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Latest revision as of 03:44, 5 April 2021

Rude Awakenings and Beastly outcomes
Date of Scene: 04 April 2021
Location: Medical Lab - X-Men Base
Synopsis: He woke up, there were reunions and memory losses and Camp grounds were discussed. Also Nightcrawler's troublemagnet.
Cast of Characters: Beast, Cyclops, Moonstar, Phoenix, Rogue, Nightcrawler

Beast has posed:
This is not a medically induced coma, regardless of how it appears. Given the recent events of the Mutant Cure and its detrimental effects when combined with possibly questionable (re: definitely questionable) genius ideas, the mansions medlab has had an occupant these past weeks. Though it took but a handful of days once restoration treatments began, for Doctor McCoy to once again return to his usual big blue self, the same could not be initially said of his mind. Under observations, he had woken up raving once or twice with all the symptoms of a raging fever, except for the febrile temperature and for his own safety and.... well, mostly for the safety of those assigned to nurse him and the equipment itself, had been subsequently sedated.

Moments of lucidity at random intervals were followed by placid lying there like a living shagpile carpet and now, several weeks later monitors beep to the tune of 'activity'. Hank can be found sitting upright, blinking slow and blearily, peering around for his glasses with the slow care of someone with an extremely potent hangover. A furry hand ruffles through bedhead hair with a follow up confused squint at his own palm.

Cyclops has posed:
Having been monitoring the situation closely, Scott was alerted that Hank was alert and moving about. The doors swish open to reveal the field leader, dressed in a snug black shirt, a pair of jeans and a windbreaker over his person. He was on his way to the gym until the alert came through on his phone. "Hank." He breathes out with concern in his voice as he makes his way towards his bedside, plucking his glasses up from the table and hands them over. "Hey. How're you feeling?"

Reaching for the pitcher of water on the desk, he uncorks it and pours a glass, looking to hold it out as well to him. Despite the ruby quartz Raybans on his face, his eyes can be vaguely seen from behind them, full of worry. It has been weeks now and his blue fuzzy best friend has been at the top of his list at all times.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy lifts a finger, the squint and vague frown remaining on his face as the glasses are held out. With considerable care, they're rocked gently in is grip, like a child's swing set and he holds them up to the light, examining for smears. All of this is painstakingly performed, as if mere motion is a challenge and finer motor skills must bear the full force of concentration. Fleetingly, there's a rumble in the throat as he cleans the lenses lightly with a soft edge of the blanket and places them upon the bridge of his nose. Then? The eyes tell a great deal; the pupils swell wide, narrow to mere lines within the blue and settle afterwards to normality.

"Scc..." a clearing of the throat occurs, the water greatfully reached for afterwards. "I'll try that again..." with a small but deep intake of breath "...Scott, we did not at any point go to ahhhh... a lock in at a bar, did we? My head feels... well, it hasn't felt like this since college, to be honest."

Cyclops has posed:
"No, buddy. We didn't have an all nighter at Harry's." Scott says as he pulls up a seat for himself to sit next to him. "But, you did save the mutant race from a bigoted underground government agency." He says with a smile on his face. "Your anti-cure worked. Lives were saved. But I'm glad to see you looking better. What do you remember last?" He asks as he keeps the glass of water held out for him patiently.

His other hand reaches out to take ahold of his large fuzzy paw, giving it a squeeze of support. Though while out in the field and amongst the halls he is known as the stoic taskmasker and hander of detention slips, in this moment, he's just a best friend, a brother. Someone that loves him very much. "Don't try and push yourself though if you can't. I'll radio down and make sure your favorite steak meal and twinkies are prepared for you as well." He says, his lips giving a small twitch upwards.

Beast has posed:
"I did? Well, that's good then. Haven't the foggiest idea what you're talking about at the moment, but it's good to..." with a wince, Hank rubs at the bridge of his nose between finger and thumb, taking the glass for the necessary few gulps and setting the water gingerly down, he reaches for Scott's shoulder as if to achor himself, but is intercepted by the hand that reaches forth. One eye cracks open and gazes at the mark of affection and solidarity and a weight of sigh escapes him, the bellows as it were... deflating.

"If I said," he begins, nose twitching and lip curling briefly, confusion returning with the opening of the other eye and slow, methodical blinking. "...Not a blessed thing. I remember... my most recent lecture on messenger RNA and its use in mutation acceleration. I remember..." another pause. "Scott, just remind me what year it is, please? Humour me."

Beast has posed:
For some reason or another, the mention of twinkies causes a cheek twitch and a very small shudder.

Cyclops has posed:
"It's two thousand and twenty nine. Mets and Yankees are still garbage." Scott says with concern in his voice. "I'll make sure Jean speaks with you today. She can help you out, fill in the gaps for you, gently knead that big brain of yours." He says as he gives his large paw another firm squeeze before he lets go.

"I'm just glad to see you awake. I've been a nervous wreck for the last few weeks. It's hard to keep this stiff back and straight face when I'm worrying about my best friend at all hours." He gives him a firm pat on the shoulder, then rises upwards.

Tapping his watch communicator, he clears his throat. "This is Summers to admin. Doctor McCoy has woke up. Please bring up a fresh set of his clothes, steak cooked rare, basked potato and a box of twinkies. Get Foley on the line to me as soon as possible as well."

As he hears the confirmation, he gives a nod of his head, looking around to fish up the remote to turn the TV on and turn it to one of his favorite stations. Medical news. Something familiar for him. Anything to help jog the memory.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy repeats the date without sound, mouthing the numerals with a mystified shake of the head. The hand so squeezed before, squeezes back, thankfully with its usual mitigated strength. He glances around for a mirror, peering at himself in the reflective surface of a shiny peice of equipment -- dazed recognition follows a hasty organization of bedhead with clawed fingertips acting as an impromtu comb. He glances back, eyeing Scott studiously, small frown still in place. "You haven't slept enough, I wager. Honestly, Jean needs to knock you out occasionally, just so you can keep on ticking. I appreciate it though..." said in a softer tone. "It's good to be awake," hands placed carefully on the edge of the bed, he stands himself up slowly, arms held akimbo and peering at his toes, to make sure his legs don't collywobble him to his butt again, glancing up at the TV and fixating there for a while, pupils alternating dilated and narrow. "I shall be glad of Jean's assistance," he murmurs, narrowing eyes at a discussion on the latest neurological research being spoken of, he focuses on Cyclops, then away at the sliding door, the fur on his shoulders raising fleetingly as if they were hackles. "I presume that I didn't hurt anyone?" the statement comes out as a question, despite himself.

Cyclops has posed:
"No, of course not. You didn't hurt anyone. I found you deep in the woods in a feral state. I was able to .. recover you. When we injected you with the anti-cure serum to reverse the effects of the last formula, your body started to revert back to normal, but you fell into .. it wasn't a coma. It's like you were hibernating. I hope you won't miss your tail." He says in a dry tone of humor.

"Jean is on her way up, and I believe so is Dani. They're going to bring you some fresh clothes and a meal." He picks up the bed sheet and hands it over to his best friend. He's seen him in the locker rooms of course, but he is sure he will still want some modesty.

