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Latest revision as of 12:54, 15 April 2021

Date of Scene: 14 April 2021
Location: Fortress Asgard, Kvalvika, New Asgard
Synopsis: There is a gathering in New Asgard and a celebration had.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Loki, Black Widow (Romanoff), Quicksilver

Thor has posed:
    Some years ago...
    It was on this spot here, upon the cliffs of Kvalvikka that the two brothers had stood. On this spot overlooking the grand sweep of the bay, the high curved mountains near, with the morning mist still soft upon the blades of grass around them.
    It was here they had last spoken to their father.
    'My sons. I've been waiting for you.'
    'Your mother. She calls me. Do you hear it?'
    'I am on a different path now.'
    'I love you, my sons.'
    And then he bid them, 'Remember this place. Home.'
    Then moments later... he was gone. Leaving them lost. Bereft. Their land was torn asunder. Asgard fell but they had saved her people. It was here that they returned. Here that the great fortress had been built, around this spot upon the edge of the cliff that a single eternal flame flickered in a circle of stone. A memorial with no other marker. A symbol of all that was lost. Their family. Their people. Asgard.
    It was there on the cliff that the two brothers had held silent sentinel as the sun drifted lower and lower upon the horizon. Until the only light there on the cliff was that glow of the eternal flame.
    Some of Midgard had been invited to join them in remembering the fallen. Of what their victory against Malekith and Surtur had cost them. Though the vigil was for Thor and Loki alone.
    It was a somber affair. And the mood from it remained... yet the people of Asgard. They know that even as they must remember the loss. That loss. The past. The memories. They must be celebrated.
    Which is why once the sun set, the great hall of Fortress Asgard came to life. With the great sweep of grandeur created as the long hall's tables were set with a feast fit for the ancient Castle of Asgard. A mix of dishes both from their home in the stars, and their newly adopted land of Midgard. Many of the recent immigrant sported gear or armor or effects that were from Midgard, though many of the people had broken out their old clothes and armor, to celebrate this day as befitting one of the people of the Shining Realm.
    And it was here that Thor had asked some of his close friends, invited them to share of this time. For good times needed fine company.

Loki has posed:
The lost ones must be celebrated, for that is their way. The way of their people. So, while Loki had been as somber as might be expected of him during the vigil... Well. After, during the celebration paying homage to the fallen, he's anything but somber.

He's only ever somber when the situation calls for it, afterall. The situation no longer calls for it. Now, the usual smirk is upon Loki's face as he ambles about, chatting with someone here, a trio there, a pair yonder. He never stays for long, always wandering. That smirk rarely waivers, but it does grow larger occasionally. Usually, whoever he's talking to laughs at whatever remark he's said. Occasionally, they move off in a huff, as though he'd set off some former grievance or other. Loki is good at that, though. He always knows what to say to give that precise cut.

Now, his wandering feet take him toward his brother.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
It had been quite some time since Natasha attended a celebration at New Asgard. The last time she had learned some things. Primarily, avoid their alcohol. Unless she drank very little of it. Unlike things from this planet, she hadn't developed a resistance to it nor figured out the appropriate quantities that would keep her balanced. She was not a fan of being tipsy. At all. Came with the territory.

She had spent time here and some faces were familiar. She chatted with a few of her old friends, a tankard in her hand filled with something watered down to Midgardian levels. She still was sipping it. Some of those same friends had helped her dress for the night. A traditional Asgardian style gown in a lovely green that went well with her eyes. It had needed a lot of alterations. She was far shorter than the people of this realm typically. But the Artisans there had done well and she looked the park. Her hair was up off her shoulders, helping show off a necklace that went with a single bracelet she wore on her arm. One that really wasn't a bracelet since it was familiar to the other Avengers as her usual wristband yet it fit the look of the outfit.

Quicksilver has posed:
A somber affair tends to call for somber dress. Pietro wears black, as is perhaps fitting to the situation. A long sleeved black button-up shirt, with a black blazer over top of it, black slacks and black leather dress shoes. The souls of the lost, the departed... they deserved to be mourned, to be remembered, for their lives to be celebrated. And so, he had come.

He hasn't considered himself to be a frequent visitor to New Asgard. Once respects had been paid, he had drifted somewhat, a little on the sidelines and occassionally venturing forth through the assorted people. But mostly... Pietro is his guarded self, and he is quiet. There may or may not have been a promise to his sister that he would behave, after all.

