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Latest revision as of 14:36, 24 April 2021

Rogue's Unknown Return
Date of Scene: 24 April 2021
Location: Roof Tower - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Rogue returns to the mansion early in the morning and is 'caught' by a Gambit.
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Gambit

Rogue has posed:
Yesterday was interesting - to say the least. Last night was just weird. Thank gods for Beast and his vast knowledge. Rogue probably slept better than she anticipated having left for a place unknown to any but the Blue Meanie(tm) himself. Now she returns, backpack over her shoulder, landing on the roof top to avoid running into anyone downstairs. That means questions, judgments, and talking toasters.

Gambit has posed:
"Do yah 'ave any idea 'ow late it is young lady?" comes a voice from the shadows. A voice that seems to have two glowing red eyes that burn like hellfire. for just a moment below them there is a dull orange dot that flares brighter a moment and then a bit of smoke flows out. Remy pushes away from the wall he was leaning agienst and flicks the but of his cigarette out over the wall. There is an audible snap a moment later as the bit of charge he put into the butt disintegrates the offending smoke. Jean would kill him if he let his cigarette buts laying around.

Rogue has posed:
"Do you have any idea how much I don't care, Swamp Rat?" Rogue glances over to the shadows with red eyes, her lips peeled back into a smile. "Ain't like I got a curfew or nothin'...and technically I never left the grounds." She sets her backpack down and pulls out a black pack and a lighter. Cloves. One withdrawn and lit while she moves to sit on one of the roof chairs.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shrugs slightly, "Now dat's a shame, Ah figured yah was slippin' back from some illicit rendezvous." He says with an amused smirk. He props himself up on the low wall and gives her an amused smile. "Somet'ing eatin' at yah chere?" he ask casually, used to his ex's occasional dark moods, but trying to be civil. At least for round one.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue blinks, glancing over at Remy with a raised brow. He doesn't know. That's an immediate realization, and so she takes a drag off that clove. "No. Well, not really. I kept a student from drowning yesterday. Unfortunately I had to give them CPR. And well..." She looks over to Remy a moment then out across the grounds. "I needed someplace quiet to rest cause their powers are...interestin'."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau raises an eyebrow at that. "Ahh, Ah see. Yah dat coul' be rough." He says in understanding. No attempt at corny jokes or even semi salacious banter, just honest empathy. He reaches over, gives her covered shoulder a gentle squeeze then places his gloved hand on her cheek and kisses the back of his own hand. "Yah doin' okay chere?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes flutter closed for a brief moment at that touch to her cheek, and then she smiles. "Yeah Rems. I'm good. Just a long day yesterday. Seems like the powers I took faded overnight...it's a /lot/ quieter now." Quieter? What was ever noisy at the mansion after curfew? Another drag off that clove taken as she looks him over. "What brings you out on the roof anyway?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shrugs a little bit, shaking his head. "Jus' got back a few minutes ago mahself. 'Ad ta take mah girlfriend's dog ta de vet. 'E ate...somet'ing. Wit' Jack it impossible ta tell what. Anyway he get sick so..." He shrugs slightly.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smirks and nods, shifting to flick ashes and then takes another drag. The sweet smoke of that clove filling their space a bit. "Is he okay now?" Asking that first. "I'm surprised you came back, figured you'd of stayed with her and the dog." Then she looks to her cigarette and hands it over. "Mind gettin' rid of this for me?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau takes the butt from her and gives it a flick, it vanishing in the same "pop" as his did. He shakes his head slightly, "Not much Ah c'n do right now. Dey bot' sleeping. Need ta get some clot'es den Ah be heading back. He be fine dough, Jack a survivor. He's a Derp, but he a survivor." He smiles a bit and shakes his head. "Decided Ah needed a smoke. An' since de last time Jean caught me smokin' in de Mansion she made t'reats dat gave me nightmares..."

Rogue has posed:
"Well it was your stupid ass that was smokin' in the mansion, swamp rat." Rogue says with a grin. "Least you could learn like me and hide it better." She smirks then before taking a breath and looking to the doors leading in. "I shouldn't keep ya. And I'm still kinda tired. Was weird not sleepin' in my own bed.." Least not without someone next to her, but those are days long past. "You should get your clothes and head back. I should get some more sleep."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods slightly, gesturing to the door that leads back inside. "Aftah yah chere." He says with a smile, bowing slightly at the waist in an overly gallant way, just to be playful. He smile a bit more adding , "Yah know we really should catch up some time.."

Rogue has posed:
"Such a gentleman..." Rogue quips back before walking through those doors and moving to the downstairs. At his last comment she pauses and puts on a smile. "Ain't much to catch up on...but sure. We could do that some time." Then she begins to descend the stairs again.