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Latest revision as of 14:11, 10 April 2021

Alpha Group Briefing
Date of Scene: 06 April 2021
Location: Ready Room, The Triskelion
Synopsis: Agent Reynard gives a briefing on the status of SHIELD's efforts against AIM.
Cast of Characters: Phobos, Quake, Liansong "Song" Qing, Black Widow (Romanoff), Yaozu Lin

Phobos has posed:
    The Ready Rooms used by the various operations groups and teams for SHIELD are austere things all told. Monochromatic in decor with abundant seats in an auditorium setting with several tables near the front rows all facing the podium raised upon a riser that gives a speaker a good view of the room. There are several data displays for each table and one large display surface that takes up nearly the entirety of the wall behind the podium, though currently it remains mostly blank save for the Mystify screensaver bouncing around slooowly.
    This is the first time the full operations group has been gathered, support personnel, response teams, head agents, research, and development all evident. On one side of the room the Tactical Response Teams are amongst their own, mostly level 1 agents trained primarily for combat actions. On the other side are the mostly science types, chatting and talking amiably while waiting for the meeting to begin.
    There's still some time, roughly five minutes before the designated start time. One of the communications officers is walking around taking quick drink orders if anyone wants some coffee beforehand. Some of the older agents, likely knowing what to expect already have a mug of something warm and steamy. At one table there's even a box of Oreo cookies that are being shared.
    Over at the TRT table, one of the younger agents lifts his voice. "We're allowed to have food here?" Kelso frowns as he leans over, then looks back at the table with his squad. "Man, someone shoulda told me."
    Only for another operative, redheaded and smirking to answer him as she makes a face. "Yeah, like you need any more carbs."
    Their squadmate, Agent Aaron is... as usual, sitting attentively and quietly in his seat, though he does slouch a little to the side with his arm along the back of the chair.

Quake has posed:
Skye was in serious business mode. The one thing people should be aware of is when she was doing her job, she was directed. Like now. Only a cup of coffee she sitting in front of her, and so far it wasn't touched.

Liansong "Song" Qing has posed:
Liansong is just walking in, himself, one of the stragglers. He got off duty, caught a nap, and then came here. Even so, not a feather is out of place. Except that one. That white one. On the leading edge of his left wing. It can just be seen behind his head.

He is, at present, wearing his uniform, and a long white labcoat. Never know when that's going to come in handy and his are specially made because of the wings. So he rarely leaves the suite without it. Plus, adds a layer of warmth. The owl from Down Under isn't used to the temperature difference yet.

Liansong carries with him a plastic, capped mug in his left hand, and a folded up bag that probably has whatever he's planning on for breakfast within. He pauses and considers where people are sitting, noting the obvious divide. He shakes his feathery black head, clacks his beak once, and moves to take up a seat in the back row, dead in the center. The bag is opened and one of those Mc breakfast sandwiches are pulled out.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
It's almost time to start when the door opens to admit another body. One that's been away for a few days. Natasha is in her SHIELD uniform, fully armed because--well, she's her. In hand, she had a plain beige coffee mug. Which probably was from the food court area to be completely honest as drab as the thing is. It's not even one with a comfortable handle.

She glances around the room, spotting familiar faces and some not so familiar. Tactical. A few faces she knows there. Science. There she is. Natasha makes a beeline toward the table Skye is sitting in. She plops down in the seat next to the other woman, giving her a quick smile before taking a sip of her coffee and putting the mug down on the table in front of her.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
It's a few minutes before things are expected to be starting, but Yaozu pushes open a door to the room before stepping quietly within the room. He has brought neither food nor drink along with him. He takes a brief moment, his hazel gaze flicking across the assembled group. He notes the divide between folks, and there's a momentary furrow of his brow that seems to clear easily. His right hand easily slips to the small of his back in order to rest there in what seems to be a familiar position.

Yaozu lifts his left hand, flicking his long braid over his shoulder before his hand easily lowers to his side once again. He is quiet, his steps graceful. Things are different here, and he's still getting used to the variety of differences. He wears black steel-toed boots, a pair of black cargo pants, and a long-sleeved dark green shirt. There are no apparent weapons upon his person.