Thor has posed:
    As for Thor he too is not held to one spot of the celebration, though several seats at the end of the main table are open likely for the royals. Though he was not as easily given to wandering as Loki seemed to move with such ease.
    Instead the Thunderer held his place near that head of the table, but a touch apart and to the right of it, offering words to those that filter in and out of the circle of conversation. There, as always, at his right hand is Bjarke the guard captain. At his left stands one of the elders though he holds his own conversation to the side with some of his own coterie, yet not wanting to surrender that close position of prominence close to the one-eyed king.
    When Loki draws near, however, Thor's smile twists up a little. Then once he's close enough he murmurs with that rumbling tone, "Brother." He moves to the side to make room for him though does likely clap a hand upon his shoulder if able.
    "Thank you for standing vigil with me this year. It is a kindness granted."
    Though when Natasha arrives he gives a wry smile to the petite Avenger, though she does wear the green Asgardian dress well. "Ah, good Natasha. It is a pleasure to see you." His eyes lift towards Pietro and he lifts a hand as well to offer greeting should he catch him, though the circle of people there clear enough room for them to enter the conversation.
    "I am reminded," His gaze drifts away and there across the hall there does seem a rather intense Asgardian who is watching the gathering of worthies there. He's young, for An Asgardian, dark hair, severe looking in a cultivated grey armor ensemble. And for those who pay attention to such things he had perhaps been trying to capture Natasha's gaze much of the evening.
    The tall armored monarch turns his head back toward Natasha and says with a slight smile. "Amongst the court, there are often polite ways to phrase matters, phrases that are accepted as politick ways of clarifying."
    A tilt of his head is given, "If young Bjorn continues to pursue you and his efforts are... unwelcome. You merely have to tell him that you 'Await your love to return from their long journey.'"

Loki has posed:
Loki is not dressed in quite the somber colors that others seem to have adopted. No, but he is dressed somber for him. A tailored suit of deep green and charcoal grey, with polished black shoes. The tie is the only thing that's black, other than his hair. As he is addressed by his brother, Loki nods. "Brother," he replies back. The smile is just a hair more genuine than the smirk he generally wears. A touch more true.

When room is made for him, Loki shifts to stand beside his brother, and tollerates the clapped hand to his shoulder. He doesn't seem to be too put out by it, so it must be okay! "Of course," he says. "How could I not? They're my parents too. Of course I stood with you. Father and I... well. We had our differences, but he's still our Father. And mother..." His lips curl up in what is a very genuine smile with no hints of mockery or sarcasm at all to it. He truly had loved their mother.

He follows his brother's gaze as he speaks of reminders. His lips curl up again, back to the smirk, and his green eyes move to Natasha. "If you shoot him, he'll never give up," he says, eyes dancing with amusement.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As Natasha's social milling brought her to the circle with their host and Loki, she remained the polite visitor. Although admittedly Loki was not her favorite person. She didn't trust him as far as she could throw him. They had their history. Honestly, he had history with lots of people, but the Avengers were brought together to combat him so it was a tender spot for her.

"It's a lovely event. The stories are starting to get a bit wilder as they get further in their ale," Natasha jokes, grinning a bit. Though it may have started a something somber, that rarely lasted long with Asgardians. Everything was epic and grand and needed tales told and they were mostly a happy people.

At the words of advice from Thor, she can't help but grin. She doesn't turn to look. "Tall guy--no jokes that all of them are tall compared to me," she adds in a warning tone. "Gray armor, dark hair? Yeah, noticed him. He seems to be one to admire from afar. I think he's trying to get up the nerve. Or he's scared if approaches me, the others will make fun of him for looking at a tiny Midgardian woman." She holds her hand in front of her palm to the floor as though indicating about the size of a child to an adult. There is a nod to the advice though. Then she glances at Loki's addition. "I don't shoot everyone. Just very special people." It's not a threat. Just a statement, right?

Then she continues with a smile to the pair. "But I will remember the words of advice from both of you. Rather than start an international incident."

Quicksilver has posed:
There is a nod towards Thor as he catches the hand lifted in greeting, and a hint of a smile that touches his lips. He lifts a hand in turn, to offer a greeting in like kind. There's a glance towards Natasha, and he inclines his head towards her, should he happen to catch her eye, a hint of a smile offered as well.

Pietro is actually minding his manners. And keeping his steps to a moderate pace, which is a challenging thing, for him. His steps start to bring him over towards where Thor happens to be. One of his eyebrows quirks up slightly, his gaze turning to Natasha, and there's a flicker of a smile to tease his lips. "The best things come in the small packages, do they not?" he suggests, a slight touch of amusement to his words.

Thor has posed:
    At the mention of Frigga, Thor meets Loki's gaze and nods gently, the corner of his mouth curved upwards but not quite a smile. More a rueful thing that gives a glimpse into the heart of the man and perhaps for some there a realization how much the brothers share.
    Another small clap to the shoulder, then Thor folds his arms over his broad chest, the black armor he wears lost partially in prominence to the crimson half-cape that hangs from one shoulder. He turns his one-eyed gaze upon the others near, smiling to the approach of a serving maid who stands there on the edge of the group as she seems to await something.
    Which has Thor turn to the others, "What are we drinking, what shall you have? Brother, Natasha?" Then his voice lifts as he calls out in the direction of Maximoff as the speedster begins to draw near "Pietro! What will you have? Come, drink with us!"
    Thor gestures with the sweep of one hand, as if guiding the man over with only the power of his /voice/ but it's also aided by the crooked smile.

