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Pillow Forts and Space Wizards
Date of Scene: 16 April 2021
Location: Backyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Grey and Indira find they have a historical connection, then plans are made to educate Rosie in the finest pop culture revolution mankind has invented. They will all be late to classes in the morning.
Cast of Characters: Faraday, SpyderByte, Gray, Antigravity, Ted Gammage

Faraday has posed:
It's after the dinner hour, with about an hour until the sun sets fully. Under the darkening sky, a few students are outside catching the last of the quickly cooling day. Indira is one of those. Around the outer edges of the basketball court, there's a paved ring to serve as a modest track. With her hair pulled back and wearing fitted black athletic pants and a loose, layered black and white tank, the teen is taking her laps at a steady job. She looks to be going for distance and time as opposed to speed, with only a light sweat and exertion on her face, and she's periodically looking down at the watch on her wrist to track her progress.

SpyderByte has posed:
On her watch, the face gives a bit of a glitchy wiggle before it turns green with a spider on the front, followed by a n.n pair of digital eyes.

<< Hi Indi. Gray and I are heading outside also if you want to hang out. >>

The Goth can be seen, though this time he's wearing a pair of swishy workout shorts and a tanktop over his lanky frame. He's put on some weight over the last few months, no longer looking like a skeleton and looking a bit more filled out thanks to the required training and a better diet. He also looks 'perkier'.

He pulls his long shoulder length hair back behind him into a pony tail, tying it up with a black stretchy band. Lifting his hand upwards to catch her attention, he offers up a big smile.

<< How are you doing? You're sweaty. >>

Faraday has posed:
At the wobble of her watch and the message, Indira gives an amused roll of her eyes and just grins as she continues her job. Once he steps outside and approaches the track, she comes around to his side and slows her pace and then stops within talking distance.

"Good! If I wasn't, then I'm taking it too easy. A run isn't very helpful if you're not getting your heart rate up enough." She steps over to pluck up her towel from where she has it jammed in the cage around the court and uses it to scrub off her face.

"How's it goin? I haven't heard any eruptions from the boys' wing, so figuring you two are getting along?" She asks as she picks up her water bottle from the ground to kick back a quick swig.

Gray has posed:
Walking with Jeremy, Gray has his hands shoved deep in the pockets of his gray sweatpants, his feet, oddly, bare and the black t-shirt he's opted for tonight rucked up just enough to give him access to his pockets. He's quiet, hair hanging in his eyes but looks reasonably content. At least he's not angry or jumping at every little noise. Seems like he's actually starting to settle in.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Yes, we've become really good friends and it's working out. I like having a room mate. >>

Jeremy gives a smile to Indira as he peels out of his tanktop to reveal his lean frame, then hands it to her so that she can wipe herself off with. He has a few scars along his body still, but mostly pink and faded away from last year, but the worst of the ones are gone. His shoulder has that artistic techno-spider as well in colorful inking that he got from Xiomara.

Giving a glance over to Gray, he gives his roomie a smile as he leans over to bump his shoulder to his. << You have met Indi before, yes? She is my teammate and one of my best friends. She knows kickboxing. >>

Faraday has posed:
"Awesome." Indira says with a brightness of honesty. With her towel in hand, she waves off the tank top and tosses a grin aside to Gray. "Yah, we met. I was there when we gave him the whole invite talk. Still, it was kind of hectic. So, good to meetcha again, Gray. School been treating you good? No one giving you trouble? I *do* know kickboxing." She confirms with a singular, grave nod. "So ya know. Any friend of Jer is a friend of mine."

Did she just offer to kick someone's butt if they were being trouble? Sure sounds like it.

"Hopefully thing are cool, though. People seem pretty good around here and not much trouble."

Gray has posed:
Gray smirks a little at the comment about them being really good friends, quirking one eyebrow when Jeremy takes his shirt off, "Yeah. We're gettin' along alright."

