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Latest revision as of 13:09, 18 April 2021

Chatting with Royalty
Date of Scene: 16 April 2021
Location: Fortress Asgard, Kvalvika, New Asgard
Synopsis: Power Girl and Thor's visit after the misunderstanding ends. It was a lovely meeting.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Power Girl

Thor has posed:
    In the depths of Fortress Asgard, away from the throne room and the gathering halls, there are any number of meeting places where political appointments are made, where diplomatic discussions are held, and where much of the business of the nation is dealt with at hand. They are often rooms that function under a different premise. They are studies, libraries, drawing rooms, any of the number of rooms that are held in excess in any suitable castle or political building.
    The one that Thor and Karen find themselves in is no different. Yet it is comfortable, all told. For it is several hours into the evening after the hero had brought herself to court and spoke with the Asgardian monarch, presenting to him the situation that likely spawned at the behest of his brother Loki. A supposed date that had been agreed upon, only by one of the concerned parties. Yet a social obligation is a social obligation, and so Thor had insisted she at the least break bread with him as he perused orders of the day, and after his duties were done they were able to actually spend some time talking. Though it was in between bites of roast duck, drinks of honey mead, and all in the comfort of a glowing fireplace that offered some warmth against the chill of Norway this time of year.
    It was there in that long room with its myriad book shelves and conversation nooks that Thor related to Power Girl the tale of one of his latest adventures even as he gestured with the flagon in his hand.
    "And so, you see, I turned to the others, then turned back to him. And I told them, 'Very well. Avengers... Pay the man.'" His lips twisted up as he recited those words, grinning wryly as his face was a touch flushed, then added. "And then, all hell broke loose. But, luckily, we were victorious and returned home."

Power Girl has posed:
Despite the fact the meeting had been under false pretenses, Thor had been extremely understanding. Even though he was a king, dealing with his country and people, trying to handle the work that had been stacking up while he was off planet apparently, he still wanted to try to make things right so had asked her to stay and enjoy a meal. As though she had put herself out and deserved that much for the labor of having to fly all the way over here. It wasn't that difficult for her yet she had accepted the invitation because--well why not?

She'd heard tales of Asgardians and she hadn't really had a lot of time to learn what was true and what was exaggeration. Her experience here so far was they were a very lovely and polite people. They loved to laugh and tell stories. Many of those stories involved fighting which showed they loved that just as much. They enjoyed life to the fullest and she liked that outlook.

The food had been great. Thor had insisted on socializing despite his work, thus them ending up in this particularly library, office, whatever it was. Either way he was able to work while they talked and shared food.

The food! She wasn't a girl who ate like a bird and she found herself enamored by their food. A bit rustic but delicious and perfectly cooked. Then there was the honey mead. She'd heard of it. She had also thought it was a made up thing. Obviously, she was wrong. It was delicous and sweet.

As he finished the tale of their exit, she laughed loud. Not embarassed to show her emotions. No tittering behind a hand or the like. She just laughed outright and gave a clap of her hands in delight at the one-liner he'd used. "I wish I had been there to see their faces. I'm sure you all made short work and next time they will be quick to move off the Bifrost mark."

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, it was all my companions. I had little enough to do in getting the great container across into the bifrost's mark. And once that was secured..." He lifts a hand to gesture to the side as if waving a hand and watching something fly off into the distance.
    Then he looks back and smiles a little, glancing sidelong at the stack of some seven scrolls that had been required for him to consider, various proposals and requests and clarifications on law that fell into his purview. He shakes his head as he takes another drink of mead from the flagon, "To be honest it was a good chance to get away, off in the unknown with good comrades. Reminded me of my frivolous youth."
    At that he leans forwards to lift the large round bottle from whence the mead had come and he hefts it to gesture toward her own flagon should she wish for more. If so then he'll pour, it not then he continues on to his own to fill his flagon once more. The bottle is set aside with a faint thump of ceramic on wood.

Power Girl has posed:
She accepts, offering her own flagon for him to top off. She was drinking it a bit more slowly because she wasn't sure how this might work on a Kryptonian. They might be comparitively strong in some ways but their bodies worked very different from Asgardians. After all, Thor didn't need that yellow sun to keep functioning at these levels.