Loki has posed:
Of course Natasha didn't trust him. Loki almost certainly knows this. And she's smart, not to trust him. He's far too charming and charismatic for anybody's own good except maybe his own. Especially when he turns up the wattage. And the wattage comes up again, in a rather sunny smile directed at Natasha. Of course, beneath the sun is the oil of an oil slick. Greasy and gooey, the type that clings and won't let go. "Of course I'm special," he says. "But is he," he nods toward the tall man in question, "Special enough?" He seems so very pleased with himself.

He meets Thor's eyes at the reminscing. It's a thing. Yup. Kind of proves they're brothers, doesn't it? Kind of.

"That honey mead that's being served is quite good. Is it one of Mother's?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"I think this is ale of some sort," Natasha says as she looks down into the tankard she is holding. It doesn't even look oversized in her hand so there! "But made safe for our Midgardian sensibilities." Translation for Asgardians: Weak as hel. At least if they tried to drink it.

Seeing Pietro, she gives a bright smile as he joins the conversation. "They do indeed, Pietro."

Quicksilver has posed:
There is a smile that's offered to Thor, and Pietro closes the rest of the distance before he inclines his head. "Thor," he offers in greeting, a smile easily returning to his features. He lifts a hand, pulling his fingers through his hair as he considers the question. His attention shifts to Loki, studying the fellow for a long moment at the mention of the honey mead, considering it. And then his attention shifts back to Thor. "The honey mead seems a good choice, then," Pietro says, a smiel quirking at the corners of his lips.

He looks to Natasha, and there's a smile that comes in response to the words, and he inclines his head towards her. "You look lovely, by the way," he says, a smile easily returning to his features.

Thor has posed:
    "There are several being served that I know." Thor offers as he nods to the servant, "Bring us several flagons of the various types of mead, if you would." The request made of the young Asgardian woman, it's enough to get her to curtsey and then withdraw, taking three steps back and only turning then once clear of their presence yet holding a little as the conversation... seems to continue.
    Which allows the Thunderer to turn back to the others, "Some of our own stock, but also some brewed by our Midgardian brothers. So enough for each of us to enjoy." Though he does point at Natasha, "Though you seem set for drink, Natasha. Pietro..." He looks as if perhaps Quicksilver might be hiding a drink somewhere on his person, "So three drinks," Over his shoulder he says, "Bjarke, will you join us?"
    The guard captain in his silver armor with the tall spired horns upon his helm says simply, "Perhaps another time, my lord."
    "Ah, indeed." Says Thor.
    The servant who had been hovering on the edge as her monarch dithered she finally smiles, though perhaps a little strained. 3 Meads.

Loki has posed:
Another choosing the honey mead draws Loki's lips to quirk up. It's always possible the younger of the two brothers is up to something no good. He is, afterall, the god of mischief. That smile could be hiding anything. Really. Anything.

Loki settles back on his heels, still wearing that smile that says he knows something nobody else knows. Perhaps it's even the truth. He steps closer to the table and reaches for something there to snack on. It is some sort of Asgardian delicacy.

His eyes shift to that servant who's hovering. He makes a waving motion toward her, as though to shoo her off on her task.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Thank you, Pietro," Natasha says. "But that compliment really goes to the ladies here. I had no idea what I should wear and they suggested they could give me an Asgardian dress to wear. Took them a lot of work to get it fitted." And hemmed. She isn't saying it! "In such a short amount of time. Less than a day."

She watches as Loki smiles. That is just--not right. He would be a good looking man if he wasn't so off. It was like a used car saleman sometimes.

Then as Thor invites Bjarke and he declines, she shakes her head. "Bjarke, everytime I have visited here, you've been on duty. Do you ever get a day off? I can get you a day off if you like. I have pull with your boss." As if she could convince Thor if he didn't want to be convinced!

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro tilts his head a touch to one side as it's mentioned that there happens to be more than one type of mead being served. A hint of a smile tugs at the corners of his lips, and he gives a nod to Thor. "Perhaps I will have to try more than one of them, if there is more than one being served, then," he comments, a slight sparkle showing in his eyes. He lifts his hands before opening his jacket briefly, to display that he has nothing hidden upon his person.

Pietro looks to Loki, nad he tilts his head a touch to one side, considering that quirk of smile that's on the other's lips. A dangerous thing, it could be. But he doesn't question it. His gaze slips further, to Natasha, and one of his eyebrows quirks up slightly before he inclines his head to her. "It is true all the same," he says, a smile teasing at the corners of his lips. Yet the words are sincere. He is being nice!

