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Latest revision as of 14:12, 10 April 2021

After Healing... Topless
Date of Scene: 29 March 2021
Location: Buffy's Room, Apartment 214 (TBD)
Synopsis: Food, tea, and pleasant conversation about monsters.
Cast of Characters: Xiang Zhao, Vitali Svyatoslav, Willow Rosenberg

Xiang Zhao has posed:
The hour is late, but not yet midnight, late. In fact, there's a couple of hours left until midnight. The motion light outside the boys' room on the balcony is curiously not functioning. The curtains to the sliding glass door remain open to allow moonlight from the full moon to pour into the room. This illuminates a curious scene. Xiang stretched out on the bed half on his left side appears to be asleep. Vitali on his knees on the floor next to the bed, his arms folded on the edge of the bed, head on his arms, appears to also be asleep. That can't be comfortable. On the bed behind him, his outer robe, dark blue and grey, with a tattered left sleeve, as well as two white shirts, each with blood on the left side.

Neither men wear shirts. Two tattoos can be seen, with how Xiang is lying, a curious swirl that is a Tao symbol just below his left collarbone. And a small stylized rat done in a yin yang on his right shoulderblade. And there are scars to be seen. They seem equally comprised of having been made by blades or claws. Two big claw ones on his back that can be seen, one higher up, just missing the rat, one further down on the left over his kidney area. One large slice, probably from a sword, on his chest just to the right of his heart.

Topless as he is, it's easy to see that Xiang, though fairly muscular like he works out a fair amount, is also quite thin. His skin has a healthy color to it, at least. Xiang Zhao stirs on the bed, head moving a little bit. The fingers of his left hand twitch, then go still. His dark eyes open slowly. He looks momentarily confused. Like not certain exactly where he is or how he got there.

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
Sometimes, a person has little control or say over what position they happen to fall asleep in. He'd been shirtless and barefooted when Zhao had returned, and had taken no time to fix either of those things. Vitali had realized that there was a possibility that the healing could take more energy from him than what he had to give. That it could render him unconscious. So he had knelt next to the bed before even beginning. For as meticulous as he had been about the taint that had been in Zhao from what had attacked him, it had taken nearly all of the energy that he'd had left in him. He'd been able to stay awake after the healing for only a couple of minutes before sleep had washed over him to claim him.

And so he slept, uncomfortably, kneeling on the floor and with his forearms on the edge of the bed, his head turned to the side and resting on his arms. His long dark hair is tied with a black leather thong in a ponytail at the nape of his neck, and it hides a small part of the tattoo on his back in the places where it falls across. Interestingly, there are no scars that mar his skin. Not a single one on any of the skin that can be seen. A strange thing, perhaps, given how rough life likely is in his native home.

Soraya stands on the railing at the foot end of the bed, alert and awake. Her feathers are slightly fluffed, and she watches over both of the men with equal attention. Thanks to the bond that she shares with Vitali, she can sense his state of being, at least. She knows he sleeps, and she does nothing to wake him. When Zhao stirs, she tilts her head to one side to peer at him, and then she gives a quiet click of her beak and a soft little sound. Perhaps trying, in her own avian way, to offer some manner of reassurance.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow has been lost in scrying. Originally she was studying, really she was! Even her string theory was open in her bed. Really she tried to get to studying tonight. What she actually did was look at several things Giles had mentioned. Namely Mr. Fontainebleau.

In fact she got so wrapped in that time slipped away, until her tummy rumbled furiously.

Quietly she crept out of her room trying to make as little noise as she could. After all, she had roommates! In fact, should *they* be hungry too? *Ponder* The door to what used to Buffy's room was half open, causing her to knock softly so as not to startle them.

"It's late, should I get some pizza? Sorta a yay, you're my roommates!" And there she stopped. She takes in the bloody sheets, and the two men passed out, Soraya keeping watch. "What's.. no, you can't talk." She worries her lower lip. "Okay. First, tea. Then worry about dinner." *If* they even wanted some.

Willow quickly and quietly left to get tea.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao is wearing pants that look loose and comfortable. His shoes are still on his feet. Life in his own native home isn't as rough as all that. But a lifetime of training with bladed weapons, coupled with a good fifteen or more years of fighting monsters and demons and other evil things could be considered rough. And it shows, that life, on the visible parts of Xiang's body. At the nape of his neck can be seen a glimpse of the same two hanzi as had been on that calligraphy brush set Willow had gifted him. There's got to be some sort of story there.

