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Latest revision as of 13:42, 22 April 2021

Strange Visitors
Date of Scene: 22 April 2021
Location: Fortress Asgard, Kvalvika, New Asgard
Synopsis: Hela comes to visit and discuss Asgard's place in the world. To say they disagree is an understatement.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Hela

Thor has posed:
    In the grand hall of Fortress Asgard, the daily business must be conducted and so it was. By this time they'd created a formal structure to such matters, set times when Thor would be in attendance. The protocols were formalized and though they were similar as to when Odin held court in the Shining Kingdom, some small matters had changed.
    For one there was a touch more delegation, as various lieutenants were able to address matters that were their chosen sphere of expertise. For another part cases that normally would not be brough forth before the monarch had been escalated to be attended to due to the fact that Asgard is no longer a ruling kingdom amongst kingdoms, but instead was a nation on a world of other nations.
    Which, in some ways, led to this.
    "And what benefits will this..." A pause as Thor glances to the side at Bjarke who stands tall, sentinel of the guards.
    "Chipotle, my lord."
    "Chipotle," Thor repeats as he turns his head back to the... rather put upon business man who stands there in his suit with his suitcase as well as with a projector under his arm ready for a presentation if he's allowed.
    "Yes, your kingliness. Chipotle, we're a Mexican food restaurant."
    Though in that moment one of the courtiers clears his throat and clarifies, "They are more a... fine fast food restaurant, my lord."
    "Fine fast food?" Another courtier in bright plumed helmet asks, "What, by Odin's Beard is such a creature?"
    "'Tis food. That is fine. And served fast. I imagine?" Says a redheaded man with twin blades upon his back.
    Only for them to be silenced by Thor's hand held to the side as he leans forward upon the throne, looking at the business man with a narrow eye. "You understand, good sir, that space is at a premium here in New Asgard. We cannot offer you land upon which to conduct your trade, but your food stuffs, if they be sound, there are assuredly any number of merchants that might offer them for sale."
    The business man clears his throat, "Well, you see, it's more... it's an experience. But I suppose we could... train some of your people?"
    A hand lifts, "You have my permission to seek out a tradesman who will offer your foods if you so wish, if it is as good as you say, then by all means."
    At that Thor turns his head to Bjarke, "The next order of business?"

Hela has posed:
As the representative from Chipotle made his way toward the doors to exit, those doors were already opening. The figure revealed was one familiar to New Asgard. Resplendant in her body suit of black and green, her headdress visible as she pushed the double doors wide open, the green cloak around her shoulders and flowing in the wind caused by the wake of her forward motion.

Many Asgardians got quiet, seeing who she was. A few showed signs of respect. She took a few steps in and the Chipotle rep froze where he stood. She walked toward him and he wisely chose to step out of the way. To the side. She never slowed and continued her walk forward as silence spread.

Her path carried her to the front of the room, past those waiting for their time to speak with Thor. Once there at the side of the throne, she drew her hands up to the sides of her face and brushed them up then back. As she did, the helm disappeared and left her black hair visible instead, falling down below her shoulders.

Seeing all eyes on her, she waved a hand in the air. "Oh don't mind me. You may continue."

Thor has posed:
    A large Asgardian with his helm under his arm had been about to advance and state his case, but Hela's arrival drew his attention away as it did for most of the court. Silence fell in her wake, like a ripple outwards that caused the other Asgardians to shift, to focus, to stand up a little straighter.
    As for Thor, it caused him to half-smirk and shake his head.
    Bjarke hears the princess' request and turns a glance to Thor who holds up a hand as he rises from that wood and steel throne. He gains his feet and says, "Nonsense, Hela. We shall call an end to audiences for the day. Matters may proceed without me, for how often am I visited by mine sister?"
    As he says that he takes the three steps needed to descend the dais, so much fewer than the ones used to raise Odin's golden throne in Asgard, but it served.
    With his own half-cloak sweeping back from one shoulder, Thor advances in his black and crimson armor, giving a nod to several of the other courtiers before he walks to Hela. "Come and walk with me?" He asks...
    And then sets his foot on the path to the outer walls.