She draws the flagon back, setting it in the same place it had been and reached back to pull a bit of meat off the piece of duck on the plate in front of her. She popped it in her mouth and chewed. Once she swallowed, Karen continued her side of the conversation.

"Your youth? You make it sound like you're so old. Though I'm guessing you are blessed with not looking your age considering when the Norse myths came about here on Earth." She wiped her fingers on a napkin.

"How were you different in your youth? I mean, obviously you didn't have to worry about the work stacking up while you were gone for a few days since you weren't king. Was it like the princes in stories? Bored and trying to fight that by doing stupid stuff?"

Thor has posed:
    "Midgard..." Thor says as he gestures with the flagon, "And the war here was around the time I was coming of age. I am now some..." He tilts his head to the side, and for a moment he lightly taps his thumb against the fingertips of the same hand before he replies, "Thirteen hundred years old, give or take."
    His lip twists, "And in all fairness I was still rather brash not too horribly long ago, but for us... events shape us more than a tally of our time."
    That said he looks aside for a moment, thoughts distancing but only for an instant before he looks back to her and smiles. "But yes, my brother and I got up to no good fairly regularly. Rushing off hither and yon on some adventure or other. I will not lie and say that all we did was... terribly intelligent. More we... indulged in. Shenanigans."
    He fights his smile. "Ah but if you had known me then, doubtful you would have cared for me. Scoundrel, rake, rogue. I was arrogant, and thought myself invincible. I rushed headlong into danger without thought nor hesitation. And I know Loki takes much of the blame, but often enough I tried to get him involved in my schemes as well as the reverse."

Power Girl has posed:
"See, now that surprises me," Karen admitted as she picked up her flagon. She sort of motioned toward him as she said that, emphasizing what she was talking about. "You are such a known hero who has done some amazing things. Even most of the myths about you are pretty positive. Well, the ones I've read," she added with an unapologetic grin. "I admit I was never a big one for mythology. Was more interested in science and mathematics." She shrugged then continued.

"But to think that you were the bad boy! And the one leading Loki into trouble. The god of mischief himself, being led astray by your adventures. If you weren't king, I bet I could hear some really good stories down at your local bar. Wait, do you have bars? I just assume everywhere has bars."

Thor has posed:
    "Oh Loki earned his title, that is a fact." Thor says as he points at her, leaning forward in the large cushioned wooden chair, causing it to creak a little. "And I am sure that no small number of the times I thought I was leading us off on some brilliant adventure at my own behest was really me rushing off because Loki needed something or other and I was a bull to be led by the horns."
    Yet his smile is warm as he relates these old stories, or at least offers this quaint insight. "Though yes, we do have bars here." His smile turns a little reminiscent as he shifts his gaze to the side, as if he could look through the wall in the direction of the town's square. "The Broken Antler was one of the first buildings constructed when we first came here to Kvalvikka. It was our community center for a time, our gathering place, and the center of our government in some ways while we rebuilt. For we are a... boisterous people."
    That said he looks back to her, "But we are also a people who live through our tales, who need that gathering."

Power Girl has posed:
That gets an impish smile from her, blue eyes showing her amusement for a moment. "One of the first things built was a pub. Got to respect that." Though she means nothing negative by it and she gives a bit of a nod as she leans back comfortably, picking up her flagon and sort of cradling it on top of her other hand as she relaxes.

"So it was more a gathering place. Everyone could talk and work on details of what you wanted this place to become. I have to admit it's amazing in such a short amount of time that you've been here. I wouldn't have thought it would be that quick to build an entire castle."

She looked around the room, as though she could see the whole structure. Well, she could but she wasn't doing that right now! Then she focused back on him.

"Shows your people are as hardworking as they are boisterous. Need something to blow off that steam after a hard day." She does take a sip of her mead then shifts a bit, moving forward on her seat.

"And I really should stop taking up your time. You've been a wonderful host when really, it wasn't necessary. But I know you wanted to make a good impression for Asgard."