"I'm also ordering you to no work for a week once we get things cleared up. I know you, Hank. You'll throw yourself into your work and wind yourself up. Maybe go camping with Sandy, hit the city, just relax. No work."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar is, indeed, on her way to the medical lab. The meal is not something she carries with her, alas, but the clothes? Oh yes. Clothes she has. Folded up and stacked in a neat pile, as is obvious when she steps up to the doorway. One hand is carefully extracted from beneath the pile to knock gently on the doorframe where she stands. "No work sounds like a good plan," she says.

Dani is, for the moment, dressed very casually. Except, well, that sword she always wears is belted at her waist. Her pants are normal jeans, in the typical blue-ish denim color. Her shirt, however, has a pegasus on it. Which, really shouldn't surprise anyone here. It might even be an image of Brightstar, but more likely it's just a factory pegasus. Her long, dark hair has been pulled back into a tail at the nape of her neck.

Phoenix has posed:
Having received the psychic message from Scott, Jean was quick to drop her work and dart to the kitchens to get ahold of the (unhealthy) meal and make her way downstairs. She's still in her black blazer and pants with a green shirt underneath, which are common for her work apparel, and the sound of her short heeled boots precedes her as she comes down the metal hallway.

She's a couple of minutes behind Dani as she had to wait for the food to cook and is coming through the hermetic door with the covered tray. "Hank!" She says with clear relief and happiness at seeing him up, even aware of his current troubles. "I'm so glad to see you awake. Hey, Dani." She greets the other woman with a quick grin as she passes her on the way to make use of a medical cart as a tray holder.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy mock scowls at the order, lifting a big paw to dismiss it with a push, though the hand falls to catch the bedsheet and tie a quick sarrong without a second thought. In a less serious moment, his appearance might even be comical, given that his fur looks as if it has been cow-licked until kingdom come, backcombed fluffiness in some spots, sticky-outy in others, with only the hair on his head looking like it's seen any attention for the last while. A good shower and brushing will likely be in order, afterwards. "I suspect I shall be fine without the tail, given I have no recollection of having one," he peers around himself in an attempt to view his own heinie and glances instead in another reflective surface, shaking his head slightly with bewilderment. "May I at least read over my latest research notes, for the sake of mental stimulation? No? I am going to run out of..." he pauses, "...crosswords..." cocks his head and asks without focus upon anything. "...Who is Sandy?" Pause. "No wait..." another pause, finger raised to point at the roof once again, thoughtful. "..." with the arrival of Dani, the good doctor offers a mildly sheepish smile for they know him far too well, there is a twitch of his nose as the scent of steak preludes Jean's arrival. The two women receive the awkwardness of a nod that is due from the mildly embarassed by the situation but the twinkies box is eyed with a very slight lip curl that he seems to be unaware of. The growl is audible though, which immediately prompts a hand over his mouth. "What in the blue blazes is wrong with me?" comes out muffled. "I am -terribly- sorry. It is extremely good to see you both..." he continues, lowering his hand "...but I must admit what I want to do at this precise moment, is kill the twinkies. That is entirely illogical."

Cyclops has posed:
"Later, I promise. Just right now I want you to relax." Scott says as he gives a glance to the box of twinkies, then back to him. "Something wrong with the twinkies? They are your favorite snack. You obsess over them." He says as he heads to the box and picks it up, then tucks it into a cabinet and out of sight.

"You'll start to feel more like yourself soon, I'm sure. I promise. Here, why don't you get dressed while I fill Jean and Dani in?" He says as he gives a motion towards one of the changing stalls.

As he turns to his teammates, he offers up a weak smile. "He just woke up and is having memory issues, which was to be expected. We just need to give him some time. He'll come around." He says with assurance in his voice, confident. He has to be the backbone of this team at all times. Inspirational.

<< Jean, can you take a peek inside while he dresses and just make sure he's okay? Just be gentle. If there is something seriously wrong we need to know soon. I don't want to lose my best friend. >>

Moonstar has posed:
The grin is returned in kind, "Hey Jean," she replies. Abruptly, Dani snickers and shakes her head. "Brightwind sends a message." In that way that Brightwind does. Generally all impressions and images and no words, so it has to be comical to get a snicker out of Dani. "He says he'll happily share his tail with you, so long as you only take a few hairs." She chuckles again at that and shakes her head. "The image of you, with a white horse tail.." Her eyes still sparkle with the memory of that image.

Dani doesn't seem the slightest bit bothered by the growl. She probably knows it wasn't directed at her, but at a certain snack cake. "Well, twinkies are hard to kill, but entirely worth the effort." Clearly, Dani is /not/ a twinkie fan. She steps forward to offer the clothing to Henry. Only once it's taken does she step back over beside the two leaders.

"I have absolute faith that he will be back to his old self in no time." Her own tone holds every confidense that her statement is true.

Phoenix has posed:
"There's nothing to be sorry about." Jean says gently towards Henry while she wheels over the streak. There's a bottle of water to go with it. "You've been through a lot. So we'll just take things a step at a time."

She gives him some peace then to eat while she joins Scott, giving him a quick lopsided grin. << I will, when he's ready for me to. We have some time for him to dress and eat and settle. Also, I think you mentally scarred him by drugging the Twinkies, but that's probably not a bad thing if he never wants another one. >>

Aloud, she says, "He's here with us now. We'll figure this out. Everyone who was impacted with the cure here has come back alright. If anyone else can, it's him. Besides, he has the best mind team that money can't buy right here at home. You know I wouln't let anything happen to him on my watch." Or over her dead body, as history would have it.

Beast has posed:
"Your faith in me is comforting," the response seems genuine as cow-hide leather as Hank gratefully takes the clothing and slips into the changing room. A glance is shot at where the twinkies were stashed and the door shuts.

Whilst he's gone, it's possible that both telepaths in the room will pick up little snippets of disharmony from the closet -- a human mind is very different from an animal's; the latter tends to be cleaner, crisper, simpler and more direct. But a rabid animal's mind is a thing of confusion, anger, instinct and pure need that can be as all consuming as it is painful. In the mindscape, it is like picking up the edge of a scab that's healing, but knowing full well that the tissue underneath, the raw flesh of the mind is still healing. Still has that undercurrent of proto-hunger that lingers unseen.

Mercifully, Hank is not gone for long, emerging in a colourful hawaian shirt over a plain white vest and plain navy blue shorts. The food is then the focus of his attention and the attention of the memory within, which stirs at the scent of blood, albeit briefly. "I imagine," he says in a conversational tone as he settles to pick up knife and fork, tucking in with rather more hunger than he thought he had "that I have access to my medical readings of the last weeks or so? It might help me to work out what may have occured, if I am allowed to analyse the data?" This is not research. Or work. Nope.

Cyclops has posed:
At Jean's admission, Scott's face screws up into one of pure emotion. Cracks in his usual tough wall of bricks. << Fuck. I forgot that is how I was able to bring him down. Dammit, Jean. >> He nearly recoils himself as he puts a hand to the side of his head, rubbing at his temple firmly. He actually looks to be in some state of distress for a moment as he settles back to take a seat on the edge of the bed. It's only for a moment though as he focuses, then smooths the lines of his face out once more.

"Yes, everything will be fine. We're a family. We will get through this together." He says, almost as if he was trying to convince himself more than the other two. A tactical decision has now proved to be a misstep for him. They may just be twinkies, but they're /Hank's/ twinkies. It's apart of who he is. Someting he loves about him. It's a staple of who Hank McCoy is and he may have destroyed it.