Quietly, he picks his way over to where Liansong has chosen to sit and then takes a seat near to him, leaving one empty seat between them. He glances towards Song and inclines his head slightly, and he settles his hands into his lap -- tips of the thumbs touching, back of the right hand against the palm of the left hand.

Phobos has posed:
    One of the side doors in the front opens as a grizzled man with five o'clock shadow emerges, hastily seen tearing apart a small cigarette butt into tiny pieces and then pocketing them for one reason or another. Though after that he makes his way to the podium, adjusting his black business suit and taking a deep breath as he adjusts the podium one way and then the other.
    The screensaver cuts out and becomes just a black screen while the man, Agent Reynard for those who were on the field missions in the Czech Republic, sets his briefcase down on a side table and hits the dual latches with a 'click-ca-click'.
    A few papers are taken out, and as he makes ready many of the other agents start to shift their focus forward. The one operative who was going to get the coffee holds up a hand and takes a seat, waiting til a suitable break to make the run.
    "Greetings," Reynard says as he adjusts his glasses and then leans forward on the podium, a mechanical device held lightly in one hand. "First off, I want to congratulate everyone on a successful operation in the Czech Republic. Good work, clean work. We're gonna recap what happened, what we gained, and what we're going to do. We have a lot of work ahead of us, people."
    The lights darken a little, but still high enough for people to see each other mostly clearly. Agent Aaron and his teammates focus forward, hands settle on the tabletop. Across the room data displays flicker to life.
    "Next order of business, however, is I'd like to introduce Agent Liansong, as well as Agent Yaozu. They'll be joining our little dysfunctional family while we address the AIM problem. Everyone introduce yourselves when you get a chance. For now..."
    The man at the podium nods to the two new agents, "If you gentlemen could introduce yourselves?"
    Which is enough to shift the attention of the room away from the man at the podium and to the two newcomers. Agent Aaron turns in his seat to look across the way and is one of the several that lift their hands in offering of a greeting. Just a few small waves for now.

Quake has posed:
"Ah, sitting at the Fury's table I see." Skye manages a brief glimpse of a grin to Nat. "So far, so good. Nobody has got up the nerve about me and AIM." But you can believe they were talking about it in private. Sorta when she happened to be on the world's most dangerous list.. for a time.

Skye had already met the new agents, but they probably didn't know until this moment exactly what she didn't. Or they will. She flashes a quick smile, and again, was back to serious mode again. Her laptop was on, and several windows were open.

Liansong "Song" Qing has posed:
Liansong pays little to no apparent attention to anyone or anything in the room that isn't up front and looking like an official he should be paying attention to. Nope. He's busy snacking on his breakfast. Clearly, this is not his first such briefing. Perhaps first one /here/, but not first one ever. Considering the food and coffee. Or he was informed beforehand that both are acceptable. He's actually quite a dainty eater, given the beak that he sports. Most birds are quiet messy eaters. But, Liansong doesn't like messes.

At least, he pays no attention until a certain agent appears and sits one seat over from him. Yaozu gets a nod of greeting but nothing vocal. Liansong wants to finish his food before things really get started.

He finishes his meal and stuffs the wrapper into the bag about the time the grizzled guy appears. He folds the bag over and rests it on his lap. The coffee is given attention now, but his eyes remain on the Agent up front. It might be noted that he sits with a care for those huge black wings at his back, making sure they're /behind/ the seat, rather than being sat on. The tail.. well. That has to be sat on. There's no other choice, and so he does. But feathers stick forward between his legs. He doesn't seem uncomfortable, so must be used to it.

And there it is. On the spot. Liansong sets the coffee and empty bag aside on the seat to his right, and hops to his feet. "Allo, mates," he says in a very distinct Australian accent. Clearly, not American. Of course, the feathers might have given that away. Maybe. "I'm Agent Qing Liansong. I'll be your resident science geek and patcher upper when the need calls for one. Oh. And I've been assigned physicals. So come see me before I have to come see you." The pink beak at the frong of his face gapes open. Maybe it's a smile? It looks kind of threatening. And those round owl eyes don't make it any easier to tell! But, he at least /sounds/ like a happy, cheerful sort of fellow. Lovely. A cheerful doctor. Just what everyone needed!

