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Latest revision as of 01:05, 22 April 2021

A divine drink
Date of Scene: 18 April 2021
Location: Near Xavier's school Xavier's school.
Synopsis: Poseidon, as a thankyou gift for all the cocoa Shannon always brings him, gifts her with a bit of ambrosia and the usual talk.
Cast of Characters: Poseidon, Nightingale

Poseidon has posed:
Now aday, in modern times, communication between people is something that is not only very possible even from afar, but also umbelievably easy. Texts, emails, phone calls, all sorts of means to send a message to someone or to get in touch across oceans and continents. Gods, however, are a littlebit eccentric sometimes and, when they do not use talking pigeons or smoke signals conjured out of nowhere, they have all sorts of tricks to let people know what they want them to know.
Today, Poseidon chose one of these means of communication by magically writing on Shannon's mirror in her room. In an elegant, flowing calligraphy, the message reads "as I wouldn't want to trigger all the magical alarms of your school, do let me know when you're somewhere unwarded. I have something for you. Bring cookies, I'll think about drinks. Your favourite sea god, mr. P"

Nightingale has posed:
     As it happened, Shannon was just straightening out her makeup after a marathon baking session in the kitchen, when the message came through. Her eyebrows loft, and she bursts out laughing, shaking her head. If it was cookies Poseidon wanted, then it was cookies he'd get! She does take a few moments to at least look somewhat put together, with her hair pinned up and a tasteful bit of makeup on. She's wearing a light cream-colored sweater against the early spring chill, some flannel-lined jeans, and soft but sturdy black boots.

     A quick trip to the kitchen with a covered container to gather together an assortment of various cookies still warm from the oven, and she was out the door and in the air, winging her way towards the little brook in the woods. There had been no indication as to where the meeting would be, so barring any sea birds leading the way elsewhere, that's where she's going!

Poseidon has posed:
The great thing of magic is that it is flexible, so as soon as Shannon is out of Xavier's, Poseidon can pinpoint her position just like a gps and, as soon as she would arrive to the brook, here the god would be, already sitting on the bench wearing his flowing ocean-blue robes and a serene expression in the relatively nice afternoon weather. Set on the bench, next to him, a small, seemingly innoquous glass flask sits quietly, Poseidon holding a hand close to it almost protectively as he waits for Shannon.

Nightingale has posed:
     A bright smile lights up her face as she touches down, cradling the covered container as if it contained ambrosia--which, to both of them, it might as well be! It didn't seem to matter one bit that he was the god of the sea--she greeted him like an old friend, with a warm embrace, and a smile. "Feels like it's been forever," she finally says. "How have you been since the last we met?" She was in very good spirits indeed, so it seemed, all but lit up inside.

Poseidon has posed:
"forever is a lot of time for a lot of people, but yes, it's been a while" Poseidon replies, embracing the girl back and then returning to his seating position, smiling at the scent of cookies coming from the container. "I've been well, well enough at least. I have been travelling around the world on a small sailboat for a month or so, was pretty fun and relaxing.. How about you, anyways, how have you been?"
Meanwile, the flask is still there, innocently waiting next to him, just a glass thing that seems oddly fragile, but opaque enough so that its content isn't really visible. Getting close to it, however, would reveal that it actually emanates a sort of warmth, not like a boiling cup of water, but more like a bottled warm breeze.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Oh wow, where do I even begin?" Shannon grins as she sits down, careful not to jostle the little flask about--and equally certain to open up the container of cookies. There's an assortment ranging from oatmeal cinnamon, to chocolate chip, and even what look like little pillow cookies with a light, delicate orange glaze. "There's music, for starters. I actually had a chance to sing professionally, and the piece did well. Writing another song, and from the sound of it, that one might do well also, once I get it finished."

     She waits to get a cookie until Poseidon's had a chance at them first. "Then there was an incident where some good solid first aid training came in handy, saved one of the Avengers, actually. Think I might have wound up with a new friend out of the whole thing." Pause. "Not to mention I've taken up archery from the whole thing, to boot."

     Her cheeks darken with a blush, and her smile widens a bit. "Then there's Ted. I can't even begin to tell you just how happy he's been making me, and it seems to go both ways. So, all in all, eventful, but very good."

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon listens quietly to all of Shannon's words, sneakily reaching for one of the orangey cookies, tasting it to replace his neutral expression with a blissful one. "uuh huh seems like you've been busy. Here then, for saving a life... It may not be much of a prize, but I had some spare and thought I'd share since you always bring me stuff"
slowly, he takes the flask and still slowly hands it to Shannon. "Just a sip, Shannon, just a small little sip. Or you will spontaneously burst into flames or some other sort of bad things... Ambrosia, isn't for mortals but it is, quite good for a taste."
And in fact, should she decide to taste it, the liquid would immediately fill her mouth with not one, but countless tastes, seeming to just perfectly mix together all her favourites in a truly divine drink. And when it flows down to her stomac, it is warm, immediately permeating the body with a seemingly endless amount of rest and wellbeing. A full spa treatment, a full night of sleep, a feast and a full day of relaxing, perhaps, could come close to having this effect.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon's eyes nearly bug out of her head when she hears the contents of the flask. "That's... not going to have any ummm, lasting effects, is it?" Yeah, she knew the legends, and she knew what tasting ambrosia was reputed to do, most of the time. But how much of that was fiction, and how much was fact? The cookie Poseidon chose did indeed have the taste of orange, both in the glaze, and it seems in the sweet treat itself--mixed with the light, delicate taste of almonds. Not overly sweet, not overly strong, but very pleasant.