"You look great, Hank!" He says once he steps out in his wild fashion choices. He loves that about him. It always makes him grin. "Of course. I'll let you have access to all of it. Just, please take it easy, okay? I really am serious about you resting and taking some time to gather yourself back up."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar seems to agree fully with Jean's words. "And what Jean doesn't have covered from her end of things, you I have covered from mine." That may be one reason she'd come with Henry's clothing, rather than sending someone else to bring it. She's probably been getting a basic sample of Henry's emotions from the moment she got close enough to feel those emotions.

The Valkyrie glances in Henry's direction and nods once, firmly. "My faith in you will never waiver, Henry." The statement sounds like the truth. That it really is the truth probably won't hurt anything either. Her eyes shift over to Scott at that moment of distress he displays, but she doesn't comment for the moment, unaware of the conversation beneath that moment of distress. She nods firmly to his words, however. "Yes. We are a family. We always get through. Whatever it takes." She doesn't need convincing, but maybe her words will help convince Scott?

She grins at the clothing Hank had put on. Of course, she'd picked the color combination, so it at least doesn't clash! "Looks good, Henry," she says.

Phoenix has posed:
<< Scott. >> Jean says to her fiance with understanding, but also a firmness that she usually doesn't give. << You didn't cage him. You didn't shoot him like a rampaging animal. You didn't 'bring him down' like he was our enemy. You /brought him home/ and as gently as you could manage. Don't feel bad about that. Ever. >> She reaches out to give Scott's shoulder a squeeze with her hand.

Her eyes look back towards Henry as he starts to talk about digging through his research. "First, you need to eat and get cleaned up. Then, I can help take a look in your head to make sure you're all in one piece. I'm not sure what all you were working on, but I know it was enough to put you down this path to begin with. I don't want you encountering something traumatic again without making sure you're on stable ground first. Deal?"

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy looks up from his plate, face to face, person to person. No empath he, but all of them have been family for a long time; first class and those that came afterwards, fighting side by side. This is a safe place to be. It seems that Scott is the one that reserves the lion's share though and likely for good reason. "I promise," he states, glancing thereafter at Jean as the statement is also directed at her. Then Dani last of all, receives a smile in the eyes, the familiar crinkle at the corners that turns all the edges soft. The man of words says very little thereafter, but to nod and take a deep breath, setting cutlery down as the meal was wolfed down. "From what Scott tells me, apparently I was able to help? Before my brief holiday from myself at least. I presume..." he squints in recollection and there is that hint of fear again, followed by frustration as memory still eludes, stubborn as anything and he sags back "...nope. I cannot recall a thing. Not one tiny thing. The last thing I can solidly remember was having one of those thunderstruck moments and ... coming to the lab and... even that is hazy. I know something occured and apparently a tail was involved and please do thank Brightwind for the offer, but I think I am comfortable with my behind as it is. The rest? My head feels thick, like I've overslept a great deal. There are fleeting images, but they are unlike anything I have experience in describing --" not that this is going to stop the man of letters from trying "-- jolts of electricity, synethesia of scent to colour, a sea of sounds." He tsks. "But nothing at all is clear. And it seems almost as if the memory is titanium coated; just poking it does nothing, I will need a blow torch."

Cyclops has posed:
"During the trial phases of your anti-cure, you injected yourself with a beta version. You did it without telling us. You acted on your own because you knew we would advise caution and you were becoming erratic and desperate." Scott says in a tight voice. There is emotion in his throat. "And while yes, the serum was a step in the right direction, it changed you, devolved you into an animal. You fled the school and lived in the woods, naked, eating .. deer." He trails off.

".. I laced some twinkies with heavy tranqs, enough to put out a rhino and lured you out to feed them to you." He says in a tight voice, swallowing. "I didn't want to hurt you to bring you back, but you were so far gone by then. I'm really sorry." He says with true emotion in his voice.

"Your notes should have everything that you were working on up until that day."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar glances between Jean and Henry and nods at the redhead's words. "Jean is right." And that's all she says on that, for now. She listens quietly, moving to lean against the edge of the nearest counterspace. Not too close, of course, to invade personal space, but close enough for comfortable conversation. Her lips curl up briefly as she nods. "Brightwind says you are welcome." Or, as close as she can presume the pegasus is saying, of course.

She looks thoughtful, after, listening to what the fuzzy blue man is describing. "You should probably hold off using a blow torch for now. Whatever is behind that titanium coating might be.. explosive?" She shakes her head a bit. "Give it time, Henry." Always Henry, with her. Never Hank. It's a thing. "The titanium coating will probably thin and let you see beyond, when your mind is ready to see it."

She goes quiet as Scott describes what had happened. Dani had only been back for the tail end of things, so hadn't caught most of what had happened.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean's face looks taunt as the cure discussion comes up. "Desperation versus the best intentions. It's all over now, and for good or bad it's out there. But, we know how to combat it now. All we can do is pick up our pieces and carry on doing what we always do."

She lets out a soft breath as she looks back to Hank and says, "The mind protects itself. Trauma is something it often tries to forget or bury. This whole cure business hit you hard, hardest of anyone, because you were involved in its creation. For the right reasons, yes. To help a little girl survive and to keep a family together. Just, as often happens, knowledge was used by the wrong people for the for the wrong reasons. You nearly worked yourself to death trying to fix this, which led to your self-experimentation and Scott needing to bring you back."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy listens solemnly, leaning toward one of the monitors and deftly looking at a screen of data from the previous weeks with the trained eye of one that knows what he's looking at. Apparently the EEG data corroborates a fair deal of what was being said and he nods, looking first to the ladies present and then to Scott. "I would have expected no less of you, Scott. What you did was no doubt difficult," for more than one reason. "Don't dwell on it. I am as everyone has noted, in very capable hands. The twinky issue makes a lot more sense in hindsight though, even if it is a physical impossibility to kill a twinky. Where would you even start? It's not as if they're made from anything that was once considered alive in the first place. Cockroaches and twinkies would survive any apocalypse," his eyes sparkle as he attempts to lighten the mood a little, to reassure his oldest friend.

Then with a slap to his short-clad thighs, he takes a deep breath, huffs a short breath out and and adjustment of his glasses he asks "...so, ahhh... what have I missed? Come on, come on, how many times did the world almost end in the last few weeks?"

Cyclops has posed:
Giving a nod of his head towards Hank, Scott tries to reassure himself, to be relieved. He just has guilt in his chest, gnawing away at his stomach. He will sleep it off, now that he knows his friend is 'back' with them to the land of the living. He presses his lips together. "Jean, Emma and I are planning on a weekend camping trip for the kids. Something without a lesson plan. Just swimming, running around and blowing off steam. Emma wishes to invest in a camp ground to purchase that we can utilize to sponsor trips out for mutant town children."

He gives a slow nod of his head in thought, giving a glance to Jean and Dani for a moment, then looks back to Hank. ".. I proposed to Jean and we're now engaged." He says as his brows lift upwards. "I can't remember if we told you before, we kind of had a private moment and never really announced it officially."

