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Latest revision as of 20:57, 20 April 2021

A few ruffled feathers
Date of Scene: 20 April 2021
Location: 66 East 11th Street, Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Megan talks to Andrea about a delicate problem she got herself into..
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Rage

Pixie has posed:
Last night had been a long night. A long night of studying, followed by dancing and singing, ooh and a bit of flirting and stealing a sip of Roberto's drink..which had left Megan a bit shaken when things started to spiral out of control.

She hadn't drunk a lot, but she'd gone to bed late that night, a sleepless night after all the craziness that had happened. So naturally she felt she needed to talk to someone about what happened, or what almost happened.

Andrea was of course one of her closest friends and she had sent her a bunch of hurried texts to the effect of: 'Can we talk? Bad things nearly happened, I'm in a fix! be there in 20 min. K thx bye!'

Exactly 25 minutes later, Andrea would have heard a knock on her apartment door, a rather frantic knock as Megan called out. "Andrea, are you hoommmme!?"

Rage has posed:
It's still 'early' for Andrea as the popstarlet had still been in bed when the text came through. She has a fairly social nightlife rubbing elbows with A-Listers at various events. She squints her eyes and rolls out of bed, scrubbing her unruly hair back into place. She took a five minute shower and slid into a pair of workout shorts and a baggy top that hangs off one shoulder.

Now in the kitchen fixing up a large mug of double shot coffee, she is sipping away at it when the knocking comes on the door. She glances down at her phone and taps the screen to unlock the bolts so that it swings open. "Yeah, I'm in the kitchen." She calls out as her voice echos through the large penthouse.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn practically bursts in, all breathless and flustered looking, eyes wild and red, hair a bit ruffled. Okay, quite ruffled. "Andrea!" she gasps as she steps in, moving towards the kitchen once she sees her. "Thank goodness I caught you in time! I did...Really bad things happened last night, and I dunno who else to talk to, and I'm in a total jam...!"

She whimpers a little, hugging her arms, looking like she's about to cry or something. "Ugh...I'm soooo stupid..."

Rage has posed:
Well, that wakes her up a bit quicker. Andrea gives a few blinks of her eyes as she crosses the tiled floor towards her. She puts the mug down on the living room table and studies her. "What do you mean? What happened?" She says as she is already reaching for her phone.

"Look, if you killed someone by accident, just .. don't stress out, okay? I'll call James and he'll deal with it. We just need a cover story. Where were you last night? You were at my place. Okay? We were binging on Netflix and eating popcorn and then you stayed the night."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn sighs, sinking tiredly onto one of the kitchen chairs. Yeah, she looks like she hasn't had much sleep at all last night, like she's about to pass out. Silly girl. When Andrea starts going into plans for covering for a potential killing though, Megan blinks hard, sitting upright.

"Woah wait what?! It was nothing like that! Totally!" she bites her lip at her casualness. "Waaaiiit, have you had to deal with something like that before, or something?" And that gets her laughing nervously at the mere thought. Really, it makes Megan's situation seem vastly more...Trivial.."

"Umm, what I mean is..Umm.. Well..." as she fumbles along, Megan stares down at her fingers, intertwining them nervously, "Well, I just decided to go chill out at the Club Evo after a long day of writing mid terms..Bumped into Roberto Dacosta and we got to talking. I've actually never met him one on one before and wanted to get to know him a bit better, but.."

She laughs nervously, "Didn't expect him to be such a..Flirt. I got all flustered, stole a sip or two of his drink when he wasn't looking, we danced..And then he..Just kinda..Kissed me before I knew what was going on.." Megan sighs, shoulders slumping a bit. "I'm a real jerk.."

Rage has posed:
There is a bit of pause as Andrea puts the phone down. "What? No. Of course not. Pssh. I mean .. like I'd ever cop to it." She says with a wolfish scoff as she sinks down on to the couch next to her. "I've had to get Mason out of some situations when he used to ride high and do dumb things. I haven't killed anyone. I ate a cat once. That's the length of it."

As she eases back into the cushions of the couch, she tilts her head at her for a long moment, then squints. "Wait, he kissed you? Like .. in what way?" She asks as she gives her a slight head tilt. "And you were drinking at the club? Megan, you can't do that. You'll get Sam in trouble. You'd get in trouble. He just gave you his drink?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly at the whole 'cat eating' bit. She's heard a bit about Andrea's ex-boyfriend before, how much 'trouble' he was. But..."Woah wait, you ate a cat once?" she just chuckles nervously at that, shaking her head. It helps her to relax a bit but..

"Ummm, I know, I'm really bad. I just felt super nervous, because he's kinda cute and he was a good dancer and giving me all this attention which I shouldn't have been allowing, cuz y'know, I'm with Conner, and I guess I was just caught off-guard.."

She slouches some more and pouts, "Ugh, I guess you're right, I shouldn't have stole a few sips. Nah, he didnt *give* it to me, he just set his drink down for a few minutes and turned away. I was feeling pretty nervous so I stole a few sips. It was pretty strong stuff." Yeah, Megs has been really bad.

"But more to the point, I think...Maybe all that twirling..He talked about butterflies and sparklies. I think I accidently sprayed him with too much faerie dust. I wasn't careful but..Even so...I dunno what to do.."

Rage has posed:
"You wouldn't get drunk off a few sips, Megan. It's not like.. that's not how booze works though." Andrea says as she skips over the cat thing. That's for another day. "Unless you're like a /real/ lightweight and he was drinking something insane."

As she listens to the rest, she holds her hands up. "Woah, you hold on. Don't you fucking blame yourself. First of all, you shoudn't be drinking in Sam's club because he could get in a /lot/ of trouble, but also he shouldn't have done that to you. It's one thing to dance but it's another to put his hands on you. Pixie dust has nothing to do with it. You know for a fact it causes people to trip out, not get all Romeo and gropey. He had no right to do that."

Rising upwards, a low rumble echos in her throat as she starts to pace a bit, sweeping up her phone again. She gives it a squeeze, then starts for her bedroom.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn probably wouldn't get drunk so easily, but hey, it was an excuse, something to explain her bad behavior. Who knows?

Still, Megan shakes her head. "I...I guess you're right. Sam would be mad. But..Do you really think it was more than the Pixie Dust? I mean, I've never seen it do something like that to someone before, usually they're a bit trippy but in their own little world. But hey, it can be pretty unpredictable too, especially in such close quarters.."

She is making excuses and she knows it. Megan doesn't want other people to get in trouble or hurt because of her, and she knows that Berto is Sam's buddy so that makes things even more awkward. But then, she doesn't like what Andrea's about to do and her eyes widen, hopping to her feet to follow after her.

"Heey, wait a minute, what are you gonna do? Don't do anything rash, I'm sure he didn't mean it, right?"

Rage has posed:
"What do you think I'm gonna do? I'm gonna fucking handle it." Andrea says as she storms down the hallway towards her bedroom. "You should go home and get some rest. Remember, we were here together and binging on Netflix."

As she opens up the closet doors to reveal the deep interior full of clothing most of which is hers and a section for Jay, she stares for a long moment before she heads inside and starts to pick out a baggy sweater and a pair of loose fit jeans with holes in the knees.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn sighs, wondering if she made a mistake in bringing it up. "But..But..You can't go out there and..Attack him, you know? I mean..I just thought maybe you could talk to him about it?"

She sighs and shakes her head, knowing how stubborn Andrea can be when she wants to be, knowing it wont be that easy to talk her out of it. But maybe she can talk to Sam.

"I..I gotta go..Don't do anything rash!" and with that, Megan hurries out..