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Latest revision as of 23:49, 19 April 2021

Garage talk part 2
Date of Scene: 19 April 2021
Location: Garage - Xavier's School
Synopsis: No-one died so it worked out well!
Cast of Characters: Deadpool, Cyclops

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool walks into the Garage as if he is looking for something, or someone opening the door and putting a masked face in with a "Hello? Scott you in here?". It is slightly after mid-day classes are done everyone is either in their rooms, studing, or doing whatever else they do with their freetime in the school. Deadpool is wearing his standard outfit though it has seen better days as it is all stitched, and patched where it has been shot, stabbed, lasered, or even just wrinked. Wade doesn't seem to notice, or even really care at the state of it as to him it is just his outfit as long as it doesn't show skin it is all good for him.

Wade had looked for Scott as he had something bothering him, the look on his face was one of worry, and conteplation as he wondered the halls. One of the random students he had bumped into mentioned something about the Garage, and well Wade was trying to get along with the short ones a bit better so decided to give it a shot and listen. Of course he has no weapons on him, not even a kitchen knife though it was difficult at times as the days since he has been back he has been well.. quiet. Well as quiet as he could be of course, there were rummors of him and some of the kids racing down halls on carpets. Not to mention the rumors of him gathering people to replicate old paintings in photos though no-one has been directly involved with that, just rumors for now.

Cyclops has posed:
Elbows deep in the engine of a classic Mustang is Scott. Now that he is living off-site with Jean in their own place, he has been traveling back and forth to ensure that he can still maintain his beautiful ladies in the garage. He has several of these lined up in various colors and models. He loves Mustangs, Camaros and Firebirds. As he hears his name called out, he lets out a loud breath and pulls himself up, then drops the hood down with a clank.

"Yeah, what's up, Wade?"

As he turns to face him, his eyes behind his visor tracks over the state of his dress. "You know you can wear normal clothes around here, right? We have a budget to get you clothes if you need them."

Deadpool has posed:
Wade enters the garage, and nods shutting the door behind him, and looks at what he is doing though he wasn't really a 'car guy' so gives more of just a nod of I have no idea what that is, but looks good to him. As he walks over looking a the car, he speaks to Scott, "Oh believe me none of you want to see me outside the costume." he waves down with even gloved hands. "I figure if Rogue can go without touching people I can go without spoiling some kids dinner ya know." and grins a bit at that thought. He turns to face him, "Though my outfit isn't what I am here to talk to you about I will keep that in mind."

He sighs a bit pausing on how to do this, he glances at Scott, he had heard it was a common thing to stall should he do that. He gives it a shot, "That is a nice car your working on there.. Would you tell Jean I threatened you if I asked wher the keys were." giving a bit of a wink. He only joked, but it did kind of get to the topic, though also had little to do with why he was here.

He turns his head a bit, "Nailed it.." with a small fist pump like Scott would just not hear or see it.

Cyclops has posed:
"You're not touching any of my cars. I will literally kill you, or find a way to. If you need to drive a car, you can check one of the shared vehicles out. Where you do want to go?" Scott asks right to the point and straight to business as he folds his arms over his chest.

"I would also prefer if you would attempt to fit in here and wear normal clothes. You can't walk around dressed like that in front of the students. It's inappropriate and it's not hygenic. I don't care that you look ilke an overcooked meatball under your costume. Here at Xavier's, we do not judge people based upon their physical merits."

Deadpool has posed:
Wade looks around a bit, and leans on the wall. He sighs a bit, and holds up a hand.. "We will discuss that, maybe a burka or something I am sure we can figure something out.. This is more important." he sighs bit, and starts slowly though he does note that shared vehicles. "You do know there are a lot of bad people out there right? I mean not mutants, well maybe them too, but I mean like dark room plotting.. bad bad people." he shrugs a bit, hopping that he does that at least. "I have been trying to be better, and I have been thinking how to do better, but I reached a conclusion. I can't do that by just staying here cooped up inside a school, sure its nice and I do like it here with no-one trying to kill me.. Or well activly trying." and laughs at that one as he swears that kid on the carpet kicked him to win.

