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Latest revision as of 19:10, 28 April 2021

Broken Wings...
Date of Scene: 28 April 2021
Location: Medical Lab - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Warren wakes up and has some visitors. Ends up a bit embarrassed.
Cast of Characters: Archangel, Storm, SpyderByte, Jubilee, Rogue, Nightingale

Archangel has posed:
The steady *beep....beep....beep* of the heart monitor and other electronics are currently the only real sound in the medical lab as the person it is hooked up to lays resting on his stomach in one of the high-tech medical beds that line the room. Warren's heartbeat being steady is a good sign, even though the bandages wrapping his head, and also across one wing don't look as good as they tinge red with soaked blood.

He lies there, bedsheets pulled up just above his waist leaving his torso exposed, likely because the wings are in the way of much more. The uninjured one is flattened against his back while the one that took the brunt of the damage is stretched out in a kind of traction, awkwardly wrapped from tip to base to cover the injury. Blonde hair is covered by a head wrapping which lays tight across the skull, leaving his face exposed but little else. The exposed face appears to be better than it was, the aftermath of slamming head first into a wall fading as his limited healing factor does its job.

Storm has posed:
Ororo had already been there. After hearing that he had been injured, she made it her business to keep a bedside vigil; slippers on of course, easy pants and a nice tank top to remain cool and comfortable. Her stark-white hair was wrapped into a bonnet, a pair of readers hung low upon her nose as she reads the latest book acquired from England. Something about some chronicle of wizards and watchers and things.

Not your typical teeny-bopper Harry Potter bull.

Every now and then she'd look up to stare at the beeping, then takes a sip of water, and it was back to reading. If a nurse came in, she'd move out the way, but it was back to her perch upon the stool, remaining quiet so that Warren could rest.

SpyderByte has posed:
The doors swish open to reveal Jeremy Statton as the Goth walks into the room. He's wearing a long black leather trench coat, a long sleeved black shirt and a pair of bondage pants with multple colorful straps and chains dangling off the hips. The dark eyes of the technopath sweep through the room to land on Warren. As he moves forward, his chains jingle and jangle around his body and along his thoat in the form of a dog's choke chain that dangles down to mid chest.

As he waves a hand through the air, his black painted fingernails give a wiggle and a few machines light up. He gives a tilt of his head upwards, then closes his eyes as he 'breathes' for a moment, slipping his phone out of his pocket and holds it up as the screen rapidly flickers. Once his eyes open, there's a bit of a 'twitch' in them rapidly before his head gives a 'snap' to one side.

He makes his way over towards the angel and the goddess, tilting his head downwards to stare at him before he glances over to Storm. He gives her a big 'smile' on his face. He's so awkward.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee had her own injury to worry about it. No, no scrapes jumping out of a car and throwing plasma at armed kidnappers. But getting punched in Mutant Town. So she's coming in to get something for the soreness.. when she sees it's busy here. "Well hi everyone!" she says, rubbing her jaw.

Rogue has posed:
Shortly after the doors close from Jeremy's arrival, they swish open again as a Rogue enters the room. She pauses at the doors for a moment, however, because she doesn't really wish to crowd anyone in particular. Concern, however, draws her forward as she steps towards the table where Warren is laying and gives a slight smile to Ororo and Jeremy in turn. "Any word on how he's doin'? Stable enough and all that?" She asks, keeping her voice low so as not to disturb....people? The room just seems like the type where one needs to keep their inside, hush-hush voice on.

Trading her black for her green/gold body suit, and yellow gloves, Rogue's hair is also tied up in a ponytail...of sorts. The only thing really sticking out - as ever - is that streak of white she never gets rid of.

Archangel has posed:
"I'll live..." mumbles Warren from his prone position on the bed. "I may never live it down, but I'll live."

Those blue eyes of him slowly open, his head raising just enough to take a look around at those that are gathered, "How bad is it?"

He tries to shift on the bed, to at least raise himself to his elbows but the way his wing is bound and hooked makes it difficult and he only manages to shift onto his side slightly so he can see everyone without to much effort. "I feel like I got hit by a truck."

Storm has posed:
Everyone cares!

The arrival of Rogue, Jeremy, and Jubilee was met with a smile, the black book folded and placed upon the table next to where she kept her snacks and other things. Her glasses were off as well, her hand lifting to wave towards Jeremy, offer a nod towards Jubilee, and a shrug of her shoulders towards Rogue.

She wasn't usually this silent, settling for Warren to speak for himself, which he does, thankfully.

"How bad?" At least that was the question of the day. For Ororo closes her eyes, and pinches the bridge of her nose, soon opening the to reveal the whiteness and nothing else to examine Warren with a critical gaze. "You're not paralyzed, if that's what you're wondering.." She could see it, the way the agbara flows within. And soon, she blinks rapidly to return to the icy blues she once had.