Moonstar has posed:
"That's all anyone can do, Jean," says Dani, voice a bit on the quiet side. "Pick up the pieces and keep going." She knows this as well as the others do. Life has a way of throwing curveballs when things aren't interesting enough all on their own. She nods agreement, about wrong people wrong reasons. That seems to happen, and often, the result is spat onto good people who don't deserve to have their lives turned upside down, or worse.

"With fire," says Dani, without hesitation, of where to start on killing a twinky. "Fire. Is, without a doubt, the only thing that could possibly even harm a twinky."

The question after is considered with due gravity. "Well.. uh.... Some odd ghost thing tried to kill Kurt. And couldn't. Something stopped him. Other than that.." She pauses and thinks about. "Oh. And there was a de-.. No, that's not the right word. Well. It is. Demon. But he calls them neyaphem."

Dani glances to Scott and perks right on up. "Investing in a camp ground sounds like a fantastic idea." Likely, especially if there are horses or hiking involved. Dani can go for that!

Then there's an announcement. Of a specific kind. Dani blinks, and then a smile spreads across her face. "That is awesome. Congratulations, you two!"

Rogue has posed:
A call went out that one Henry McCoy was awake and seemingly social. Rogue - being her loner type self most times - isn't entirely sure of the whats or whys, but knowing that there's been a change brings her around. Having made her way to the medical lab, she walks into the room where a few people have gathered - namely Scott, Jean, and Dani - and assesses the moment briefly. She'll stay a bit hovered back, not wanting to crowd anyone or even really get in the way of anything over all. Though she doesn't want to have anyone like jump out of her skin as a result of her just appearing so she clears her throat before trying to catch Henry's line of sight if no one else. "Hey you." Unfortunately, she's coming in on the tail end of anyone saying anything important so she misses the announcements of all kind bad and good.

Phoenix has posed:
"I'm surprised the kids didn't tell everyone, they had been threatening a party until I told them they had to go through Ro first." Jean remarks with a quiet laugh in regards to the engagement announcement. "I guess they decided challenging a goddess to her maid of honor role was above their level."

"Emma is going to headline the camp. She had some brilliant ideas, actually." Hm, no, the temperature hasn't dropped in the room. Hell doesn't seem to have frozen over with that statement. "I'm sure you could team up with her when the time's ready, Dani. You certainly have the exact contact we need to make sure that any stables are set up appropriately. Though it sounds like I need to go speak with Kurt and see if he needs a hand with anything. I've seen he's gotten into a few tangles now that he's being quiet about."

At the other voice in the background, Jean looks over her shoulder to spy Rogue. With a gesture of her head, she invites the other woman over. "Come on in, we're all just talking."

Jean seems to leave off answering anything that's been going on with her. Maybe it's just been her usual rounds of work, work, and more work.

Beast has posed:
"Well, if I don't say so myself, it's about time! Congratulations, both of you! You might have told me, but well, I can't recollect if you did or not, so colour me pleased as punch." Warmly said, Hank leans sidelong where he's sat, simian arm reached out to gently knuckle Scott's elbow in congratulations. The same warmth is turned on Jean. Then of course, more news spills forth and he idly begins smoothing over the tufts of fur that are obviously at odds with lying flat, methodical in the attention. "Hmm. Most curious, but ultimately rather relieving that such an attempt was unsuccessful." And notions of a camp ground are received with a perk of ears. "Capital idea, I would say. A place outside of the grounds that is secluded and safe would be ideal for some rest and relaxation. I might even try my hand at trout tickling, if there's suitable streams... a lake perhaps. A place to toast s'mores," that last is dreamily said, which may be of reassurance that his sweet tooth hasn't fled entirely.

"Hey is for horses," Beast notes with a grin for the arrival of Rogue, as she saunters in casually. "But I'll certainly take it. Anna Marie, it is good to see you." He thinks about it, then amends "...All of you."

Cyclops has posed:
"Thank you, Hank." Scott says as he returns the affection back to him with a grin. He opens a drawer and pulls out a large brush, handing it to Hank so that he can smooth down his fur some that is out of place. He made sure this table had 'everything' prepared for his big awakening. "You and Warren are obviously going to be my best men, right?"

He listens to Dani and Jean, nodding his head here and there, then lifts his eyes over towards Rogue. He passes her an upwards nod of his head. "Hey, Anna. Come on over and join in."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar is not surprised by Rogue's arrival. The woman gets a nod of greeting, though it is a brief one. Her eyes go back to the others and the conversation at hand. She chuckles at the use of Ro as a threat. "Well, to be fair, Ro really is above their level. But.. oh, a lot, yes?" Her eyes crinkle up at the edges as she smiles. Perhaps picturing a video game with Ororo as a Boss level monster that the kids just can't quite defeat.

She turns a bit more serious as talk turns to the camp, and she nods. First about Emma, then about teaming up with her. "Happy to," she says. Dani looks lost in thought for a moment. "And I will make sure any horses used are steady. I don't want any accidents."

Dani nods to Jean about Kurt. "Yes. The last tangle...* She huffs what is quite obviously a breat in irritation. She reaches up a hand to pinch the bridge of her nose. Yeah. Still not happy about that. "The fatalistic little..." Dani pauses here and takes a breath, amending what she had been about to say, "... jerk didn't even try to protect himself. He just sat there, praying to his god to save him, while the ghost dude came at him with a blade." Oh yeah. She's still miffed about that particular thing. And that doesn't seem to have faded at all since it had happened.

The talk of s'mores has Dani relaxing again. Some of the irritation at a certain blue furred, but not Henry, man, easing off.

Rogue has posed:
As the name of 'Anna' rolls easily off both Hank and Scott's tongue, Rogue just gives them both a little smile. Of those who are likely able to get away with calling her by her real name, three of them are in this room right now. "So the Blue Meanine rises again. It's nice to see you awake, Hank." She uses both a nickname meant to be an endearing sort of thing (and semi-approved) as well as the man's real name as well.

Dani speaking about Nightcrawler in such a way has her raising a brow - but she's unaware of several things so she doesn't say much. Her brother from another mother has a tendency to get into trouble in all sorts of interesting ways. In other words, nothing much would surprise her about him really.

"A camp? Who's doing a camp?" She asks, just getting in onto that part of the conversation as well. So much to catch up on! She'll work it all out eventually of course and her attention finally turns to Scott and Jean, giving them a smile and a small wave before turning her attention back to Hank proper.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean's well practiced in poker faces. She's not entirely successful. There's a glint in those green eyes as she glances aside to Dani, as if she was keenly aware on the actual word choice and may be moderately amused by it. Heavens know, she probably things similar several times throughout her workday.

"It can be frustrating, I know, but his morality has saved us from several roads we shouldn't have gone down over the years. Even if many of us are less apt to, mm, turning the other cheek."

"And Scott, Emma, and I had been discussing taking the students on an end of semester camping trip." Jean explains to Rogue. "And from there, it turned into Emma having a new project of finding us an actual camp to buy. We can use it for our students, ourselves when we need a quiet place or a spot to evac to in the event the school is down, and use it otherwise for charity work like camp programs for mutant kids. We just need to work out the fine details to hide school involvement with that part."

