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Latest revision as of 04:39, 24 April 2021

Dagger meets Iron Fist
Date of Scene: 24 April 2021
Location: Holy Ghost Church, Clinton
Synopsis: Dagger meets Iron Fist and makes a new friend in the war on drugs.
Cast of Characters: Iron Fist, Dagger

Iron Fist has posed:
What a first night back. Soon as the sun went down, Danny donned the costume, green and yellow, not exactly stealthy but he makes it work. He was looking for someone, a few someones. Stuff went down and he was off globetrotting and someone else stepped up. He's interested in meeting them, checking the mettle. First he has to find them.

It's amazing how much some thugs can put together. They don't like to tell masks about it, but Danny can at times be very persuasive. He gets one to lead him to them. They make it all the way to a block the front of the church before his friends come out. The fight leaves Danny with a slight bruise on the ribs, and he mutters 'Sloppy' to himself and makes his way to where he was finally told the area they were in.

In true Superhero fashion, he doesn't use the door, slipping in through a window and moving quietly, pausing to feel for 'chi'. He knows there's one person here, but not who. He finally calls out, "Hello?"

Dagger has posed:
Deep in the thick darkness of the shadows of the Holy Ghost Church is a small, lonely bit of light. There is no electricity here, no real running water. It's a desolated church, long abandoned and forgot about. In Hell's Kitchen, there is not much in the way of need for religion.

Dagger is sitting by herself in the corner of the church curled around a sleeping bag and eating on a protein bar that someone brought for her out of a backpack. It seems that there is a lot of non-perishable food on a picnic table in bags and cans. There is bottles of water and a generator that is unplugged. At the sound of the voice her head jerks upwards quickly, then rises.

A flash of light appears in her hand, a long blade as it lights up her face. "Who are you? What do you want?"

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny had her tracked a few moments before she made the blade. To his credit, it doesn't appear outwardly that he's concerned, stance relaxed, arms at his side.

"Light blade," he says. "Interesting. Mutant? Something else?" He shakes his head. "I don't think you'll need that. Besides, if I were here to throw down, would I have shouted out 'Hello'?"

He waits a beat, then answers the question that his friends usually tell him to shut up about. "I am the Immortal Iron Fist, Defender of K'un Lun, sworn enemy of The Hand and the occasional slayer of demons and other weird monsters when they pop up. I often patrol some of these rougher streets at night. Been away a bit. Heard about a few folks taking out some real nasty gangers along with the guy in red and blue that swings around through the city." He leans against one of the walls, crossing his arms, "That you?"

Dagger has posed:
Spinning the blade about her hands, Tandy lets it fly, but instead of at him, it's upwards. It explodes in a shower of light to fill the church so that she can see him easier. Her eyes are glowing brightly in the dark for a moment. He can see that she is wearing a full bodied leotard with a sword cut down the front of it to reveal her skin. There is a crescent moon over one eye, peeking out from behind her blonde hair.

"I am Dagger, of Cloak and Dagger, my partner. Yes, that was us. They kidnapped mutant children to be sold into slavery. We could not let that stand." She gives a pause. "I know of you. You are friends with the Devil and the Man of Power. You're a Defender."

Iron Fist has posed:
"Cloak and Dagger?" He grins that slightly goofy grin of his. "I like that," he says. "Nice ring to it." He quirks a brow when he sees the costume, but its hard to tell under the mask.

He pushes himself off the wall and walks closer, "Ah, my reputation precedes me. Yea, that's me. Though, now I'm totally telling him to change his name to Man of Power." Luke probably wouldn't find that as funny as he does.

"Anyway, I had to come see for myself the new heroes. I was curious of a few things." He tilts his chin up slightly, "Strong, not just in power. Conviction. I like that too." he says, adding "But raw, untrained."

Dagger has posed:
"Everyone keeps saying that, but we keep delivering results." Dagger says in regards to being untrained. "Cloak and I are not mutants. We were turned into this by criminals who work for Roxxon. They stole us from the streets, injected us with experimental drugs and it killed everyone but us. Instead, I became this, and Cloak.. " She gives a shake of her head. "You will know what he is when you meet him. We were not born for this, but we will ensure that we will make the most of our new life to help those who can't be helped."

"This city is sick, full of poison and cancer from those who seek profit from the innocent and the addicted. We are the cure." There is definitely conviction in her voice for such a young girl. She speaks as if she's an old warrior, determined.

