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Latest revision as of 03:10, 27 April 2021

The brave and the lucky...
Date of Scene: 27 April 2021
Location: An Alley - Mutant town
Synopsis: A disguised Sinister interrupts Jubilee in a hero moment, with interesting outcomes. Poor Putty is going to have extra eyeballs on him.
Cast of Characters: Sinister, Jubilee

Sinister has posed:
Well, there aren't a lot of places in the world where you can walk down the streets as an obvious mutant without turning a head or ten. Mutant town is one of those places, but realistically, there would be so many better places to live. Mutant town is more about surviving, but it's a community. People look out for one another, usually. But there's always one or two aren't there?

Club Evolution is hopping tonight, at a rather early hour for it, but it might not be everyone's cup of tea, as they're doing 70's night, it seems. Some of the younger crowd don't care for the decades before they ever were a gleam in daddy's eye. It's a clear night though, the stars are bright and the night IS young, if you want to carry on the party, or just get the party started...

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee is dressed appropriately for a spring evening. A trenchcoat over her tube top and shorts, she's comfy when it's warm, and covered when it's chilly. Sunglasses on from when it was warmer earlier, she was in Mutant Town today becuase sometimes the X-Men need to be here. Keeping good relations, helping out. Especially when things flare up around Club Evolution.

"70s? Guh. I mean, like, that's totally out of date. Get with the times," she says in her late 80s/early 90s aesthetic. But as she starts to head home, she looks around, making sure nothing's going wrong at the X-friendly establishment, before walking past the alley beside to make her way back to the subway...

Sinister has posed:
Streets are always noisy, right? New york never sleeps. A car in the distant screeches its tyres, but it doesn't quite cover the sound of a cry in the dark. Was that a thump? An unfortunate sounding crack? In the dimmer lighting of that alley, behind garbage cans and dumsters, there appears to be a small gang of individuals. One, a lanky and tall woman with greenish skin, is keeping an eye on the street; the unfortunate girl clearly has some genes in common with a chameleon, as her eyes move independently, one keeping an eye on either end of the alley.

The group in the middle are a lot less lean. One, whose ancesrty probably included a beer barrel by the looks of it, raises his fist, warty protrusions and boney lumps dotting his knuckles, visible in the dimmer glow from a frazzled streetlamp. "You don't pay up, we stop keepin' an eye out for ya Putty. Ya know th'score, ya?" "I don't ha'have it, Jonesie. I swear... I had to get the medic'cation..." "Ain't none of my problem is it? Sounds like that's /your/ problem..."

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee knows who the victim is. That's Putty alright. He's nice. And he's trying his best to get out of trouble, but it's hard to erase mistakes you made once. Jubilee keeps walking as she sizes up the situation, turning around and darting back into the club.

Once out of sight, she takes off RUNNING. "No time to explain" she says as she blows by staff, patting a bouncer on the arm. Hopping up a railing, and getting through an upstairs door. In a flash, she's on a fire escape above the whole scene.

Then with a cough, announcing herself as she starts climbing down the fire escape. "Let him go before things get any worse," she announces.

Sinister has posed:
Putty is generally harmless. A stretchy mutant with moldable flesh - he can take quite a pounding, but there are limits. Poor chubster is definitely on the ADHD scale and apparently ran out of ritalin... not good when you have to pay your OTHER landlords to stay safe in the neighbourhood. He looks up, overly pink skin sweating, being held by the shirt front and a good hunk of skin with it, by Knuckles there, looking both terrified and apologetic at the same time. HE glances up though, looking disdainful and piggy-eyed in Jubilee's direction. "Well, if it ain't the firecracker. GO home to ya shiny mansion girly. This ain't none o' your business," hauling back that mighty fist, poor Putty's face takes a thorough imprint of all the bumps and crags, holding the imprint for several seconds before the harmless mutant's spongey flesh resumes its shape, albeit a bit bruised.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee gave 'em a warning. She does a leap off of the ladder, and sticks the landing on top of the dumpsters. "I said, let him go," she repeats, rapid firing a few bright fireworks. Nothing dangerous, just flashing at the eyes of each gang member she saw (including one firework for each of green girl's eyes), to temporarily dazzle them (she hopes).

Sinister has posed:
The trouble with announcing yourself and telling the bad guys to back off, is that if you're recognizable and they know who you hang with, you've given them a couple of moments to prepare -- Green-girl lets out an annoyed "OW, mother fffffffff'...." but one of the bruisers nearby Knuckles there, stomps his foot on the ground and causes the tarmac beneath the dumster Jubilee is standing on, to buckle up by a foot, sending a miniature shockwave through the metal and the plastic lid and quite possibly dislodging her.

