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Dead man Wade and the Librarian of Doom
Date of Scene: 17 April 2021
Location: Library - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Wade puts in some invention requests and does NOT freak out. Much. Beast survived a close encounter of the DP kind.
Cast of Characters: Beast, Deadpool

Beast has posed:
It is an irony that one of the places that is the least busy in a school for the gifted and ostensibly the learned, happens to be the library. If you're a teacher that doesn't want to be disturbed by students, go hang out there. No really. Take a look around. Who uses books any more? THe age of information has rather minimized the experience of the gaining of knowledge.
    But there are a few tried and true bookworms still around and one of them is standing on one leg, in a yoga pose in a book nook, flipping through Flora and Fauna of the Badlands just for kicks. Beast has a cup of tea, which he seems to have forgotten is almost empty, glasses perched on the end of his nose as he absorbs knowledge like a blue, overly wordy sponge.

Deadpool has posed:
All is quiet for a while before the first floor door slams open, and sliding on a carpet holding the edges up like a sled comes Deadpool with a "Whooaaa!". He seems to be going pretty good until he hits a large desk, and his body scorpions into it feet almost touching his head as papers go flying around. The Boom from him hitting it echoing into the large room. There is a goan, and sounds of cracking as Deadpool stands up, and looks around a bit.. From the doora couple of childrens heads pop in, no-one descript just children that go to the school. They seem curious, and worried but Deadpool grins at them, "Got a new record that time.. All the way down the hall!" and grins a bit.

Though just as fast he frowns again, and waves them off.. "No get out here you little demons before you get detention." turning to look at the mess with a sigh. He leans a bit to either side bones popping into place as he moves to pick up the papers infront of him. He would put the carpet back later, and no-one would even know. Of course he had no idea Henry was in there. So as he picks up papers he speaks lowly to well.. himself.. "No it counts they were totally behind the line.. Wait... what do you mean we aren't alone." freezing in place before he will soon turn to glance over at Hank's direction.

Beast has posed:
Oh, look. Eyeballs. Slitty eyeballs over the edge of spectacles. They're watching youuuuuuuuuuuu--eee---oooo---eee---oooo. Very still, Hank just watches, akin to the manner of large predators with other larger predators, or in a more pedestrian manner... like a possum that just got caught in the back yard floorlights. Then, for whatever reason, the spell is broken and he finishes his tea, seemingly disappointed and/or surprised to find there's only half a mouthful left, because he turns the stare to the contents and lack thereof. "Not telling anyone, nope. Your secret is safe, Wade," slipping into fluid, easy motion, the big guy pads to put his cup in the 'to-be-washed' tray and points upward and kind of off to the right somewhat with one clawed finger. "You tried the tower stairs yet? You can get some speed on that one and can end up vertical if you use an old tea tray."

Deadpool has posed:
Wade smiles a bit as he listens, "I tell them I am just going to take their money, but they just keep offering it anyway." he shrugs a bit putting some papers down on the desk. "Hey this is a school right, maybe teach them how to value cash." and laughs some more continuing his task. "If nothing else why not make it fun right? A bunch of stiffs in here." He stops, and hops over the desk getting closer he holds out a card. On the card it says My name is Wade Wilson, I have lost my memorries recently.. If lost do not call us' it looks self made the corners are mostly straight. It is torn, burned, and your not sure but that stain might be blood.

Wade grins holding it out for ya, as it is just easier as he kept running into people who knew him before. "And no.. I haven't they told me not to break the little ones and I am afraid they aren't up to the challenge of the tower just yet." with a laugh he shakes his head, "I do not want to be called into an office again.. They are so serious." he puts a finger over his eyes, "You still have weapons on you... You break everything... Drop your pants.." and laughs shaking his head. He just keeps talking about how he thinks Jean is alright, and starts even about his adventure out yesterday if you don't stop him.

Beast has posed:
"Well, this is the clarion call of every marketting strategist that has lived, last century to this one; youth have no sense of fiscal responsibility. Disposable income and an underdeveloped sense of one's own mortality. I could try, but I'm afraid I'd fail until they're at least twenty five in most cases," Hank glances at the card, familiar after all with who this is and the proclavity of getting up to his eyeballs in everything that could possibly go wrong. Wade Wilson, a poster child for Murphy's law. "The trick with the little ones, is you have to be able to duck, tuck and roll over them. That way you just get asked to do it again, once you've figured out you're right side up."