"How is everyone."

Nightingale has posed:
     Though she had been shooed away and told in no uncertain terms to 'go get some rest, young lady' by the medical staff on duty the night before, Shannon was back in medical the next morning, with a fairly sizeable covered container in hand. She's got her hair pulled back in a ponytail, save for the pale ice-blue braid on the left side of her face, and is wearing a pair of light blue jeans, some relatively new white sneakers, and a long white t-shirt with 'Mutie Cutie' on it in hot pink, with gold and silver accents.

     Slipping through the doorway, she holds back, seeing that Warren has a few visitors already. She stays where she is, cradling the container in one arm--and with a tell-tale dusting of flour on the bridge of her nose that somehow she's missed, observing the gathering.

SpyderByte has posed:
<< It's not bad at all. Mister Worthington has rapid regeneration and he is healing really quickly. >>

Jeremy says as he brushes a hand through the air, plucking strings of data with pinches of his finger and giving them 'throws' towards his phone. He is practically dancing about on his booted feet as he fills his lungs with the strings of binary that is only visible to his eyes.

His hand will reach out and snatch here and there, dangling something before his eyes before he hiccups a soft giggle.

<< It's very fascinating. Actually. Auto-Doc says that she is very happy that she can take a break. She also says he should drink thirty-two ounces of water every six hours. >>

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee gets herself a pair of pills to swallow, which takes only a second, before she takes a seat. Looking to Warren, she hums. "Rapid regeneration. I love it. That's what you want to hear." she finally decides with a clap. "So how do we make the recovery time more fun for everyone?"

Rogue has posed:
"More like ya slammed into a wall before slumping to the ground. We got ya outta the mess as quick as we could. After taking a shot to the back..." Rogue fills in at least those details before she glances to Ororo. That shrug of shoulders from the God is met with a little frown and she pauses before approaching the table fully. "Personally, I'm alright. I guess." Well, it's mostly true! Last night might have been mostly a fail, but the fact that one person is lying on the medical slab pangs her.

She looks to Jeremy a moment as the man explains a bit of how Warren is doing and she smirks. "Well, that's all good to know I think." Swoshing doors opening behind her bring her attention back to see Shannon coming into the medical lab. Well, this is turning into a right party. A few people socializing is fine, but she might be going back into hiding soon.

Archangel has posed:
"Well, that's good," Warren comments about not being paralyzed, trying to shift again to get a bit more comfortable than just laying flat on his stomach, but gives up when he realizes it just isn't going to happen. "But the big question is am I still obscenely good looking. That would be the real tragedy here..." The billionaire manages a wink and smile, chuckling a little before muttering a low "ow."

"So, anyone want to fill me in on what happened? Last thing I remember I was dive-bombing some trucks with bright lights. Next thing I know, I'm prepped for a role in The Mummy."

Warren turns his head, looking over toward Jeremy and raises a brow, "Does the autodoc say exactly how I am supposed to manage to use a restroom after all that water? Because I do have some dignity left in me."

As Rogue fills in the blanks, Warren makes a low 'ahhh' sound, "That tracks. Well, thanks for getting me out of there. Must have been a lucky shot."

Jubilee gets a look, "That's a good question. I'm open to ideas, because laying here like a slab of meat is tedious. At least it is nice to have company, being alone down here would just suck."

Storm has posed:
'Ro's eyes lift towards the door as another enters. A nod was given towards Shannon as she leans back within her seat. Her glasses and book was taken up again, and with a flourish and a snap, the legs were extended and shoved upon her face with practiced ease. And then, tugged a little down upon her nose. While Jeremy thoroughly examines Warren, Ororo keeps an ear all the while searching for her spot. Bookmarks, would have been great in this moment.

"You are still handsome as ever, Warren." Ororo comments dryly, even though it was met with some tiny hints of affection. It did hurt, and suck to see a teammate hurt, after all. So instead of raging against the wind and practically fucking everyone up on earth, she keeps a cool booty, right in that hard ass chair.

"Glad I wasn't there."

Nightingale has posed:
     "More like it would have been lucky if you -weren't- hit. That was a pretty wide spray of gunfire that got you," Shannon adds to Warren, her voice a bit on the soft side as she pushes away from the door, padding her way over quietly to join the group. "Rogue called me down from my 'eyes in the sky' sweep, and between all of us we got you stabilized and back home. Looks like they did a pretty good job of getting you properly patched up. You'll likely be out of here in no time."

     A small side table, the sort that usually fits over a patient's bed, is rolled up next to where Warren is recuperating, but angled so that it's not actually -over- the bed. On it, she places the covered container and opens it, with a light, almond-orange aroma starting to waft through the room. "Figured those might lift your spirits. And not a blue ribbon among them," she adds, quirking a wry half-smile. "Also made a double batch, figured you'd have enough company to need that many."