Now it's a matter of regaining your balance with style or finding a way to fall off gracefully and not INTO the garbage. That would suck when you're trying to be heroic.

Meanwhile, up on the roof of CLub Evolution, a figure crouched and observing the street below, leans forward a little, peering. Red eyes narrow to slits as he simply... watches. For now.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee scores! Well, partially. I mean, it helped. It's at least one on one now. Plus, with Knuckles distracted, Putty can try to make a run for it.

Jubilee may be bad at some things, but she has awesome balance. So she leaps off of the shaking dumpster, and place sherself between Knuckles and the fleeting Putty.

Hands on her hips. "Now don't me catch you doing that again."

Sinister has posed:
There should be a little cape-flap moment, a spotlight and sparkles coming out from behind her. Unfortunately, reality has a naughty habit of failing with the theatrics when you want them.

Putty bolts, it's true, but he's also chubby, huffy and not really all that fast. Another stomp from tarmac quake dude has him losing his balance and stumbling sideways into the wall with an exaggerated "Oooof!" and bouncing like a ball, back several feet and over one of the garbage cans, scrabbling to make his escape in a less than dignified manner. Unfortunatley, they also know where he lives...

And as for Jubilee, that made her a target for the uppercut of Knuckles. It's unpleasantly like being hit by a jackhammer; on a scale of Strong though, he'd be 'just above human strength' and not anywhere close to the usual X-men standards. With all her danger room training, Jubilee should easily be able to tense and take it, if not in a very comfortable manner. "I said ta keep outta it, sparkles! Now I gotta learn ya..." he smells of sweat and is a spitty talker. Ew.

Up on the roof, the narrowed eyes glance upward and give the impression of rolling. Then the figure melts, seemingly pouring down the side of the building like a silvery inky mass, pouring into a puddle at the back in the darkest of the dark and reforming.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee fortunately has enough training not just to take a hit, but enough reflexes not to take the full brunt of the hit. But she does get hit some, and that's enough to get pushes backa few feet, stumbling until her butt hits a trash can. "Ugh..." she grunts, rubbing her chin.

But she has two hands, And the other starts firing off a few shots at Knuckles. "Get out of here! Mutants deserve better than this! WE're all we've got!" she whines.

Sadly the landing did mess with her bright outfit, giving it some battle damage.

Sinister has posed:
Dumpster grime. EWWWWWWWW. How much nasty is on -that- anyhow? It's probably very unsanitary. Whiiiiiiiiiine. "We're all we got? Yeah! Sure, sugarpop... easy ta say when ya got... Arrrrgh!" the firecrackers pop and sting Knuckles face, one of his cronies turning about as if with a sense of impending danger "...hey boss WHU'--~"

The cronie literally goes flying, thrown forty foot back at high speed and twenty foot in the air, into the wall of the opposite alleyway, where he impacts and slumps down, out of the game. Knuckles, squinting with his eyes stinging, partially turns with a "WHo th'fu'..." and slams into the wall behind himself, leaving spider cracks all up the masonry, then crashes face forward into the opposite wall, denting one of the fire escape doors with his face. His putty impression does NOT bounce back.

Green skin just bolts. She ain't no fighter, she's the spotter gal and this is above her paygrade. Her skin shifts to mostly match the background she's running against also, imperfectly hiding her.

"Amateurs," says a deep, very english voice in the darkness. "Petty criminals are just that, aren't they? Are you alright there? You appear to have besmirched your outfit." The inkiness draw closer, leaving a young man with a ponytail of very dark hair and very dark eyes when they coallesce. He's tall, fashionably dressed, could've easily been clubbing and just got out. It does have a bit of a 'seventies bedazzle' to it, does that outfit. Even still, it has style. Everything is very neat and tidy.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee has some mess on her, a tear or two in her clothes, and hurts. But she's fighting, and she's giving Putty all the time he needs. Firing, getting ready to dodge again. But then startuff starts happening, and she tenses up. Ready to move. Trying not to look as things get ultra-violent.

Fortunately once things stop, the words make it sounds like there's... whoever's at this is a friend. "What... well thanks." She moves her haw, wincing. "I'll be fine, but thank you for that... poor Putty..." She glances back to make sure he oozed to safety, before considering the inkiness turning into a person.

She inhales deeply, and lets put a giggle.. "Wow. You came just in time..."

Sinister has posed:
"Oh, you had this, but they were annoying," and almost as an afterthought but not quite "and they smelled bad. When was the last time he even had a shower?" That observed of Knuckles, grimacing in distaste. He glances at her jaw, wrinkling his nose. "You probably should put some ice on that, otherwise you'll end up with one heck of a knuckle-shaped bruise. And maybe tetanus," he quips as a small joke.