Xiang's eyes find Vitali, there so close to where he himself lays. He blinks stupidly as he looks at the top of the Siberian's head. Confused. So confused. His expression is obvious - /what/ had /happened/? The tension in his muscles is also obvious. Soraya's soft little sounds, from the beak click to the quiet vocalization brings his eyes to her. And he relaxes, somewhat. The eagle being relaxed is reassuring. He lifts his left hand to rub at his face, then looks down at his side. And blinks. "Suoyi bu xiguan," he mutters quietly, half under his breath.

Willow's knock has Xiang reaching for the nearest piece of clothing - one of the bloody, white shirts, and hastily covers himself. Clearly, the man, as confident and calm as he generally appears, is extremely body shy. He's silent for a moment until his brain clicks into gear. "Pete'sa? What is pete'sa?" Pete'sa? Maybe he's trying to say 'pizza'? The word seems entirely unfamiliar to him!

As the redhead makes to leave, Xiang reaches his left arm toward her, as though imploring her to stop. And then drops his hand back to his side. He moves to sit up instead, and reaches out with that hand, one finger extended, to poke Vitali lightly in the center of his forehead. "Vitali." He pauses. Then tries again. "Vitali." Another pause, another try. "Tali-gege." Each rendition of Vitali's name has an extra included poke to the forehead. At least the pokes are relatively gentle. Meant to get attention, not to harm.

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
Soraya can talk, it's just not a language that's really understandable by humans other than her human. And with him, she has a magic-woven link directly into his brain so she generally relies on that. Except when she's trying to add emphasis to a point. When Willow peeks into the room, Soraya's attention swiftly turns towards the redheaded woman, and she tilts her head a bit to one side. It's a gesture that Vitali does often. Soraya clicks her beak, softly, and ruffles her feathers a little bit. She seems calm, though.

Vitali is ignorant of the fact that there had even been an offer of some manner of food that he's entirely unfamiliar with. And equally ignorant of the fact that Willow had peeked into the room. With his energy having been used up and being significantly in need of replenishment, he is rather soundly asleep.

And then there's a tap to the centre of his forehead. Soraya cants her head to the side and eyes Zhao with a questioning look. Vitali doesn't even move at the first tap. Soraya ruffles her wings and seems... more amused than anything else at the second tap. The Siberian man gives a faint murmur, at that one, but still not awake. With the third tap, it's possible that Soraya might get herself involved to help Zhao. It's not visible, if she does. Vitali's lashes give a sleepy flicker and he opens his dark eyes, giving a soft murmur. "Utro, Zhao...?" He's... a bit confused at the moment himself, though more regarding the time rather than what happened. He blinks a couple of times, then slowly lifts his head, his neck sore from the position. Definitely not morning yet, or so his body readily tells him by the lack of energy within himself. He sways, just a little bit, trying hard not to let it show.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Now she had a conundrum: Tea, which would be fortifying, or check out Vitali.

"He looks exhausted." Willow hoped. Drats! Now she is worried even though Soraya does not seem too worried. "I tell you what, I'll check him out, and then I'll get tea ready." Including peanut butter sandwiches and the cookies she'd made earlier. But even as she walked into the room, it is apparent the Vilati is alive and well, just tired. "I'll be back, ten minutes max." And she goes.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Yes. Except for the fact that Xiang Zhao is /right/ /there/. He's too close, there's no possible way he can miss that sway. He reaches out his hand, the same one he'd been poking Vitali in the forehead with, and places it on the Siberian's shoulder. "Willow. Wants to know about pete'sa, whatever that is. And tea. And dinner. We should eat, both of us." Well, it's true! They both really should.

The memory is rapidly returning, now that Xiang's awake. "Just exhausted, as you say. I do not remember it, but he must have had to heal me. The injuries are gone." He's still holding that white shirt up against himself, like some shy girl who's afraid to let herself be seen in a compromising position. It's not really all that manly, but Xiang doesn't seem to be worried about that part! Maybe it's less manly where he's from to let oneself be seen uncovered.

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
If only it was just the looking exhausted part. Vitali feels exhausted as well. Exhausted and drained, but he has enough energy to at least be conscious and awake in the moment. Soraya studies him for a long moment, and then she gives a soft click of her beak before settling anew, feathers slightly fluffed. She still doesn't seem worried over him, though she does keep an eye on him.