Beast taps the side of his nose then, waggling the finger around in a circle thereafter. "=They= certainly are. Always have been. I'm not though. My humerus is oversized. And given that I'm not sure if you remember me or not, Wade... Doc McCoy. Hank if you like."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy points at his elbow and waggles it a bit, at the bad humer (punpun) joke.

Deadpool has posed:
Wade listens "If they don't have it when others do, they will learn. Some things just can't be tought only expereinced ya know?" he gives a shrug a bit as if it makes sense to him. "Most the little ones around here have been told not to bug me. I am a bit of a.. loose cannon it seems." but his eyes narrow a bit as he realizes this is a Doctor, "They say becareful of Doc's.. I am not fond of you guys." he takes a bit of a step back from him. Somewhere deep inside Wade had enough encounters with Doctors and though he didn't remember why that feeling was still very strong.

He holds his hand out in warning in front of him, "they said I could stay outside as long as I didn't break 'em so see we are on the same side here. He backs up more till he bumps the desk. He seemed fine with the eyes, the look of him, but as soon as he mentioned doctor Wade was on edge. Though when he has something to his back Wade isn't backing up anymore.

Beast has posed:
"Not that kind of doctor," even if he is, there's other doctorates under his belt beyond the MD, Hank holds up both hands, but makes no other moves as Wade backs up. Address the trigger finger before you handle the misfiring gun, right? Right. He lowers his hands, idly folding his arms over his barrel of a chest. "Besides which, even if I were, all parts are attached, as is your head, so there's no need for me to poke anything that I shouldn't." And only when the trigger finger is at least off its mark, does he nod sage agreement. "I wouldn't trust doctors either. We always tend to think we know better than the next bloke. Terrible professional flaw. Also, I agree on the whole kids need to learn the hard way, sometimes. Still, I tend to just like to see about them learning without them killing themselves in the process -- apply air-breaks to the lunatic fringe and such. Or failing that, a really big pillow."

Deadpool has posed:
Wade death-look stares at him as he talks for the first time it might seem like Hank has Wade's full attention though maybe not positivly as he talks. He listens, and slowly lowers his hand then nods. "Alright... Alright. Your not here for me, I won't take any meds and you aren't trying to get me to." he takes a breath or two recentering. Then he grins, "At least your not dressed like a crown or I would of already tried to strangle you." and gives a nervious laugh as if he is maybe kidding. Thinking about it chances are even either way so he guesses it is a joke.

Thinking about it he stops and glances up moving closer slowly this time. "So your just a resident smart guy they keep to help them with the science mumbo jumbo then? Maybe an inventor? Cause I could use an inventor. There are somethings I had thought about, but I just can't do." He shrugs a bit, "They said maybe I should do things alone.. Maybe this is a first step." he takes another step and holds out a hand like he will cut it off if he needs to. "Maybe... we try this again.."

Beast has posed:
"WOuldn't blame you. Pennywise flashbacks. Too many teeth. Plus they paint their 'face' on eggs, in some countries and put them in a weird hall of fame, like they'll hatch into new Clowns someday. Truth." Beast eyes the 'gun' a little longer, not making sudden moves or being in any way clownlike, except for the sense of humour. With the reset and do-over, he braves the danger and proffers his hand for the shake, oversized mitt enfolding and shaking. "Maybe you should just call me Hank? Reprogram it into the automatic response file until you come up with a suitable nickname, which I dare say will arrive someday, probably with a bang."

He then takes his hand back, folding his arms again and standing himself once more upon one leg. "Actually, you're not far off the mark there. Inventor, engineer, mechanic, occasionally plumber. DOn't ask, there was an incident with a lot of gunk once and they needed to get the drains cleaned." Watching Wade across his nose, the general impression is of 'active listening' going on. "What kind of inventiveness are we talking about?"

Deadpool has posed:
Wade is noding, listing or at least trying to until right in the middle he snaps his fingers. "Big blue.. Big cause look at ya, and your eyes are Blue so your like that super smart computer." he chuckles a bit as he thinks about it. "Could you make a gun that shoots out a big hand that smack people.. Now wait.. A sign on a stick that says bang then shoots out!" he shakes his head thinking, "No... humm.. So many ideas.. So many" he starts pacing now thinking about this new discovery.

