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Latest revision as of 01:25, 10 May 2021

Making new friends, Lucas takes a visit to he Welness Office.
Date of Scene: 09 May 2021
Location: Wellness Office - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Lucas learns a lesson, and Deadpool has a target.
Cast of Characters: Deadpool, Lucas Farmer

Deadpool has posed:
It is a standard day at the school, and all is well normally one would see kids, young adults of all sizes and shapes considering the place. Though one would stand out, as everyone is dressed in normal outfits, or the schools outfit one person walks through the halls in full outfit. It is a black, and red outfit that covers his whole body, and no-one around here has ever seen him take it off. He is the one the teachers send out memos warning all the students to leave alone, and the students have been spreading rumors that he is nucking futs to leave him be. If your at the school for any length of times stories of him carrying around a water bottle, and spraying kids that got to close, or how he can be in a room by himself just arguing with someone for hours. But this person walks right down the hallway, and into the wellness office seeming to be in his own world though most of everyone just ignores him. He is used to it by now the crazy man, he wasn't really the teacher type.

Once in there he glances around to see some kids still there writting he just sighs.. "If you are not at least this tall." he puts his hand out around shoulder level.. "Get out... Leave.." reaching behind his back he gets out a water bottle like old times to make sure to convince the others it was time to go. He had to think as a few new things had come up since he has been out there. Jean didn't like the gun he got her, Rogue was pissed at him for some reason or another. He just didn't understand why... He goes to the kitchen station, and looks around for something not paying any further mind to who stays or goes.

Lucas Farmer has posed:
It has only been a few hours since the X-Men brought Lucas back from the Farm. Once the mission over, the young man was provided with food and new clothes. And then, they showed him /his/ room, a very, way too large room for him, where he slept - or tried to - a few hours. Then, he was told to go to the Wellness office, and that's where he is when Deadpool comes in.

The man mentioned that kids had to leave, unless they met a specific height. Which is kind of puzzling for Lucas, who, used to obey orders, stands to prove that he is allowed to stay, since his six-foot tall stature meets the requirements. And then... the young man remains still, observing Deadpool.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool talks to himself, as it seems he is prepairing a meal getting the things out of the cabinet though there isn't much as it is just a backup kitchen. "It doesn't make any sense.. Why wouldn't she want a gun." He looks down under the cabinit to scan the room, and spots Lucas seeming to miss him earlier when he stood to prove his height. "If you owned a house you would want one right?" he goes back to the cabinet.. "I took off the serial numbers and everything.. Illeagle.. Psh!" and tosses some pasta looking thing as he is filling a pot with water.

He grumbles to himself back to arguing with himself, or just outloud. "And my Best friend mind you... BFF leaves without even saying anything... Nothing.." he stops tilting his head with a grin.. "Wow.. I have been in here for too long.. I really need to kill something." he stops then realizing he isn't alone in the room. "Wait.." he peeks under the cabinet, "What are you doing here kid.. You can go play with your friends or whateve you kids do." he starts tossing the pasta in and choping a tomato he got lucky and found in the minifridge. It had someones name on the wrap around it, but Deadpool just ignores it. "Unless your hungry.. I like to hate cook.. Get that anger all mixed in there."

Lucas Farmer has posed:
Lucas tilts his head, listening to what sounds like gibberish to him coming from Deadpool as he rummages in the kitchen area. Glancing around, the young man realizes that he's alone with the strange man. Being asked a question, Lucas is compelled to answer. Not answering a direct question, he learned, brought punishment.

"I can't play with my friends, sir," he says, "I have none anymore." The voice is low, and, despite the statement, doesn't carry a lot of sadness. It's a statement. Stepping forward, keeping his distance from Deadpool, he asks, "Are you a guard? Or maybe, a teacher, sir?" Standing closer now, Lucas's eyes follow Deadpool's movements with interest. "I am hungry."

Deadpool has posed:
Wade listens, and nods. Though the boy talks wierd so did everyone so he dismissed it for now. "Right... Well you get used to it or it drives ya crazy right?" and gives a crazy laugh. "See loong ago.." he pours in some oil and the fire burst out infront of him singing the front of his suit with a "Dang it!" coming from him. It goes back down again as he turns down the burner.. He glances up to see if maybe Lucas just 'missed it' though sees he is being watched and give a grin and a shrug, "How bout we look for something microwavable." reacing up he snuffs out the last part of the suit that was still burning just a little bit.

He turns to start looking through the place more, he grins, and grabs an apple tossing one to/at Lucas and taking one for himself. He turns the fan on in the kitchen to air out some of the smoke.. "So whats this about guard? No kid, I am just a crazy man trying to make it in a world where I can't seem to remember the past."

He walks out of the kitchen letting the fan do its work, "Names Wade... From what I hear professional assassin.. Currently between employers though so I guess unemployed.." he glances around a bit, "How bout you kid.. You some space or somethin?"

Lucas Farmer has posed:
The fire bursting in front of Deadpool made Lucas step back instinctively. Of course, he saw it and how it burnt his uniform. Since it was quickly taken care of, the young man doesn't intervene, catching the apple tossed at him, "Thank you."