He looks first at his roommmate and then over at Indie, shrugging, "I dunno. Maybe." He snorts softly at the reminder of their meeting, "Oh. Uh, yeah." There was a lot going on right then and his memory isn't the best, sometimes. He nods, shrugging again, "Yeah, it's alright. Miss Frost is pretty cool." He nods, "Likewise." He's willing enough to extend friendship, at least provisionally, "I ain't been bothered by nobody. Met some interestin' people, anyway."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< You two have something in common. You were both kidnapped by the same group of people that was trying to take mutant kids off the street. Both of you were rescued by Cloak and Dagger. >>

Jeremy is great at conversation, obviously. He's just a trivia of terrible things that happen to other people. He takes the shirt and wraps it around his waist, opting to enjoy the warm weather against his skin for a change.

<< Got any other plans tonight, Indi? Maybe we can hang out and have dinner and watch a movie. >>

Faraday has posed:
"Interesting is an understatement around here." Indira chuckles, though it fades as Jeremy reveals that bit of information. Her dark eyes widen slightly as she looks to Gray.

"No shit! Hell. No wonder you looked like I gutted you when I said that. ...that was, yeah. That was a rough bit of time. But! I like to think I'm better for it. I ended up here. Hopefully, I can learn enough to help make sure no one else ends up in a box again. Or if they do, I can be there to bust them out next time. Why cry about it when you can spend the time working to stop it?"

There's a shrug of her shoulders, giving her all the more impression of who lets the rain roll off of her like she was made of oiled steel. "I ain't up to anything. I was just getting a workout in before dark. I should be studying, but I also don't actually want to study. So food and a movie sound like a good alternative to actual work."

Gray has posed:
Gray hunches his shoulders at the reminder, toes wiggling in the grass, "Yeah." He was one of those unfortunates. He shrugs, "I guess... I just ain't got a whole lot of ways to... protect myself." He grimaces, "Ya got lucky, then. I got sent back t' my Grandpa." And, apparently, that's almost as bad, if not worse, than being locked in a box for unknown reasons.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< But she got sent to us, and then I found you. It worked out for all of us. We're now together because of it. >>

Jermey is optimistic at least as he gives a smile to the pair of them. As he leans in to bump Gray on the shoudler, he slips an arm around his waist as well, giving him a squeeze.

<< If you want to go watch a movie and eat, I can order food for us. Maybe you two can pick the movie. Who's room do you want to go to? >>

He gives a bright smile on his face.

<< Can invite Rosie also? Make it a double date. >>

Faraday has posed:
"Oh I was screwed until they showed up." Indira says with a bemused grimace. "Drugs kept me from doing much. I could barely strike a spark. Lucky for them, not for me. I ended up going back with my parents and the school came knocking. Now that my parents know what this school is, well... they are nooooot so enthusiastic, but, given Jer and Mr. Logan helped me saved their butts, they really don't have a lot of room to talk."

She looks over towards Jeremy and gives a bob of her head. "Well, I got my room to myself and it's not full of computers. I have more room for everyone to stretch out. So you supply the food, I can supply the crash spot and movie. My tv isn't anything special, but it's got the internet."

Gray has posed:
"Yeah..." Gray's voice is a weird mix of relieved and resigned, "I guess so." He startles a little when Jeremy's arm goes around him, but leans into it, smiling wryly, "Ya know I ain't watched a movie in years, right?" No money to go to the movies and no TV to watch movies on, "I'd be good with anythin'." Mention of Rosie has him nodding, though the word 'date' gets the other boy a small frown, but he quickly smiles again, shrugging, "Sounds good to me."

His expression blanks at the mention of drugs and he takes a deep breath, letting it back out slowly, "That's been th' hardest 'bout agreein' to stay." He's being watched so that he doesn't go trying to score, "Don' think I'd of made it this long if I had my own room." He nods to Indira, "We gonna have to sneak into the girls hall?"

Antigravity has posed:
    "Oooor we could commandere the rec room an' blanket fort the place." comes a voice from overhead, and joining the crew, the small blonde with the gravity powers touches down. She's in her typical pink plaid shirt and jeans, her blonde hair still damp.

    "I ain't never seen a movie front-to-back, 'cept at school. Y'all ever watch the old Doctor Doolittle? Shit's bananas." she states wryly, and she rubs the back of her head.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< No, we don't have to sneak at all. It's before curfew and the weekend. Besides, they won't check rooms if it's after hours. >>

There is a smile on Jeremy's face as he gives another squeeze to Gray's waist again. He sends off a text to Rosie to meet them at Indi's room for food and movie.

