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Latest revision as of 04:38, 24 April 2021

War Room: April 23rd, 2029
Date of Scene: 24 April 2021
Location: War Room - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Scott holds an X-Men briefing on Deadpool and an interesting alien by the name of Mojo. Plans are made!
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Psylocke, Pixie, Beast, Phoenix, Wolverine

Cyclops has posed:
The field leader is sitting at the table in the war room as he taps along the large glass table, pulling up numerous schematics and news events as he studies them. He put a broadcast out to the team to meet him here for those that were available.

Scott Summers is dressed in a button down blue shirt and a pair of slim jeans, complete with a black tie that hangs down the front of his chest. He hasn't swapped out of his work clothes, not bothering with his uniform as they are not partaking on a mission.

Psylocke has posed:
Betsy arrived at the time she was supposed to. She was also dressed down. Blue jeans and a tank top. She had a light leather jacket she was carrying with her, as after this meeting she was planned to head home.

She moved to one of the seats, draping the jacket over the back before settling in.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn arrives a few minutes after Betsy. Dressed in casual but neat blue jeans and a plain white shirt, she's a bit toned down from her usual bright colours, and she seems tired too as she slips quietly into one of the seats, peering around as others pile in.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy has been wearing a lot of loose vests over nothing at all else but bandaging the last few days. Regeneration being what it is, is great! But he can't regrow organs any way but the same way as anyone else, so the lung is just knitting up and coughing is a precarious game. Plus, he doesn't look like he's in the best of places, so far as sunny dispositions go: regrowing all your fur is maddeningly akin to a form of torture. He's a bit purple today, rather than just blue, owing to a lot of calomine. Slacks and zero shoes has him padding to a seat, pushing his glasses up his nose (which has reverted to human it seems!) but still got the slitty eyes. One day, his biology is going to decide what it's setting its internal blancmange as.

He takes a seat with a careful shuffle to rest his back on the rest with a fingerwave around the table.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean hadn't been out at the school much that day, though showed up but minutes before after getting work of the lake incident earlier. She's moving with a bit of speed and perhaps under the impression she was running late to the meeting that buzzed through to her watch. Would anyone actually scold her if she was?

"Hey." She chimes quickly as she comes through the door and moves for her customary chair. She's in a black tank top and jeans, simple attire. "Shannon caught me coming in the door to give me a rundown of what happened earlier." And she sounds right weary about it, but given she's here and from the tone of voice, it doesn't suggest she had any emergencies to tend to. "Did Rogue mention if she was going to be here? She's one needing checked on."

Cyclops has posed:
"I haven't heard from Rogue yet." Scott confirms to Jean with a slight shake of his head. He taps the glass a few times in front of him and lets out a soft hum. "Looks like her last known coordinates was her room. She is probably sleeping and working things out. I'll make sure to touch base with her later if you don't get to her first. Though, I would prefer it if you did." He says, then glances to Betsy. "Or you. To fill everyone in, Jeremy Statton was taking a walk along the piers at the lake and one of them broke and he fell into the water. It doesn't seem that he can swim and Rogue had to pull him out and apply CPR to him. As we know how her powers work, I am sure they are both a bit confused and in need of privacy. Either way, she is a hero and I plan to let her know later. If any of you see her as well, feel free to reach out as well. She could use a win."

As he taps along the glass again to pull up a few documents, he lets out a light noise in his throat. "I have two items to discuss. The first being is Deadpool. As we know, Wade Wilson is an Internationally wanted merc for hire, assassin, and has a body count that you can lose count on. He teleported out of no where back into our lives after being off the radar for a year or so. He has no memory of who he is, but he's still an insufferable jackass who practically threatened my life the other day when I made it clear I will ship him off to The Raft if he so much as dips a toe over the line."

He clicks his tongue against his teeth. "I know that we took a great risk in rehabilitating Victor Creed, but the results worked out for the most part in our favor. But we also knew what we were getting with him. He'll never be a hero, but at least I feel like .. we made some type of impact and he can be at peace with himself ... in his own way. He's no Wolverine, that's for sure. Deadpool though? He's .. unhinged, even before the re-wiring of his brain that we still haven't figured out what happened yet. I would like to hear your opinions on this. Is he worth the risk or should I contact SHIELD to let them pick him up? This is a school first and foremost and he is by far the most unpredictable person I have ever met. He's an idiot, yes, but .. do you feel .. safe with him here? Is the risk worth the reward?"