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha murmurs under her breath to Skye, "I don't like picking sides so figured this was the safest spot in the room." Which Skye will know is just her joking. These meetings are commonplace for the duo in the years they've been with the agency. Natasha even remembered a time before SHIELD had this particular setup so it'd been a lot of meetings in her time.

"Welcome to the party," Natasha says as she gives a wave along with a few of the other agents in the room. Physicals? She has to wonder who he ticked off to get that assignment fresh in the office.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
A brief glance is cast towards the briefcase when the latches are snicked open, and Yaozu watches as the papers are removed. He keeps his hands resting lightly on his lap, sitting still. And listening, as the man at the podium starts to speak. One of his eyebrows quirks up slightly at the mention of the operation in the Czech Republic, a thing he hadn't heard about until this moment. He continues to listen, and he's quiet. He isn't surewhat the 'AIM problem' is, but he doesn't ask.

And then... well, then there are introductions, which aren't terribly unexpected, given that neither he nor Liansong have been here for very long. His gaze turns to Liansong, listening as he offers his introduction to the group. And only once he's finished does he rise to his feet. He half bows, his braid snaking forward over his left shoulder, his gaze downcast to look to none directly. It's a sign of respect. "Lin Yaozu," he offers. And that is apparently all he offers, before he sits again.

Phobos has posed:
    There's a wave of good sentiment that goes out when Liansong speaks. Just a positive vibe that's engendered by the birth of so many smiles that seem infectious from each table as they watch the pair of new agents. And when Yaozu adds a few as well, some of the agents are nodding and Kelso even goes so far as to quirk an eyebrow and makes a small 'hnh' sound as if not sure that's all there is to be heard.
    "You heard them," Reynard says, smiling just a little himself. "Let's all do our best to make 'em feel at home." That said the man at the podium tosses them a small three-fingered salute from his brow. Nothing formal, just a casual gesture.
    "Alright. I know a lot of you weren't around for all parts of the operation. To some of you this is old news, some of you it's new, everyone pay attention, we'll need insights down the line. Our current operational target is Advanced Idea Mechanics. Or AIM for short. Our current information is available in front of you on the data displays, but Reader's Digest, they're scientists, but assholes."
    There's a faint click and upon the display appears a map of the Czech Republic with Cesky Krumlov highlighted as well as an image of three rather stern looking men down in the bottom right corner. For those that know the former SHIELD agent, one of those men is Tony Masters, the Taskmaster.
    "First stage, we get a heads up of heightened activity in Czechoslovakia. Agent Romanoff and her support team were on an asset recovery when they learned of a strong intelligence presence in the city of Cesky Krumlov. There was a yellow level of conflict initiated, enough to bring the attention of our intelligence gathering apparatus to full focus on the city."
    He gives a nod to Natasha, "Agent Romanoff. Feel free to jump in here if I'm missing anything."
    Though he does press on, "We were able to ascertain that AIM had hired Tony Masters to facilitate the training of an advanced cadre of soldiers for an unknown purpose. Next phase..."
    The image flickers and changes to a historical old cathedral, "We escalated to a red status, and Agents Barton, Johnson, and Romanoff led the initial infiltration supported by two Tactical Response Teams." A nod is given to the goon squad sitting on the left side of the room. Some of them are grinning, Agent Kelso definitely is, Agent Aaron though is sparing a glance for the other side of the room and sitting bolt upright, grinning a little. Then clearing his throat and affecting a more neutral visage.
    "This was, also, Agent Johnson's first effort in a direct field combat capacity, and I must say, impressive work Agent Johnson."
    There's a pause, "Questions so far?"

Quake has posed:
"The Doctor?" whispers Skye to Nat. "Has me at ten thirty. In the morning. Wtf. He's insane." But then again he probably needed a fresh set of tests which would take some time. Still.. ten thirty?!

And there it is. *Boom* Skye nods her head, but she still feels weird about her new role.

Liansong "Song" Qing has posed:
Liansong had likely picked his spot at the back and right in the middle for the reason that he doesn't like picking sides either. His ear tufts lift up, something that gives him an interested or curious sort of appearance, as his head turns to look to the table with Natasha and Skye. "Thanks. Happy ta be here." He really sounds like he is happy, too. Maybe it's an interesting change of pace? Hard to say, really. The salute is returned with one of his own. Only.. it's a two fingered salute. The other two fingers lie against his wrist.

