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Latest revision as of 03:07, 12 April 2021

Foyer Forays
Date of Scene: 11 April 2021
Location: Main Foyer - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Jeremy and Rosie talk about life for a bit, then meets up with Shannon a bit later.
Cast of Characters: Antigravity, SpyderByte, Nightingale

Antigravity has posed:
    The foyer wasn't the best place for acoustics, but it was a pretty good place that if you wanted to keep an eye on the comings and goings around the school, or really creep people out with twangy country guitar.

    More than once someone had whispered "I hear *banjos*" and shuffled quicker along as Rosie sat up near the ceiling of the foyer, above the pillars that supported the thick moulding that served as her perch. She was partially hidden up there, a bright orange sock and her blue jeans sticking down from where she cradled her guitar, picking along some of the strings as she quietly sings:

""The children pray, the preacher preach, time and mercy are out of your reach
"I'll fix your legs til you can't walk
"I'll lock your jaw til you can't talk
"I'll close your eyes til can see the very air go with me
"I am death come to take the soul, leave the body and leave it cold
"Draw the flesh above the frey; earth and worm both have a claim--"

    Sundays are often given over to maudlin natures to Rosie, missing somewhat the community of her congregation, though not the message. Trying for church up here was just... alien to her.

SpyderByte has posed:
Making his way to the Foyer from upstairs is Jeremy, dressed in his usual gothic attire. He is moving at a slow pace, jingling and jangling with chains against his legs. He gives a glance over towards the girl playing music, then angles his way towards her.

<< Hi >>

The word is simple from the phone strapped from his arm as he settles down next to her, tilting his head to one side as he squints his eyes a bit.

<< I like that song. >>

Antigravity has posed:
     The strumming continues, fingers playing by rote memory as she considers the boy making his approach. Jeremy gets one of her croocked smiles, her hazel eyes alighting on the goth boy, and she shifts her leg a little bit in case he wanted to use it as a backrest and join her where she was sitting.

    "Thanks, Jer. Weren't much that I was allowed to play 'sides church music, but Ah always fashioned that Death was just another side of God."

SpyderByte has posed:
Shifting some to lean against her, Jeremy slips his phone into his hands. He spins it about in his hands slowly with his usual behavior. He gives a nod of his head, casting a glance to her.

<< I understand. It could be rock music also. I think. What are you up to? >>

Antigravity has posed:
    "Oh no, I ah... I looked this one up. On the computer. In the library at home. I'd play it out in the barn where my Gram couldn't hear it none -- that way I could play this. I know a little Johnny Cash. Lil' George Thoroughgood --" she pauses her playing, and gives that crooked grin of hers before she plays the first couple riffs, acoustic, of 'Bad to the Bone'.

    "Y'know. The good stuff." she jokes, and she releases her guitar, letting it lean on her stomach as she rubs the back of her head.

    "Jes' sorta chillin'. I checked my old school E-mail account and got a mail from that girl I called the protection services on. She figured it was me that did it, an' promised she wouldn't tell no one 'cause our folks are nuts."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< That's good to hear. I hope she is safe. >>

Jeremy gives his phone another squeeze in his hands as he presses his lips together thoughtfully. His shoulders are boneles as they shrug upwards some.

<< I finished my homework earlier. I am free for the rest of the night. I don't have any plans. >>

He leans down to pluck one of the chains on his pants, giving them a light tug and a twist with his fingers. He glances back to her again.

<< I don't know what Gray has planned. We could see a movie. >>

Antigravity has posed:
    "She's gonna be put inta the foster care system. They ruled her parents aren't gonna be able to support her after her traumatizing event. Church is tryin' ta rsie money to get a lawyer to fight it. Don't think they're gonna." she states with a quiet sound, adn she strums a couple more chords.

    "Yeah-huh. 'See a movie'." she gives a dry smile at that again, and she tilts her head back "Ah think Gray's interested in one thing, an' Ah don't think it's my science skills or ability ta levetate he's interested in... so... what about you?"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I am interested in a movie. >>

Jermey says as he glances down at his phone, blinking as the movie app launches, then he starts to scroll through the showtimes.

<< There is this one movie about A.I.'s that grow human emotions and try to incorporate themselves into human lifestyle. There seems to be a lot of action involved. >>

There is a tilt of his head towards her slowly, blinking a few times.

<< Gray really likes you. I suggested he ask you out. I think he might. You two really click. >>

Antigravity has posed:
    "Is it one of the 'I, Robot' type things where it deals with Ah-si-moff?" Rosie questions, trying one of those words that she's read but never heard said. She sits up a little bit straighter, and then the subject og Gray comes up, and she flushes pink a little bit, drops her head, and tries to pick out a few chords.

    "... ain't much to like. We're real diff'rent people. 'Sides. He likes you; why don't you ask him out? Bet you'd take him by surprise."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< You two actually have a lot more in common than you know. Besides, I am romantically incompatible with people. >>

Jeremy scrunches his face up a bit in thought, then tilts his head back towards the girl with the guitar. He gives another lazy blink.

<< He does like you though. He may like me, but I do not think I am mentally or physically able to reciprocate. >>

Antigravity has posed:
    "... physicality ain't that important when it comes to bein' romantic. For instance, I like you jus' fine, I even propped up my leg so you could sit against it if ya so wished, buuut didn't communicate it. So you didn't. Now, Ah can't blame you, 'cause Ah didn't communicate that I was doin' somethin' friendly-like. It's jus..." she leans her head back a moment.