Thor has posed:
    "At first it was slow-going," Thor nods as he looks upwards at the fortress that stands strong over their heads. "But as our people became more at ease here, as our ways adapted, and as this became our home... we became tied to it and began to recover some of what we lost. Oh we are far off from what we once were, but I think we can see a good future for now."
    A hand lifts, however, when she makes a comment about taking up his time. "My time, for now, is my own. And there are far worse ways I could spend it than in your company, good Karen. You are a lovely dinner guest." His smile is warm, then he motions, "In truth a better guest than I am a host. For here I have been rattling on for however long, and not given you a chance to regale me with your own tales."
    Thor takes a sip of his drink and then says, "Tell me the tale of Karen Starr, what you hold dear, what thrills you, what entices you, and what you would do if you had the freedom to do so."

Power Girl has posed:
That gets another laugh along with a negative shake of her head. "You've been a great host. Not everyday someone gets to sit down with a king and shoot the sh--talk." Nice save! Real smooth, Karen! "I've really enjoyed hearing your stories."

She does consider his question though as she sort of shrugs and scoots back in her chair. "I haven't lived a life like yours. Sure, I do the hero thing and I try to help people but I haven't been around for that long." Literally. Like alive. She wasn't sure that was something to bring up in conversation on a first meeting though so she didn't elaborate. "Plus I don't know how to make what I do sound like an epic saga," she admits.

"I'm really a science nerd. I love sitting in a lab, working on gathering data or experimenting. I would've been the kid sitting in the chem lab at the school and blocking things up by accident," she adds with a soft laugh.

She absently brushes her hair away from her face on one side, tucking the locks behind her ear so they weren't blocking her line-of-sight. "I enjoy being a hero, don't get me wrong. A good fight gets my blood pumping, which is kind of at odds with the other side of me I guess. Most people don't think of the lab nerd wanting to go punch Darkseid in the face. I did that once. Well, a couple of times but it was in a single fight."

Thor has posed:
    "You see?" Thor says as he lightly thumps the tabletop with the flat of one hand, grinning crookedly for the moment as he murmurs. "In one breath you tell me you have lived little, and yet in the next you tell me of one of your greatest battles with the veneer of modesty."
    The Asgardian leans back in his chair, crossing a boot over his knee and resting his free hand upon his ankle. "You have done much, and you have been very heroic. You should not fear to speak well of your accomplishments."
    He gives a nod and then uncurls a hand, "For look at you? You are a learned soul. A beautiful woman. You enjoy good food, good drink, a fine celebration, and the thrill of battle. I am starting to think that perhaps your heritage is less Kryptonian. Surely you are an Asgardian foundling and belong here with us."
    At that he lifts his flagon to take a drink, cheeks ruddy as he then sets it down with a thump. He brushes his forearm over his lips and still smiling adds, "Do not sell yourself short, you have done much, Lady Karen."

Power Girl has posed:
That gets another laugh along with that negative shake of her head. "No, pretty sure I'm not Asgardian. Trust me, pure Kryptonian here." Or so the lab information had said. Again, not a conversation for a first meeting. Maybe not a conversation for ever! How exactly did one bring up they were a clone anyhow.

"I do like the way Asgardians live though. All out, embracing the happiness and the danger. It's very much my viewpoint on life. I've never been one of those girls that is going to order a salad so people think I'm watching my weight. I'm not going to worry that I might be too muscular when that isn't the 'in thing' if you pay attention to the ads and fashions. I'm not going to curb my laughter or my humor because women who are loud are obnoxious. Yeah, been told that before," she adds with a grin. "I laughed harder and told him to f--feel free to see himself out."

She does have to admit one thing though. "But the modesty. I dunno. I just feel like I'm bragging if I talk about what I've done. It doesn't come off to me sounding cool, just pompous. But hearing the way you and your people tell your stories makes them seem like something out of a book that I'd pay money for!"