Iron Fist has posed:
"Be careful to not be too focused," he counters. "There's focus, but also fanaticism. That's not a great path to go down, trust me." He shakes his head, "Seen too many fall to that, easy to do the right thing for the wrong reason. Not saying you shouldn't help those that need it, just don't let the fight consume you."

"As for Roxxon," he starts, "Yea. Heard of them. Bad news. At this point, I wouldn't be too surprised if your bad guys and mine had some friends in common." He lets out a deep breath, shaking his head. "So, I guess what I'm wondering is what your plan is here." He looks around, "Well, not here specifically, though perhaps part of it. You and this Cloak person going to just keep fighting until someone gets a lucky shot? This life can break you. It can also do worse."

Dagger has posed:
"We are going to keep fighting because we are both dying. My powers are killing me, burning me up from the inside. Unless I unleash them regularly, I will blow up like a star. Cloak's powers are dependent on mine. Without my light, the darkness that turned him into the monster he is will consume him to madness and he will kill over and over again to drain them of light to feed his hunger. The drugs turned us not only into monsters, but addicts who need to feed off each other." Tandy says with a shake of her head. "We are bound together for the rest of our lives. If one falls, the other falls."

She settles down into a pew, pulling a bottle of water to her lips to sip it feverishly. "We were runaways, running away from life, from our worries and fears. All we can do now is continue our mission to protect others. We don't have a life to go back to, not amymore."

Iron Fist has posed:
"No one is the same as they were yesterday," Danny says. "And you don't need drugs to turn you into a monster. Seen that happen too." He's quiet a moment, considering for a long moment. "Not trying to be your therapist but you can't keep doing this just expecting death. You have a mission, that's a start. Also need something to live for, not just die for." He then shakes his head lightly, looking around again.

"You're in the Devil's neighborhood. Not usually out this way," he notes. "He's fond of Churches too. Likes to sit up on the roof, brood a bit." He shrugs again, "Tell you what," he says, offering a card. On it is the name and address of a resteraunt in Chinatown, "Think about this for a bit. I'm willing to help train you. Make that stray bullet less likely to hit. Talk it over with your friend, go there, tell them that Danny sent you, they'll get you a warm meal and give me a call. We'll figure something out." He pauses, adding, "If you want, I mean. Or you can keep to your mission and hope I'm wrong about it destroying you."

Dagger has posed:
"Everyone wants to train us like we're a charity case." Tandy says as she reaches out to take the card from him, looking it over before she heads over and pins it to a corkboard she has set up on a wall. It has numerous news articles on it with names circled about them.

"I've had the same talk with the Devil a few times, same with Bluebeetle, same with Spider Man, same with the X-Men. Either you are all right .. or I'm stubborn." There is a small smile from her as she glances up at him again. "Fine. You can train me." She says. "But Cloak .. there is not much to train. He has no body. Besides, once you meet him .. you'll understand."

Iron Fist has posed:
"You think training is just for the body?" He shakes his head and taps his temple. "Honestly a strong body with a weak mind is a recipe for disaster." He looks off a moment, eyes closed briefly then opens them again and looks over, "Sounds like you had a lot of opportunties. Those of us that do this, well we don't like seeing each other fail. That includes you now." He then adds "And if you decide not to, its still a hot meal and a chance to rest for a bit." He gets an amused grin, "But if you do, well, it's also interesting to see what you can do. And what you can be." He turns, heading toward the door. "By the way, some of the more harmful members of society have a good idea where you guys live."

Dagger has posed:
"And if those wish to pay us a visit, we will welcome them with open arms. Cloak is always hungry. They will get a chance to pay their respects to their Lord one last time before we deliver them to paradise." Tandy says as she gives a motion of her hand towards the sight of Jesus on the cross in the far back of the church where once the stage was.

"We can talk tomorrow then in the afternoon, once I get some rest. I'll let Cloak know as well, but understand he is not trusting. Neither of us are. It takes .. time. We have both been hurt so much that it's easy to depend on each other."

Iron Fist has posed:
"That's fair," Danny says honestly, "But give it some thought. I've got a few things I need to take care of soon anyway. Remember, ask for Danny, they'll know." he grins, "Also let them feed you. Good for the soul." And then he gives a final wave over his shoulder before exiting through the door.