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Latest revision as of 12:53, 29 April 2021

Something Good. Something Bad. A Little Bit Of Both
Date of Scene: 28 April 2021
Location: Garnet (Knowhere, Sector 17)
Synopsis: Time for the party to stop and time to get to work!
Cast of Characters: Gigas, Mon-El

Gigas has posed:
    It's always a party when Gigas comes to town.

    he intergalactic strongman has currently commandeered one of Knowhere's many gambling-halls with his overbearing presence. Immense bulk pressed in a massive corner booth, flanked on either side of his prodigious bulk by a group of females of varying shades of orange, blue, green and pink. Undoubtly paid company. Drinks are all over the table..though he can't really get drunk. Music is loud and the dance floor is packed..though he can't dance. Really..just a great time! One might ask -why- what is effectively an animated golem by some unknown cosmic force is interested in such fanfare and activities but..here in Knowhere often the answer to such a question is 'Why not?'. They've certainly seen stranger.

But for his part, Gigas simply enjoys spreading the wealth, being groped on, and the feeling of this sense of fleeting popularity evn if he knows it's..not real. It's all because he's paying for the drinks, the ladies, the music and all just for a sense of belonging and popularity. As fi he knows it's missing..as if he needs more.

Ah..he just started thinking deep thoughts again. Shame on him. It's party time! -- Unfortunantely this is rapidly draining his resources and accounts and a beep on his wristband alerts him to that as well. He lifts a support pillar girthed arm up from the back of the couch and away from the group of 'fans' using it as a cushion and looks over the readout which causes his lips to purse in annoyance and then concern. "Hmm...oops. Looks like I..uh..did my math wrong.."

Mon-El has posed:
    This casino is certainly lively tonight. Paid company is paid company, but at least they seem to be -pretending- to enjoy the time, even if they are mainly just enjoying the credits that are coming their way.

    And speaking of the ladies, Gigas might be surprised to spot one particular lady, who -isn't- actually one of the partyers-for-hire, enter the casino and begin to approach him. With flowing, wavy blonde hair, she is dressed in a glittering purple gown. Drop dead gorgeous, and she's definitely turning heads as she waltzes up to his table and puts her hands on it while leaning forward slightly. "Mind if I join you?" she asks, with a seductive smile.

Gigas has posed:
    That gets his attention alright. Someone that beautiful -wants- to join him? What??? Gigas would be terrible at a game of poker because his shock is rather obvious. The girls look briefly surprised and annoyed at being upstaged but..again..credits are credits.

"No! Join in!" He makes a sweeping gesture for the table and the remaining seats. A magmonious gesture at that. After this, he pauses, and leans forward slowly while squinting his eyes to look her over.

"You look...Terran. Are you from that world? I did not think they had the means to come out this far. Most seem barely aware of what is in their..backyard, so to speak."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Thank you." The woman sits down once he invites her, laughing lightly at his question. "Most of them, perhaps. But it doesn't matter much where I come from. My name is Glorith. And you must be Gigas." she says, still smiling. "Quite the party you have going, there." she adds, glancing briefly around all the fanfare. "You must be quite the successful mercenary."

Gigas has posed:
She probably knows he's eating his accounts up alive with this.

"Oh, well. I do well enough for myself. If the right job fits then I can do it very well. If it doesn't fit and I am still hired..I make it fit!" Usually very badly. "People hire me when they are needing...um..muscle. And a big galaxy needs lots of muscle. Hmm.." GIgas rubs his jaw in thoguht, "..I should make that my slogan.."

He then waves a huge hand, almost dismissively, "THe party is almost over anyway. Soon, it will be time to get back to work.."

Mon-El has posed:
    "I see." Glorith replies, and there is a knowing looking in her eyes. One thing is certain, there's more to her than she's letting on. And she definitely knows more than she's letting on. "I know it's not over yet, but I don't suppose you would like to hear about another....opportunity?" She starts helping herself to one of the drinks, pouring it into an empty glass. "Of course, if you'd rather not. I would be happy to come back another time. That is, if I don't find someone else before then." Wink.

Gigas has posed:
    "PARTY IS OVER!" Gigas raises his massive arms high and thunders. The force of his voice shakes the very foundations of the structures and his massive lungs expel a burst of near hurricane like wind, up and away from Glorith, but clearly meant for the crowd to get their attention. Bodies tumble and eyes go wide. The girls on either side of him recoil in terror, even despite the fact that Gigas' expression becomes a full toothed almost cheshire cat like grin.