Hela has posed:
"I had so wanted to see you work," Hela said with a smirk. "See a real King dealing with matters of state. Caring for the needs of his people." She raised a hand and rubbed her thumb and forefinger together then flicked something away.

He chose to rise and she lowered her hand to her side again. Fell into step beside him and didn't seem the least bit perturbed she had ended the proceedings these people had all be waiting for.

"It had been some time since my last visit. All seems well." She glances around, taking in her surroundings, the view from the outer walls once they arrive there.

Thor has posed:
    "As can be of late," Thor says as he walks, a hand resting at his side while they stroll. It's just a bit of a ways through one hallway out onto a veranda that looks out upon the grand sweep of the bay before Kvalvikka. Some fishing ships are settled at anchor in the harbor, perhaps a trade ship, but otherwise there seemed to be peace.
    "Matters progress with the Bifrost, we had a small journey of late regarding that. We missed you at the memorial, Loki behaved himself and all seems well." Which causes him to make a bit of a face as he leans against the railing, looking out across the grandeur of the sea. Then he cants his head to the side, "What passes for you and yours?" In the Land of the Dead.

Hela has posed:
"The numbers of those seeking Valhalla grows," Hela stated as she trailed her hands across the stone wall that kept one safe from falling to the ground below. Her gaze was on the harbor and ships. "With the presence of Asgard here, the Midgardians choosing to follow our ways grows. It is good to see them seeking the path of glory instead of reveling in their excess."

She considers and shakes her head a bit. "Their ways are...odd. The club allows me to watch their behavior more closely. Though I am not sure it balances the idiocy I must bear to gain that knowledge," she adds.

The mention of the memorial has her making a face as she turns to face him again. "I had no desire to memorialize our father, who chose to lock me away. Though Loki behaving? Sounds like something for concern."

Thor has posed:
    "In truth?" Thor asks of her, turning his head to focus upon Hela while incredulity settles upon his grim features. "I had not thought to see such a result with our living here. That is a curious thing..."
    And not something Thor has encountered. Then he tilts his head a little, "Though Darryl did seem a bit taken with you and our ways the time he was here. So perhaps there is something to it." That said he folds his arms over his broad chest, good eye slipping away to ponder the oncoming sunset before he takes a breath and hrms to himself.
    But at the criticism of his father, Thor looks back to her and says. "I know you feel he did you ill, but there are times when he takes steps that... it seems as if he has no idea what he does. That he punishes willfully. The time he took me to task, stripped me of who I was... I know now he did it for my own good. Perhaps there is some role in the future for you, Hela, that mayhap bring you to look on our father with more kindness."
    Then he looks away, covering the lower half of his face with one hand, then sliding his fingers along the curve of his beard as if straightening it before he adds quietly. "Twas also for Frigga, and her soul is unassailable. Even to the most villainous of us."

Hela has posed:
"I doubt it," came the droll response from Hela in regards to their father. But at mention of Frigga? Her expression softened ever so slightly. A hint of a smile as she thought back to the woman who bore them and taught them so much. She had truly been a follower of her father, less so her mother. Yet she had love for the woman she didn't seem to carry anymore for the man she aspired to be like. There was peace to her smile. "She did not support his decision about me. She believed there was another path. But he chose the harshest of punishments." She shook her head. "I would not--what is the expression? Hold my breath? I would not hold my breath for my opinion of him to change anytime soon."

Then she smirks a bit, moving past such thoughts. "Darryl Jacobson proved to be a surprise. He listens and learns. You would be hard put to recognize him these days."

Thor has posed:
    A small laugh slips from Thor as he looks away, his smile genuine and widening at the thought of good Darryl. Shaking his head he murmurs, "He has a hearty soul, able to endure much beyond what one would imagine him. It's what drew me to him in the first place." During his time in Australia.
    "That and he had free cable." Which, you know, priorities.
    But then he looks back to her, "Is there a purpose for your visit? Have you some aught you would ask, Hela?" He takes a moment to look his sister up and down, as if gauging her. Her stance, her manner, her health. A tilt of his head is given, "The Bifrost will likely open in the ensuing months to come. Something regarding that?"

