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Latest revision as of 14:11, 10 April 2021

Pit Stops
Date of Scene: 02 April 2021
Location: A remote forested location in the US.
Synopsis: Rogue meets Star-Lord as he's performing mending work on the Milani in the middle of nowhere. He offers her a joyride through the Sol system for the good conversation.
Cast of Characters: Star-Lord, Rogue

Star-Lord has posed:
Aliens are nothing new to Earth these days. Multiple alien invasions and a number of open refugees on the planet itself makes it clear that the days of human isolation are long past.

Of course, said aliens outside the famous ones *cough* Kryptonians *cough* can be very uncommon. So, when Anna is flying over a forested area way west of the Tri-State area, it may or may not come as a surprise to see a corvette sized vessel of some kind parked next to a mountain that partially conceals it from view.

From the top, it actually does a pretty good job of keeping skyward eyes from seeing it, but at an angle, you can just see what looks a lot like a bridge at the front, with windows.

Rogue has posed:
One never knows what one is going to find when out for a leisurely fly around. Possibly looking for anything that might be setting up to threaten the tri-state area, possibly just trying to find a place to chill out and be alone for a little bit. Rogue is a bit of a loner type, even if she's slowly having her walls cracked by those she's surrounded herself with.

Never the less, as she flies over that forested mountain valley, she stops and hovers in mid-air, looking and then double looking at something she swears she saw but then sort of lost. Curiosity piqued, she decidedly flies towards the ground, swooping up and landing gently among the trees, though she does then hover so she can cover more ground quicker and get closer to the ship she spotted.

Star-Lord has posed:
Yep. That's a space ship. Or at least a small one. There's nothing on Earth that looks remotely like the design of it.

Also, that's most definitely a human figure flying about on.... rocket boots?... Something to do with rockets, anyway. Wearing a brown duster and a patchwork outfit that would fit any able bodies advanturer, Peter Quill AKA Star-Lord is definitely doing some outside maintenance with some sort of matter generating gun. Yes, a device that is literally filling in metal on parts of the ship, visibly.

He doesn't seem to have seen her yet. But then, he seems busy doing repairs.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue considers what's in front of her. A spaceship that doesn't look like it was made here on Earth - unless Stark Industries has a new design they're flushing out the woodworks or something. And a human flying around it using rocket boosts - which would be an interesting sight - except for the aforementioned Stark company ran by...literally...a man who flies around with rocket boosters.

So Rogue has two choices, and by the looks of it, the person with the space ship doesn't seem to be doing anything more menacing than just patchwork repairs. So she jumps up into a tree on the edge of the clearing where the ship is, pulls an apple from - somewhere - and then turns and lounges on her tree branch. And bites into the apple. While keeping an eye on not-so-space-man spaceman.

Star-Lord has posed:
It takes a minute or two for sure. Apparently the man really does focus. Also, there's no way that's Tony himself on those rockets. Peter has light brown hair. Tony has brown.

Nonetheless, eventually, the man /does/ notice the human woman just inside the forest, and a quick right finger tap to the back of his ear suddenly has a blue light grid flick steadily over his face, resulting in some sort of helmet with red lenses for eyes... and those red lenses are aimed at her and glowing.

A few seconds later, and the man waves at her. "Hey there! Don't mind me, just doing my handsome mechanic thing." He's got a natural charisma to him that comes out as casual charm.

Rogue has posed:
Oh gods. So this guy is going to sort of be like if Tony Stark and Deadpool had a baby. Mechanically inclined, narcassistic, pain in the ass. Rouge takes another bite of her apple and then tilts her head as the man puts on a...mask? She doesn't seem too phased by it, and soon shifts to hop down from her perch and walks into the clearing.

"Hey yerself. Don't normally see folks parked this far away from civilization. What makes you so special? Or did you have a faulty landing?" Asking this as she watches him, that thick Mississippi accent something she can never seem to get rid of.

Star-Lord has posed:
Without warning, those rockets take off again, and the man deftly flies through the air to stop a few feet away from Anna, before he twists his legs to the front and expertly stops himself before plopping himself to the surface. His right finger clicks that helmet off, then, and one Peter Quill can be seen close up now.

He looks exactly like a human.

"I don't know what makes me special, darling." Peter shrugs a bit, his arms crossing at his chest in a casual manner, "I'm half Terran and half something no one can identify." Then, he brings up his right hand and flicks a thumb back at the Milano. "Routine maintenance. I was stopping by Terra for some business and decided to get it done. My mechanic Rocket is busy elsewhere, so I gotta take care of it." He smiles at her. It's charming and just a bit flirtatious...

On a completely unrelated note, he has an unmistakable Missouri accent. "Peter Quill. Most call me Star-Lord. Pleased to meet you."

Rogue has posed:
"Terra?" Rogue swirls that word around her brain space once and then ah's. "Right. Terra's what some of you space folk call Earth. But if you're half...Terran...why not just call it Earth." She wonders aloud while watching him, and that smile. Oh he's also one of those I'm definitely charming, right? types. Still, she smirks. "What business does a half Terran half unidentified loner in a ship that needs touch up have on Terra itself?"

Even asking these questions, Rogue is practically laughing at herself. His accent is familiar, but she's already jabbed at him enough both verbally and mentally. Then he's introducing himself and she gives him a sort of up-nod. "Rogue. Pleasure to meet you Peter Quill." That smirk remains, a touch flirty, a touch trouble.