He looks down a bit, "But what I need to do out there.. it well lets just say I can't take any X-men with me this isn't something they should see." he glances up, "But I don't want to get in trouble, I mean sure for something small having some fun around the stiffs that is nothing, but well I don't want to get kicked out." and sighs again at his issue.

"I want to go out again and help, I need to get out there again.. But if I do I am worried that I won't be alowed back. So here is the crossroads." he glances out at the garage door, and well beyond if he could see through metal.

Cyclops has posed:
"You are here for therapy, Wade, not to joyride around and chop people up with your swords and then come home and leave a paper trail to our front door. It's bad enough SHIELD and the Avengers drop by once in awhile to borrow one of us, but we don't need them to show up ready to arrest you either. If you had your memory back, I'd be more than happy to make a call and plant you in the middle of The Raft. You're a terrorist and a murderer, Wade. You being here amongst my students doesn't make me comfortable, but knowing you're out here killing people because you think it fits some type of punchline in your head makes me even more uncomfortable."

Scott heads to his toolbox and picks it up, making his way for his bench to place it down, then goes about cleaning them off. "If you wish to leave these grounds, you need to do it with an escort, or, you are free to just leave and not come back." As he turns to face him, he folds his arms over his chest. "When Victor came to us for help, we knew what type of monster he was, but he also never once stepped out of line outside of pissing off Logan. You though? You didn't make it two days before you were freeing The Juggernaut and cutting people in half. This isn't a cartoon, Wade. Real life has consequences."

Deadpool has posed:
Wade tilts his head, "You don't understand how many people you are curisng to suffer without help because I can not get to them. You think this is for some joke, you think I want the TV to constantly tell me about these people?" he shakes his head at that and glances at him. "I know this place is secret are you kidding I will, have done all I can to keep it that way." he just takes a breath.. "You help people by fighting the big fights, sure you may stop someone from killing a city, and do it your way, but man there is so much you are missing. So much bad out there that just because they aren't super villians are ignored." he then stops and turns, "I also find how as long as it is Juggernaut who cares what they do to him. That wasn't some jail.. That was a blacksite.. People don't get fed, or go out on walks." he waves hands, "Sure freeing him wasn't the best idea, but still.. And those people, those people were shooting, and trying to kill me. I didn't do it because I was paid to, and sure I had fun doing it because if ya got to kill them why not enjoy it.. Something you will prob never get."

He turns and looks at Scott, "I could talk about how I haven't broke any of the little ones, or how I walk around this place naked with-out weapons but to keep the peace I do it in a house full of nukes cause it is the rules." he kicks up off the wall and walks towards him a bit with a serious look on his face, "But if you think you can take me to whatever this Raft is.. Just try it buddy.. Anytime." now face to face with him.

True he had no weapons, but he was still Deadpool and knew he could take this guy being this close it was a matter of speed, and percision. "I thought you were a reasonable person.. Now I see your just a dick. If I leave it will be when I want.. If you feel that I am too hot to come back then so be it. Threaten me again, and maybe I should stop being nice too." his tone is very serious now he stares at Scoot just asking him to make that step. He wouldn't do it as he might be upset at the guy, didn't mean he could just snap him.

Cyclops has posed:
"Wade, is there a point to all of this. I still don't know what is it that you want when you came to find me." Scott says as he pinches the ridge of his nose with a long sigh.

Deadpool has posed:
Wade glances back letting Scott pass him to leave, and only says.. "We will see if I am around for long enough." he glances out again shaking his head, maybe he was right and it was time to go. Since he learned a bit more about his condition, and what needed to be done. He glances back at the door inside and sighs a bit, Scott maybe gone but he says to himself in low voice.. "Make your own memories.." and chuckles a bit. No it was not time yet, but perhaps soon.. Very soon. He sighs a bit with a shrug, and after another glance grins to himself letting the man get far enough to not see Wade land on the hood to dent it a bit.

He laughed to himself as he walks out now himself.. "Take that ya prick." and leaves the room as well. He will have to find another way as the ultimatium has been said... He would make up his own mind from this point on and if he had to do it alone.. So be it.