For himself, Liansong takes his time sitting down. He looks to Yaozu, but doesn't seem overly surprised at the minimal words from the agent. Nope, not surprised at all. Once he's sat again, Liansong reaches for his coffee and has a drink of it. His head turns so his eyes can look to the front again.

Liansong laughs. "Aren't most of us scientists assholes?" he asks in an amused sort of voice, though it's not overly loud, it probably carries none the less. It seems, other than that rhetorical question, Liansong doesn't have any further questions.

His head turns toward Skye and Natasha again, probably at Skye's words. His beak gapes open in that almost eery sort of smile. If he heard, he doesn't seem bothered by the label of insanity. Word has it, he volunteered for physicals duty.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
A nod is given to Lian at his brief intro. Didn't really tell a lot but really, she has to respect it.

"Think that's against policy somewhere. Anything before noon," Natasha mutters to Skye only to fall silent as Agent Reynard starts up again. Then he drops their names and she grins over at Skye before answering.

"The other two are still on the loose but Tony Masters, codename Taskmaster, was taken into custody." She did not add there was a betting pool for how long before he broke back out. The guy was almost impossible to keep caged for long.

"Agent Johnson was field tested and was amazing. The new agents on tactical handled themselves well. It was a good op."

Yaozu Lin has posed:
There might be a reason why Lin Yaozu is a field agent. His conservation with words might be part of that reason. Or it might be something else entirely. He inclines his head towards the man at the podium in response to the salute, and keeps his hands resting lightly within his lap now. His hands hadn't parted one from the other when he'd stood up to offer his name, though he does slip his left hand away from his right hand now. His fingers catch the rampant braid that had snuck over his shoulder and then flick it back over his shoulder before his hand lowers to his lap once more, returning to the position it had started in.

Yaozu tilts his head faintly to one side as the map is brought up on the display, and he watches as well as listens. Quiet, as is his apparent habit. One of his eyebrows quirks just a touch at some of the information. He glances briefly towards Liansong near to him, but then returns his attention forward. It seems likely that he has no questions to offer, for he offers none.

Phobos has posed:
    "These are the types of science guys that will find a t-rex head in a block of ice, reanimate it, and give it jet boosters so it can bite passenger jets." Which may or may not be available for perusal in the data display under the files of known experiments.
    Reynard then clicks the control in his hand again and the image changes to a series of overlays, blue prints showing an elaborate network of tunnels and large rooms, an underground base, images of fallen drones and robotic units, as well as Taskmaster being carted off in a stretcher. He lets Romanoff speak uninterrupted and waits til she gives her angle, deferring to her before he nods and continues.
    "Next phase, the lead agents and response teams were able to secure the use of several cargo elevators to deploy into the central base area. A large conflict erupted, while Agent Johnson was able to protect our operatives from electronic warfare attack, the combat elements were able to secure the area in under five minutes, the sweep and clear took six hours for full completion."
    Reynard straightens up, "All in all, yeah, good op. We came out of it with some good tech, some good insight. Masters we have under lock and key, currently undergoing interrogation. He's a tough nut to crack, psyops is soliciting insight and angles if anyone has a good idea."
    "Agent Yaozu, if you get some time to review the combat logs, I'd appreciate any insight you might have to offer about the special soldiers that were fighting alongside Taskmaster." A glance is given over to Liansong, "Also, we have some medical samples for what we think might be some sort of biological enhancements we'd like you to look at Agent Liansong."
    The papers in his hand shuffle and his eyebrows rise, "Agent Johnson, you've already been working on the data infrastructure. R&D wanted me to ask you to go over the datafeeds from the operation. Some of the network admins are thinking that the AIM techs were not just attacking you but trying to get a read on how we do things. So if you can analyze the data and see if they were feeding it elsewhere or making observations... that would be good to know."
    He sets he papers down. "So where we're at right now. We have only a few leads. With how AIM is organized they don't have much info on other operations. Masters might, we didn't capture any other high echelon individuals." His eyebrows rise, "We might have to go back to passive and listening for further rumblings, or make some noise of our own. Floor's open."
    That said Reynard steps back and waits to acknowledge whomever might wish to advance their thoughts.