Gesturing at the groaning Knuckles, part of his shadow at his feet seems to elongate and rope around the mutant's ankle like a tentacle and with a flick of his wrist, the tentacle drags Knuckles up, and drops him in a dumster to sleep it off. "That'll be an improvement on his hygiene, I reckon." He looks back at Jubes. "You need an escort to the underground?" he asks, not calling it a Subway, like a good old American would.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee gawks, wide-eyed, rubbing her poor jaw again, as the attractive party-goer does his trick with the shadow. "Wow," she gasps as the injured gangster gets put where some would sa he belongs.

Now, she took a hit, and she IS going to hit the X-Men Medbay when she gets back home. But she doesn't NEED an escort out, as such. But.. "Sure," she snickers again, stepping up to the shadowy party-goer. "I think Putty will be okay, at least long enough to get some help." she nods, knowing it's not over, but at least he'll have a chance. "What's your name? I'm Jubilee.."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister glances down the street, reaching up to tuck an errant few strands of hair back into alignment. Oh, does he know where Putty crashes most nights? Surely so. "I'll check up on him later, make sure he's ok. He's a regular down at the arcade..." Oh dear.

He falls into step, slipping his hands into his 70's mod jacket, the oversized collar sitting perfectly over the leather and a silky smokey grey. Some things didn't suck in that era, right? "My name's Nate. You're Jubilee aren't you? Jubilation Lee, from the x-men?"

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee did give her name, but she's impressed enough with the guy that she just snickers and nods even as he blurts out her name, which isn't the most public information. "Yeah. Jubilee..." she repeats, walking along with him, out of the alley, and toward the station.

She trise to fix her jacket, and her top, but she just does her set to cover up the rips, and decides not to try to brush off the messy spots with her fingers.

"X Men. We're here to help."

Sinister has posed:
"You're much cuter in person. Tv appearances always add ten pounds, don't they? I've seen you a time or two..." makes sense, right? Sinister seems to think so. "Even still, we don't often get X-men down at street level. That's usually the street heros that step up to the plate. Sometimes, I reckon it's not the best PR, to be fighting the good fight down in the gutters."

They do generally seem to leave that to the likes of Daredevil, the Punisher, Spidey, Cloak and Dagger, don't they?

Nate looks left and right down the street as they exit the alleyway, falling into step toward the subway entrance. As a sort of sotto-voce aside "...I'd leave it if I were you. Possibly sterilize it with bleach. It just looks like you saved the day."

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee giggles again, blinking, blushing faintly a second. "Thank you," she smiles. "I guess half the camres are trying to make me look dangerous..." She shrugs. "But yeah, sometimse we need to come help here. It's... I mean. We're all in this together. And thank you again..."

It take sher a second to realize that she's gotten to the entrance, then looks up at the sign, then back to the party goer. "I really hope this isn't too far out of your way..."

Sinister has posed:
Sinister shakes his head and because isn't this the sort of thing that 'cool dudes' do to slightly geeked out girls all the time.... he slowly points at club Evolution. "I was heading in. Not that far," he grins, a little crookedly. "But I have ears and well... couldn't resist." He tilts his chin just so, looking at her ever so slightly under his brows, as if he were admiring the blush, or cherishing it just a little bit. Bad boy vibes! Then again, he manipulates tentacles of shadow, so go figure!

"This is corny, I know, but... could I maybe give you my number? I wouldn't be so bold as to ask for yours, plus that whole X-men thing." He reaches into the inside of his jacket and pulls out a card with his name and phone number on it, which perhaps IS a bit old fashioned, but -- it also shows that he works part time at a local radio-shack type place, owned by a parent company Essex Corp. Poor guy. 'Consultant'. SOmetimes you have to make 'techie gofer' sound good.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee swallows, and bitse her lip hard. "Alright," she murmurs. The girl taking the card. I mean... why not, right? He helped! So, she takes the card, and looks at it carefully, before slipping it into her jacket pocket. "I'll let you know when I get back home, alriight?"

Sinister has posed:
"Thanks, that would ease my mind. One of the travesties of the modern world, is despite all the best things we've done for equality between the genders, too many girls still have to text that they got home safe. There's something wrong with that fact. You could also just text me." Nate says that last with a grin. "And if you're ever back in this area... well..." he steps back from her then, brings his right hand to his lips and kisses them, blowing the kiss her way, before stalking back toward the Club. There's something in the way he moves that just owns the space he's in, for sure. Bad. Bad man. Bad.