Psylocke has posed:
"I'm sure Rogue will be fine. She may have picked up some of his personality traits and Jeremy tends to prefer solitude at times. Though she may be having a conversation with a toaster and every other smart device in the building which could be overwhelming." Then Betsy add. "Perhaps we should add swimming lessons for Jeremy."

Then she moves to the other topic at hand. "I've been particularly--lucky? I have not encountered Deadpool yet. I'll have to leave it to others to weigh in on that situation," Betsy says with a bit of a shrug. "But is he actually worse than Victor?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly and rubs her eyes as she listens, wishing she'd grabbed an extra cup of coffee before the meeting. All that late night studying was pretty exhausting. Still, the situation with Rogue and Jeremy has her shaking her head. "Ooh swimming lessons in general would be a good idea, maybe?." she adds, nodding to Betsy.

Talk of Deadpool has her frowning thoughtfully as she considers. "Ohh Umm..I've had only a few encounters with him so far. But, I didn't feel threatened at all. He's a bit humorous, maybe a little erratic but he didn't seem dangerous or threatening." she hasn't met Victor even once so can't really comment.

"But like, couldn't you do a psychic probe, see what his intentions are or something?"

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy tilts his head to the side, at the mention of Jeremy and Rogue. "I should probably check in on both of them," he mutters, then quiets to listen to both Betsy and Megan, glancing at Jean for a moment, before looking Scott in the eye sidelong and across his nose.
    "The issue I see with Wade, is that outside of having amnesia, he has paranoid scitzophrenia which is essentially unmedicated and he'll never take treatment with any consistency. Some of the voices in his head are sociopathic and homicidal and there's literally no actual way to pre-meditate when that voice is going to dominate the others that want to not be bored, make friends, influence people etcetera, ad nauseum." He sniffs.
    "That said, he's given me the hairy eyeball, at the same time I've also diffused him. In his current state, it's like handling a generally amiable second world war stick grenade. You never know if it's two twists, three, seven, if it's dud or if you're about to lose your head. For me, I find it morally and ethically objectionable to hand him over to any peacekeeping force that may or may not be equipped to deal with him. He's done a lot of good and he -is- fragile." He shrugs, his two dollars and seventy five cents spoken.

Phoenix has posed:
There's a quick nod of understanding and agreement from Jean to Scott's check in plans and a sidelong, "Oh, I'm putting swim lessons on the summer roster." as an aside to Betsy. Then the topic is shifting to a particularly noticeable elephant and Jean looks like she ages about ten years with the weight that seems to hit her. She leans forward to prop her elbows on the table and cross her arms with the corners of her lips pulling them back into a thin line.

"When I caught him slinking back from his recent captivity and freeing of /Cain Marko/, he suggested that Illyana had suggested his memory lapse was magical in origin and possibly linked to some circus, which is what I presume he keeps sneaking off - and trying to make off with cars - to investigate. I can't fault him for that. How many of us would just sit idly by twiddling our thumbs if the same happened to us?"

"I have sympathy for him. I don't know his story, but from what bits I've garnered over the years, his is not a pleasant one in the least. Everyone handles trauma and the brutality of life in their own way and with different degrees of success and scars. I... I don't /like/ having him near the students anymore than I liked Victor being around. He's dangerous, but unlike Victor's general preference to just avoid the kids, I'd worry Wade may encourage them - even indirectly - of escapades they shouldn't be going on. He's got a strong personality, and one that'd be very attractive to some of our more rebellious students. He is also extremely dangerous, with weapons or without, and him threatening Scott is a major red flag to me because he's the sort who may very well carry it out if he'd feel cornered. What happens if something one of the students does triggers him?" She says with a tip of her head towards what Hank said regarding unmedicated conditions. "I've been trying to work through his mind, but it's chaos. Progress is slow when it comes to memories. Cutting them away is easy. Restoring them is trying to reassemble a shattered mirror. Except his keep changing shapes and leave me with a horrible case of the twitches after."

"But asking him to just leave is setting loose an unstable man with an unstable memory, where as here we can at least monitor and help him try to get better. Trying to keep him at a different location is also practically impossible. He'd find his way out of a buried concrete coffin, probably by chewing his way out. I understand wanting to pass him off, but sending him to the Raft may earn us a permanent enemy. An enemy who knows where we are. Even if his memories of all of this would be removed to protect us, there is never a true guarantee they'd stay. He /is/ a self-healer."