Thor has posed:
    It was off she went to procure the flagons, and it sent her on her way when Loki so gestured. She carried with her the curious dichotomy of pride at so serving these worthy individuals, but also carrying some stress upon her shoulders for fear of failing them in some capacity. Yet at the least her efforts were earnest as she rushed off.
    Then Natasha speaks so to good Bjarke whom she knew even back upon the ship that carried the Asgardians to earth, he smiled in response. "I do at times, Lady Romanoff. But I find that in my absence I often return to more work than I had left behind." Likely a feeling she knows well, though the captain of the guard smiles.
    "Come, friends," Thor steps forward smiling to the others as he rises and lifts a boot to the edge of the bench seat. He climbs up onto it and now stands tall over even the rather prominent Asgardians in their height and high horned helms. Spreading his arms wide he lifts his voice.
    "Good people!"
    Then he repeats, "Good people!"
    And the conversations quiet, dying down faintly to a low rumble, then halting as the dancers halt, the musicians silence their play, and the majority of the court turns to look upon Thor as he stands there at the head of the table on the bench. There is such open sincerity in his smile, and that one good eye, and one can almost feel the connection between him and the crowd.
    "I am not one for speeches, as most of you well know." Those last words uttered sidelong as if sharing some secret with the audience. A few polite chuckles are given. "And tonight I shall not change that blessed habit. Only I would ask you and yours to join me." He spreads his arms.
    And the poor serving girl realizes he's about to make a toast so she /runs/ to get those flagons, grabbing them quickly off the nearby bar.
    Yet Thor continues, "Join me in remembrance this day. But also in looking forward, never to forget our past. But e'er to look to our future."
    The poor put upon server grabs her tray and /rushes/ back, the mead sloshing as she moves until she almost _skids_ to a halt nearby and offers Loki, and Pietro, and then as Thor reaches to the side she finds her king's hand and puts the flagon in his grip.
    Which to him likely seems as magic a she lifts it to the air, "So join me. For the future."
    Voices lift as he holds the flagon high, some warriors shouting, "The future!"
    But then he adds, "And for Asgard!"
    Which is a toast that nearly the entire room gets behind with a loud shout that shakes the walls of the hall.
    "For Asgard!"

Loki has posed:
Loki's lips twitch as he rejoins the small group. "Short, being the relavent term here." He takes a bite of the delicacy with apparent enjoyment. Comparing him to a used car salesmen isn't too innaccurate, either. He has that sort of slimy vibe to him. Oily. A lot of the time. But then, sometimes he doesn't. Perhaps it's a front? Or is it a front when he's not fishy?

"You know Bjarke just doesn't want to be seen socializing where I happen to be, right? He's not overly fond of me." Loki's lips curve up again, as though not bothered in the slightest by that dislike. Perhaps it's mutual.

And yes. That smile could very easily be dangerous. It so could. His attention turns to Thor as he calls for everyone's attention. He barely looks at the serving girl as she returns with the mead. There might have been a reason he'd rushed her off. Perhaps he knows his brother a little too well?

He lifts his mead with Thor as he lifts his flagon high. "For the future. For Asgard," he says and then drinks along with everyone else. He doesn't shout with quite the exuberance that some of the others have, but his voice can be heard.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Asgard had been through much in the last few years. Theirs was a past fill with triumphs and tragedies, a history long with tales that were even part of the myths here on Earth. Yet they persevered. Always and forever.

They were amazing people. She had gotten to know a lot of them with their arrival on Earth and she called many friends.

At the toast, Natasha raises her flagon and her voice with the others. "For the Future." Then the final and she called out as loud as the nearby warriors. "For Asgard!"

Quicksilver has posed:
Sometimes, the power of a voice is something that is unmistakable. The power in Thor's voice is one of those voices, and it is interesting to Pietro to see the ripple of the effect as it draws quiet from those who are gathered here. He tilts his head faintly to one side, watching, and he lifts a hand to lightly pull his fingers through his hair. He's a bit fidgetty. He can't help it.

He inclines his head towards the serving girl as he reaches out to accept the mead from her, a smile coming to his features. He thanks her, quietly and politely. And as others join in the toast, he lifts his own drink and gives a nod. "For the future, and for Asgard," he agrees and offers forth. Only after lending his voice to the toast does he take a drink of the mead as well. He gives a nod to Natasha, watching her for only a moment before his gaze flicks off to elsewhere.

Thor has posed:
    As the crowd roars, the drinks are downed, the party-goers celebrate, it's only afterward that the Captain of the Guard answers with a small smile though not looking /directly/ at Loki. "That is not true, my Prince. I saw you fighting for Asgard when it counted, I would drink with you."
    Then there is a small nod given from the man who holds the spear and stands guard, shooting a brief sidelong glance in Loki's direction, but perhaps fighting a smile.