     Everyone is offered a light smile as she steps back towards the rear of the gathering after leaving her edible offering. She might have some darker shading beneath her eyes this morning, but otherwise seems alright. The matter of one's dignity in certain 'earthy' matters has her covering her mouth, trying not to smile. "I feel your pain there. Been in that spot a few times."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smiles and nods. "You're welcome. It was the least I could do. In the end, we got the townsfolk to scatter away and nothing real bad came of it aside from you getting injured. And...Colossus might be a bit upset...cause of the semi violent route it took." She looks around a moment and then motions towards the door. "I'm gonna go check on a few others, but it's good to see ya awake and all that. I'll pop back by later." Then she turns and walks out the door.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee sits, rubbing her jaw, rolling it a little, as she waits for the pills to kick in. "Gunfire. Lot of gunfire yesterday. I had to make so they couldn't shoot. Almost worked." She smiles. "Maybe we can get some movies in here?"

SpyderByte has posed:
There is an amused smile upon Jeremy's face as he tilts his head for a moment in the room, squinting, then glances back to Warren.

<< She says if you wish to have a urinary catheter installed, she will walk me through the process. I assure you, I have steady hands and I am desensitized to naked bodies. I would not judge you on your obviously flawless physique. If anything, I would be quietly jealous. >>

He gives the group a big smile on his face, one that looks incredibly awkward in his attempts to be social, then shrugs his shoulders upwards.

<< But you are able to walk and go to the bathroom on your own authority. >>

Archangel has posed:
Warren chuckles again as Ororo confirms his hadsomeness is still intact. "Oh thank god. I was worried there for a second," he jests. "What ever would I do if I couldn't make the ladies swoon with a smoldering glance?"

Warren shifts his head to look at the baked goods, slight color coming to his cheeks as Shannon cracks jokes about blue ribbons, "Thanks."

The winged mutant snakes his arm out from under his body and reaches out for the container when Jeremey replies, making him go even redder. "Um... I think I am good there, Jer. I appreciate the thought though? I think? Maybe?" Warren shakes his head, trying to get more comfortable, "Will someone get my damned wing out of this contraption? I promise I will take it easy and won't try and go flying with it till it is healed, but I'd like to at least be able to sit up, and you know...maybe go to the bathroom on my own authority."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon stifles a chuckle, but her eyes twinkle with merriment. "You're welcome. Those are orange almond pillows. Minimal use of egg whites and just a bit of milk to thin out the glaze. So, mostly vegetarian-friendly as well." The last is spoken with a smile over to miss Munroe, to whom she dips her head. "There should be enough of those for everybody and some left over, barring anyone going full-on velociraptor here."

     Hearing Jeremy talk about catheters and their proper placement, she lofts her eyebrows, quirking a wry, if somewhat proud, smile at him. "And here you were squeamish just about setting a tourniquet."

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee watches, and shakes her head, laughing. "Warren, I think at this point you're like, the hero of the day,a nd people are just reminding you that you are mortal. I'll get you something for dinner later. What are you hungry for?"

SpyderByte has posed:
Giving a smile to Warren, Jeremy nods his head towards him, then goes about tilting his head to one side as he listens to the machines speak to him. He heads over to his bed and reaches over to help him out of the bed by unbuckling the restraint that is holding his wing back.

<< Setting a tourniqet has blood and pain involved. Blood makes me sick. A man's penis does not. Seeing Mister Worthington naked would not bother me, or cause me to feel sick to my stomach. Also, Auto Doc ensured me that the installation would be painless for him. I would just need to inject him with the synthetic novocaine that has an almost instant effect. The process itself looks fairly easy, as long as he holds still. >>

He pauses for a moment in thought, then glances at Warren as his brows lift, then he heads for a computer terminal to settle in front of it.

<< But it's not necessary. He is not at risk of urinating upon himself. >>

His fingers brush over the keyboard of the terminal and starts to type as he accesses the mainframe with a gentle caress.

Archangel has posed:
Warren just turns his head and stares at Jeremy as color flushes even more to his face as the younger man speaks while disconnecting Warren from the traction device, "Um..." is all he gets out. Opening his mouth to say more but then just shaking his head and giving the ladies, especially the younger ones, a glance he mutters out a quiet, "I'm sorry?" Apparently embarrassed and maybe a bit mortified by this discussion, Warren's color remains a bit on the pink side for the time being.

