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Latest revision as of 22:03, 21 April 2021

Scoping the competition.
Date of Scene: 21 April 2021
Location: Apartment, the Blue Lady
Synopsis: Thomas and Buffy are all domestic...
Cast of Characters: Thomas Raith, Buffy Summers

Thomas Raith has posed:
You know what one of the main advantages to being the boss is? You get to set your own hours. And one of the Advantages to dating the boss? He'll coordinate those hours for time together. So it is this evening where in Thomas has managed to arrange for himself and Buffy to simply have a full day with nothing to do but spend couple time together. The scene of fresh coffee hangs heavy in the air with notes of frying bacon and fresh baked biscuits creating a virtual symphony of breakfast indulgence.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers has been her usual busy self, trying to balance work, school and Slayer duties, which recently got a little more interesting with the sudden unexpected arrival of the Chumash shield, literally on the doorstep to the Magic Box. Well that was one less thing to worry about.

Of course, she just had to check out that mysterious club Lux on her patrol, as it was on her way back home at the time, and curiosity dragged her in, like it had the last time she had been there, with Spike no less.

Good times. Or maybe, strange times.

Anyway, she's happy to be here with him, taking some time off to relax with Thomas, because it's been a while. She yawns and stretches after another long day, relaxing on the sofa and flipping through channels, dressed in comfy jeans and a white cotton t-shirt.

"Soo..How was your day?" she smiles as she sips on some coffee.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a bit, leaning over the sofa to kiss the side of her neck gently, tenderly, with just the faintest brush of heat to it. "Pretty well, I only had two marriage proposals, so I suppose it was a bit slow." He says playfully. Forgoing the kitchen table and bringing her over a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon and joining her on the sofa. "what about you, did you get to brutally murder some poor defenceless monster whose only crime was feasting on the blood and flesh of the innocent?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs a bit at that, shaking her head. "Only two, huh? Don't you ever get tired of people hitting on you all the time?" honestly, she's used to it, but Buffy at least has faith in him enough to believe that he wouldn't just drop her for a one night stand with some random girl, even if that may have been the case in the past.

"Hmm, well, y'know, the usual. Finally recovered that crazy cursed shield. It's at the Magic Box now where it belongs, so hopefully Giles and Willow can look at it and figure out what to do. Been doing the usual patrolling, the random vamp here and there. Can't figure out why Phobos makes it sound like I 'pick fights' with poor defenceless demons though.."

She grins, "Oh yeah, I checked out this place, Club Lux it's called. Kinda a cool place, not sure what to think of the owner though.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith adds a spoonful of eggs, a bit of bacon and some strawberry preserves to his biscuit and considers. "Club Lux? that would be Club Light. Interesting name." He says considering, tilting his head. "Any idea if Cheetah just brought the shield /back/ or if it was someone else?" he asks curiously. He takes a sip of his coffee adding, "Actually? Not really," He admits with a smile, "I mean you may keep me very," he pauses and slides his finger along her bare arm, and puts what could be considered an...excessive... amount of Hunger into the touch, "Very satiatated. but it's always good for the lion's ego to know he can run down a gazelle if he needed to." He says with a smile. "So what is setting off your Slayer sense about this guy?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shakes her head. "Nah, looks like it was..Obtained..By some antique store in Gotham where it was stolen a second time by Catwoman before it somehow broke and all these glowy spirit thingies attacked."

She shrugs, "Spike filled me in. I guess Batman found it and had some of his Justice Dark members analyze it before bringing it to the Magic Box."

Buffy would add more, but she's suddenly..Distracted as his touch on her arm sends shivers down her spine. "Hmm..." she smiles, curling har arm around his to tug him closer to her on the sofa. "You're making it hard for me to think y'know. Not that I mind.."