Nightcrawler has posed:
The door of the medbay opens, and Kurt steps quietly into the room. No BAMF'ing in, it would seem, though he could easily have done so. His timing is such that he catches some of what Dani is sharing about the 'last tangle' that he'd had. He tilts his head faintly to one side, one of his ears giving a slight wiggle. His glowing yellow gaze falls on Dani, and he softly clears his throat. "Dani," he says softly, one of his eyebrows quirking up a touch. She's speaking the truth, and his ears lay back a touch, sheepishly, at her words.

Behind him, his tail lightly swishes in a smooth motion behind him. Lifting one of his hands, he lightly tussles his hair, and then he moves to step a bit further within the room. His gaze flicks over to Jean at her words, and he inclines his head slightly towrads her. He has a particular morality and not everyone agrees with it. A part of that is not doing violence within churches. Of course, violence wouldn't have been the only solution. He could have teleported. But what faith would that have shown?

Beast has posed:
"Nice to BE awake," Hank replies to Rogue, flashing his eyes wide in emphasis, he nods to Scott immediately after. "Wouldn't dream of refusing, Scott. I will even concede to Warren's better judgement in venues for the stag party, if it comes to it." He takes the brush to tidy himself with with a brisk twirl in hand, flipping it like a jugglers baton before setting to work smoothing things over. In between strokes, he glances up at Jean and Dani, flicking gaze between them both. "It is perhaps profound to note that it may well have been Kurt /was/ defending himself; faith after all, could be argued to be a definition of that which science simply has yet to discover-- the divine in the microcosm. Then again, they do say that the lord helps he who helps himself..." he trails off, clearing his throat a modicum as his gaze goes to the middle distance. "I believe there are at least seventeen suitable sites for land purchases within twenty miles of the estate, unless my memory deceives me. One of them even has its own spring and a devil's armpit. Oh, how I do so love historical nominclature. Apparently, the devil's armpit eats all things thrown at it." And behold a Kurt. "...your ears must have been practically on fire, Kurt."

Cyclops has posed:
"Hey, Kurt." Scott says as he gives him a nod of his head. He looks to have loosened up a bit now that Henry is creeping back to his old self. A lot of the worry and stress is melting away and he looks relaxed. "I am sure you and Warren will throw a .." He pauses, glancing at Jean for a moment before looking back to Hank. "A suitable .. get together." He won't say Bachelor Party. Lord knows what Warren can do with all his wealth and a weekend without phones turned on.

Probably create a spin off of The Hangover.

"But I do like the idea of this campground plan. It has potential to be a great outreach program and a safe place for mutant kids to relax." He slips his phone out of his pocket to tap along the glass, sending off a message. "You should partner with Emma, Hank, see if you two can brainstorm the perfect plot of land."

Moonstar has posed:
Nightcrawler getting into trouble in all sorts of interesting ways.. well. That's putting it politely, isn't it? Dani glances to Rogue and smiles. "Emma," she says. "And, from the sound of it, me, at least as far as the horses and stables are concerned." That does sound like fun, doesn't it?

She glances sidelong at Jean and huffs a breath when she sees that glint in those green eyes. Oh yes. The word choice was creative, it was. Sadly, she didn't speak it aloud for the rest of the room to hear. She takes a breath and nods at the telepath, juuust as Kurt walks into the room, of course. Then again, he knows all of this already. "Yeah. I know. And I don't begrudge him his faith at all. He knows this. Not the point. I'm still half of a mind to chase him around the salle a little more. He about gave me heart failure."

Dani turns and glowers at said fuzzy blue monkey. "Heart. Failure." She mutters something half under her breath that isn't really intelligable to those without extremely sharp hearing. She nods to Henry's words. "Exactly. He who helps himself." She blinks and raises a brow. "Devil's... armpit?" Her deep brown eyes land on Kurt, and glower at him. "Don't /even/ think it."

There's a snort at Scott's notion of a suitable get together. "And what you mean by that, especially with Warren in on it, and probably leading the festivities, is strippers and cake. Not necessarily in that order. Or maybe more than one of each." Leave it to Dani to call it as it is rather than as some would like it to be! The native Valkyrie seems to be in a mood today!

Back to the camp, she nods agreement. "Do you guys want my input on that as well? We'll need a decent spot that's fairly level for any stables that we'll have, if there aren't stables already built."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue takes in all the information that she can and then begins to roll it around in her head. "A camp like that WOULD be beneficial..." She offers her sentiments on the matter and then smiles. There's the tossing around of possible locations and what they offer, and then Nightcrawler appears. Only he less appears as he actually uses the door to walk into the room. A smile offered to him, but only just, as she looks around again. Feeling a bit like she doesn't have a foot in any part of all the conversations until there's talk of a bachelor party and her interest seems piqued again, especially since it's Scott talking to Hank about being a...groomsmen? A smile crosses lips and she looks between Jean and Scott before simply offering, "Congrats." then she's all silence and shadows again because, well, that's just how she is most times.

Phoenix has posed:
Did Jean know Kurt was coming? Maybe, maybe not, but she turns to grin at him all the same. "Hey, none of that sad face. You know we just want to make sure that you're safe and stay safe. Even if that involves you pinging one of us to come take care of trouble." She crosses her arms lightly over her chest and is still wearing her business suit. She must have still been working when she came down here.

Scott's blown attempt at side muttering is given a teasing squint. "Hey, as long as it isn't on the news then you boys have fun. If we have to bust one of you out of prison, then just know you will never be allowed to live it down. ...though that does mean we probably should pick a date." She says in a mutter that may be a bit embarrassed. She can run a school, but at planning her own wedding she's falling short. "Oh! Sam and Alexis are also engaged!"

"As for the camp, I'm leaving that up to Emma. It'll..." Keep her out of trouble for awhile. "Be her project for now, so if you want to help then just let her know. I'm sure she'd be delighted to delegate work to," Boss around. "people."

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a smile that finds his features as he looks to Beast, and he gives a small nod at the other's words. "Faith is a shield," he says softly, the words simple. "Sometimes, one must simply have faith," he adds, then lifts one of his shoulders in a faint shrug. "It's good to see you awake," he says, the words sincere. "They might have been ringing, a little bit."

Kurt turns his gaze to Scott, and he gives a small nod. "Hey Scott," he offers in greeting, a smile coming to his features anew. "A get together?" he asks, curious. "It sounds like a good idea, a camp."

He bows slightly to Dani, amusement bringing a bit of a grin to tug at the corners of his lips. "You are welcome to chase me around the salle whenever you wish. It is good practice for both of us. And if it wil make you feel better, then all the better," he says, his yellow eyes bright. "You know I didn't mean to worry you, Dani. And I didn't think anything, honest!" he says, lifting his hands to hold them up in innocent fashion. And his tail swishes slowly behind him him whilst he tries to look as innocent as he is.

His gaze falls to Rogue, and he gives a small nod to her, and a smile. "It would be good, I think," he agrees. Then his attention turns to Jean, and he tilts his head a touch to one side before he gives a nod, a smile brightening his features and his ears perking up. "I know, ja. I'm safe and sound. I could have pinged you while I was in the church, but... I did not feel a need. And Dani was there. I was safe," he says softly. Clearly... he has a different definition of being safe than what Dani has. And what others likely have, too.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy nods to Jean. "I'm sure she shall be in her utmost element," and find Hank to be obliging only to a degree before his tongue takes a peg or two out of that pallisade. There is silence then though, as Beast rises from his seated position, the prodigious expanse of his shoulders flexing as he quietly retrieves a stashed coconut cream roll from somewhere out of sight. It is rather delicately peeled open and eaten, hopefully without too much attention drawn. He eyes Rogue a moment. "I'm on strict bedrest and no research mode for a week at least -- Scott's orders, but if you wouldn't mind, I could use your help with a few things camp project related. It strikes me that if this is really a thing that is a thing, I probably ought to test a few materials for durability and well... you -are- one of the strongest people I know."

