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Revision as of 06:33, 20 April 2021

A Late Night Song
Date of Scene: 20 April 2021
Location: Club Evolution, Mutant Town
Synopsis: Megan finally meets Roberto but awkward things happen.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Sunspot

Pixie has posed:
It's a cool spring night and a Monday to boot. Midterms are in full swing, but for one hyperactive college student, midterms are just about over, and it's time to celebrate.

Which is what brings her to Club Evo, a cozy little place that she hasn't visited in a while, and what better way to let loose than check out the club, maybe visit some old friends?

Which is a good thing too, because looks like they're doing a Karaoke night and she's only too eager to get up on that stage and sing and dance the night away - maybe even get someone to buy her some real drinks while she's at it!

Rainbow colored disco lights fill the dark room in glittering glitzy flashes as Megan steps in, wearing a metallic silver skater dress and long white boots and matching headband, ready for some fun as she taps her foot to the beat...

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa is decked out in his cream colored suit, looking every bit the frazzled club owner even a mere two days back on the job. It's amazing the hours he must keep considering his day job is running a multibillion dollar company and multi-million dollar charity organization, or maybe he just has a lot of help. Either way he's doing his NIck from Casablanca, working the crowd shaking hands. HIs tie is undone but he is still the most polished guy in the room. He sighs and takes a break catching the eye of certain Pixie like new arrival, he heads her way with a wave towards the bar.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs and twils and dances to the current song being played, an upbeat ballad of some sort, and the singer is quite good. Maybe someday Megan will be that good too! She's getting soo into it in fact, that she's not watching where she's going and totally misses the wave as she sings and twirls, eyes closed as her steps carry her in his general direction..

Until, inevitably, the sometimes clutzy fairy looks about to crash headlong into him..Or at the very least, those pointy high-heeled shoes of hers are getting dangerous close to his own feet. Ouch!

Fortunately she catches herself just in time as her eyes flash open, darting back and swinging her arms out to the side to keep herself from falling over. "Yikes! Soo many people!" she giggles and nods to Roberto, recognizing him from one or two brief encounters in passing. "Heey, you're like, Sam's friend, Roberto, right? So cool to finally meet you in person!"

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa smiles and watches the girl lost in the music, apparently enjoying herself immensely, and he smiles, recalling as much as he can, <<Megan, codename Pixie, one of the newer students but not the current class>> The club is crowded and yet she makes her way towards Roberto fairly distinctly.

But it seem like it may all be coincidence as she threatens to crash into him. Berto's actions are smooth, confident born of years of training, he takes Megan's hand in his his, and pulls her into a slow spin, twirling her twice to bleed off her excess momentum , and using the centrifigal force to center her and bring her back into balance. He guides her into a friendly two-step in-front of the bar making it all look elegant and planned. One hand is in hers and the other is at the small of her back in proper dance fashion.

Roberto flashes a winning smile and a wink, "Now Megan, let's not meet by accident. Si, I am. I own the club and Sam runs it. Your Megan, right? one of the women at the school? It is nice to make your acquiantance as well."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn meeps, finding herself suddenly gliding effortlessly across the floor, rather than awkwardly crashing into someone again. Really, it's not that she's a clutz at all, moreso that she always has her attention elsewhere and is trying to take on too many things at once.

Even so, suddenly she finds herself twirling ever faster under someone else's influence, and it feels quite lovely. "Tidyyyy!" she shrills as she spins and twirls, reaching out an arm to feel the rush of air beneath her fingertips.

With a giggle and a slight blush, she peers back at Roberto and gives him a slight, almost shy smile. "Wow, I didn't know you were such a good dancer! That was sooo much fun! I guess the rumours about you were true, huh?" she grins and winks at him.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa smiles easily with a self-deprecating shrug, "Best in my class, well, I mean Kitty will always say it was her, but- not the point." There is some clapping that dies down, and things seem to go back to whatever passed for normal but Berto lingers and as the moment lasts, maybe he even pulls her a little closer, "There are rumors? I doubt all of them are true, but, well, let's say just the good ones?" He can feel the giddiness, and he laughs unsure exactly why and more certain with each passing moment that she is the prettiest girl in the club possible the prettiest girl he's ever seen.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip, feeling a bit self-conscious, nervous even, but hardly pulling away. "Oh, um..Y'know, that you're a real charmer, a real ladies' man and all that.." she waves a dismissive hand.

"Oh, and that you co-own the club with Sam and that you're his best buddy, and, oh, y'know, team mates with my arch-nemesis Illyana.." Megan laughs a bit. "Am I right?"

The words just slip so easily past her lips..Did someone spike the punch or what? Someone like Megan tends to get drunk preeeety easily. Yikes!

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa grins and shakes his head, "I enjoy the company of a beautiful woman, and I do my best to treat them he way they deserve, like princesses or fae queens, of course." He nods and smiles, "Yes, yes, I am, Sam is a good friend but that bitch Illyana, how could she make a nemesis out of you? You are correct in every way. You are amazing Megan, how have we not met before tonight? And where did the butterflies come from?"

Berto runs a hand through your hair and leans in to kiss you, softly on the lips. His eyes closed.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs, "Ooh, you're teasing, do I really look like a princess to you?" she giggles and blushes some more. "Oh, but I mean, Illy's not really *that* bad I guess..I mean we work well together as a team and she's actually kinda funny I guess, once you get to know her, but.."

And then he's suddenly coming in too close and too fast and Megan is caught off-guard by the kiss..Which actually feels really nice, but.."Meep!" she yelps in surprise and pulls away quickly, feeling a bit flustered.

"Umm, sorry, I..Gotta go..It's getting kinda late, so.."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa blinks as you pull away, and shakes his head, "Wow, I am so sorry. I- I do not know what came over me. I- Oh right... so dumb." Berto's flesh darkens as he triggers his powers the influx of energy, the raw power burning off the last of the effects. A few people notice and react but in a moment he's back to being his old self.

     Roberto focuses on Megan bu doesn't make a move to touch her, "Yes, you are very much a princess to me, Megan. No, Illyana is my friend but not that, it was a poor choice of words not all how I would describe her. If you're having problems with her I would be willing to help mediate them, Sam and Dani could help as well. He smiles and pauses as this is the big one, "I am sorry, I was out of line and that was not our fault, I made a bad decision, I moved too quickly though I do not regret kissing you, I do regret that I did not take the time to build a firmer foundation or trust with you before making the attempt. I understand, but maybe you could call me and we could have lunch tomorrow? This began quite nicely and I do believe we would have a pleasant time together as friends if nothing more." He smiles easily and offers you his card.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn's heart is beating rapidly now. What..Just happened? That comment about the butterflies is a tip-off and maybe it explains everything. Still, her face is red, blushing furiously, feeling like a total jerk.

"Um...I really shouldn't I mean..I'm kinda seeing someone soo.." She pouts, feeling even worse. Even if he's not around much, but...It doesn't mean she can't still get to know him as a friend at least, right?

"Uh, I dunno, maybe? But...Um...I gotta go....Later!" with that, Megan dashes out of the club then, nearly bumping into a few people on her haste to get out of there...