Thor has posed:
    "It is our way," Thor says as he sets the bottle in the middle of the table and then rests his hands upon its surface. "And the telling of tales is not bragging, though perhaps if you..." He looks to the side his lip curving a little crookedly. "Stretch the truth a little, that is not so horrid. Just a smidge of truth stretching."
    That said he puuushes himself to his feet, his armor creaking and his joints cracking as he /streeeetches/ his arms out, his broad shoulders wide as his bracered hands reach upwards, then back down as he shakes his head.
    "Now, it is getting late. You are welcome to stay the night if you wish, I'll have guest quarters drawn and readied, a Lady in Waiting will see to your needs if you wish." He extends a hand to her to offer some small bit of help should she need it to rise.
    "It has been a lovely dinner, thank you for spending the evening with me."

Power Girl has posed:
"I'll have to spend some more time with your people, if that's okay. See if I can learn that skill for story," Karen decides. As he starts to stand, she takes a last sip of her mead and puts the flagon aside. She puts her hands on the arm of the chair to get up as well then sees his offered hand. Now that is weird. She's not used to that sort of manners.

Her first instinct is to just get up. She doesn't need help. But then she realizes he's just being polite. It isn't that he thinks she's unable to do so without assistance like some frail waif. She takes the hand although she really gets up on her own anyway.

"I've already used up enough of your hospitality. The flight home will just be a couple of minutes anyway if I fly out of the atmosphere first. I really appreciate it and you have been a wonderful host. Thanks for the food and the talk. It's been a true pleasure. Hopefully someday we can meet again. Maybe even on the battlefield as allies. That would be a blast," she admits with a grin.

Thor has posed:
    Accepting her hand and placing it in the crook of his arm, he steps towards the door at a leisurely pace, resting his hand over hers as they stroll. It does, indeed, seem to be a polite manner. For he continues to chat amiably while they walk, his footsteps audible upon the stone floor.
    "Then I shall walk you out as you take your leave." He tilts his head toward her, "And please, feel free to visit at your leisure. I am sure you would be welcome."
    That said it's out into the hallway they stroll, and as they emerge two guards snap to attention with their spears clicking upon the floor. Thor gives them a nod as he passes and lifts a hand to offer wave before he walks along.
    From afar and in profile he might seem horribly grim. That short hair, that severe beard, and that strapless eyepatch. It might almost make him look like a villain from some period drama. But then he turns his head to smile at her.
    "Give my regards to the Justice League when you see them."

Power Girl has posed:
As they walk, Karen is greeted with a few smiles from those they pass. They are returned by her. "Truly a wonderful place and amazing people. It's been a treat to visit. And thank you. For the invitation to do so again. Maybe just come and do the tourist thing for a day or two. I'm sure I can get the time off."

It isn't a long walk but she becomes aware of something. She's a tiny bit light headed. Which means she was smart to nurse that mead. Seemed that it did have a kick even a Kryptonian might feel.

As they emerge back out into the night air, it is quite cool. Yet, she doesn't seem to noticed. She looks around and then back to her host, smiling. "I will tell them. And please give mine to the Avengers when you next see them. Thanks again!" She takes a step back and, with a thought, begins to lift off the ground. Hovering about two inches, she suddenly leans her head in and gives him a quick kiss. A peck on the lips. It has to be the mead! After all, he's a king. But it has been a good night and it felt right.

Thor has posed:
    It's such a quick thing, and she can tell it surprises him as his eyes widen, but then ease as that smile grows. She floats upwards higher and he holds her hand, arm extending as she grows higher and higher until his fingers slip from hers. Which lets him uncurl that hand that had been holding hers into a wave as he calls out.
    "I shall remember this night fondly, Power Girl." His hands lower to rest on his hips as he takes a step back.
    "Fly well, and take care." Which are his parting words as she begins to fade into the sky. It's only when she's mostly out of view that he turns his head and starts to walk back inside. Shaking his head slightly he sighs to himself.
    "A lovely woman," The words quietly spoken, only for one of the guards to ask...
    "Pardon, my lord?"
    Which has Thor pause and gesture to the man, "Remind me to thank Loki, if you would."
    "Of course, my lord."
    And with that, Thor departs.