Vitali blinks a couple of times, for it takes a moment for his brain to actually start functioning and process what's being said. Did he hear tea mentioned? "Chay...? Pozhaluysta," he says softly, his voice near a whisper, giving a faint little nod, his gaze sliding towards Willow. More movement than that, of his head at least, might not be overly good for his consciousness. He gratefully leans into the touch on his shoulder, and his dark gaze turns to Zhao, giving him a little smile. Then he blinks a little bit, his brow furrowing as a bit of confusion finds him. "Pete'sa?"

There's a faint nod, to agree with the statement of being exhausted. "Da... should eat," he agrees, quietly. "Did need heal," he adds, confirming that as well. Though he doesn't provide any details at all.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow was exactly 6 minutes and thirty three seconds before she was done. "Peanut butter. It's good, and will begin to perk you up." Of course, she brought the cookies too. Chocolate chips and walnuts. Mmmm!

"Sooo.." After she has help to sit, and poured each one a tea cup. "What happened?"

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao only keeps his hand where it is until Vitali seems to be a bit more steady. Then the hand withdraws and Xiang shifts to place his feet on the floor and stand up. He moves to the chest, tossing the bloody shirt on the bed as he goes. It gets flipped open and rifled through until he comes up with two more shirts, one lighter than the other, both open at the front with angled hems, and a robe of turquoise with black embroidery like peacock feathers.

He walks back to the bed and sits on the edge of it. He's pulled on the innermost shirt, the lighter weight of the two, when Willow returns. He glances to her, not the slightest bit perturbed now that he's at least mostly covered how he should be. He starts to pull on the heavier of the two shirts as he speaks. "Demon. I was hunting. They have had some issues in China town not far away. I got distracted with one of them and missed my mark. It took advantage of that and injured me." He tucks the second shirt into the top of his pants and reaches for the robe. "I remember getting back here, and sitting down, and not much else." He reaches for the sash and puts it on, then pulls the outer robe on over top of it. Normally he wears the sash on top, but not today, apparently.

Of note are a dao sword leaned against the bed, a white jade flute with engravings painted in pale blue that look like wind, and his fan sitting on the bed itself. "It being a demon, I am certain it had claws tainted with demonic energy. I do not remember the healing. I must have fainted from the taint."

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
There's a flicker of his attention that follows the bloody shirt that's tossed aside, and Vitali frowns a little bit. "Will clean. Later," he says quietly, his brow furrowing a touch. He's not going to leave it bloody. He hasn't the energy to even consider trying to clean it now, and he knows it even without Soraya scolding him.

Vitali shifts a little bit, pushing himself up a touch so that he's no longer leaning on the bed. His muscles are sore and a bit stiff, and he turns to place his back against the edge of the bed. He folds his legs, in cross-legged fashion, perhaps not entirely trusting to get up just yet. His dark gaze lifts as Willow returns, a flicker of curiosity coming to his eyes at the unfamiliar scents that come along with her. And he blinks a little bit, confused. "Peanut butter...?" he asks. There's no sign of recognition or familiarity with the term at all. And his stomach gives a grumble, protesting its emptiness, no doubt.

Willow earns a little smile from him as the tea is poured, and he gives a small nod of thanks to her as he reaches out to accept it. Carefully, he sets it on the floor in front of him. He looks towards Zhao as the explanation is offered, and he gives a small nod -- acknowledging the information and agreeing. "Da. Did fall down very soon after sit down. Happen very quick," he says softly, his brow furrowing a little bit. "Did heal. Wounds on side, scratch on arm. Fix all. Remove taint, da. Was there. Was very careful. Make sure remove all," Vitali adds, giving a small nod.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"That's why you hunt demons with me," Willow utters that quietly. "Really. I have spells to protect from that." Plus a little bit more. Then again, Buffy hadn't been taking her out on patrol. Partly because Willow had other duties, and partly because she had Thomas!

Once in the room the plate with sandwiches and cookies is placed on the bed, and she grabs a half sandwich. "So.. That's what you do? I mean, your chosen profession." Because somehow she did think he had anything else. She could help but notice that his 'top' was embroidered.

"Every bit?" Willow was worried. Not that she knows how to heal them. Still she asked Vitali. "Do you have any idea what kind of demon it is? I should let the group know if there is a demon wandering around out there." Or an open door to hell.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao looks at the Siberian, a little confused. Then looks to the bloody shirt and nods. "Xiexie. Not right now," he agrees. "It will need to be repaired. The robe is.." he pauses and considers. "Not salvagable, I think." He reaches for the robe and picks it up, holding the sleeve out where he can see it. The long flowy fabric had mostly done its job and had caught the worst of the strike against Zhao, but had been left in tatters as a result. He's probably right. It's not repairable. Not unless it's embroidered to cover the stitches.

