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Titans, Reborn!
Date of Scene: 09 May 2021
Location: Roof, Titans Tower
Synopsis: It's time to bring the Titans back together, starting with a little rooftop BBQ!
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Willow Rosenberg, Wonder Girl, Superboy, Flash

Supergirl has posed:
It's an incredibly gorgeous spring afternoon, the temperature not too hot or sweltering, and not too cold either. A soft breeze rustles through the rooftop trees, scattered about here and there, and of course there is a beautiful swimming pool with sparkling water, finally opened after a cold winter.

The sky is a brilliant baby blue, spotted with only a few clouds here and there, and oh, what an incredibly spectacular view there is to see beyond the rooftop?

How long has it been, since the last time all the Titans got together like this, between school and work and their other personal issues as young adults growing up and trying to establish themselves in the big wide world?

Which is exactly why Supergirl had orchestrated this little barbecue. Dressed in a casual white tank top with a S emblazoned on the front, and jeans, she is not really in costume. Hey, they're here to get together and have fun, no costumes needed!

The smell of grilled burgers wafts through the air as she works on flipping burgers, although there are vegan burgers available too. There's a long table set up with buns, salad, condiments, and other side dishes. She had brought burgers and buns but invited others to bring non alcoholic drinks and dessert too if desired.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Hey, Willow doesn't even have a costume! (Maybe she should look into that!) So she comes with her regular street clothes on. Which is a twirl about tie dye shirt, and a while top. Complete with birkenstocks on her feet.

"Hey, I hope you like chocolate chip cookies!" She almost always brought hand made cookies, except when she brought pastry.. something she won't be doing anymore. She has a new job!

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie Sandsmark makes her way to the gathering, looking around with a curious smile. She pauses to catch the aroma of the grilling "Mmm...always smells good.." She walks toward the gathering, "Hey Kara! been a little while!" then a nod to Conner and Willow, "Hey guys.." She grabs a beer from the cooler and absently twists the top off with her fingers. Super strength has its perks after all. Flicking the cap into the trash she goes to join the others. "Wow.... it really is a great day for this, isn't it?"

Superboy has posed:
Conner's 'costume' lately it is a black t-shirt with the S on red, jeans and sturdy boots. Most days it is enough. Today he is going to be among team mates, it might even be too much.

He is not bringing drinks, but he brought sauces for the burgers and hotdogs. Someone remembered about hotdogs, right?

Unsurprisingly he is a few minutes late. "Hey people," he greets. "Wait, you have already started? Did Robin say if he was coming?"

Flash has posed:
There is sudden ring at the door bell as in a Flash Barry is now standing infront of it in his Flash Gettup. He wasn't sure if they were suits on all the time around here, and didn't want to spoil anything. He stands there a bit nerviously thinking about what he is going to say to the Titans as he was never good at this despite what people may of told him otherwise. He looks down.. "Darn it.." and between moments runs away again coming back with some flowers. "No... Too Personal." he says, looking at the door with a sigh.

He zips away and returns again, not seeing anyone answer the door or if they are descending. He returns less then a moment later with a cake he sighs again, "Too much..." he zips off again the top of a cake spinning in the air for a moment before he zips back taking that too. Finally he returns with some Begals from his favorate place in Star City.. "There we go Perfect!" he says to himself back at the door. He taps his foot waiting for a response each moment for him bein way longer then normal people. He has a smile on his face though he never really knew talking to people could be this tough someone needed to do it so here he was volenterring.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers glances up from burger flipping to see some familiar faces. Willow is the first one to join, and she smiles and nods cheerfully to her, "Willow! So good to see you! Thanks for the cookies, you can set 'em down over there." she nods towards the large table. "Oh hey, I brought some vegan burgers, just for you! Yknow, we should work on a cool superhero costume for you soon.."

Next is Cassie, and she smiles and waves to her as well. "Cassie! So good to see you again! How've you been? It feels like forever!" Conner follows shortly after and Kara smiles and nods to him as well. They may have had their differences in the past but she has come to accept him as part of the Super family in a way. "Conner, you're looking good!"

Oh hey, is that the door bell down below? She peers over the edge, spotting Barry and grins, waving at him from the edge. "Hey, we're up here!" she calls. But since they're on the rooftop, he might not hear her. "Be right back!" and she steps off the rooftop to join the Flash down below and bring him upside if needed.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Thanks for your memory! Otherwise I'd be eating sides only!" Willow wasn't even joking. Many parties she had to pass on the meal, and eat appetizers and desserts. "Don't worry about a costume, really. Though I wonder what would you do for it?"

