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Latest revision as of 01:35, 23 April 2021

Looking for a witch
Date of Scene: 23 April 2021
Location: The Magic Box, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Austin comes looking for Willow, Buffy promises to pass on a message.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Sentinel (Dallas)

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers has been busy in the magic box, mulling over books and trying to repair the recently recovered shield with her strongest crazy glue as much as possible. It's a quiet evening at the Box with only a few customers quietly wandering around . Unfortunately Willow and Giles haven't been seen about the store in a few days..

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Austin Dallas had big news to share with Willow, he'd actually been interviewed for a position with the Titans. Like /the/ Titans. But his calls had been un answered. His texts likewise sat apparently unread. So in a bit of...not desperation but concern, he'd decided to try stopping by the Magic Box. (Tina for her part is wearing a red trench coat fassened with a black belt, and an oversized red fedora with a black band).

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers doesn't pay much attention to people milling about although one or two come up to the desk to buy some herbs, charms, a wand. She smiles tiredly as she bags their supplies, waving them off before her gaze sweeps towards the entrance to see a familiar figure.

"Hey, Austin!" she greets him cheerfully, "How's it going? I haven't seen you in a while." she eyes him curiously, keeping an eye out for his monkey friend too, reminding herself not to not mention tricks.

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Austin Dallas smiles a bit, blowing a bit of his dirty blond hair out of his eyes and smiling looking quickly around the shop before returning the greeting. "Hey Buffy, yeah I've been kinda busy, but..." He looks around again, "You haven't seen Willow have you?" I'm starting to feel like she's, yah know, avoiding me.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hmms, "To be honest, I haven't seen Willow around in a while too, but..I guess she's probably busy with her new room mates, plus college, work..And I believe she's still part of a Wiccan coven." she shrugs, "Sorry to hear you two haven't had a chance to hang out much, I actually thought she was spending more time with you.."

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Austin Dallas sighs and looks a bit glum. "Yeah, so was I." He mumbles with a sigh. Tina in her Carmen Sandiago costume pats his head gently but affectionate, like an older sister might... yah know, if that older sister was a monkey sitting on his shoulder. "You don't think she's, yah know, ghosting me do you?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns, pondering that one. "Hmm, sometimes she can be shy, doesn't always speak her mind. I haven't had a heart to heart with her in a while..But I don't think she's the type to..Ghost someone. She seemed to like you and I can't think of any reason why she'd deliberately avoid her." she smiles, "Don't worry, I'm sure she's just busy but I'll talk to her. Sounds like you've been busy too?"

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Austin Dallas blows that lock of hair out of his eyes again, a nervous tick perhaps. Tina sighs, licks her hand and pastes it to his forehead. He sighs a bit, "Yeah kinda," he lets a bit of a lopsided grin touch his features, "I was going to tell Willow first but, I've got to tell /someone/. I've had an interview with the titans. i may be joining them."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow and smiles, "Ooh, like the superhero team, the Titans?" she chuckles, "Wow, I guess I should have figured out that you're a meta of some sort then, huh? Seems to be a lot of them out there. Though it's probably not that easy to join a superhero team like that..Congratulations!"

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Austin Dallas grins a bit, "Well I've been going out, yah know, patrolling my neighborhood. Trying to keep things safe, you know... And I had a brush up with Supergirl. tina went all fan girl. But she passed my name onto the titans, and then I had an Interview with Starfire and I mean what a rush there." He sighs, "But then Wills has been incomunicato and i don't know what to do." He shakes his head, making sure tina is securely perched. "Do me a favor, have her call me. Please?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods and smiles, "Yeah, Supergirl is pretty awesome, watching her in action even moreso. I still remember those psycho cyborgs, watching her tear em apart, heh.." she shrugs, "Sure, I'll let her know you're looking for her. Although now I'm curious, what kinda powers you packing?"

Sentinel (Dallas) has posed:
Austin Dallas smiles a little bit, shrugging. "I have super senses." he admits with a smile. "Like my five senses are turned up to eleven." He shrugs a bit, "It's pretty useful sometimes... can be kinda annoying sometimes too." He shrugs slightly, "I'd give you a demonstration sometime, but I have to run. Let's catch up though okay. particularly if we can track down Wills?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers oohs, "That could come in handy..Well glad you found a team, I'm sure you'll have fun.." she nods, glancing back at the shield, "Sure, I'll let her know you were here. See you around. And you too!" she waves to the monkey whose name she forgets..aah. Tina. "See you later Tina, love the outfit!"