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Latest revision as of 12:55, 29 April 2021

A Meeting of Immortals
Date of Scene: 23 April 2021
Location: Club Lux, Melville
Synopsis: Two wolves meet in one den...
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Dracula

Lucifer has posed:
Club Lux is still a bit on the lighter side of busy with rumors that there's going to be a big to do in a few days. Still, the DJ is still on point spinning dance tracks for the elite who cut it on the dance floor, and there's a small gathering of the few but faithful who enjoy spending their money on the drinks his bartenders pour.

As for Lucifer, himself, he is actually standing on the precipice just before the spiral stairs that lead from the bar level down to the dance floor. A sort of 'perch' he's claimed because it allows him a vantage point to see everything. He wears a three piece suit of crimson red with a black tie and a black handkerchief sticking out of his left black pocket. Immaculately tailored, it surely brings out the blue in his eyes, and his currently jet black hair is gently slicked back.

Those eyes trail the dance floor, and then the bar area before he sort of generally and casually looks around, sipping on a tumbler of whiskey on ice.

Dracula has posed:
The door of the club opens, and there enters a man who is dressed in black. There's a crimson pocket square in the pocket of the black button-up shirt that he wears. He wears a pair of black slacks, and black leather shoes. A black peacoat finishes out the ensemble. Much like the clothing that he wears, his hair is also dark black, as is the neat and tidy goatee. His eyes are a very dark brown, and the slight pointed quality of his ears happens to be hidden by the length of his hair, which misses his shoulders by a couple of inches. He appears to be in his thirties, though that may or may not be accurate.

There is a moment of pause just within, and his dark gaze slowly flickers over the assembled crowds of patrons. A flicker of a smile touches at the corners of his lips, and there's a soft tap of the end of the cane he carries against the floor before he starts to make his way over towards the bar. Vlad moves without hurry, his stride calm and easy, and he easily avoids being touched or bumped or jostled by any of the sheep who are present.

Lucifer has posed:
There's a certain 'air' that fills a room when two wolves occupy it. As soon as Vlad walked into the club the air changed in a way that no one else would notice - but Lucifer certainly does. His gaze shifts over to the door right when the other man begins to walk further, those even strides filled with poise and grace as Vlad makes his way to the bar. Lucifer smirks and begins to turn, this time he's gone in a blink and appears just outside of Vlad's gaze before walking into it and turning to face the man from the other side of the bar. "Well, well. The wolf has come out of his den again... welcome to my humble abode. Can I get you something from the bar?"

Dracula has posed:
There is a definite air that surrounds a wolf as opposed to the regular sheep within the building. Vlad is a hunter, a predator, of that there can be no doubt, even when he's not directly hunting. Which he isn't, tonight. He is remarkably sated. This is a good thing for all of the sheep here. When he hungers, there is often bloodshed, even if only for the purpose of him being able to drink said blood. The disappearance and reappearance of Lucifer seems to cause him no surprise or startlement at all. The Count turns his dark gaze towards Lucifer, and he faintly tilts his head. "One can only remain denned for so long before having a need to stretch one's legs," Vlad says, a flicker of a smile tugging around the corners of his lips. He's pretty tall, interestingly -- just shy of six and a half feet. "Thank you, for your welcome. It is an interesting place. Brandy, if your bar has it, if you please," Dracula requests.

Lucifer has posed:
"Indeed. Though that makes me wonder how I keep myself sane since I'm beginning to feel like I never leave my den these days..." Lucifer comments, a smirk quirking the corners of his lips upwards. At the request for brandy, he nods, and turns to produce a snifter of the drink, setting it in front of the King of Vampires. "You're welcome, for the welcome. I am glad to hear you seem to approve of the place. It is.." He takes a breath. "My pride and joy...mmn..." Then he sips from his own whiskey, sort of watching Vlad either directly or out the corner of his eye. Like maybe he's trying to gauge why the man is here of all places. "It will be a hell of a sin den after Saturday once I reveal my new little slice of delicious paradise..." Motioning to a portion of the top level where a velvet curtain and a 'Do Not Cross' line sit. "So, aside from brandy and...sight seeing? What brings you to my...humble establishment?"