    "... you're a goat."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I am synthetic. Nothing human left in me. >>

Jeremy says as he leans against her leg with a smile in her direction. The lyrics of one of his favorite songs that he has on rotation in his ears at night. He glances back down at his phone again, brushing his thumb over the glass.

<< If he asks you out, will you say yes? >>

Antigravity has posed:
    "Fine, then you're a synthetic goat. You're a creature that operates on your own rules and doesn't obey the rules of the farm." Rosie replies, "You just operate differently is all. You held mah hand. You're definitely capable of affection." Rosie points out, and she looks down at her guitar.

    She fiddles with one of the tuning knobs.

    "Dunno. S'pose it depends on how I'm feelin' at that moment."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Girls are weird. >>

Jeremy says in response to her comment about how she feels in the moment. He glances over to her, shoulders lifting upwards some. He does pass a smile though.

<< Yes, I did hold your hand. >>

He gives a glance down at his phone again for a moment, then slides it into his arm encloser. He lets his hand reach out to brush against hers, then winds his fingers into hers for a small squeeze.

<< Do you like hanging out with us? >>

Antigravity has posed:
    "Jer, I dare say everyone in this school's weird or broken." the blonde replies dryly, and she lets his fingers lace against hers.

    "I like hangin' out with you guys. It's nice to have friends that ain't afraid to talk about the deep stuff 'cause the preacher might be a bit offended by words like 'mutant' or 'science' or 'rats'." she jokes.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I am not afraid to talk about most things. >>

Jeremy says as he gives her hand a squeeze as he shuffles to lean back to back with her. He tilts his chin upwards some to stare at the ceiling thoughtfully.

<< I think most of the things that I watch on the Internet would upset your Preacher. He would probably think I am going to hell. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     Not too far off, there's a flash of black, yellow, and a fair amount of white, as Shannon comes up from the lower levels. She's in her black gym shorts and tank top with the yellow edging, black sneakers, and has her hair pulled back in a bun to keep it out of her face. Over her shoulder is slung a fairly new-looking sports bag, which seems to be rattling about a bit as she makes her way towards the staircase.

     She seems to be just in time to catch the tail end of what Jeremy is saying, pausing in her trek towards the dorms. A smile tugs the corners of her lips upwards, and she inclines her head by way of agreement, not quite yet turning around. "The things you see are nightmare fuel, Jer. But you're the one that lays those nightmares to rest. Damn proud of you." Finally, she turns and smiles to both Rosie and Jeremy, flicking her wings at them by way of greeting. "Hello, you two. How's it going?"

Antigravity has posed:
    "Afternoon Miss Shannon." the younger teen states, giving a wave and lifting her hand from the neck of the guitar she was holding with half her lap, her other leg extended so that Jeremy could lean against it.

    "I know you see things on the internet Jer that jus' prove that there is a Hell, an' it's on Earth." she states quietly, and she squeezes his fingers. "An' yeah. Bob's Burgers? Also probably holdin' a place in Hell for us."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I like Bob's Burgers. It's a funny show. >>

Jeremy tilts his head upwards at the sight of Shannon as he hears her voice. He is sprawled out on his rump, legs out in front of him and decked out in darkness. He has his back mostly to Rosie's as they talk.

<< It has been suggested that I consume less of the material that I currently view on the Internet, regardless of my effective rate of success. I am trying to take more breaks. Gray nags me until I log off now. I suppose having a room mate is now good in a way. It's a distraction. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     "I got reminded a lot to ease up by miss Pryde, too, a couple years ago, when I first got here. There was a little less help, and I got called on quite a lot. Had a lot of successes, too. Miss Pryde reminded me kind of gently to balance myself out and take time for me, too." Shannon's smile is wry, and she just laughs a little bit. "Logan was a whole lot more blunt about it, and pretty much whapped me upside the head about setting boundaries for myself and saying no to helping out sometimes. Both of them were right. Sounds like you've got Gray reminding you of the same thing. He's not wrong."

     The mention of Bob's Burgers earns a light chuckle from her, wings flaring out and ruffling as she perches on the steps, moving her sports bag to her lap. "Heh. Good show. What about stuff like Futurama? Either of you like that one, too?"

Antigravity has posed:
    "Nah, Bob's Burgers is short, fits mah attention span." Rosie replies, and she rubs the back of her head a moment as she considers logan hitting anyone upside the head.

    And the claws. She makes a face that looks abjectly horrified at the idea.

    "Nah, Gray's a pretty all right guy. He's keepin' Jer even on a good sleep cycle, so I hear."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Not really. He comes back at late hours into the morning. It's a challenge to stay asleep, or even go to sleep if I'm wondering where he is at. I am doing my best to not track him by the phone that I supplied him. I am trying to respect his privacy. >>

That is a challenge and a half for the obsessive technopath. He lets go of Rosie's hand and scoots around so that he is sitting more at her side, rather than back to back. He looks over to Shannon, reaching into his pocket again to withdraw his phone.

<< I like Futurama. I want floating cars. >>

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just chuckles a little bit and shakes her head at Rosie. "He didn't -literally- smack me upside the head. But man, when he has words with someone, he has -words-. Doesn't pull his punches when he wants to make a point."

     Looking between the two, she shrugs a little and smiles. "Haven't really seen much of Gray, not since we went to Bushwick to talk to him. I'm glad he's been making friends. Same for you, Rosie."

     She grins and chuckles a little bit at the image of floating cars, humming the Futurama theme song. "Gotta love Bender. He lived life on his own terms." Her grin gets wider, and she can't help but chime in with that iconic line. "Bite my shiny metal...!"

     Thankfully, the rest is left off, for delicate sensibilities.