Okay, she's more than a little curious! She waves at the others.

Superboy has posed:
Conner has barely seen Kara the past four years. She has grown up some. But so has he, they are no longer teens. They should probably catch up. Well, when she returns with Flash.

And then there is Cassie. Who he has indeed seen a few times in the past years, but nowhere as much as they used to when they were kids. "Cassie, looking great," he waves at the other blonde.

And finally there is Willow, who he met once or twice when Superman got possessed by a evil new god and just before Batman 'killed' him (he got better!). He thought she was part of the Justice League. "Hi, long time no see," he greets, offering a friendly smile. "Willow, right?"

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie Sandsmark pauses, "Hades! I left my side in the kitchen." She sets her just opened bottle of beer down, then points intently at Conner. "No. Don't. Touch." The tone is firm like one woul use to chastise a pet. Then she heads back down to the kitchen. In a few minutes she's returned with her mother's specialty and a BBQ staple - Mexican 7-Layer dip and a huge bowl of chips. Setting them with the other sides, she glances suspiciously toward her beer, then to Conner to be sure it wasn't snatched away.

Flash has posed:
Barry is looking at the door but sees the shadown descend on him as it is Kara just above lowering her way down as sometimes he did wish he had the super-hearing. He glances up covering his eyes from the sun and smiles a bit, it was Super-Girl well not so much girl, but still very super. He waves a bit pointing up, with a nod and decides to wait for her instead of just running up the building though for two reasons.. One he didn't know if they still had those defense on the building itself, and two he didn't really want to show off.

He didn't mind being carried, not near as much as the Bats at least so he just waiting with a smile giving a "Hello Supergirl." and a nod when she arives.. "Up Up and away?" he asks holding his arms out infront of him like her cousin... Brother.. he was going to have to ask her about that. Of course his luck he will prob be carried like a small child in her arms, but that was fine it was good to sometimes relax and enjoy flying for once.

As they rise he does say, "Good to see you again Kara.. See you are as strong as always." and chuckles a bit though as they reach the top he waves to everyone. "Hey! Hi sorry to just drop in on everyone. I do hope I am not intruding.. I brough begals." he holds up the begals he got earlier then smells the air.. "Hey.. is that food." he grins again and looks around.. "So is that for... everyone?" though it seems just an open question to anyone. He doesn't partake of any beer, not yet at least it had no real effect on him so he wasn't really a big drinker.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers smiles and nods to Willow. "Of course. It's been a while but I never forgot. Be right back!" But for now, she is dealing with Barry below. Hmm...They could just take the elevator, but it's way easier just to give him a ride. "Oh, how you been, Barry? We were just having a little BBQ up on the rooftop...May I? It'll be quicker.."

And without further ado, she is lifting him higher and higher into the air. Of course he could probably just run up the side of the wall, and Kara always found that impressive, but yeah, defences might kick in.

"Well, Yknow, kryptonian and all.." she grins and nods as she lightly lands on the rooftop and lets him go. "Go ahead, I made extra! Everyone, I think you all know Barry already, right? Ooh, one more thing..We need music!" and of course she had brought a stereo up here earlier, so she sets it to some oldies radio station, having rather enjoyed retro 80s and 90s earth music. A far cry from Kryptonian music but still fun. "Alright, let's have some fun! It's so good to see you all, everyone's grown up from when we were all teens!"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow puts her cookies down, taking a cookie.. just in case. "I haven't been here very long." This was the first official-unofficial gathering that she had come out to. Thankfully everyone she knew of even by word of mouth.

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie Sandsmark turned from setting down her side dish in time to see Kara fly over the side of the tower and return with A Flash. "Well that's not something you see every day.." she laughs and moves over to reclaim her bottle. After a quick glance of suspicion, she takes a sip and walks toward the group again "It really is nice just to have some down time, isn't it." No heroing to be done. No thieving to be cooked up. Cassie has been positively.. normal this week.

Flash has posed:
Barry looks at Kara, and sighs rubbing the brim of his nose.. "Kara... not everyone here knew." as he pulls back the mask to show his face a twenty nine year old that looks actually rather notmal. He smiles a bit and rewaves at everyone.. "Yes this is me.. Just normal Barry nice to meet you." he doesn't sound angry of course and he does still have that smile so it seems all is well. He looks around a bit, and in a blink he is standing next to the food starting to pile it onto a plate. "I kind of expeected to come here to talk with teens, sometime time just passes so fast around you." and chuckles to himself as he adds more food.