Cyclops has posed:
As he listens to each of them in turn, Scott is tapping in notes on the digital keyboard in front of him, pros and cons and keeping it just the facts. As usual, there is no emotion in how he documents. It's a bullet list to be proud of. He gives a nod of his head once everyone finishes, then reaches up to pinch his brow between his eyes.

"So, I suppose we just need to sit him down and give him some ground rules. I don't want him to feel like a prisoner here, but I also do not want blowback on the school if he decides to murder a Senator that looked at him wrong, or if he got a twitch in his head and he comes running back here with SHIELD helipads in pursuit. I am willing to give him a bit of freedom pending that he can .. respect the process. We did catch up with Cain Marko and it seemed that he was rescued from an organization that was going to potentially brainwash him and use him for their own goals. If anything, Deadpool gets a win in that column." It pains him to say it.

He glances to Hank for a long moment, studying his injuries before he says, "Hank, you and Jean will be in charge of his rehabilitation. I would like weekly reports. The moment we see any red flags, we'll look at next steps. Understood?"

Psylocke has posed:
"Or we offer to help him but not on school grounds. I'm sure we could get some place set up off site. We don't need him endangering students. I think that might be the wiser choice. If you want, we can have a few of us spend time there regularly to deal with the situation? "

Betsy isn't sure that's the right option but it should be thrown out there.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly. She really doesn't know much about Deadpool's history, and this is all very enlightening, and a little scary. The part about Illy makes her smirk a bit.

"Ohh..Umm..Yeah, maybe keep him off school grounds, or even just restrict where he can go, heck, have a tracking device or have someone accompany him when he's in a public area?" she glances at Hank, "Umm, wouldn't you be able to prescribe him meds, heck, even sneak em in his food or something?"

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy slowly raises his hand, waggling his index and middle finger. "If I may make some possibly left field observations -- Part of the problem I see Wade is facing with his unpredictability -is- the bordom. We should place him on the permissions for the Danger room as a means to get out his tendancies and engage the safety protocols to non-lethal /everything/ IF he brings anyone but himself and/or Logan in there. Those two couldn't kill themselves in there if they tried, but if he decided to educate a rebel in there.... boom, cotton-balls and kittie-paws for danger level. It'll frustrate him, but he'll get the message and have a vent. That's just for starters," taking a deep breath, he nods to Scott and Jean.
    "Also, we may be being just a little bit hyper-sensitive, because he doesn't have the same moral compass as we do. From what I recall from the files, he has a moral code when it comes to who he disposes of and they are usually criminal, usually dangerous, usually wanted and rarely just an innocent bystander, though by accounts that -has- happened." But it's happened to others too, who are less Deadpooly. There is another pause and he fleetingly rubs his face all over, perhaps because it itches, but probably not.
    "Also... in the right circumstances, he can be quite a helpful teacher of what -not- to do. And also what TO do. I can't believe I just said that. Excuse me, I may need to rub orange juice on my brain." He looks to Megan and shakes his head. "I am not going to medicate him, not until he chooses to take some restraints. That would be a recipe for destroying any trust, if he discovered it was occuring and unfortunately... psychoactive drugs have a very noticeable effect pharmacologically. He'd know very quick."

Wolverine has posed:
    The sliding metal door whispers open one more time, granting the view of the bright metal hallway beyond but also of the grim figure standing in that doorway. Dressed down like most of the team, Logan's major differing point is the grey flannel over-shirt, but beyond that he wears the jeans, the t-shirt, and the boots he's often seen wandering around in.
    Pausing there in the entryway he holds up his cellphone waggling it a bit from side to side. "Hey. Got the message." Eventually. Which is all the explanation he offers as he wanders into the room further, taking mental inventory of each person present. "Jeanie, Bets. Kid." A nod is given, then Cyclops gets a similar toned, "Scott." Followed up finally with a slight shake of his head as he looks towards Henry, "Hanklin."
    A few steps carries him further on in as he turns the back of a chair and swings a leg over it to drop into the seat. "Someone Reader's Digest me."

Phoenix has posed:
There's a fleeting look on Jean's face like she's tallying the amount of Advil she'll need to buy or - with a quick squint up towards Hank - how many scripts for stronger she'll be weaseling out of him. She reaches up one of her hands to rub her fingertips into her temple. "Understood. Hank, sounds like we're pulling an all night battle planning session. Get the coffee going."