He lays that robe back down and finishes settling the outer robe he'd chosen from his chest. The color looks reasonably good on him. It's a nice contrast to his pale skin and dark hair and eyes. Xiang glances to the redhead and smiles a small smile. "Xiexie." Probably for the tea and cookies. And... the peanut butter?

Back to Vitali, he nods. "Thank you. It could be very bad if any had been left behind." That might be an understatement. He looks at Willow again, surprise flickering in his eyes. "I did not know you hunted demons. Please, next time you are welcome to come." For protection against demon taint? Oh yes. He nods. "Mm. That is what I do. Part of it. I am duty bound to protect those who are unable to protect themselves."

He reaches for one of the sandwiches, as he sees Willow eating it with apparent enjoyment and tries a bite. And blinks and looks down at it. "So sweet," he says after. "It was a.. I do not know in English. Anying emo," he says in Chinese. The name is oddly musical. "They are Chinese demons. They lurk in the shadows. They are gone, now. The last three were destroyed tonight."

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
"Have wards for block evil. Not have wards for block demon taint. Is good for have spell to protect, da. Wards sometimes... bad? Not good? Work less good. Need use blood for make... blood sometimes attract things," Vitali says quietly, his brow furrowing a little bit.

He takes a moment to look over the plate with the sandwiches and cookies, and he reaches out to claim half of one of the sandwiches. With it in hand, much as he had done with the cookie, he sniffs it a little bit. Then he takes a small bite and chews on it. Then the puzzled expression is back, his brow furrowing a bit as he looks to Willow, and he tilts his head faintly to one side. "What is profession?" he asks. He sounds the word out carefully, to try to get it as close to how she said it as possible. It's not a word he's familiar with.

There's a small nod, when she questions about the taint. "Da. Did remove all taint. All gone. Check, check again. Always careful. Important for remove all," Vitali says softly, a little smile coming to his features. He sounds very sure of himself, about that. "Not know type, nyet. Many sorries," he adds, ducking his chin slightly and taking another bite of the sandwich. "Spasibo, for food. For tea," he says softly, giving a small nod to Willow.

Vitali turns his gaze to Zhao, and he gives a small nod. "Da. Later. Can sew, but... not look same. Not like heal you. Fabric will have scars," he says softly, a thoughtful note to his voice. At the talk of further talk of demons, he turns a little on the quiet side, though it could be from being a little bit focused on the food since he's continuing to eat the sandwich. Or it could be that he's just listening to Zhao and trying to focus on the information.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow gets a little smile. "See? I told you. Peanut butter. Wait until you eat it on toast." She thinks. "Burnt bread?" She hopes it translates well. Vitali, also, seems like it.

She eats her sandwich while thinking how to explain 'profession'. "Well, I suppose there are jobs. And professions. And callings. I think I may have said professions, but really I should have meant calling." She backs up a bit. "A job pays your bills. Whereas a profession, you're giving it your all. You are usually more invested in it."

Now callings..

"Sometimes you are called to be what your profession is. Like healers. Or policemen. Or teachers. Not always. But a calling mostly means you *have* to. It's right here." And her right hand covers her heart. "Sometimes you are content. Sometimes you're not. But most of all you have to, just have to." Pause. "Does that make sense?"

Xiang Zhao has posed:
"I do not have any spells that will block demon taint. Mine mostly are for defense, attack, and communication." He pauses and considers. "I suppose the talismans to call a soul back are also communication." He reaches for the cup of tea that had been given to him to take a drink of it, to cut some of the sweet of the sandwich. And then stares at the cup. "American tea," he says calmly. And then takes another drink. There is nothing to his expression but calm, but there is something of an impression that the tea might not be what he prefers.

"Xiexie. To both of you. For the healing, the food, and the tea." Like it or not, he's drinking it. He eats another bite of the sandwich. He glances to Vitali. "I have seen people sew. I have never had time to try it myself." He pauses and shakes his head. "I have also never been away from home for this long before." He nods about the fabric having scars. "Shi. It is not to be fixed."

Xiang does not seem to dislike, or like, the peanut butter. He still seems undecided on it. But he's eating it. Slowly. He listens thoughtfully as she descbribes what a profession is. "It is a duty," he says softly. "Like what I do. Protect people who are not able to protect themselves."