<< What are you guys in the mood for to eat? >>

He slides his hand away from Gray after a moment, starting for the mansion once more. He pauses as he hears Rosie's voice, tilting his head upwards.

<< Oh! Hey. I was just texting you. If we go to the rec room it will bring too many people. I was hoping for a friend night. Is that okay? >>

Faraday has posed:
"Hardly the first time we've all had a crash party." States Indira with a quiet chuckle. "Bunch of psychics in the house, I'm sure they know if someone's out and getting in to trouble. Or they don't care."

She flashes Rosie an easy grin and says, "Well, I don't have a roommate right now. Xio had to do some state mandated stuff or other. She's good, just not here. So, we can totally prop her bed up on boxes and make a big ass fort. Go big or go home, right? Well. This is home, but you know what I mean! And since you two," This said to Rosie and Gray with a swing of her pointed finger, "Are slacking in movies, then you pick."

Gray has posed:
The sound of a voice from above has Gray looking up sharply only to snort a soft laugh, "Speak of the devil." He shakes his head, "Saw it with my folks when I was a kid. They liked old movies like that." Doctor Doolittle, My Fair Lady, and all that jazz. Jeremy's question gets a smirk, "I'll eat anything that don't smell bad." And even that isn't a hard 'no' if he's hungry enough. Indira gets a nod and a slightly louder snort of laughter, pulling a hand oud of his pocket and giving Jeremy's arm a quick squeeze before returning his hand to his pocket. He makes a face, "I don' even know what t' watch." He's really just along for the ride, as far as he is concerned.

Ted Gammage has posed:
From the direction of the Garage, Ted makes his entrance. He's dressed down in worn out t-shirt and jeans from working on his car, though the lack of any stains means he probably wasn't doing any real messy work. His footsteps are generally heavy, not surprising for someone of his size, and he pauses a few feet away from the group. "Oh," he says after a pause, lifting a hand, "Ah, hay. What's shakin'?"

Antigravity has posed:
    "Well, Ah've never seen Star Wars?" Rosie replies, and she comes down, landing with a tap of her shoes as Ted comes over and joins the group.

    "Or really... y'know. Anything. Gramma never let me watch stuff like that with magic an' what-not." she replies, and she gives a little, warm smile to Gray and Jer, and then looks to Indy.

    "Got any suggestions?"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< We can see Star Wars if you want. >>

Jeremy gives a smile over to Ted and waves a hand upwards to him. The lanky young man is shirtless and in a pair of black gymshorts. He has a tank top tied around his waist and his hair pulled back into a pony tail.

<< I guess we can got to the rec room now if you all want. Ted, come join us? We're going to order food and watch movies together. You're welcome to join us. >>

As he shoulder bumps Gray again, he gives him a smile, a crooked one.

<< Let's order Chinese then? I haven't had that in awhile. I'll buy. >>

Then, perhaps surprisingly to move he reaches out with his hand to slide it into one of Gray's, giving it a squeeze.

Faraday has posed:
Mention of lacking in Star Wars has Indira sucking a breath through her teeth like Rosie had just said something supremely offensive. "Oh girl. That's just unacceptable. There's legit actual Jedi in this world and you've never seen the reference. Mm-mm-nm." She tsks reproachfully.

"TED. Please tell me you know Star Wars." She begs of her teammate before taking another sip of water from her squirt bottle. With a towel over one shoulder and wearing athletic wear, it looks like she'd been out here working out.

"Know what, it doesn't matter. We're gonna see it. Rec room works, there's a pack of us. Probably getting too big for a little room. Their drink fridge is better stocked anyway." She gestures with her head to start heading back towards the mansion, though not before squinting covertly towards Jeremy and Gray and then strolling off with a toothy grin. "Come on, Poe and Finn. We got food to order."

Gray has posed:
"My dad was a real Star Wars nut." Gray grins at the thought and nods, "Wouldn' mind seein' it again." He bumps Jeremy back with his shoulder, chuckling at the easy decision to see the classic movie. Ted gets a slightly wary look and a quick lift of his chin for a nod of greeting, though his shoulders hunch again and he looks like he might be starting to draw into himself at the sudden crowd, "And Chinese sounds good. They always threw away the best stuff..." He gives the hand that sneaks into his a squeeze and rolls eyes at the nicknames, smirking as he drapes an arm over his roommate's shoulders, "Yeah, /Finn/. Let's go." There's an almost silent laugh at that.