Hela has posed:
"I heard rumors of your trip to seek the Shield of Bor. You returned with multiple items. I take it one of them was that which you sought?"

She knew the Bifrost had been useable, but only on a limited basis. "If you had but asked, I would have assisted in the retieval."

Her alongside the Avengers. Likely he had made the right choice. Things may have gone poorly with Hela at his side instead.

"When it is repaired, what are your intentions?"

Thor has posed:
    "Ah," Thor turns and starts walking again, hands resting on his hips, Mjolnir hanging from a leather strap connected to his belt. He tilts his head to the side and looks thoughtful, "That. Is another matter entire."
    He turns as he moves, just enough to look to the side and slightly behind, perhaps expecting her to walk with him, "Reestablish contact the other realms. Let them know that Asgard will still honor its treaties and the old oaths. To seek out more of our people, give foundlings and the lost a chance to return to be amongst us."
    He pauses at the other end then turns around to lean against the rail, lifting his chin as he speaks. "Though before that we have to bring the Shield into the space above our land, affix it, and to do so... well might draw the ire of some Midgardians."

Hela has posed:
"They will not approve. You will have something that gives you power over them. A way to invade their lands from the within by taking the Bifrost to the place of your choice. A way to contact allies that are far from this world." Hela shakes her head negatively.

"It will be a threat to their well being. Their way of life. You will find them turning on Asgard." Then she smiles softly though it was far from a pleasant expression as her eyes seeme to glow green for a moment. "And when that day comes, I will ride at your side into battle."

Thor has posed:
    He lifts a hand at her words, as if to stay them... or ease them, or at the least slow them. Which at the last has him shaking his head as he looks away, but when his gaze returns he smiles a little. "That is a kind and valorous notion, but I will not let it come to that. We live amongst the mortals now, we must learn to live with them as well."
    He takes a deep breath, arms crossing over his chest as he lightly taps the fingers of a gauntlet upon his bicep. "Many of their leaders take stances of stern manner, stating that something is unacceptable when in truth they simply want some appeasement granted. Perhaps there is something they will find that we can provide them that may take the sting from our efforts."

Hela has posed:
That draws a long sigh from Hela. "Everyday you sound more like Odin. Appease those weaker than us. Work with them instead of crushing them under our heel." She shakes her head as she crosses her arms, looking over him more closely as she shakes her head.

"Why would you try to appease a dog that bites your hand when you give them so much? Why would you give them a treat for their bad behavior? I do not understand your bond with these Midgardians."

Thor has posed:
    A small laugh, more an exhalation of breath, escapes him as he shakes his head. He then inhales and the second breath given might almost be something akin to a sigh if it didn't make his chest rumble so deeply. "If a neighbor has been kind to you and your family, given you land, helped you reach peace in the world once again. A home after you have lost your own..."
    Thor shifts his weight forward onto his other boot, his good eye meeting Hela's gaze evenly. "Then you become tolerant of their idiosyncrasies."
    A beat, "Such as their noisy dog."

Hela has posed:
He sees them as the beings, not the dogs. It is the difference between them. Though she had learned many of them were more worthy than she would have thought. Not that she would admit that to him. In time, she had come to respect a few.

"Do as you will. But when the day comes that they turn on Asgard, I will remind you of this conversation." That's right. Hela is not above an 'I told you so' any more than the next being.

"I will humor you. Attempt to see your side. Perhaps they will see you having a fully functional Bifrost as a positive. Maybe they will negotiate with you to try and be able to utilize it."

Thor has posed:
    "That is always a possibility," That said Thor starts to head back to the door that leads within the grand fortress, his footsteps quiet. "Come. Enough of matters of state." He lifts a hand to rest on her shoulder for a brief moment, gesturing inside with the other.
    "You will stay for supper with us, of course." And with that he moves back into the halls of the court.