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
"Mmm, is good," Vitali says softly, giving a small nod. One of his eyebrows quirks up a bit at her mention of burnt bread, and he gives another little nod. "Da, am knowing burnt bread. Make bannock, sometimes," he comments, his brow furrowing a little bit. Then he gives a small shake of his head. "Not have things for make more," he adds, looking down at the sandwich and taking a bite of it.

Vitali goes quiet as he listens to Willow speak about professions, though his attention seems to perk a little bit when she mentions callings. This word, this one, he understands. "Have calling. Da," he says softly. "Not know... job. Not know bills. Know calling. Am shaman. Heal. Protect friends, family. Try for keep 'kelet' away. Try for make harvest, hunt, best. Give all can. Even if mean for fall down," he says, looking from Willow to Zhao, studying his friend for a moment. He'd give his all to protect friends and family, even if it meant bad things happening to himself. Then he finishes his half a sandwich before reaching to pick up the tea to take a sip of it, leaning back against the bed behind him.

He looks down into his mug for a moment, then glances towards Zhao a bit sheepishly as he gives a little nod, perhaps, before looking down. "Will always heal, Zhao. Always," he says quite softly, sincerely. Even if it will, one of these times, render him unconscious. He takes another sip of the tea, and after setting the mug down, he reaches out for another half of a sandwich.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow knew that the tea wasn't to anybody taste except hers. But she tried!!

As Xiang and Vitali responded positively, she knew she'd hit a chord. "Like that, yes!" Exactly like that. Especially Vitali looking towards Xiang. "We do it too. Buffy and the gang." And her. (Even when she didn't like the person she was protecting. Especially when she didn't like the person.)

She didn't have anything to fix Xiang ruined clothes. "Don't look at me. I am horrible at sewing." She really was.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
"I do not know what bannock is," says Xiang. Really, his English is quite good. Good enough, one might forget that it's not his first language. Until he up and says something like 'pete'sa'. His expression turns thoughtful. "Or pete'sa. What is pete'sa, Willow?" He shakes his head. "I do not know bills either." Xiang is rather the same, though. He'd rather suffer harm than let others suffer harm. He is at least trained for it, while he might not know who around him happens to be.

Xiang Zhao looks to Vitali and nods solemnly. "As will I heal you. Always. Any time you need healing." He finishes the last bit of the half of the sandwich half he'd taken and does /not/ reach for another one. That might be notable. He also finishes the tea and sets the cup aside. "How do you make hot water, here?" He shifts to rise to his feet, reaching for the flute to tuck it into his sash, and the fan to be held in hand and flicked open. The sword... well. He leaves that where it is. He hasn't used it since coming here. He might not have used it often before coming here. Except during practice.

Xiang looks puzzled. "Gang? What is this?" Then he looks even more puzzled, and shakes his head. "It is okay. It can be used for something else. I have others. And a muqin who will be sending more, I have no doubt."

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
The Siberian doesn't seem to dislike the tea. He's drinking it, after all. It's just different than what he's used to, and different isn't always bad. He appreciates that it's tea of any kind, and that it's a hot drink. It's helping, along with the food. "Still have more for learn," he says quite softly, his brow furrowing a touch. And no one in his family to teach him, here. He'll have to rely on the unreliable -- dreams.

Vitali looks over to Zhao, and he tilts his head a touch to one side. "Is type of bread. Cook on flat rock, or form around sticks for cook over fire. Sometimes, make wrap of wet grass, cook," he says, then gives a small nod. "Can make, can show," he offers, a smile coming to the corners of his lips. He doesn't restate his lack of knowledge about pizza, but he does give a small nod to Zhao's questions, to indicate he has the same ones. Then he gives Zhao a warm smile before giving a small nod to him. "Xiexie, Zhao... very much. Did not know could heal other," he says softly, a gentle note to his voice. He falls quiet then, finishing the second half of a sandwich before picking up the mug of tea to hold it cupped between his hands, letting the warmth of it seep into him.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Gang. How could she explain?

First.. She hands the plate to Xiang, and then to Vitali. "I can make more! Really." Or call for pizza! "I don't know how to heal. You guys are lucky. Mostly I ward. But the gang.. Well it's just a word for the group of us. You know Buffy! And some other people. Mostly we go out at night and slay the bad things so the normal people aren't even aware of them. Buffy is the Slayer!"

Surely they had heard of the Slayer!