Cyclops has posed:
"Yes, Hank. No work, work, but you, Dani and Emma can get together and work on this camp ground idea. Let your brain stretch out a bit." Scott says with a smile as he reaches out to give Hank's shoulder a squeeze. After a moment, he actually steps in and embraces him in a hug, a firm one, followed by a pat to his back. "I missed you." He says to him before letting go and clearing his throat.

"I should finish up some paperwork now that the excitement has died down and get some dinner in me." He says with a sharp nod as he starts for the door, sliding his phone into his hands again. "No work." He calls over again, giving Kurt a pat on the shoulder as he passes him. "A good get together. Take care, guys." Not team, for a change.

"I will see you all for dinner later."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar glances to Rogue and nods. "Wouldn't it be? Do you have any ideas you'd like to see made reality for this camp?" Dani's are already obvious. Horses. "I think I would like to see at least two types of obstacle courses for those that want to work out. One for horse riding, and one for on foot. Or maybe a combination thing. Hm." She goes silent, hand lifted, and fingers tapping at her chin as her mind turns ideas over.

Dani may have known Kurt was approaching as well. She knows what his emotions feel like. She'd said what she'd said anyway. Yup. Still annoyed with him. "At least I was with him this time. If I'd had to become his avenging angel of death..." She mutters and shakes her head. Blowing out a breath she at least attempts to put down the annoyance.

Her lips twitch at Jean's remarks. "Might be more fun if they get to sleep it off in jail," she points out. "Then we can sit outside and point and laugh." She tilts her head and reaches a hand over to attempt to poke Jean in the shoulder with a single finger. "Hey, everyone is bad at planning their own weddings. That's what they have friends and family for." The thought hadn't been picked up, but the embarrassement had. It's easy to infer. She nods about contacting Emma. "I will."

She narrows her eyes at Kurt. "If you tempt me much more, it might just happen," she says, about the salle.

That coconut cream roll is /not/ missed. Of course, Dani doesn't say anything about it either, but her lips do twitch in amusement. Sweet tooth? Seems to be intact.

As the Fearless Leader makes to leave, Dani nods to him. "See you later, Scott."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just gives a nod to Nightcrawler, since he was simply agreeing with her statement there's not much more to say there. When Hank addresses her, she gives her attention to him and listens to his proposal. He can't do work, bed rest, but he wants /her/ help in testing some stuff. She smiles at the apprasial and compliment given and then she nods her head. "Yeah, I wouldn't mind helpin' ya out with some stuff. S'long as it comes with the stipulation that I can make darn sure you ain't disobey'n Summers' orders." Then she grins and turns her attention to Dani. "I could probably come up with some ideas. Been doin' some here and there socializin' with some of the students and I got me an ear on some things that might be beneficial to them. We'll talk. And I'll talk to Emma too." She offers this before looking to Scott as he makes his leave. "Take it easy, Summers." Hey, they're NOT on the field, so she can call him what she pleases. To a very thin extent anyway.

Phoenix has posed:
"I should head back too. I may have hung up on a meeting to come down." Jean admits and doesn't sound at all ashamed about doing so. After Scott's had his turn at a hug, Jean swoops in to embrace Hank in a tight hug, the kind that just exudes warmth. And maybe she's also physically rather warm too. "I'm glad your home. It's not the same without you." She says quietly and doing her level best to hold back the emotion. When her emotions spill over, it tends to get awkward for everyone.

Thankfully, she hears Dani and there's a snort of a laugh as she lets go of Hank. "Oh, oh no, I totally plan to point and laugh first before bailing them out. And after too." She looks between the lot of them then and says, "I'll leave you all to get with Emma then and plan. This doesn't need to be off the wall crazy, we want it to be convincing and not smeared with our branding. This is about a place to relax, bond, and be safe from the world for awhile."

As she makes her way for the door, she does shoot a quick glance to Kurt as she goes. It's a more sober look than she'd had before, subtle and soft and understanding. << Talk with me later? >> She says privately to the smaller blue mutant, even as she continues walking towards the door. Perhaps not to call attention to it.

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Well... bedrest is good. Make sure that you're all okay and what have you before you get back to work and all," Kurt says, tilting his head a touch to one side. "I'll have to come keep you company more often. And... maybe... try to stay out of trouble for at least that long of a time period," he adds. His tail flicks behind him. Is it possible for Kurt to stay out of trouble? It's unlikely! It finds him so easily!

He looks to Scott, and he gives a small nod at the pat his shoulder earns, a warm smile coming to his features. "Take care, as well," he offers. "Ja, later," he agrees. "Perhaps wiener schnitzel for dinner."

Kurt tilts his head slightly to one side as his gaze returns to Dani, studying her. "Ja, you were with me that time. You would have wreaked a beautiful amount of vengeance, I'm sure, and you would have kept my soul from going anywhere, as well," he says, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "And we should both practice in the salle anyways, so... consider it temptation delivered?" he offers, his ears perking up a touch as he dangles just a bit of bait there for her.

Kurt turns his attention to Jean, and he tilts his head slightly to one side at the look that he earns from her. One of his eyebrows quirks up a touch, and he inclines his head towards her in a respectful nod.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy becomes mildly distracted by the sudden but fierce embraces from two sides. Such a length of history resonates after all -- Scott's hug, returned in a manly manner, Jeans in a far gentler composure, he even gives them both a scout salute as they make to leave, glancing to Rogue and making the 'honour' symbol with his hand. "I swear, no overstraining my squishy frontal lobe. The rest of me has had a very divine rest and frankly could do with a light work out. It's amazing how stiff you can end up when you've been asleep for a week or more..."

He nods to Kurt though, glancing about the medbay before rather sneakily taking up a wireless tablet, just so that he can look over all the rest of his data from the time he's been out, his glasses sliding down to the end of his muzzle with it. "Kurt, I seem to recall you have had dalliances with the nether dimensions a time or two before, but it does seem surprising to have a paradimensional phenomenon having a grudge. Are you often ectoplasmically challenged? Or is this new?"

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar folds her arms across her chest, but it seems to be more of a relaxed posture than an irritated one, at least. This is probably a good thing for Kurt! "Ooh. Socializing is good. I should start doing some of that again myself. I always seem to just miss them..." She nods to Jean. "Hope it wasn't something important you hung up on." Then a grin. "Perfect. I'll help, with the pointing and laughing. There should also be pictures. Maybe video. So we can show the students what /not/ to do in a bachelor party." She grins, enjoying the thought.

Dani's expression goes thoughtful with Jean's words on the camp. "Hm. Maybe, instead of an obstacle course, riding trails would be better. They can be used for walks too."