He stops and looks up, "I got it, a sonic gun.. something that can tilt the inner ear and make people feel off center." he stops turning, "See my problem is this.." he reaches in a pocket and pulls out a normal bullet, and pulls out one with a larger pullet but it has the hallow point, then a plastic one. "Do you know which one of these work against actual mutants out there." he shakes his head. "Hardly any of them anymore.. Shields, invulbility, or even god forbid regeneration..." he shakes his head at that one before putting them away, why he carries bullets with no gun.. that maybe for another time. "I need to bring something to the team something they need.. Though I mean I can fight, and heal.. They have people who once they start running can't be stopped." he shrugs a bit. "Got anything for the Big Blue?"

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy blinks owlishly a couple of times. Big blue? Hey, could've been worse. Idly, one hand unfolds from the folded arms and taps his chin, a steady rhythm that metronomes his thoughts into order; one eye narrows a bit, the other widening as he watches the thought process unfold in the unhinged amnesiac hitman. The finger twirls in Deadpool's direction before resuming the taps. "Sonic gun is definitely doable, although rather impractical, except indoors. The kind of sonic dissonance required to disrupt balance dissipates in a wider field. Unfortunately just physics." But the bullets. They're eyeballed.

Deep breath.

"Know thy enemy, I'm afraid. That's the issue when you're dealing with a random factor. I find that a lot of things, although not all things, have a great deal of trouble being all in your face if they're unconscious. Can't breathe, can't fight. Some things don't need to breathe, but there we go... Random again. But there's rapid oxidizing agents that can suck breathability out of an area very quick. Can put those in dummy bullets or vials. Also, tazer rounds. Slap gun would work in Mojoworld though. I might have to see if I've got any conversations with Longshot on record."

Deadpool has posed:
Wade shrugs a bit, and nods. "I mean it is fair enough most people caught unaware are easly dropped by a single well placed shot.. I mean if one were to do that sort of thing of course so I shouldn't be too hard on them. I mean from what I have read and the little I have experienced they have done me well." and he smiles a bit thinking about it. He looks up Hank again with a new eye to see how he sits, and what it might take to take down such a person as he silently stands there. Silent since the second time they met then he shakes his head breaking out of the though as they are on the same team.

"Yea your prob right, experience and lessons learned are the best." he turns deflated.. "Just the two things I am missing. And everytime I try to find out why a freaking plane drops out of the sky on my head.. Well not litterally.. Well not yet at least." he glances out the window just incase. It had been a couple of days before fate had messed with him it was due soon. Glancing into the sky he notes, "Thanks for the advice Big Blue, but I... should be heading out for a bit." he glances back at him with a small smile. "Ya know one thing I remember, or at least learned very quickly.. This world is a great place, that seems to always be trying to kill you." and laughs he grabs the rug looking at the door. "If ya invent something that can help just wave me down anytime alright?

Beast has posed:
It wasn't possum. It was definitely two kinds of predator doing the circle and stare. For perhaps that's one thing Hank McCoy and Wade Wilson share, if in secret; it always pays to know how to drop every single one of your team mates if you have to. You never know. You never, ever know.

"Yes, planet earth is rather like that. It's like the spirit of Terra FIrma decided that it wants to be Australia. Everything wants to kill you, at one point or another..." Beast nods to Deadpool. "...I'll see what I can come up with that might work for you. Plus, I might even have suggestions on finding the hole that fits you, rather than trying fruitlessly to shove your peg in the round one. That's the definition of insanity after all; attempting to do the same action over and over, expecting different results. Or it's quantum mechanics."

He watches Wade leave though, several files filled with more information for the encounter. It's an ongoing process.

Deadpool has posed:
Wade stops freezing at the door.. "I am NOT CRAZY.." he says turning to say it as he points an angry finger at Henry.. "Don't tell me that Big Blue.. We were just getting friendly like." he takes a deep breath to center himself, "Sure I hear voices but they are real.. they tell me things, things I don't know. Well one does, the other is just Kill Kill Kill all day." and he gives the nervious chuckle again. "But I am not crazy.. I am as sane as you or anyone else.. just our view of the world is different."

With that he walks out slaming the door behind him. He really didn't like being called crazy, though he wasn't called crazy, it was close enough when he heard it to make it seem like the assumption was there. He would get over it. Big Blue didn't know and Wade was rather forgiving so either way it will work out in the end.