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Roadtrip... part 5!
Date of Scene: 10 April 2021
Location: Somewhere deep and dark where Wade will not bother anyone else again.
Synopsis: Deadpool finds a new friend in the most unlikley place!
Cast of Characters: Deadpool, Juggernaut

Deadpool has posed:
It isn't long before Wade is gaged, blindfolded, and put into a device that looks like it should be holding hanniable lector not him. It is like one of those forklifts people use on boxes though with a lot more straps, and gags. So he isn't sure where he ended up as he is wheeled down hall after hall. The general walks behind him as the man wheels Wade down the hall.. "You thought you could just appear at the bar again.. We left spies there just to catch you. If you think you can get away with what you did with my daughter. Not to mention the men you killed when I try to force you to stay." he shakes his head the anger in his voice evident. "No for all the things you have done your going to be staying down here a long time. He hears the clanging of doors, and locks with guards on the occastion they move as he goes deeper and deeper inside.

The general continues, "I am going to put you down with the worst.. With the people that will tear you limp from limp. You will never escape this place... and no-one will look for just another terrorist." and this time he laughs as he has won. Finally as they reach the bottom and take the cover off his head. "Welcome to your new home." as Wade looks around. It is a deep dark hallway with different cells made to hold specific people on either side. Most are empty, but are ready.. like one made out of glass, or another where there is a shift in color to the whole room. Finally they pass the one that is taken by a large man that is being held in some kind of device that Wade has no idea how it works. He is gagged so only says "Mmmmph... Mmmph Mmmpha." and laughs to himself giving the big man a wink.

They will move past if nothing is said, as they are leading him down the hall a bit more though the general and the people pushing Wade look extremly nervious around the person locked in his cell. The general was told no-matter what do not enter that cell or they will shoot him. He had heard of the man and feared him, though the one strapped down was the only one not showing any fear at all.

Juggernaut has posed:
Contrary to his catch phrase...it actually -is- possible to ..kinda stop The Juggernaut...or at least hold him very, very, veerrrrry still. Usually these circumstances are the result of his own tendency to trip up on his own feet or some other sort of confusion or bit of chaos caused by bad luck and things just not going his way.. Possibly even superhero interference..but either way..there are some tricks of the trade that the savvy and the well funded can manage to get their hands on to keep The Unstoppable...stopped. This Stasis Cage is probably about the only thing that -can- actually hold him while he's conscious. His arms are spread side to side and slightly up with two globes covering hands the size of semi truck tires. A make shift clear dome covers his visible head and he's just sort of kept there standing upright. Considering his size, immensity, physique..he might even look pretty amazing! Except for the scowl on his face and the fact that he's a prisoner.

It's probably a pretty interesting story how he got here.

The arrival of Wade causes the goliath to flicker his gaze out into the hall beyond the cage and he blinks a few times before speaking..deep voice rumbling out with a heavy almost 'Brooklyn Brawler' like tone as it vibrates and rattles the walls with its rumble. "Hey! You all still collecting super people or something? What's going on here?"

Wade's muffled laughter and then the wink causes him to recoil slightly and then peer even closer at the other man, searching for any clues of recognition.

Deadpool has posed:
There doesn't seem to be any reconition in his eyes as he is wheeled by, and down the hall. He seems to just be enjoying his ride, though when you look at him you see his eyes briefly flicker to his right hand. Only for a moment and he is looking ahead from that point. What Jugs would see is the metal rod that goes through the chair has somewhat broken loose. The chair was definetly not made like that, but the red blood shows he must of cut himself somehow and losened it enough. He makes no further sign until he is just to the next cell, and then he starts going nuts.. "MMmph MMMph!" he shouts over and over.. It sounds like General.. but muffled. Of course that is what he had heard the others call him so he did it himself. There is a "Halt" and the General stops them pushing to stand infront of Wade he takes off the Gag. The first words out of his mouth are simple.. "Knock Knock.." the general looks disaproving, but after a brief pause he replies.. "who is there...?" with a laugh Wade answers.. "No-one.. they are all dead." and laughs as the General looks at him confused. "That isn't a very funny..." that is all he gets out as Wade has pulled his arm straight out the rod attached to it flowing from where it was supposed to be held back to secure him. Plunging the rod into the eye socket of the General he falls forward on top of him as the other two guards yell out in panic.

With the general comes the keys, and it doesn't take long before Wade is back up. The guards book it for the door more afraid to fight this man then what will happen if they run. If they lock him down here it isn't a complete loss they can get back-up. Wade stands and stretches letting them run, he pats down the general with a 'Damn' as he had no gun on him given away when they entered this place.

Picking up the hat he peeks back around the corner now Deadpool dressed head to toe with a generals hat on his head he speaks softly.. "Hey big guy... Going to come in okay." he walks towards you and the device. "Its wrong they keep you down here. But hey you may reconize me... I have it somewhere.." he pats down what pockets he has, and smiles. He holds the card up so the big man can see it. It says in simple text.. "Deadpool has lost his memory if lost don't call us." and then puts it away with a chuckle as he pokes around the device for a bit getting "Brrr!" as he does something wrong.

With a sigh he goes back, and grabs the rod out of the head of the general with a squish. Returning back he gives him another wink before shoving it into the device eletricuting himself. Though as he disperses the energy, the machine can't do what it is supposed to do. The forces keeping the giant at bay stop, sure there is a slightly burnt bacon smell, but it works... Deadpool holds out a steaming hand as the electricity is discharged.. "Hi I am Deadpool!"

Juggernaut has posed:
With the field disabled, the machine is little more then wet tissue as far as Juggernaut is concerned. The ground shakes simply from the force of his weight fully dropping into place as the machine ceases holding up up slightly and his mass repositions itself with all the subtle movement of a landslide under way. An instant later and he's free, stepping forward and pulling his limbs ahead of him with glass shattering and metal twisting into various shapes as he walks forward and steps out of the stasis machine.