Dani glances at Kurt and snorts at his words. "I doubt your ability to stay out of trouble that long," she points out. She might be right! The blue monkey does seem to have trouble staying out of, well, trouble! Her eyes narrow and a slow smile spreads across her face. "Actually, I know just the thing to convince you to stay in the land of the living. The day you die is the day I flatten that church you favor so much." That threat... does not seem like an empty threat either. Oh, the chances of her actually doing so are slim to none, but Kurt doesn't need to know that! She eyes him for a moment longer, then nods. "Okay. It's a date. In the salle. After this reunion is done."

As that tablet is covertly pulled out, Dani steps over to the bed and looks over Hank's shoulder at it. Quietly. Unobtrusively. She waits for him to notice that she noticed. She does interject a quiet comment. "He had a horse, too."

Rogue has posed:
Hands go to hips as the 'leaders' leave the room and Rogue can set a more 'stern' look to the Blue Meanie. Though she's not good with stern looks when she doesn't really mean them, and after a moment her entire posture relaxes - especially after Hank solemnly promises to not over-do himself. "M'sure a little bit of workin' out ain't gonna do ya harm, but after the bed rest is over." She nods then before tilting her head as Hank looks over his tablet. Then she looks over to Kurt and offers him a sort of half-frown. "Have things not being going so well for ya? You know you have a few more ears 'round this place if you need them. I've always got a moment spared for you.." They are, after all, siblings of a sort and Rogue holds that close to her heart despite whatever she may feel towards the 'mother' that brought them together. His bio, her adoptive.

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a slow blink at Henry at the string of words, and Kurt tilts his head a touch to one side as he studies him. "Well... I suppose you could call them dalliances. It's actually the Brimstone Dimension, though. And considering that I use the Brimstone Dimension to teleport, it's... ah... perhaps not overly surprising that it happened. It is not empty, after all," Kurt says, a thoughtful tone to his voice. Then he blinks, and he glances at Dani before looking back to Henry. "The ghost creature thing. You meant that. Not the other. Umm... ectoplasmically challenged? It's a new thing. It saw me as the spawn of the Devil. I can't blame it, all things considered," he says softly, his brow furrowing a bit and his nose wrinkling slightly.

His attention turns over to Dani, and he tilts his head faintly to one side. "I can stay out of trouble," Kurt says, slightly ducking his chin, his tail lightly swishing as he looks to her through his lashes. His ears wobble a little bit at the threat she offers then, and he frowns. "Dani, you wouldn't," he says quietly. But from the sound of her voice, she would. His chin ducks a little bit more. "I will try to make that day one that is far away," he says quietly. Then he softly clears his throat before giving a nod to her about the salle. "Ja, later," he agrees, a smile quirking at the corners of his lips.

His attention turns to Rogue, and he lifts one of his shoulders in a faint shrug. "Things have been... interesting?" he offers, his tail giving a soft swish behind him. "Ja, I know. There have been a few things, recently. The most recent was the man-ghost thing," he says, a smile touching at the corners of his lips.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy has quite sharp senses, even if he occasionally plays mister oblivious for the general public. A sidelong look is shot to the shoulder that Dani is... well, technically probably leaning /around/ to peak at. He has very, very broad shoulders, doth the Big Blue (meanie)-- fingers tap the various readings and he tilts the pad toward her so that she can review them. Having done dreamstate studies in the past, she'd recognize alpha and beta wave patterns from REM and a few other spikes of brain activity that occured over the last weeks. There was an abnormal amount of deep sleep 'activity' likely from his brain processing the nightmare that had left him in that state and his body's reversion -- he then flicks that screen off and fingers fly over the touchpad on the screen, googling the sites that he had remembered were local. The one he'd mentioned with the Devil's armpit looks like a natural grotto fairly close by (fifteen or so miles) with cliffs and caves, but also fairly flat ground around it, from the brochure images. Good hiking trails and tall old-growth trees for privacy. There's others with a lake, yet more with oxbows and potentially soggy plains around them (which might be problematic) and he hands her the tablet to look over, glancing to Kurt and Rogue.

Mouth opens then shuts again "If any other incidents occur, please do pop by the lab and ah... darn. Hopefully, nothing is going to happen in the next week, eh?" he sidelongs a look at Rogue at this, grins toothily at her and resolves with a soft clear of his throat. "I wonder if subtle EMFs ought to be a part of camp design. If safety and secrecy and the like are a significant factor, with our luck we'd be visited by Aliens there, if we don't take precautions."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar grins at Rogue's 'stern' look, but doesn't make a comment. She approves, afterall. There's an agreeing nod to any workouts being /after/ the bedrest is over.

Kurt gets a /look/. "Well, if you can't blame it, I certainly can," she says with no remorse whatsoever. "What someone looks like isn't everything." One brow arches gracefully upward. "Oh? Wouldn't I?" Her lazy tone suggests that she definitely would. "And I doubt very much you, of all people, can stay out of trouble. You seem to be a magnet for it." She nods about the 'date' later. It's going to fun. There will be blades.

As the tablet is tilted so she can get a better look at it, there's a soft murmur that might be a thank you. Then Dani studies the screen with the brain wave patterns, first. Then at the search of places. She accepts the tablet when offered and looks over it a bit more closely, but holds it down where Henry can still see it. "Hmm. I could see the Devil's armpit having potential. Especially with access to the ocean. I could see going sailing or something."

She looks over the others with a shake of her head. "This one will be soggy in the spring during runoff. I hate to say it, but your Devil's armpit seems the best choice to me." She chuckles at his talk of aliens. "Hey, stranger things have happened. And having protection against that? Might not be such a bad idea."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue nods to Kurt and sets a gloved hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze before she actually steps closer to Hank's bed. "Alright, Hank. Do you have a time you'd like me to start showing up or should I just swing by and see if you're ready sometime soon?" Asking this and then she glances to Dani. "I'll mark some time to talk to Emma too, and toss around some ideas now that we have a possible location in mind. We can maybe fine tune what all we can offer. I like the idea of an obstacle course...and hiking trails." She muses a moment and then pauses, mostly to wait on Hank's response, but her tone likely dictates she's preparing to head out.

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a smile to tug at the corners of his lips, and he gives a nod to Henry. "If there are other things that happen," Kurt begins, his yellow eyes glowing, "then I will pop in." He lifts one of his hands to tussle his own hair a bit. "There have not been all that many, really." Not that many. There was a bullet graze while rescuing prisoners, the Neyaphem attacking him in the Brimstone Dimension, and then there was the situation with the man-ghost creature. All pretty recently, as well.

Then his attention turns to Dani, and he studies her for a moment. "Nein, it is not everything, I must agree. But there are people who make presumptions. It is not right, but it happens," he says softly, his brow furrowing a bit. Then he grins. "I will, at least, try to stay out of trouble. I do try. It's not my fault that it seems to find me all the time," he comments, quirking a grin again. The practice in the salle will be fun. There will be blades, and there will be BAMF'ing, on his part.

