!" Angel nods, and leans back. "We should do this more often. Spirits, Hellequins, what's next? Ancient Gawds or Demons?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles as she finishes her wine. "Well, I mean, it's not exactly a *fun* thing to bond over, unless you consider beating up monsters fun." But goodness knows, Buffy does seem to enjoy beating up things. "but heck, it's better than getting whisked away to some weird romantic beach, riding a skijet and with a key to a hotel room." Yeah, thank for that Fred!

Angel has posed:
Angel blinks, nods, and says, "Well, yes. I have always thought mortal combat was great fun to bond over. It gets the juices flowing, and is a chance to see everyone at their best- and worst!" Angel takes the empty glass, and puts it under the counter near the sink.

"A beach...ski jets...right! Keys! Well, might be hard on my gentle complexion to hit the beach. Unless it was at night." Angel shakes his head.