Logan's arrival ans greeting is given a distracted smile, before it fades and she explains very succinctly, "Wade." As if that was all that really needed saying. "Seems like hanging him over to SHIELD is voted down, but the discussion is now how we can help him, or if we can."

"We have no shortage of bolt holes." Jean says towards Betsy with a half a shrug. "But what is the risk of us giving him some more space, but at the cost of us being able to watch him? He's not likely to be okay with an X-Parole Officer rooming with him - respecting authority is not his strong suit - and frankly I wouldn't wish that on most of our enemies."

"Here's my suggestion at the present. We don't want him to feel like a prisoner, no. So we shouldn't treat him like one. If we're all in agreement, then Hank and I will sit down tonight and see what treatment plans we can work out with what we know. Bear in mind, resolving that may require us helping him follow up on this circus lead and wherever it may go. So we're both treating him and preparing for a potential protracted mission involving magic. Then, we meet again but with Wade. We lay out our rules - and I know we have before, but more clearly - along with grounds and DR permissions, treatment plans, and ultimately how we can support him. It should be his choice if he wants to continue down that road with us or seek his own."

Cyclops has posed:
"Medication doesn't work on him anyways. He is a hyper-regenerator much like Logan. The only reason why he looks the way he does under his costume is because he had stage four cancer at the time of his mutation being twisted by whatever program experimented on him and it progressed to a point his healing factor keeps it in check." Scott says with a shake of his head.

To Betsy, he gives a nod of his head. "That is actually an idea, as is yours, Hank. Perhaps a combination of the two." As Logan makes his way in, he motions him to a seat. "Logan. I am just catching the team up on our current situation involving Deadpool who teleported into our school and back into our lives. We're going over pros and cons and concerns. I would appreciate your insight as well, being you have the most history with him."

As he listens to Jean, he gives a nod of his head, straightening up a bit more in his seat as he taps along the digital board in front of him, making more notes. "I feel .. that is a rather fair compromise for everyone. It covers all of the bases. Let me know how the conversation with him goes immediately and then we can move forward depending on his level of agreement."

"I have one more thing to bring up, though I'd like to hear from Logan first."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly, glancing around at all the suggestions and nods. Really, she doesn't know the guy's history well, and doesn't have much to add so she does more listening for once, keeping quieter than usual. Logan's arrival is noted with a faint smile and nod, though she pouts at the 'kid' comment. "Heey, I'm not a kid anymore.." she mutters.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy gives Jean a big thumbs-up and a reassuring 'I got you covered' expression. Wolverine's entrance is met with a "Well, that's a new one... I kind of like it," followed by a "Logan." Then he too is quiet, giving the canadian the floor to share his loonie and toonie of opinion on Wade Wilson.

Where he had toffees on his person is anyone's guess, but suddently there's a bag of them neatly tossed in the middle of the table. He chews.

Wolverine has posed:
    Sidelong to Megan, Logan smirks a little and murmurs, "Sorry, kid."
    Yet it's at Jean's explanation that single word really is all that's needed. It's enough to cause his eyebrows to climb as he nods slowly, solemnly and offers his own elaborate commentary on the discerning issue presented before the X-Men.
    A glance is given over toward Hank, Scott, Elizabeth in turn, as if trying to figure where the conversation might have already covered. He chews on the inside of his cheek thoughtfully and grunts once. "We already cover the whole boredom thing?" A glance is likely enough to realize that indeed it was.
    "Already covered better to have him with us and aimed at something rather than against us?" Which may or may not have, all in all. However, he ends up nodding at the offered course of treatment and handling thereof the associated Deadpool.
    Though when prompted by Scott he heaves a grunt, "Honestly there've been times in the past I thought Wade might be better off dead." His gaze narrows a little, looking past Jean for a moment before his attention returns to Summers. "Not just because of the things he's done, more... the things he's been through."
    A rough hand pushes through that wild mane of his and he grimaces, "As it stands though, this seems like a rare opportunity. We do right by him, whether or not he gets his memory back at least he'll look favorably on us. We do anything too sharp then it'll come back and bite us in the ass later."
    He takes a deep breath then nods towards Jean again, "Likely best follow Jean's recommendations, make it clear that if he endangers the students then... yeah. That's a bridge too far. But otherwise."
    "You all took in Creed and turned him, Wade's better than him." And as he says those words there is a sternness to them. A sternness that Jean can likely well pick up just from the purity of malice in the man's mind for Creed still.

