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Latest revision as of 15:14, 9 May 2021

Meeting Miss Mustard
Date of Scene: 09 May 2021
Location: Starfire's Room, Titans Tower
Synopsis: Reconnecting with the Titans, Dick Grayson comes to visit Koriand'r.
Cast of Characters: Nightwing, Starfire

Nightwing has posed:
Dick Grayson is visiting Titans tower, his sleek black and blue costume distinctive as he finds the place mostly empty. He checks the computer quickly and sees that Starfire is the only one currently home. He lingers for a moment at the digital image of the gorgeous alien and figures he might as well say hello.

Soon, he's knocking on the door, "Hey, I don't mean to intrude. It's Nightwing. Hi. I just thought I'd...say hello. Since you're here and I'm here and...yeah."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r opens the door, wearing a yellow tank top with the French's Mustard logo on it and matching short-shorts; rather striking against her orange skin. Her room is painted mustard yellow, adn the curtains of her south-facing window is alloiwng in some sunlight. "Nightwing," she cooos. "Come on in. I know we have had few opportunities to interact of late. I am glad you decided to drop by." She moves over in her small but functional room to the bed and sits on it. On a throw pillow at the foot of the bed is a strange creature that looks like a large moth larva - that's drooling in its sleep.

Nightwing has posed:
Dick Grayson smiles and steps inside, running a hand back through his dark hair. It's grown long now, reaching almost to his shoulders, although he sometimes ties it back into a ponytail, "Well, I admit, I've been pretty busy lately. Between Gotham and my Justice League duties, I feel like I neglect my old friends the Titans sometimes. I think I should try to rectify that and that includes getting to be better friends with the current members. Like you," he says, trying to be respectful in his gaze and not just staring at her butt.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r is NOT returning the respectful gaze and is seeing what you have to offer as she nods slowly. "Would you care for a beverage? I set up a coffee machine in here and I can make americanos hot or iced. It's... about all I use it for." She smiles. "It's my second-favorite hew-mon beverage." She smiles. "Oh, and don't mind the Silkie - he's asleep."

Nightwing has posed:
Dick Grayson nods, "So I see. Funky little dude," he says, giving a little wave towards the worm creature. "An iced coffee would be great, thank you," he smiles. He doesn't seem to be bothered by her ogling, he's a bit used to it. "How have things been around here? Any Titans business I should be aware of? How are you settling into Earth culture?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles as she brings two iced americanos. They are black as pitch. There is no cream or sugar. (Basically just espresso, water, and ice.) "The Titans are very quiet of late - and I've even been on the cover of some fashion magazines. I thought about doing other more adult types of publications, but thought better of it. I do some shoots for a mutant-oriented magazine. They apprecate the free publicity. I'm actually also considering getting a job as a translator. I'm quite good at it - all my people are. And it's in high demand."

Nightwing has posed:
Dick Grayson takes a sip. He's more than capable of taking black coffee, Batman never had anything but. As if putting sugar in something was going to make them soft. "Some people are judgmental about those things, although I'm sure a lot of young men would be, ah, appreciative," he smiles. "Translation could be very cool. If I remember, you have a gift for languages, some ability of your species?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "Yes. Remember when you saw me land when my ship dropped me off? The first thing I did?" she asks. She gave you a big kiss on that first encounter on Earth. "I can assimilate any lanaguage just by touching someone - but it's more fun to get it with a kiss. An alien girl pops out of nowhere and kisses you - and suddenly speaks fluently English." She sighs softly. "I half-figured you were scared of me or uncomfortable which is why you made yourself scarce...."

Nightwing has posed:
Dick Grayson smiles, "And here I thought it was just my good looks that got me that smooch," he says with a wink. "No, I wasn't either of those. Surprised, yes, and a bit stunned. You're stunning, that should go without saying. I was a bit younger, then, too, and hadn't met a lot of aliens. You were kind of a first for me, too, in some ways. Not kissing, though!" he says, quickly recovering.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "And you were the first of your kind that I have seen." She smiles softly. "And.... I have yet to see anyone surpass you." She then glances at you. "Okay - back to business for a bit. I undrestand that you are...." She hesitates, twitching her fingers together, not quite sure how to use the word. ".... not a super?" She isn't sure if that's offensive to ask.

Nightwing has posed:
Dick Grayson grins, "I'm glad I made such a good impression," he admits. He cocks his head at the question and then nods, "I don't have any superhuman powers, no. I have a lot of training and my background means that I'm more physically gifted than a lot of ordinary humans, but no flying or laser beams or anything like that. Just knowing how to fight crime and how to fight."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods slowly. "Right. But even a normal human body can be honed into a formidiable weapon. YOu appear to be following in the Batman's footsteps. Not even I would really care to face him in a battle." She sighs softly. "And from my research, you and he have similar tacics." She smiles. "I on the other hand... do have powers. Ironically, the phrase 'metahuman' could be applied to me I suppose - well, not the 'human' part, but you know what I mean."

Nightwing has posed:
Dick Grayson nods, "A lot of those terms are full of assumptions. You're humanoid in appearance, even if you are different. THere's nothing wrong with being different. Even if you weren't insanely beautiful. Which you are," he says. "And yes, Batman's my mentor, although I don't entirely want to be like him. He's very...intense. Fighting crime is his whole life. I want to be more balanced."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "Yes.... he is...." She tilts her head. "Driven." She smiles softly. "As far as supers go, you'er different too, but you make it work." She winks at you. "I should say that most of my kind don't have the abilities I have. They can all fly and are somewhat stronger than huamns, but that's about it. I'm special."

Nightwing has posed:
Dick Grayson smiles, "That isn't hard at all for me to believe. Special is certainly an apt description, even if it doesn't even come close to summing it all up," he says. "In my experience, it's rarely a matter of power itself and more in how it's used. I've defeated many enemies with very formidable powers just by outthinking or outstrategizing them."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "That is very apt. Powers aren't everytihng." She sighs softly. "I'm glad you came by to visit. I hope we can get to know each other better - and it'll help us to better fight side by side, as well." She hmmmmms softly.

Nightwing has posed:
Dick Grayson smiles, "Good friends and better allies," he smiles. "I intend to make my presence felt around the Tower more in the near future. I hope you and the others will be glad to see me around," he says.