Kurt looks to Rogue, and a smile comes to his features as he gives a nod to her. "I'm all right, I promise," he says softly, lifting a hand to place it upon hers there on his shoulder. "We should catch up soon, I think."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy presses his lips thin at the assumptions of others. He is, after all, very familiar with that -- a thing he and Kurt both share, in the world that fears and hates them a lot of the time. And he, in the public eye, can be a spit in the face of a great many that would rather the Mutant problem just vanishes. It distracts him enough that the imminent departure of Rogue catches him offguard. "Hmm? Oh. Ah..." he thinks about it a moment, looking at the medlab around them and holds up a finger, reaching for ANOTHER tablet, to check a few things. "Any time in the next few days, I should have a few sample materials for you to whale on, Anna-Marie. I am going to call it the Rogue-test. If you can break it, but it takes a bit of effort, it should be fine for just about everyone else. Ropes, Building materials, etcetera. Fences. Bio-organic polymers that look a lot like planks of wood. That sort of stuff. Hiding in plain sight, right?" He smiles without fangs and stifles a yawn.

"Goodness gracious, I've only been asleep for a fortnight, how can I possibly be yawning?" is muttered, shaking his head to clear it briefly, he nods toward Dani and Kurt. "Please do, Kurt. I can at least take a reading or two from you, here if necessary. And perhaps, ahhh... you both might actually take a little look out at the Devil's armpit, to see if the pictures do it justice. Land-sells always try to make things look the best, after all."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar glances to Rogue and smiles. "Perfect. Glad you like the idea of an obstacle course. If we're going to have stables and horses, should probably have an indoor arena of some sort for when the weather's nasty and people still want to ride." Not that that has ever stopped her and Brightwind, of course, but hey! Maybe they'll make use of it too?

She narrows her eyes at Kurt. "Not that many," she says flatly. Then does what he probably hadn't wanted said aloud. "Before ghost dude, who, let me say, is /not/ a ghost in the traditional sense, because I can talk to those and generally have them listen, there was the demon thing in the brimstone dimension, and before that, you got shot when we were rescuing mutants from those radical fanatics who used the cure on them. You're lucky you didn't get shot with a cure dart like Jean did."

Dani huffs a breath. "I guess trying is all I can ask of you. For now." She might also be looking forward to the practice in the salle. It's all good practice and good for both of them. Dani just has to remember to be careful to not go all out else she could hurt someone. That might be one reason she doesn't really spar with other people so much. In fact, it's pretty rare to hear of her willing to spar against anyone else. Running with, or working out alongside? Sure, she does that. But not sparring.

She glances over to Rogue again. "You busy or you want to come with us? Kurt's method of travel is.. fun." Fun? Fun, Dani? The way she says it, sounds like she doesn't consider it very much fun. "But that's a good idea, Henry. To check it out. Maybe check it out, then spar? Hmm..." Choices choices.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue nods to Henry. "Sounds good. I'll swing back by in a couple days." She says this sort of matter-of-factly with that Mississippi drawl and then steps back. She would hug Hank, but there's always a chance of skin to skin contact when she gets that close - and she's never risking that. Nope.

Then she's taking a moment with Nightcrawler and as he mentions they should catch up soon, she nods. "Yeah, I think we should. I think it would be nice." Her hand falls away from Kurt's shoulder then before Dani takes her attention and she looks to the other woman.

"Ah, tonight? Right now? I think I've done my fair bit of socializing. I think I'm goin' to go grab myself a nice glass of tea that Sam's got in the kitchen and curl up with a good book." She smiles. "But if you go check it out later, just let me know. Kurt can grab me if needed.." Then she thinks on that. "Okay, he can come /see/ me and then take me along if I agree." Cause leave it to her brother to just BAMF in, grab her without warning and BAMF out again. "For now, things are callin' me so I'm goin' to take my leave. Y'all have a good one. Hank, I'll see you soon."

Nightcrawler has posed:
There's a flicker of curiosity that comes to Kurt's features, and he tilts his head a touch to one side as he looks to Henry. Then he inclines his head, a smile coming to his features. "You are welcome to take any reading you wish to, from me. I'm not sure if I'm any different than I have ever been," he says, sounding more than willing.

Kurt turns his gaze to Dani, and he raises an eyebrow slightly. "Well... the ghost was a man to start with. He spoke in Latin. 'Begone Satan'," he says, a thoughtful note to his voice. "Neyaphem. That is what lives in the Brimstone Dimension, Dani. And I was shot at with a cure dart. I dodged that one and was hit by the bullet instead. It was the lesser of two evils," he comments. And it was, since it left him still able to teleport!

"I will try, Dani. I don't go looking to get into trouble, you know," he comments, a bit sheepishly. And he doesn't, but... when it wants him, it finds him, or so it seems. Then he blinks at Dani. "It was less fun when the Neyaphem attacked me, but... I essentially asked for it since I lingered in the dimension for a considerable time. It is quick, at least," he says, then lifts one of his shoulders in a faint shrug. It's definitely that!

"I won't take you through it if you don't want to go, Rogue. You know that. Be well, Rogue," he says softly, giving her a warm smile.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy salutes Rogue, although 'tis more of a doff of the cap brim kind of gesture than anything. "Excellent," he settles himself down on his bed again, stifling another yawn with annoyance. "I hate to be a bore, but I suspect I am less rested than I believe I should be. Mind you, given the readings from me Dani, I didn't have very much actual REM sleep during my time unconscious. It is -very- good to see you all when I can remember how to do the talking of english making communication gooder," pause, grin "... but would you mind....?" He glances at the sliding doors and back.

"And please do, Kurt. I mean that. Sometimes, very subtle changes in a person's biomagnetic field can change things significantly to extra-dimentional sensitivity. I just want to rule out potential spikes."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar can't help a snicker that escapes her at Rogue's comment. "I dunno. Think he might enjoy it if he just bamfs in, grabs you, and bamfs out again. At least, for the few breaths before you start yelling at him." She grins. "Enjoy your book and your tea. See ya later."

There's a grin for Kurt. "Yes yes. I know. Neyaphem. You know I call them demons to irritate you." Clearly, the irritation on her part has faded some. Now she's just picking on him a little. "Smart, though. Dodging the cure dart. Glad you did. That.. could have been bad." Afterall, what if Kurt had been mid teleport when it took effect and gotten stuck in the Brimstone dimension. That would have sucked.

She gives a warm smile to Beasty boy. "Right. We'll let you get your rest. If you need anything, call us on the comms. Someone will come." And then, she nods to him. "Of course we don't mind. Like I said. If you need anything.." She smiles and then turns and heads toward the door. She pauses to tap Kurt on the shoulder in a 'lets go' sort of way.

Nightcrawler has posed:
"We can experiment with things. Perhaps there is remote equipment that will work in the Brimstone Dimension that can take readings when I'm there. Though I suppose it would mean lingering there for a bit of time in order to get a proper reading," Kurt comments, his brow furrowing briefly. He doesn't like to linger there, but he would -- for science!

His attention turns to Dani, and he tilts his head to one side before grinning. "Ja, I know that you do that. Though I might enjoy the surprise BAMF'ing. Maybe I'll have to try it on you, first," he comments, his tail swishing a touch quirker for a moment. "I thought it was a good idea, to dodge the cure dart. It would have been much worse," he says, considering it briefly. Being stuck in the Brimstone Dimension isn't exactly an idea that he likes.

His gaze turns back to Henry, and he steps closer before reaching out to lightly touch his shoulder. "Rest well. And what she said," he comments, lifting a hand to gesture to Dani. "If you need anything, call." Then he gives a small nod before moving to head after Dani with the tap that was given his shoulder.