Phoenix has posed:
"A low bar, but that just means it's easier to achieve." Jean says towards Logan and sounds like she's just making light of it to cut the tension, except the humor never reaches her eyes. There's only a grim understanding there and recollections of past discussions and reasons for said rage regarding Creed.

"All this time," She says after a long moment spent digesting the new information, "We haven't really asked Wade what he feels he needs in order to succeed in this. We've just been telling him what we think he needs. He may not even know, but having a two way discussion is he least courtesy we can offer him. Madman, murdered, a good man in shit circumstances; he's still a mutant. He's one of us. If we can't treat each other like thinking, feeling people then how can we expect humanity to do the same?"

"We're X-Men. We understand that there are lines. We've had to stop those who've crossed those lines, sometimes permanently. We've come close to that line ourselves, but we know when to stop. We need to know that Wade can do the same. If he can, then it's our duty to help him get to a place where he can succeed on his own or respect his decision if he wants to do this alone."

Cyclops has posed:
As he listens to Logan intently, Scott nods his head here and there at times, tapping again at the panel in front of him. He gives a glance between him and Jean, then clears his throat. "We turned him, yes, but you were a big part of that too, Logan. I will always respect the heck out of you for it." Because he knows what he had to deal with, and how intense those months were. "Sides, it was fun watching you put him in his place during his aggression therapy sessions. I put every bet on you, every time. The best at what you do." There is a rare, brief smile for his friend before he leans back into his chair.

"Jean and Hank's ideas are what we will go with. I agree with the outline. I have full confidence in all of you to see this through. We need to do our part. As long as he clearly understands the lines that we draw. Those are lines we can't cross. Our students are the most important people in this school. We are mentors and teachers first, X-Men second." He seems a bit more relaxed now that he had a chance to talk this out with the team. At least the weight isn't as heavy on his shoulders.

"The last bit of news is something that we have been working on for almost a year now. As we know, Betsy's eyes at some point in her life was replaced with cybernetic ones and they were transmitting for an unknown point of time everything that she said and did. That includes missions with the X-Men, interactions with students. With Forge successfully removing them, and Foley successfully restoring her eyes, she is now free, but we still have the larger matter at hand. Spyder Byte was able to track the signal, even briefly, to somewhere that appears .. alien."

He taps the glass on the table, pulling up the hazy screenshot of a large, bulbous yellow creature with wide manic eyes and a woman standing behind him with multiple arms. It's fuzzy, as if it was taken in a quick blink of an eye. "We have put in resources into identifying the signal, tracking it and with Forge's expertise and insight, he was able to build a device that isolated where it originated from." He pauses for a moment. "It's a .. alien dimension .. as best as I can describe it called Mojoverse. From what Forge says, it's literally a twenty-four hour a day reality TV network ran by aliens for large ratings and they enjoy broadcasting ... our greatest hits .. on repeat." He pinches his brow again, as if saying that is ridiculous.

"Forge is currently working on a trans-spatial-dimensional .. teleporter .. thing. It's in the files to review. A doorway to reach this Mojoverse so that we can send in a team to disrupt this signal and hopefully put an end to it."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods and sighs. Thank goodness, that's one less thing to worry about. "Right, right, we help mutants. Makes sense to me." she smiles. Talk of this crazy..Mojoverse causes her to frown a bit though, peering at those creepy, fuzzy images.

"Oh, wow..They've been watching us this whole time?" she frowns some more. "Wonder what else he has planned..Though if we're sending in a team to another dimension, it would be wise to have a way back out of course. I could help there with the teleporting if needed.."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy tilts his head to the left, then the right. "Huh. That's Mojo and Spiral..." he pauses, looks around the table and squints as if he's not entirely sure if he's having one of those funny moments or not and back at the screen. Sidelong at all of them, back at the screen. "Mojoverse, yes... uh, has nobody spoken to Longshot?" Just me? Only me? Is my brain doing that thing it does sometimes?

"Um, question: Is it... entirely necessary to put an end to something that currently is rather harmless? It's hard to get to the mojoverse and without Spiral, they can't precisely come visit and kidnap. Um. I'm having a moment, aren't I?"