Dracula has posed:
"Then perhaps you should step out from time to time," Dracula comments, a flicker of amusement to his voice. "Sanity is sometimes questionable for all of us," he adds, a thoughtful note creeping through his voice. Then he lifts one of his shoulders in the faintest whisper of a shrug as though to dismiss the notion. His own sanity flies away in a flurry if he lets his hunger take hold too deeply within him. He tilts his head a touch to one side, and then there's a hint of a smile to tug at the corners of his lips. "This is visible, aye," Vlad affirms, giving a small nod. It shows that it is cared about, and cared for. He reaches out to pick up the snifter of brandy, letting the stem slip between his fingers before swirling it softly and then taking a sip. His dark gaze flicks towards the area that's closed off, and he makes a sound of acknowledgement but doesn't ask after it. "Brandy, curiosity, interest. Need a wolf of reasons other than those?" he asks, one of his eyebrows quirking just a touch.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer's eyes actually flicker with hellfire a moment as he tilts his head with a smirk. "Well I suppose I could...probably would be good to go see what the sheep are up to these days in their hundreds of herds." That flicker leaves almost as soon as it flashes but it was definitely there for a moment. Finishing his own whiskey, he sets it down and gives himself a refill while watching Dracula for the moment, sort of casually observing the man still and then he puffs a breath and looks further around his club once more. "Maybe I just like to take in the feels of those indulging in their different vices here... it's fun. Intriguing even." Though he's certainly protective of a few people that grace his club but they aren't here tonight. "Anyway, no other reason needed, I was just wondering if there was one. You can do as you wish, of course, unless you come here to slaughter. I won't idly stand by and allow that. So you know." His words are thick there, almost like they're filled with a certain warning. His club, his domain here on Earth, is not to be a hunting ground for the Vampire Lord - no matter what. Otherwise, picture of good will, and hungry eyes to boot. "Besides, you're certainly a sight to behold...I would dare say a bit better than the sheep around us."

Dracula has posed:
"The times change but the actions of the sheep seldom do. They flock together as they always have in times before," Vlad says, lifting one of his shoulders in a faint shrug. "The only difference is in the size of the herds. They are far more numerous than what they once were. Perhaps it is time for a culling," he muses, a thoughtful and dark note to his deep voice. His tongue flicks out, lightly brushing over his lips, and he idly swirls the beverage in his glass. His dark gaze turns to Lucifer, and he tilts his head a touch to one side. "There are a great many vices for them to choose to indulge in, this is true," he muses in a thoughtful tone.

"Of course you will not. The sheep amuse you," Dracula says, lifting his glass to take a sip. "Rest your worries, at least for tonight. I have not come to cause bloodshed. This is your den, and I will abide by your rules," he comments, inclining his head slightly towards Lucifer. Here, inside, at least, but what happens outside is another story entirely. There's a flicker of a smile to touch at the corners of his lips at the words his appearance earns, and he inclines his head. "Thank you. It is most kind of you to say," he says, a glitter showing in his dark eyes as he looks over his host.

Lucifer has posed:
Once again those eyes flicker with hellfire within the pupils and Lucifer's lips curl into a sneered smirk. He watches that tongue flick over lips while listening to the words offered by Dracula, and a deep breath is taken. "Perhaps a culling is needed indeed. I don't think the world has seen a grand catastrophe in a long while. Seems the more they breed like rabbits and try to figure out the universe the happier he gets." His words are spoken with such a venom, it's no wonder he's also known as The Serpent. That spark in his eyes remains a bit longer this time before he blinks it away and takes another sip of his whiskey.

"Mmn. I appreciate that. What you do beyond these walls, out there, is your business and yours alone. I don't really care." Then he thinks on it. "I just don't need to lose my business, you know?" A smirk then as he watches Dracula, a bit more of an intent in his gaze as he does so. "Well, it's a kindness and you can take it for truth. As I cannot tell a lie... but don't let that slip too far." He chuckles then before looking beyond once more. "I never can tell why they enjoy giving into such vices so easily... I mean aside from how much I know it pisses my father off... it's just a treat watching them go." Gods he's lonely. "So. Saturday. Live music. Big reveal. Late night shenanigans. You think you might swing by at least?"

Dracula has posed:
"Perhaps such a thing might be arranged," Dracula says softly. And this time, his dark eyes flicker to show a pinprick of red within the darkness of them. It is only a brief thing, but it is there. The slightest whisper of the hunger that lies dormant within him, like a feral beast that is poised to attack. "There are billions of them, and they breed worse than rabbits. A few hundred of them would not be missed at all," he says softly, a thoughtful tone to his voice. He watches the sheep for a lingering moment, lifting his glass to take a sip of it.