Quake has posed:
Now Skye laughs at Natasha's words quietly. "That's almost what I said!"

Then she was addressed. "Indeed. I have a suspicion that IcedLotus may be working for them. Or once was. She will bring you closer, and closer until can trap you and delve your secrets. She is, probably, one of the top five net hackers in the world. And worse she does it for fun. She is, at the best of the knowledge, independently wealthy. This will be nothing for her."

Liansong "Song" Qing has posed:
There's something about the tall owl-man that might just seem approachable. Maybe it's because he almost look like a big stuff toy. It's the feathers. They make him look fluffy. Liansong's head turns back to the front and, for the moment, he does his best to tune out anything that isn't relevant to the briefing itself. Though, there is a nod of appreciation to the two agents called out, Romanoff and Johnson. Perhaps that's what the owl-grin was for?

For the moment, Liansong remains silent but for the occasionally click or rub sound from his beak. It moves, occasionally, almost of its own volition.

The talk of reanimating a t-rex head? That gets him sitting up straighter, and his beak gapes again. "That sounds like fun, though," he says. Again, the comment is not overly loud. He goes quiet again, as talk goes back to the mission being discussed.

Theres a sort nod as he's called for looking at medical samples. "I'll get to it straight after this meeting." Liansong is clearly thinking that over. Probably looking forward to it too. That interest peaks at the mention of someone named IceLotus. That isn't a name he's ever heard before. Pseudonym?

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"If IcedLotus is involved, she'll only stay as long as they hold her interests," Natasha adds. "She's only loyal to herself. Things get too hot, she's going to bug out."

And at that she falls back silent to let others give their input.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
When his name is mentioned, one of his eyebrows faintly quirks up, his attention secured. He inclines his head towards the agent, his gaze downcast. Again, that sign of respect. "Yes, sir," Yaozu says, giving his agreement to the order. There's nothing offered about if he has time for it, but he will make the time for looking at the footage. He doesn't have a lot of other duties as of yet, and so having the time is a bit of a non-issue at this point. Otherwise, he remains quiet and relatively still. Relatively, though there is a slight twitch of the fingers of his left hand and a minute adjustment of his position where he sits.

Phobos has posed:
    Reynard nods along a bit with Skye's and Natasha's words and then tells them, "Then I suppose we're lucky to have someone better, s'why you get paid the big bucks, Johnson." But it does look like he's a little displeased as makes a note on his pad of paper in front of him, a pen bouncing a little as he scribbles.
    He takes a glance out over the crowd. There are people nodding, others that are looking thoughtful. Kelso has the data display at his table up and running and is scrolling through some information to show one of his squadmates, while Aaron leans forward over his shoulder to look. The man at the podium gives a nod in recognition to Song, makes another note on one of his pieces of paper.
    He looks around the room to the others, "Alright, then Response Teams, stay ready. Condition yellow in case we need you. Everyone else, you have your normal duties and what we have to focus on here. I'll be in my office, it's the one with Reynard on it." That said he looks around for any last questions then closes his folder up and stuffs it into his briefcase.
    "Again, good work guys." And with that he steps down off the podium.
    Which as soon as that happens voices pick up and conversations begin anew as several agents start discussing what passed.

Quake has posed:
As Reynard says she's better than IcedLotus, Skye face begins to close down with nary a clue whether or not she believes him. She was up against her several times prior, and she would like it if she was never faced with IcedLotus again.

Liansong "Song" Qing has posed:
The name alone is enough to pique Liansong's interest. IcedLotus. It's so exotic sounding! Well, to his little Ozzy soul, it is, anyway. But he has, thankfully, been distracted away by thoughts of interesting samples to test and figure out. So lost in his thoughts is he, thinking about what might be, he doesn't even look at anybody. He doesn't look up at all when Reynard heads off.

In fact, it's a good five minutes later before he finally focuses on the room at large again. And there's a blink, and finally a glance to Yaozu. "I think I missed the end of the briefing," he says, amusement heard in his voice. His head turns, a fourty-five degree angle until he's looking sideways. "Ah," he says after a few moments. "I see it now. At least I didn't miss anything overly important." That's got to be a bonus, right?