Once his wing is free, he gathers the sheets that are around his legs and bunches them up around his waist before sitting up, keeping himself decent as he stretches out with his new found freedom of movement, this hurt wing still awkwardly jutting out towards his right since it is bandaged and splinted in place, but he tries to angle it down and out of the way. "Thanks, Jer...for getting me out of that thing. If Hank has issues with it, he can yell at me."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just nods at Jeremy, and smiles a little bit. They all had their strengths and weaknesses. It all balanced out in the end. Glancing over at Warren, she lifts her chin a little bit, and cracks a light smile. "Hey. It's the kind of thing I'm training for. But I hear ya." She winces in sympathy, her own right wing extending ever so slightly and giving a light flick. Oh, yes. She'd felt that pain. It was most assuredly no bueno.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee sits back, and is still pretty well focused on Warren, since he is the hero and all that. Despite how much Jeremy is, uh. Doing his best here. She covers her face a moment, then laughs and goes into her pocket to pop some gum into her mouth. "Pizza, Warren. I'll bring you some pizza. Nobody can deny you pizza. Meat or veggie?"

Storm has posed:
Quiet, Ororo takes in the conversation with a little smile, her finger pointing towards a word so that she could save her spot, ducking her way out of a wing and back into place again to read. Cookies, yes. They were there and soon taken, which was offered up as quick toast to Shannon and quietly eaten. It was back to reading she goes, just because it was completely fundamental!

SpyderByte has posed:
<< He won't yell at you. I am sure we can have you set back up before he realizes it. According to his schedule, he is booked until three and I disabled the alarm on the bed that would alert him if you were to have got out of the restraint. It's more than enough time to stretch your body out and relieve yourself proper. >>

Jeremy taps away at the keyboard in front of him a few times, though it's mostly for show since he doesn't need to actually type anymore as the screen in front of him whirls.

<< Let me know if I can be of any more service to you. >>

The phone he has holstered to his shoulder is talking 'for' him, since he is a non-verbal autist. It's a soft female voice of SIRI, for those who doesn't know.

<< You also have nothing to be sorry for. >>

Archangel has posed:
"Meat, please," Warren answers to Jubilee, "Extra cheese, and have them put pesto on the crust. Actually, just order a bunch and I'll pay for it, so get one for yourself as well, Jubilee. Jeremy, Shannon, Ororo, what would you like?"

The color on his cheeks finally starts to fade as he sits there, stretching and moving his limbs that were stationary for so long. Eventually, he reaches up and starts to undo the bandages that cover his head, unraveling them slowly to make sure they aren't stuck with dried blood anywhere.

Once he unravels the bandages, he tosses them onto the bed and out of the way before he reaches over to snag a cookie from the container, popping it into his mouth and chewing. "I never asked, did we find the kid? What happened after I was out?"

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee shrugs to Warren. "I'm not sure. We were trying to catch up with the detective. Which we just barely did." She nods, pulling out a phone and tapping at pizza options. "Meat, extra cheese, pesto crust. Make sure to save that in my cart for tonight." She then keeps it open as others are offered. "I can just do with some pepperoni and sausage."

SpyderByte has posed:
<< I will have whatever you are having. >>

Jeremy confirms as he spins around to face them, then gives a long stretch of his body.

<< If you need me to help out, let me know. I can access ... anything I want. From what I gather the Badlands isn't a very technologically advanced area, so therefore, breaking into any system will be a piece of cake. If you need traffic cam video feeds, or .. really anything, let me know. It's easy. >>

Storm has posed:
"I don't like pizza." Was said over the book from the Goddess.

"I'll take a coke zero."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just shakes her head. "As far as I know, we didn't find the kid. But I do think there are several local yokels who are likely re-thinking their life choices and stance regarding mutants by now. And you played no small part in that." She cracks a smile at Warren, dipping her head, and fluttering her wings slightly. "Once you were down and Rogue called me in, our main concern became stabilizing you and bringing everyone home in one piece. I'm sure we'll find the kid, and soon."

     As the talk of food starts up, she begins to perk up some, shifting about on her feet. "What about mac 'n cheese? Or lasagna?" She nods towards miss Munroe, and grins. "There's always that recipe you gave Megan and I for that heavenly avacado salad. I could make some of that up for you if you don't like any of the above options?"

Archangel has posed:
Warren glances over at Ororo, "I'm sure we can order a salad or...what she said," he nods over towards Shannon as she makes her suggestions. "Have credit card, will order food from anyplace you like. I'm easy like that."

He glances between Jubilee and Shannon, nodding and hrming to himself. "We found the detective? Oh, that's good! I had gone into that whole mission expecting to find a body, not a warm one."

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee taps in pizza and beverage requests, and smiles. "Yes, we found the detective. She had been kidnapped before we got there. But, Jean was able to track her and her kidnappers down. Hank was able to drive and catch up. And Scott was able to stop them from shooting her, while I covered everyone. It was close, but we made it." She then pauses. "They do have cheesecake dessert. I'll order one."