Ted Gammage has posed:
Ted takes in the scene, glancing from person to person a moment, then considers and shrugs, "Sure," he drawls, "Awlright, ah can do a movie." He smiles lightly at the others. "Star Wars, s'the one with Spock an' Gandalf, right?" He waits maybe two beats before sayin', "Nah, ah'm kiddin'. Seen it about a million times. Always wanted t'be a Jedi. Think ah ended up more like Chewbacca all things considered," he says. "Could pull th' arms off a droid for beating me at Holo-Monster-Chess."

Antigravity has posed:
    The Southern Girl looks all manner of confused at Indira. "... whadayamean? Ah said my Gram would never let it be seen in the house! Ah ain't so cultured!" she complains, as if seeing Star Wars was an entirely different experience. She gives a soft questioning sound "An' what's a Jedi?"

    The Poe and Finn reference is completely lost on her -- she looks just so very confused and rubs the back of her head. "Y'all ain't gonna just be jerks about it, are ya?"

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I have to be Finn? I guess that makes sense. But we are watching the original Star Wars, right? >>

Jeremy says as he finds his hand abandoned and instead an arm wrapped around him. He tilts his head up at Rosie with a smile, brows lifting as he motions her in the house.

<< Jerks about what? Star Wars is one of the greatest movies in the world. The original three are very good. We don't talk about the second trilogy, and the third trilogy was also good. So was some of the side movies that came out. >>

He gives a smile to Ted and Indi as well as he starts for the backdoor, taking his phone out to begin tapping along the glass. He starts the process of ordering a /large/ delivery of Chinese.

<< You are definitely the team's Chewie. Rosie can be our Leia and Indi is our Rey. >>

Faraday has posed:
"...Hanuman give me strength and courage to face the unknowing." Indira mutters as Rosie proclaims her confusion of the word Jedi. She starts the mount the steps and gives an amused snort over her shoulder towards Jeremy. "Boy, do I look like the Mary Sue perfect white girl who's destined to save the world? Of course, the closest visual role model to me was a video game Sith, but, the Second Sister was still kind of a bad ass. I'll take it."

"And yeah, Rosie's new to this. We need to introduce her in the right order. None of that chronological nonsense. Rosie, I will absolutely pull an all nighter if we need to. This is a critical education in one of the major cultural impacts in this world, and a sure fire way to know if someone's worth being a friend or not. If they give you that answer," She points towards Ted, "Then they're not good people. Ted's good, though, that was a joke."

Gray has posed:
"Jedi are kinda like Miss Grey." Sure, it's more complicated than that, but it's a reasonable example, "I ain't tryin' t' be a jerk 'bout nothin'." He chuckles at Ted, shaking his head, "Yeah, and I'm some random schmuck on Alderan." He looks thoughtful for a moment, "Or maybe one of the Ewoks..." He can't help but look over at Jeremy's phone when he starts ordering, but quickly turns his attention back to where they're goin, making sure that they don't trip over anything.

Ted Gammage has posed:
"Space wizards with laser swords," Ted says in reply to the question. He trudges along behind the rest of the group, "But yeah, s'good in that old school sorta way." He smiles easilly and rubs the back of his head lightly. "Aw man, don't be an ewok. Though ah guess one did ride a speeder bike. That was pretty cool."

Antigravity has posed:
    "Leia? Is that good? What's a Leia? Space wizards with laser swords doesn't sound too awful bad but Ah'm just confused a bit --" she trails off, and she rubs the back of her head a moment as the blonde follows behind. She looks over at Indira.

    "Is... Hanuman part of this Star Wars thing, or is that a real thing?" she asks, this time in earnest.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< Leia was the princess and one of the main characters. She is a bad ass. One of the first female icons of the seventies and eighties. >>

Jeremy opens the door and heads inside, leading the way to the Rec Room as he hits send on the order for the local Chinese place nearby. That way it won't take too long. He bought so much food, at least several hundred dollars worth on his debit card.

<< Space wizards is a good way of describing them. Miss Grey is definitely a jedi. Can move things with her mind. >>