As the music starts he zips over to take a seat holding onto the food so it doesn't get away, "I am not sure if this is more akward or less now your all grown up." he takes a bite and chews it down not really talking with his mouth full as that is just rude. When he is done he continues, "I was actually coming to make sure everything was working here." large bite again, chew.

After a moment he continues, "The League has been kind of busy with their own things, and well no-one has checked in with you for a while, and I didn't think that was right. I mean it isn't that you need looking over or anything, but I mean we should at least talk now and then right?" and he gives a bit of a laugh at that. "But I mean.. look at you all. Grown up doing your own thing.. I feel kind of silly now worrying about it." though that embarassment doesn't seem to effect his appitite.

Superboy has posed:
Conner takes over Kara's burger-flipping when she goes to pick up Flash, waving at the older man as he gets upside. "Barry, that is from Bartholomew? So that is where Bart got his name, I bet."

Which might mean Barry probably eats as much as Bart. Fortunately Kara seems to have gone for the safe (or maybe excessive) amount of food. Maybe she expected more people.

"Sorry I took over the cooking, Kara," he grins. "You can have the spot back. I am going to grab a drink. Be right back."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers blinks slowly at Barry, blushing slightly. "Oh, my gosh, did I just blow it?" she smiles sheepishly, "Sorry about that, I figured everyone already knew everyone else." well Ahem, too late now! "Yeaaah, we're all a bit older and more experienced, but we're all younger and less so than the Justice League." she shrugs as she piles some food onto a plate, reaching for a ginger ale as she is not old enough to legally drink beer, sadly.

"Funny thing is, I think we all kinda got caught up in our own personal lives and haven't had a lot of time to work as a team..But I i tend to change that! Starting with this team building barbecue. So help yourself, there's plenty of food to go around!"

Conner is given a nod of thanks as he finishes cooking the rest of the burgers.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow is a duo-team member. But the Titans were all the same age as her. Which really was different. Thanking Conner for her burger, she fixes it up. "As long as it wasn't in public! After all, that could be bad. And, yay! I'm all for it with the team building."

Wonder Girl has posed:
Cassie Sandsmark loads up a burger and sides on her dish to begin eating. "It's a great idea. We work better when we know each other. Too hard to anticpate how someone will react in a situation otherwise, y'know?" She munches on her burder, "mm... really good..!" she looks to Barry, "Did you get paired up with anyone from the Titans for Batman's pet project?"

Flash has posed:
Barry is up again standing beside Karra buger in one hand the other on her shoulder, "Hey its fine... We aren't in the field and these are all friends right?" he nods to her in understanding. "Did I tell you once how I once exposed Batmans secret to some mole people. He was so mad even though they had no-one to tell." he grins at Kara with a chuckle then zips back to his seat. He takes a rough tone that sounds nothing like Batman. "You should know better Barry." and shakes his head taking a bite. After he finishes he shakes his head, "He has been so busy, don't you ever tell him this, but I kind of miss him."

He goes back to eating down the pile of food infront of him just disapearing as he listns. "Well that is a good idea.. Who knows if you need a 'bad-guy' to go against let me know.. I could always use the excersise." he chuckles though he isn't sure he would be too much a challenge for two kryptonians. Maybe if they were sups he would be in more trouble, but still they were fast, and strong he would have to figure something out.

Looking at Cassie he shakes his head, "You know Bats tell you nothing until it is dropped into your lap. I actually volenteered to come out here to talk with you. I get how it can be out there, and I just wanted to make sure all of you were safe and sound." he rubs the back of his head a bit embarassed. "Sorry if I sound a it over protective.. But hey you are the next generation someone who has been there should be avaliable if you need it right.. Well." he holds his hands up in a presenting way, "Here I am.. Not because I have to be, but I want to be,"

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers waves to Conner as he heads off, "See you later, Conner." To Willow she nods and grins, "Right, your secret is safe with us! You can trust us.." she gives Cassie a curious glance though, "Oh..Really? We need mentors?" Kara chuckles, shaking her head, "I know I'm still fairly you g as a heroine myself but I'll do my best to make us a tight knit team that the Justice League can be proud of."

She munches between talking, being careful not to choke on her food with careful sips of punch. Barry's stories of Batman has her chuckling and shaking her head. "Great guy, a bit too serious though. Glad that Tim isn't quite so serious.."

She does nod though, finishing off her burger. "Thanks, Barry, it would be an honour to train with a more Justice Leaguer, help us to gauge our current skill levels..Unfortunately , that reminds me I have some errands to take care of. Enjoy the barbecue, everyone, I'm glad we could get together like this!"