It's hardly given any attention though as he, instead, just sort of stares blankly at Deadpool with a look of mild confusion.

"Lost..your memory? Huh.. Riiight.. Hn.. Well I guess it's far from the wierdest thing I've seen.."

With that, the giant rolls his shoulders, producing a sound like industrial leather being stretched as his sinew creaks and groans against his bone structure, "Well..one good deed deserves another. You wanna get outta here?"

He doesn't wait for an answer and instead starts walking for the exit of his cell area, plowing through the too small doorway with a casual stroll and pausing to look up and down the hallway to decide on what direction to go in.

Deadpool has posed:
As the shake happens is when the alarms go off Wade just chuckles to himself.. "Wow I wish I could do that with my suit.. would save so much money on laundry." as he kinda walks behind him steping aside from any falling doorway. Wade looks around.. "Most likely it is up.. I was blinded but I felt each one of those stairs." he points up, to where all the noise of the people are coming from.

As they move he is constantly talking, "So whats your name.. Where you from.. What is that made out of?" as you climb the stairs with him following. Reply or not he keeps asking though the alarms are getting louder as they go up. They are multiple floors down, but moving quickly as nothing is stoping until ahead the staircase is full of people. They have some kind of foam in a thing that looks like a flame thrower. Behind them are more guards with normal weapons, and there are a bunch of them. The head guy yells "Halt!" down to the approaching pair, as Wade whispers.. "These are bad guys so we can kill them all right?" he glances at the big guy holding up the only weapon he has. It is a slightly charred rod that he used to free you though in blood on the side is written Deadpool so he has claimed it as his own.

Juggernaut has posed:

It builds and builds. Juggernaut's not exactly known for his patience but he manages to hold off of exploding at Wade during most of their initial journey. By the time they reach the level with the guards though, he's had enough and he thunders with all the fury of an aggravated rhino: "Yeaaarrghh! Shut up!!!"

However, distraction arrives just in time and he turns his attention to the armed guards.

"Your joking..right? C'mon guys.. They aint paying you nearly enough for what's about to happen... IF you aint got a Hulk or a Thor in your back pocket, and believe me I'd be down with bustin' them up, take a hike."

Deadpool's question does give him strange pause though. Juggernaut's not a deliberate killer. Things do tend to happen when you get in his way though. "Well..I aint out to murder, I just want out. Do what you gotta do."

With that, he just starts walking straight for the guards.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool just grins as he is yelled at by the big guy. He doesn't seem to take it to heart at all as he nods falling quiet as he talks to the people, behind him Wade is making fake moving forward motions to pych them out, adding a "Yeah" or "What he said!" to the end of it as they move forward. The first guy throws foam at him covering the front chest of the big man, and the good hardens, and breaks as if it were nothing compaired to the motion that is moving forward. The group has been backing up slowly to keep at a distance before the foam but now the people at the back have turned and run the group backing up faster as they move up the stairs.

Wade throws his makeshift weapon at the guard that sprayed the goo.. "Hey thats rude can't you see he is trying to help ya out here.." he shakes his head, "Some people... So rude right!" as he follows him up nearing the top. As they reach street level the outside looks wierd, like they are in the middle of a city, but a run down city. Outside is The Bronx of New York City... They had hidden them down here hoping they wouldn't escape and now it is nearing the worst case.

That is before the helicopter drops into sight. It launches two missles at the big man hoping to knock him back into a rubble and bury him under it. The running guards will mostly get out, but whoever ordered the attack isn't waiting for them to get to safty rather stop these two by any means. Wade gets out right before the missles are launched.. "Damn man.. What did you do" with a laugh!

Juggernaut has posed:
"You're joking, right??"

The missiles explode into Juggernaut with all the fanfare of fireworks going off in the air. Explosive. Pretty. Harmless.

The behemoth strides forward and then slams his hands into the ground. The earth shakes violently and then begins rupturing as he uproots a massive chunk of it. The area sunders into a violent chasm filled debris field that sends guards tumbling and falling into growing crevices as Juggernaut rolls up a huge boulder like mass the size of a small building and then leans back, curling it into an arm like a gigantic shot put.

"You can't stop me with guards! You can't stop me with guns! You can't stop me with tanks or stupid missiles! I'm The Juggernaut!"

With that he shot puts the boulders at the helicopter. It attempts to veer off but the massive makeshift missileslams into the rear of the vechicle and sends it spiraling violently towards the ground. The boulder continues on, crashing destructively into an abandoned building and blasting through it, causing the structure to collapse. As to the copter, maybe they got lucky. Maybe not. Juggernaut doesn't seem to care and instead begins to set into a jog, and then a full on run and as he starts to charge for the edge of the area, clearly bent on getting out of here.

"See ya around, Deadpool!"

Deadpool has posed:
As the missles come in Deadpool jumps on the back of the Big man and holds on for dear life as everything falls around him Debris, rock parts, helicopter parts he just holds on to the big man in a big hug! Finally after it is all done, and Jugs is about to jog away he falls off the back on his butt covered in wounds from all the stuff, some parts still sticking out of him he weakly raises a hand. "Sure thing! Best Friend!" and chuckles to himself as he lays back down to look up.

It wouldn't be long now before backup arived so as the parts are kicked out of him as he heals that area he stands up. He licks one of his fingers sticking it in the air and starts walking that way though then stops, and walks the other way. He figured if he had no friends, and this giant was his friend he was his best friend! He says to himself.. "We will always have the Bronx!" and laughs maniaclly as he dissapears into the darkness as Harlem had a new problem. A Deadpool problem.