Wolverine has posed:
    The Canadian mutant seems inclined to let it pass, whatever the decision. As when Jean gives her insight he nods and then turns his head slightly to the side, lifting his fingers a bit off the table as if that was all the advice he could offer. Though when Scott speaks to him about Creed's therapy that gesture becomes a subtly more dismissive movement, an uncurling wave to the side as he makes a small face.
    "Mmm," Is at least what he offers in response, clearly not entirely at peace with the man or what's been done in the past, but he did make it through. Though likely there are a few surface images of him still imagining various ill fates for the man known as Sabretooth.
    Though his attention is brought back to the here and now when talk about Elizabeth's eyes become prominent. And then there's the talk about a universe that dedicates itself toward reality tv show, which causes him to scowl decidedly. "How aggressively do they intrude into our space?"
    Though he does look at Hank and Megan, then nods, "Maybe if there's a way to cut them off from comin' through. I've been told there are lots of crazy dimensions, can't police 'em all. But if they're messin' with ours then we need ta stop it."

Phoenix has posed:
"It's been a long time." Jean murmurs as she leans back in her chair as the table comes alive, "Too long, but this Cure business took over most of our workload."

She watches the screenshot as it comes up but her neutral expressions suggests that she's already familiar with it. "Ideally, the vast majority of their viewers don't get what they're really watching, same as when I'm stuck watching those ridiculous ghost hunting shows. Some will. Thankfully no one has seemed to come calling, but the realization that they're even doing this to people in the first place is alarming enough. A block isn't a bad idea, at least in the interim, until we'd determine if they get upset about being cut off from one of their sources."

She looks aside to Megan at her offer to help with a soft nod before saying, "How adept are you at going to places that you've never been? If we do go, having a backup in the event the technology fails is never a bad thing. That's not the kind of place that I'd want to be stuck in."

Cyclops has posed:
"They 'were' watching us. Now that we removed their ability to transmit live, they are just casting re-runs now according to Forge. It's not something I am comfortable with knowing that our personal matters are exposed for someone's entertainment and ratings. It's also not somewhere you can teleport to, Megan. That and I would not wish to test the limits of your ability that way. I don't think having us teleport into the middle of the sun would be appealing."

"I'll let Forge continue working on his invention since it has cured his boredom so to speak and he declared enthusiastically that he likes a challenge. My larger worry though is that this Mojo character may start broadcasting to the wrong planet or dimension and someone decides to pay us a visit. Deadpool is one thing, aliens are another."

He rubs his chin for a moment before he rises upwards. "Either way, Forge isn't ready, if he will even be successful. But, no, I haven't spoken to Longshot in years. Last I heard he and Allison had a split and he went hopping through dimensions on adventures according to her. If we have a way of getting ahold of him, I would like his expertise."

Tapping the control panel to kill the screens, he gives an arch backwards to crack his spine. "If you all think this is not worth exploring, I can respect that, though my larger concern is wondering how it is they got to Betsy and replaced her eyes without her knowing. Who else have they done that to on Earth? I feel it may be worth investigating down the road."

"That's all I have for you all tonight. Thank you for the feedback and brain storming session. Does any of you have anything to bring up before we retire for the night?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn shakes her head, "Obviously I can't teleport *to* a place I've never been. I was talking about once the team is on the other side, I would be able to port us back, if the device fails or is one way only..Or something else happens and you need an emergency escape route." she shrugs.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy shakes his head to both Scott and Jean, narrowing his eyes at thin air as he settles back in his seat. A fist is brought to his lips, thumb stroking the bottom one on deep thought, eyes narrowed. His brain has gone off on a jaunt, it seems and he may end up sitting here for a while.

Lots to think about, but then it seems he changes his mind and with a little care, rolls to his feet. "I'll check in with Rogue and possibly with Deadpool in a while. If you need me for anything, I'm sure you can reach me." He offers this with a nod around and gives a scout salute.

Wolverine has posed:
    Another grunt comes from Logan as he looks around at the others, perhaps not entirely clear on a thing here or there, but also having spent enough years with these people to know that the big brains will figure things out and when they need something heavy lifted or fetched and carried in his own inimitable way then he'll be called. Nope, nothing more to add from him at least not war-room-worthy.
    "A'right." The grim-looking X-Man plants his hands flat on the tabletop and then pushes himself to his feet, he gives a nod in Elizabeth's, Megan's, and Hank's direction. Then another for Jean and Scott. "Keep me up ta date and I'll be around."
    That said he turns and starts toward the door, thumping a fist against the control panel and causing it to open and stay open for a bit, that low hydraulic whisper sounding as it reveals the hall beyond. He'll stand there until the others precede him then likely to follow through after. And once folks are outside, the lights in the room shut off and silence falls comfortably into place.