Star-Lord has posed:
There's a slight shrug, then, his arms going to his sides as he moves to sit down, which opens the duster enough for Anna to see the 'rockets'; a set of jet attachments that are looped around hia ankles. It might be the same sort of technology as powered armor suits on Earth. She also gets a glimpse at a pair of very alien looking devices that look holstered at his hips.

"Only natives who have been around on this planet call it Earth. I got in the habit of calling it Terra decades ago because everyone else does. If you do, you're considered weird. Trust me, it's a thing." Peter chuckles a bit, "I was born here, but not really raised here." Then, he points to the Milano, "I know some people here... and I make monthly coffee runs. No other planet makes that stuff well enough for me to be able to like it."

Then, he pauses briefly. "Rogue? Interesting name. Is that your earned name, like Star-Lord?"

Rogue has posed:
"I suppose that makes sense. More sense than you spendin' yer life here only to just call it Terra cause yer space friends do.." Rogue offers and then lifts her brow, letting out a laugh. "You mean ta tell me that outta anywhere else in this universe you could travel to, we're the ones who make the best coffee? What, they ain't got somethin' akin ta starbucks out in space land?"

She watches as he sits, noting the various things that come into better view with his jacket spread like it does. She's got nothing to hide in her body suit and gloved hands. "Ah. I guess you could say that. I've been goin' by Rogue for a while now, and it's what everyone calls me, so.." Then she smirks. "So, how does a half Terran half undetermined earn a name like Star-Lord?"

Star-Lord has posed:
"Terra is the planet that makes a coffee variant that I respond well to. I'm half human. Humans come from here." Peter explains as he casually glances over to the Milano... then inspects it slowly. "Man, I don't even know where to start." Peter sighs, just a bit dramatically. Maybe wistfully? "Out there, I'm a Legendary Outlaw. Well, formerly. Ever since that one time we saved the universe from a gigantic ahole, me and the Guardians have been doing what we can to keep our galaxy spinning and got our records clean. We do a little bit of everything, for a price."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue seems to think on this a moment and then she shrugs her shoulders. "Fair enough, I suppose." This and then she steps forward and looks the ship over, like she actually understands what she's looking at. "I've got m'own past...as most do. I spent a while on my own...doin' my own thing an'all..." She explains. "So I started going by the name Rogue. It stuck." Finally, she looks up to the skies, and a slight smirk crosses over her lips. "I dunno. I like Star-Lord. It has a certain..." She waves a hand and murmurs, "Je nais se quoi..."

Star-Lord has posed:
"You'd like Drax. Probably." Peter notes with a hint of amusement. "What brings you out here, anyway? As I said, I'm just doing a pit stop and visiting some people I know here. I specifically came out here because it's the ass end of nowhere, and here you are."

Rogue has posed:
There's a tilt of the woman's head as she considers Quill for a moment and then she shrugs once more. "I got bored. Figured I'd fly out to no man's land, see if there's trouble loomin'. Ya never know these days, yeah? What with aliens and space pirates, and all that shit..." There's another smile on Rogue's lips as she steps back and looks down to Quill once more. "Least you're not a threat. 'Less y'are, an' pullin' the wool o'er my eyes but...I don't rightly think so."

Star-Lord has posed:
"Oh, there are plenty of pirates out there. I still have to fight them on occasion." Peter chuckles. "Plenty of bounty hunters too, including us. We don't go after the sadistic bounties though. We vet what jobs we take. I know one loon who doesn't care who he hurts though. I'd stay clear of him. White, wild hair, goes by Lobo."

Then, he allie oops up and gets to his feet, a charming demeanor to his walk as he heads for the Milano, "most Terrans I know haven't gone into space. Care for a joyride?"

Rogue has posed:
"Yeah. I figure as much. Ever since they were introduced to Ear-Terra...seems we're just a hot spot for pokin' 'round on." Rogue offers, still listening to what Quill explains. "Lobo. Alright. I'll keep that in mind." Then, as Quill goes to stand and walks back towards his ship, she cocks one eyebrow upward as he mentions that last thing about Terrans and space. "I'll admit I've been to space, but it was never for a joyride. So, sure, why not." Stepping forward to follow Quill into the Milano.

Star-Lord has posed:
"Normally I charge for this." Peter informs her with a casual air. "But I'm feeling generous and you seem like someone I'd like as a friend." Peter smiled over his shoulder at her, a bit casual with the flirtation in it, as he walked over. Then, he looks back to the Milano, and his right hand comes up to flick behind his ear again. That helmet 'appears' again, and a ramp in the back of the ship slowly descends; a loading ramp of some kind, probably. "Hop aboard. Mind the mess. I haven't cleaned up the cargo bay yet."

Rogue has posed:
"Well, momma once told me it wasn't smart ta ride wit' strangers." Rogue quips back. "Course, I don't think mama ever thought a stranger'd be lettin' me onta his spaceship." Watching as that helmet appears again and she grins. It's very light flirtation, and for her, that's all it can ever be. Still, she'll have fun with it while she can, and be safe about it for Quill's sake. Waiting as that ramp appears, she side-looks to Quill as he warns about the mess and shrugs. "I've seen my fair share of messes. M'sure it's fine." Then, once the ramp is down, she hops aboard.