Drawing a deep breath, Buffy tries to recall the guy. "Well for one, he calls himself..Lucifer. Maybe it was my imagination, kinda set of my Slayer s ense, but I couldnt put my finger on it."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a bit wickedly to her reaction from his touch, "Good thing it's not your mind I love you for huh?" he says in a teasing tone to make it clear he is only joking about that. Still he does retract his finger and return to his food, a slight smirk on his face. "Lucifer? Not very subtle there is he?" he asks with an amused smile, "I mean not that 'The-man-in-white' isn't a bit on the nose," He says sipping his coffee. "I suppose everyone in this business needs a bit of personality. Does he go in for the whole Hell theme?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks a bit, leaning in against him, before trying a bit of egg and bacon. "Hmm...well, at least I'm not a dumb blonde, right?" she smirks, "Well yeah, not a very subtle name..I suppose there are bound to be others out there with that name..Or are there? I mean..I dunno who this guy is, he seems to be all charms and stuff, bought me a free drink and all, seemed friendly enough, not at all what you'd expect a demon to be. Am I overanalyzing here?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shrugs a little bit, "I mean consider how we met love? You didn't know who I was, but I was very friendly and charming, bought you a free drink as I recall." He smirks a bit, "And I am, depending by which metric you chose to use either a Vampire or a demonic host." He shrugs, "I sincerely doubt he is the /Biblical/ Lucifer, that would be a bit Rich and I don't imagine the White God would allow it, but an escaped Demon running a night club and taking his master's name in vain?" he gestures around to suggest the entirety of the Blue Lady. "Hardly impossible."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and nods. "And then I spent the next three months analyzing you, watching your moves, being wary of you, playing games.." she shrugs and sighs, "But I suppose you're right. Good and evil aren't so obvious to figure out these days. Still.."

Buffy takes another sip of coffee, downing it with bacon and eggs. What time is it, anyway? She's lost track as she seems to operate night and day a lot. "Still it might be good to check the place out, right? He's having a grand re-opening this weekend..What do you think?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith glances at his watch and says, "It's a little after eleven thirty," he says casually, having let them both sleep in since it is one of their rare full days off together." He sips his coffee and smirks, "alright, on one condition. We make it as close to a date as possible. I'll dress up, you wear something slinky, no more then two weapons apiece, and assuming we don't have to send up the Scooby Signal, we drink, dance, take an Uber home as we'll both be too drunk to drive, make out in the back of said Uber, and when we get home..." His eyes flash a bit paler as his smile turns positively devilish.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and nods, "Sound fun! Count me in...Hmm, although y'know, I don't have a ton of girly things. How about that red dress or shall we do some shopping?" she grins. Really, when's the last time Buffy did something totally girly and self indulgent like shopping?

"dunno how easy it'd be to slip weapons in there though. he's got a sharp eye, I think..Heey, I could always go for the weapons disguised as chopsticks look?" she grins.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles just a little bit, "Oh I think we could take some time and make a shopping trip out of it. New dress, new shoes, new bag maybe..." He gives a wicked grin as if to hint at what he /didn't/ mention. He nods about the weapons, "Chopsticks might work. Perhaps some Garlic Spray, if you think we'll have to worry about Vampires."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks and hmms, "Sounds fun. Don't remember the last time I got to be, y'know, like a normal girly girl." she arches a brow at the pause, and she can only guess as to what else he's thinking. She grins and reaches out to tickle him playfully.

"Soo,I wonder what sorts of shopping gifts I can surprise you with? I'd love to see you in a tux though, dont think I ever saw you in anything more fancy than one of your white suits." of course the garlic spray comment gets her chuckling even more. "I mean really, I dont think that even works on vamps for real!"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith makes a bit of a pained face, an honest one. "Really? I mean, I spent rather a lot of money and got some very odd looks from some people when I asked them to make Pepper spray cans only with Garlic Essence." he says shaking his head slightly "I had to order aq hundred cans of them before they'd do it." He sighs throwing up his hands in apparent defeat. Still he grins slightly, "Oh, is it a Tux sort of club?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs, shaking her head. "Oh c'mon, that's...I mean, how will garlic bother a vampire for realz, aside from overwhelming their senses? And then it'd have to be freshly skinned garlic."

She shrugs, "oh, I mean, I guess as a spray it might annoy them, but not anymore than it would annoy anyone with heightenned senses. Heck, I imagine it'd do the same thing to you..You have heightenned senses too, dont you?" Actually, Buffy has never asked, just kinda assumed he did..

"Hmm, his club is a Luxury club. I actually thought that was what the Lux stood for. People there were dressed pretty fancy so yeah, jeans and a shirt wont cut it."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smiles a bit, "Giles would make you hit the books I think." He says playfully. "Lux is Latin for Light. Lucifer was known as the Light Bringer, among other things." He says with a smirk, then casually takes her coffee and sets it to one side. "But I've decided I'm not hungry any more..." He pauses dramatically crawling fully onto the sofa and towards her on all fours, "For bacon at least..."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers groans. "Soo not fun! I mean, Latin was never my strongest subject." she makes a face. "Hm, wonder if there's some..Symbolic meaning to it or something?" and then he's getting more comfy and Buffy blushes and smiles a bit, putting down her coffee. "Oh yeah..? Guess that makes two of us.."