"I will not cause bloodshed here," he comments, on of his eyebrows quirking upwards. "I do attempt to have a care, at least sometimes. It would not do to scare the sheep by leaving too much blood around them, or a dead body or three," he says, a flicker of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Then he gives a soft chuckle. "You are the Master of Lies," he comments, a ficker of amusement touching his voice. He watches the people for a lingering moment, considering the statement, and the amusement seems to linger around him, within him. "It is because the vices allow them to forget their every day lives. To have an escape. To feel more free to do the things that they desire," he says softly. One of his eyebrows quirks up as he looks over to Lucifer, and he takes a sip of his brandy whilst considering the question. "Perhaps arrangements can be put in place, aye."

Lucifer has posed:
"Mmn... you...surely have my attention now..." Lucifer says, watching as those eyes of Dracula's flicker in their own way, with that pinprick of red within their otherwise dark orbs. "There's too many of them. They'll be their own demise, and no one is listening to those who know it..." A chuckle. "And yes. They breed worse than rabbits indeed..." Watching as the vampire sips his brandy while he sips his own whiskey more. "The question is...how would we go about it?" A smirk. "Perhaps something to discuss...in a more private setting..." Not that anyone may over hear, but sometimes even his walls talk.

"You have my thanks for that..." In regards to the lack of bloodshed, corpses, and other things that would scare his patrons away. At that comment about him being the Master of Lies, he actually gives a bit of a laugh. "No. That is a misconception. I caused original sin, I've done many a meddlesome and drastic thing, but it was never in the form of deception. I offered man wisdom, I offer those who are desperate a chance to gain what they want. My terms and conditions are always clear and to the point. It is not my fault if one does not read the fine print." He smirks then. "But remind you, dear Dracula, I am an angel first and the Devil second. Lies are not something I do." Then, there is the final comment, because he's only giving a nod of approval at the comment about vices. "I would take great pleasure if you could honor my club with your presence."

Dracula has posed:
"There have been too many of them for centuries," Dracula comments, lifting his glass to take a sip of his brandy. "They simply continue to increase their numbers and naught that they do causes those numbers to decrease," he muses. He keeps his cane in hand, but doesn't seem to use it or truly need it. "They are sheep. They are too stupid to listen and yet they think themselves so smart at the same time," offers the bloodsucker, looking across the sea of humanity within the bar. He gives a slight smirk, and then turns his gaze towards Lucifer. "There are many ways. I am not unwilling for it to be discussed further. So long as there is at least one victim that is left relatively intact for my own purposes," Dracula adds, giving a soft and dark chuckle.

"One does require a certain level of livelihood, I expect. And it would only negatively impact such a thing if I were to damage your clientele," he muses, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "If you wish for me to not advise the sheep that you cannot tell a lie, then I ought tell them that you are the Master of them instead. No?" he suggests, raising an eyebrow slightly as he looks to Lucifer. He takes a sip of the brandy, considering for a moment, and then he gives a small and single nod. "I am aware of what you are," he says softly, inclining his head slightly towards the other wolf. "I believe that my Saturday night happens to be free. Unless there is something which comes up unexpectedly, then I will be here."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer actually gives the other man a smirk, taking in what he's saying - which really does just coincide with all the other points they had been making with each other. At the end, when Dracula is giving a sort of caveat to the whole ordeal, that smirk remains and perhaps even deepens. "Oh I am sure that will not be a problem. I would never deny you the one thing you could have and benefit with at the end of all things." Of course, at some point, Lucifer likely thinks this is all a pipe dream. On the other hand, he wonders if there is anyone who would actually be able to stop them from practicing such a culling.

His head tilts to the other side when Dracula offers that if Lucifer is to maintain a certain level of mystery and even appeal to those around him - being called the Master of Lies is likely the better way to go. "Hmm, I see your point.." This much said as he takes another sip of whiskey. "I will look forward to seeing you Saturday then." Offering those words before leaning against the barback and glancing out over his domain some. "Hmph."

Dracula has posed:
Slowly does he pass his gaze over the various and assorted sheep that fill the establishment. There is a sense to him as though he's weighing each one of them within his head. And perhaps he is, or perhaps he isn't, but to him? Mortal people are meals. Whether he chooses to kill them in the process of having that meal is something that is entirely up to him. The hunger is always there to some degree, always longing to be sated. He's still looking out over the sheep as he poses his next question. "Are there those amongst the sheep who are important to you?" he asks in a soft tone, a flicker of curiosity to his voice. He wouldn't want to harm someone who meant something to Lucifer -- except if Lucifer happened to get on his bad side, that is. So far, there is a sense of respect from the vampire. It isn't something that he gives many people, mortal or otherwise.