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Seeing the slight change in Skye's body language, Natasha puts a hand on her arm briefly, giving it a squeeze. Then she releases just as fast.

She did rise up to her feet, picking up her cup of coffee and preparing to head out.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
There's a nod about the yellow condition, and his hands remain in his lap as he watches the fellow stepping down from the podium. His gaze flicks over the others, and then he smoothly rises to his feet. Tilting his head a touch to one side, he looks over to Liansong, a flicker of curiosity touching his eyes. "You did not miss anything vital," he says softly, inclining his head towards the avian. "It seems we will both have work to do," he adds, a hint of a smile barely touching at the corners of his lips.

Yaozu moves his right hand lightly to rest at the small of his back, and he slightly bows to song. "I should see about acquiring the footage," he says. Though that will mean finding out who has it to provide him access to it.

Phobos has posed:
    The teams start to rise and break up, people begin to filter out and head off on their own tasks or their own ways. Agent Kelso and Aaron start to walk up the steps toward the door in the back, down the central aisle between the seats and tables. Though as they pass the first set, Aaron lifts a hand in greeting then says.
    "It was good working with you both," His words sent to Agent Romanoff and Agent Johnson. Just a small greeting before he's ushered forward and heading further toward the exit.
    Though as he's moved on those near or with rather fine hearing will likely overhear Kelso lean over and say, "Kiss ass." Quietly under his breath toward Alexander.
    Though when the pair reach Song and Yaozu they both give a nod. "Welcome to the team."
    "Yeah," Kelso adds, "Will be good working with you guys." Though they're still walking, not exactly lingering for now. Other Agents, however, are offering similar statements as they pass by.

Quake has posed:

Back to the sim cards and other things Alex and Clint had brought her. Those, plus - assuming she was checking Skye and SHIELD capabilities - the last bit of clues, give her a lot to work on. But why? Why would she sit back, especially with us taking the Taskmaster into custody, doing nothing?

Skye is confused, but she manages a brief smile for Alex and Kelso. "That thing I was looking at?" She nods at Alex. "Nothing to worry about. My mistake." And she lets it sit at that.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha heads toward the door but gives a brief smile and nod to the new agents. "Look forward to working with you both." Then she is walking toward the same door the Tactical Team is using.

She takes a sip of her coffee as she slips past Agents Aaron and Kelso, giving them a nod. "Seriously, your team did well out there. For newbies." A smile takes the sting out of the words. It was only a couple of months before she had helped with their combat training as cadets. Things came full circle.

She moved past, then headed into the hall to go check in at her office.

Liansong "Song" Qing has posed:
Liansong tunrs his head to look at Yaozu. He nods. "Yeah. I just had to think about it to recall. Thanks, though, I appreciate it." He owl-grins. "That we do, mate. That we do. If you find yourself needing help, I'm decent at catching patterns." He rises to his feet as well. Once up, he takes the time to stretch his wings back, but not out, and adjusts his poor, abused tail. It probably doesn't care much for being sat on.

Liansong glances about, ear tufts up and 'perked', almost like he's listening to things. He is listening, but not through the tufts. Each of the statements of welcome and looking forward to working with are met with nods, and owl-grins. And words of thanks. "Thanks, mate. Me too. I have a feeling it's going to be interesting." He turns his head to hve a look over those present. "Hmm. Who do you suppose I should ask about the location of those samples?" His head turns so he's looking at Yaozu, making it clear who he's talking to.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
There is a brief glance cast over the other agents as they also start to rise, watching some few of them as they disperse. His gaze slips to the pair (Kelso and Alexander) who make their way towards the exit at the back, watching them. He bows in response to the words, his braid slithering forward over his left shoulder, again. "Thank you," he says simply. There isn't much more than that for him to say. His hazel gaze turns towards Natasha, and he inclines his head towards her. "I look forward to it as well," Yaozu says.

His attention returns back to Liansong, and he faintly tilts his head to one side before he gives a small nod. "I will remember that, thank you. It should be interesting, yes. And I would expect that you would ask the same person about the samples as what I would ask about the footage," he comments, the faintest thread of amusement to his words. The fingers of his left hand give a faint twitch, and then he gives in to the impulse to lift his hand and flick his braid to his back.