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao doesn't precisely /dislike/ the tea. It's just not to his taste. He nods to Vitali. "Shi. Me too. Much more to learn." He nods about the bannock. "I would like that. And I will make you cakes, some day. When I figure out how I can make them without the things I am used to cooking with."

For the healing, Xiang nods. "Shi. I can heal myself and others. It is not as fast as your healing. But it is about twice the speed of normal healing." Which, let's face it, when it's dire, every little bit helps!

He politely declines the plate. "Xiexie. I am fine." After only half a peanut butter sandwich? Really Zhao? The sweetness is going to take getting used to, clearly. He shakes his head to the bit about being lucky. "You can ward poison, toxin, from demons. I cannot do that. What I can do is very.. limited. And involves fighting, most." He looks curiously at Willow. "Gang is group. Okay. I do not know Buffy. Does he slay monsters?" He?? Clearly, he doesn't even realize the name is a feminine one. It must be that most monster hunters where he's from are male. "I go out at night and ... slay .. bad things. Demons. Evil ghosts. The occasional animal spirit that has turned to evil."

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
There's a slight tilt of his head at Willow's words, and then he considers her words for a long moment before his gaze turns to Soraya. He lifts one of his hands, reaching out to lightly stroke the eagle's chest. And he spends a moment considering her words. Is he lucky for being able to heal? Soraya tilts her head to one side, eyeing him, and she clicks her beak softly. "Can heal others. Not self. Not Soraya," he says softly, his gaze turning to Willow and then to Zhao, studying each of them in turn. There's a certain gravity to that information.

"Met Buffy, da. You bring to camp. Not know Slayer," Vitali says softly, lifting his mug to take a drink of the tea. His gaze turn to Zhao, and a smile comes to his features as he gives a small nod. "Will make, when have needed things for make. Promise," he says softly, a warm note to his voice. "Will try for remember about healing, da," he adds. Then he frowns a little bit as demons are spoken of, and he lifts his mug to take another drink of his tea. "Kelet," he says quietly, his voice near a whisper.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow took the sandwiches off of the plate and put them, one for each of them, in their hands. "And cookies too!" She was most insistent.

"Buffy is a she." As a matter of fact, she is Faith - the alternative Slayer. "Her calling is to hunt down monsters. And a couple of us help her." Because as far as she knew she could stop (like she could!), and Buffy could not.

Xiang Zhao has posed:
Xiang Zhao has a glance at the eagle when it's mentioned that the Siberian cannot heal himself or the bird. "My method of healing involves transfer of qi. Spiritual energy," he says. "It would probably kill Soraya if I tried it. If there was no other choice.. if it was the only way, I would try. But, it is not likely to work." Xiang nods to that promise. "Me too. Cakes. Promise." He looks curious. "Kelet? What does this mean?"

As one sandwich and a cookie is pushed into his hands, Xiang's eyes widen just a bit. The look is almost consternation, without ever quite reaching that level of consternedness. But, he doesn't try to shove them back. Without much expression at all, Xiang methodically eats the peanut butter sandwich. Then drinks more tea to wash down the sweet. The cookie, on the other hand, is a whole different kind of sweet. It's more savory with bits of sweet, instead of OMG sweet. He seems to actally enjoy the cookie! "I like the cookie," he goes so far as to say.

The clarification of Buffy is something Xiang looks curious about. And then it dawns on him. "Oh. We met her at Tali-gege's camp." He doesn't even hesitate over the nickname this time. "I recall that I did not stay long."

Vitali Svyatoslav has posed:
There's a warm smile given to Willow at her insistence about the cookies, and Vitali nods to her. He doesn't refuse the sandwich, though there is a bit of colour that comes to his cheeks at it. "Spasibo, Willow," he says softly. He takes a bite of the sandwich, proving that he's still hungry. He'll get to the cookie, but it will wait until he's done the sandwich.

Vitali turns his dark gaze to Zhao, and he tilts his head slightly to one side before giving a small nod. "Am not knowing what happen, Zhao. Appreciate will try, if need. Hope not need. Never know. Not likely for be much help," he says softly, his brow furrowing a little bit. Then he gives a small shake of his head, as though to attempt to chase off the thought. "Kelet mean evil spirits," he says, giving a small nod to Zhao.

Then he gives a small nod, about the cookie. "Is good cookie, da. Have never eat before today," Vitali agrees, a smile finding his features. "Da, did not stay for long when Buffy come for visit," he affirms. He lifts his mug, finishing his tea, and then he lowers the mug to settle it to the floor near to him before he munches on the cookie to enjoy it.