"There are times when I have a point," comments Vlad, a flicker of amusement to his voice. At least, times when he has a point that has little to do with the ones on his teeth. "Besides, the sheep often attempt to wriggle out of your agreements with them or feel they were 'tricked' into taking them, so... it is a better fit," he says, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. At the 'hmph', Dracula raises an eyebrow slightly and turns his dark gaze to Lucifer directly. "Something displeases you?"

Lucifer has posed:
"There are a few." Lucifer admits while looking pointedly at Dracula. "A handful, at best. A couple of them work for me, one is someone I hire to perform here at the club on occassion. Everyone else..." He shrugs. "It wouldn't sway me one way or the other...so long as their lives are kept intact while they're within these walls, as we've already agreed." He offers with a smirk and then takes a breath. The respect is, of course, reciprocated. Dracula is surely a welcomed patron so long as he...behaves...to the best of his ability. If Lucifer has to, he'll come up with some sort of...compromise. Even if that means keeping chilled blood on tap.

"That they do. It is often fun to watch them squirm..." Lucifer admits and then shakes his head some. "I'm /bored/. That's half the reason I started working on adding to my club a little bit. Gives me a reason to have some sort of grand to-do. But in the overall scheme of things I'm just...BORED." A grin. "And I've heard tell it can be a bad sign if Lucifer Morningstar, Lord of Hell, First of the Fallen, has come to such a state."

Dracula has posed:
"Of course," Vlad says, inclining his head slightly towards the Lord of Hell. "Your ire is not a thing I would wish to stir up. My hunting does not require their death, though it is sometimes necessary to make a statement," he comments, as though he were talking about hunting deer or some other similar animal. Except he hunts people. If Dracula is likely to spend much time here then it's a possibility that he may make requests along the lines of sating his hunger and refuelling himself, so to speak. But that topic may need to wait for another time.

"It is always more fun when they squirm," Dracula comments, a darker note to his voice. "They are oft inclined to, when they feel their life slipping away, drop by little drop," he adds, and that flickering pinprick of red returns, if only briefly. It is perhaps a good thing that Dracula is well fed in the moment or his hunger might have other things to say about the agreement that he'd made with the Devil. Then a hint of a smile tugs at the corners of his lips, and he tilts his head faintly to one side as he looks to Lucifer, studying him. "I suppose it depends on what you choose to do with your boredom. There are occassions when I allow mine to be set loose to toy upon the sheep," he comments.

Lucifer has posed:
"Nor I yours, of course, Lord Tepes." Lucifer offers this much and then gives a smirk. "Ah, and statements should be made where they are deserved, of course." A knowing thing between the two of them it would seem and then he straightens up just a bit. If neither broach the topic of helping Vlad slake his thirst while within Club Lux then it's not going to be discussed, of course and perhaps is another topic best kept for a more private discussion.

"Oh I agree. Watching them squirm, hearing them beg, even hoping for another deal. An extension. Always more and more until they simply can't take it anymore." Then he shrugs. "I've been doing more deals in return for favors these days to be honest. Soul collecting just isn't what it used to be. People will give their soul up for a bag of weed these days. I need something more...substantial...to keep my matters worth anything." A laugh comes from him then. "Ah to toy with the sheep. But even that can get boring. Predictable." He looks pointedly to Dracula then and leans back in. "But toying with a fellow wolf... I do wonder just how fun that might be."

Dracula has posed:
"Of course," Vlad agrees easily, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He's quiet for a long moment, lazily looking over the sheep. "If this space is to be a sort of safe zone, then I might have cause for making a specific request. Although if such becomes the case then it might be best to discuss such things where walls have less ears and where the sheep are less likely to hear," he muses in a soft spoken tone. And that may be the only hint towards slaking his thirst and feeding his hunger that he intends to make whilst in this more public settings.

"They always hope for more. Long for it, yearn for it," Dracula comments, a flicker of dark amusement in his voice. Though in his case, some of the sheep also beg to be made like him. He's more than capable of making 'children' in such ways, but a 'family' isn't what he wants just now. And so he drinks and makes his victims forget, or he lets his hunger loose and ends up killing for it. Either is an acceptable outcome, to him. "Tell them 'no', if what they ask for is beneath your standards. It is a perfectly acceptable response. It is not as though you have a quota of souls to harvest, after all," he comments, looking sidelong to Lucifer before his gaze turns back to the sheep. The last of the words spoken, however, draw a quirked eyebrow, and Dracula slowly tracks his gaze over to Lucifer, studying him for a long and silent moment. "It might depend on the method of toying that you wish to employ. What, pray tell, are you considering?" he asks, a flicker of curiosity running through the words.