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon seems to think about the question for a few seconds, then shrugs and shakes his head "nah... If you drink too much you'll die but apart from that it'll just make you feel real good for a while... And will fix you a bit, like, healing diseases, helping to fix broken bones and all that sort of stuff that magic could do. But no, it won't turn you into a frog within three days or something like that. In theory..."

Nightingale has posed:
     Breathing a sigh of relief, Shannon smiles, laughing a bit. She should've known better, really, and felt a bit foolish for the worry. The flask is cradled within her hands as if it were the most precious thing; she can't resist the chance to simply appreciate the workmanship of the vessel itself. "This is really quite beautiful," she murmurs, gently tracing her fingers along the side. The top is opened, and she takes a moment to appreciate the aroma. It's nothing she can put her finger on, but the word 'divine' seems to fit quite well! The tiniest sip is taken, and the flask closed once more. Eyes closed, she tries to place the flavor; it seems to shift between all of her favorites, and the sense of well-being flooding through her is absolutely incredible. Her wings flare out to their full span, the young woman letting out a sigh of delight. "Thank you," she finally says. "That was a true privelege."

Poseidon has posed:
"once, a mortal, purchased half a glass of this thing at an auction for fifty million dollars... The idiot just chugged it up like a pro and ended up incinerating himself on the spot" Poseidon narrates with a smile, taking the flask again and bringing it to his lips to drain the content. The flask itself vanishes afterwards, leaving behind just a satisfied god that, however, reaches for another cookie "you're welcome, Shannon. And just so you know, I daresay these cookies come actually quite close to ambrosia itself! I absolutely love these orange ones"

Nightingale has posed:
     "Wow. I bet he was expecting to be turned into a god or something, drinking that much of the stuff." Shannon rolls her eyes and just laughs, shaking her head. "Honestly, you'd think some people would listen. He could have healed a lot of people with just the tiniest drops of that ambrosia, but instead was selfish about it."

     The compliment about the orange almond pillow cookies garners a wide smile from the girl, and she blushes, ducking her head. Without even a second thought, she plucks all of the orange cookies out of the container and plops them in Poseidon's hands, chuckling. "Thank you," she says. "Those seemed to make quite a hit with Mr. Barton, and Captain Rogers as well. I might even have a new favorite sort of cookie."

     Smiling a bit wider at him, she thinks for a moment. "I was telling Ted about meeting you, and he seemed a bit curious. Would meeting him be something you'd want to do one day?"

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon shrugs "humans, well a lot of them at least, are quite selfish. And yes that's said from me, part of a pantheon that is considered to be the living definition of the word selfish itself..." smiling at the cookies, he basically devours another two "making powerful friends I see, miss Shannon! As for Ted, I have nothing against meeting new people, you know that. Especially if they are engaged with one of my friends."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Engag... oh my..." Shannon bursts out in giggles, and shakes her head. "We're just dating, but so far it's going well. I'm just really happy to have someone special like Ted in my life. But yeah, I'll let him know you'd like to meet him, and see if I can work something out."

     As for the matter of powerful friends, she chuckles, and shrugs a little bit. "Cap was actually one of the first friends I made out here a couple years ago. Completely chance meeting, but it worked out well enough. Very down to earth sort of person, managed to learn a lot from him." She smiles andlets out a content sigh, tucking her feet up beneath her on the bench. "Speaking of friends, how are things going with Megan? I know she was supposed to be starting lessons with you, but I haven't heard her saying much about it since."

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon chuckles a bit, even managing to summon a fake scandalized expression "oh dear, you mean you won't marry soon? And here I thought you were already into that marriage age of you humans... Well in any case, I'm glad you're happy and all." Simply nodding about Rogers being a good person, he focuses on the question about Megan "we did a lesson, yes. She's promising, that's sure. Unfortunately, I have been a littlebit busy as of late and she's probably doing stuff too, but there's definitely some training to get once we manage to meet..."

Nightingale has posed:
     "I'll have to tap her on the shoulder, then, and remind her." Shannon frowns a little bit, her brows furrowing. "I do worry about her sometimes. She's often very hard on herself, calling herself useless, and thinking very poorly of herself. And not much I can say or do convinces her otherwise. It's a little... upsetting, really."

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon hmms thoughtfully "I've observed that sometimes humans thinking to be useless actually miss out on the opportunity of actually being useful. But she seems all but useless, for what I've seen of her at least. I'll see what I can do about that, anyways, self esteem is something that is quite useful if in the right quantity"

Nightingale has posed:
     "She's not useless, though. Far from it. I can't even begin to tell you the number of times she's saved my hide with her gifts. If she applied herself creatively, she could be quite the tour de force. But she's got to get past this mindset of being useless--which she isn't." Letting out a sigh, Shannon smiles, leaning over to give Poseidon a hug. "Maybe between the two of us, we could help her turn that around? What do you think?"

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon smiles and returns the hug, then slowly starts to stand, quickly passing his right hand on his robes to give them a more tidy appearance. "We can certainly try, and hopefully, we will manage. For now though, I do need to leave, I am afraid I am supposed to be at a meeting in, well, lets say ten minutes ago? Fashionably late..." winking, the god reaches out to gently squeeze Shannon's shoulder before waiting for farewells and then, in his usual display of quiet and easy magic, vanishes to reappear someplace else...