He says nothing else, but nothing else need be said. The party goers get it and with that display are unwilling to test the giants patience. THe girls are the first to get out of there, complaining in various alien languages and muttering about the giant. As they leave, Gigas looks down to Glorith.

"Alright. Now we have a private event."

Mon-El has posed:
    Glorith doesn't seem to be at all ruffled by the sudden and extremely loud outburst, simply sitting there with her hands folded on the table in front of her as the hired party-goers scurry away quickly. She watches them momentarily, then turns back to the galactic strongman once they're gone. "I'll take that as a 'yes', then." she says, giggling a little bit.

    But she finally gets down to business. "Now then, tell me Gigas, do you know Lar Gand?" She probably already knows the answer to the question, but she asks it anyway.

Gigas has posed:

It's a sincere honest answer. It takes him a moment. Then. *Ding*

"Oh! Him! Hmm...troubled person. Very strong. I think I had an outstanding contract to ask him a question about someone... it didn't go well.."

Gigas taps his chin in thought and then continues, "Then there was arena. And..bug people? No..that was something else. Bug Robots. But there was an arena, and a lantern, and a fire lady. And the Guardians of the Galaxy. They were supposed to rescue him but I did have to punch him a few times."

THis is all..potentially confusing sounding but there's a good chance Glorith knows the proper story and more details then GIgas both knows..and can remember.

Mon-El has posed:
    Glorith nods, smiling again. "Excellent--you remember. Bring him to me--alive and preferably uninjured." She reaches into the folds of her dress and pulls out a tiny flask of some pale blue-looking liquid. It fits just right in her perfect hands. "You helped him, right? Get him to drink this, and he'll do whatever you command for three days. I'll send you the meeting place coordinates, but be sure you get him to me before the effect expires...after all, you've witnessed for yourself what he can do."

Gigas has posed:
"I do not think he trusts me enough to drink something like this..and certainly will not trust me at all afterwards." notes Gigas as he eyes the tiny flask. There is also the issue of just how he's going ot manipulate something so small so as to have Mon-El drink it considering the size of his own hands. He leaves that unsaid. It might actually be easier to try and knock him unconscious first..which leads to.

"There could be considerable collateral damage if he sees me and remembers our past encounters. This will not be cheap and I will need to have authorities off my back."

Mon-El has posed:
    She pushes it across the table toward him, and it seems the obstacle of his hands' size comes to her mind as well. The woman waves a hand, muttering something under her breath, and a strange wispy-like substance swirls around the container until it has grown in size to fit him much better. Although the volume of the liquid inside is still the same.

    "You don't think?" she arches a brow at him. "Well, I suppose there's only one way to find out. I'll do what I can about authorities. He was last seen on Earth, in New York City. No luck there, try orbit. I think he and his...-friends-..." she says the word with a touch of spite. "have a ship in orbit."

Gigas has posed:
"Hm..." Is this a set up? It feels like a set up. Gigas is not exactly stupid. Singleminded and simple in his desires but not stupid. He has been to Earth and encountered..citizens before who have proben problematic. One very big green, actually.

But he's also broke.

"Very well!" He takes hold of the container and slips it onto a pouch attached to his hips. "I will go to Earth and see what I can do. I suppose he will resist so do not blame me if he gets broken or if his friends come calling." Gigas grins a little, "This will be expensive but you seem like you are used to spending credits to get your way."

Mon-El has posed:
    Glorith chuckles. "You seem to know my type very well." She reaches into her gown again, and this time produces a small pouch that she also slides across the table toward him. "Downpayment, since I'm feeling generous, and we both know this won't be an easy target. You'll get the rest when the job is done." Inside are 25,000 credits. She then stands up, ready to leave. "Thank you for your time, Gigas."

Gigas has posed:

Seems like he's repeating himself oten tonight, but this has given him much to consider. He gladly accepts the downpayment, however, and that grin returns once again.

"..I will leave at once!" He begins to slowly rise, looming up to his full height which, he expects, will have no intimidating effect on this mysterious woman. "You will hear from me soon!"

Mon-El has posed:
    The sorceress smiles up at him, as expected she does not appear intimidated at all. Then, she simply vanishes in a puff of lavender-colored smoke.