Walking to the kitchen area, uncaring about the remaining smoke, he points at one of the cupboards, "A kid took something out from there, and had it warmed in this," he says, now pointing to the microwave. And if Deadpool looked down in the bin, he'd notice an empty Mr. Noodles bowl.

Then Lucas eats the apple, reallyy, in a few bites, obviously not taking the time to enjoy the taste, rather eating like he's really hungry.

"I'm Lucas, sir," he says, "I came here yesterday, I come from the Farm. But the Farm is gone now, they reallyy levelled it down to the ground." He pauses, frowning lightly, "So, you kill people?" Isn't it what an assassin does?

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool is listening about to eat his apple as he watches the dude chow down on his. Wow he must really like apples is all that goes through his mind. "Jesh kid, I thought I forgot how to ask for stuff." he tosses the second apple at him to see if he easts it like the first. "You do know they will cook ya up just about anything if you ask?" he adds though gives the noodles a shrug, "even more of those if ya want.. I think thats how it works." he shrugs a but, "I wish I could tell ya more, but dealing with people really aint my thing." he grins a bit

He rubs the tops of his mask for a minute, "And could you call me Wade, or Deadpool." he stage whispers over, "That is my secret name.. the one most know me as out there." he points out the window meaning just out in the world. With a grumble he searches for more food as he was hungry too, and he just tossed the last apple to the boy. How could he not if someone liked apples that much.

He continues as he searches, "But yea kid.. I kill people.. Well for money I kill people. No Kids though, not really my thing. But Men, women, aliens, robots, ninjas, clowns." he goes on listing quite a few things even dogs, and cats are in there somewhere. When he is done listing he grins, "Keep calling me sir, and ya might find out how.." though he laughs.. "Joking kid joking.. relax man jesh.." as he laughs to himself a bit more before a "Eurka!" pulling out some more noodles.

Lucas Farmer has posed:
Lucas catches the second apple, and eats it in a few bites. It might be indeed that he likes apples very much. As he eats the fruit, his eyes remain on Deadpool, a puzzled look on his face. What did he say about cooking for him?

"I was hungry," he explains, "I did not know when is feeding time here." Missed breakfast, most likely didn't find the kitchen.

And then, as Deadpool describes his mercenary /business/, the young man seems to come to life, something got his attention. "For money?" he asks, "I don't have money, but I'd like to have you do it for me. How much money do y ou need to kill someone?" Strange question from a kid, but Lucas seems quite interested to hear the answer to his question.

Deadpool has posed:
Wade nods, and explains better thinking about it for a moment, "No there is food like this in a cabinet.. You just take it out.. follow the instructions." he fills the water up on the noodles. "And put it in this little box for the time it says... and presto.." he point to the microwave still going then stops. "Wait.. in a few minutes.. Presto! You have food.. It is important to eat well even if it isn't the best food," he nods to himself on that one. He did love to eat

He thinks about the hours, but answers his next question, "Now that is a complicated question.. Depends who it is, I have killed for a penny, I have killed for millions of dollars. Do they have powers, are they even human, I would need to know a few details about the target first." as he talks he pulls out a small round device and hits a button.

He smiles and explains, "They have cameras... I don't like others to hear me talking buisness. Do you have a target kid? Or is should I turn them back on?" he asks seriously for the first time since they started talking his tone is flat, and calm.

Lucas Farmer has posed:
Lucas's eyes go from the microwave to the small round item in his hand. There's a strange odor coming from the microwave, but as long as there is no fire coming out, the strange man probably knows what he's doing and all's fine. The young man is used to disgusting food, so there is nothing to worry about for now, despite the weird smell.

Facing Deadpool, Lucas lowers his voice, aware of cameras and other security devices like the ones he knew at the Farm.

"I don't know his name," he explains quickly, "He's the Owner of the Farm. A very cruel man, he hurts kids... you know, special kids like here. Like me. The Farm is no more, but he escaped somewhere. If I find money, can you stop him, maybe not kill him, but make sure he can't hurt anyone anymore?"

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool sighs, and listens.. He looks at the door as you speak making sure no-one is at it or coming in to interupt he rubs the brim of his nose. He sounds like he doesn't want to but a "Yeaaa.. Kid okay." comes out, "Jean is going to kill me if she finds out so this is between us alright." he starts thinking, "Okay I need you to tell me what you know about him, is he a mutant like us, or just tech guy?" he pats his chin thinking a bit more

He snaps his fingers, "Oh and what do you want for a kill confirm? Some go for the head but that is messy, a finger will rot eventually unless you freeze it. Does he have any jewlry.. Something he would never part with?" Deadpool grins at him, he doesn't bring up money yet.

If or when he gets that answer he would ask his price. "My price is simple.. Do everything these nice people tell you to. Focus on participating, and if someone ask for volunteers I want to see your hand up first." he looks at his hand with a grin, "Do that, and I will see about killing this guy for you.. Deal?"

Lucas Farmer has posed:
There's a hint of happiness in Lucas's grey eyes as he listens to Deadpool's offer. Could it be this simple? Like, asking a guy you met a few minutes ago, and have the Owner taken care of? Maybe!

"If you can, just not kill, but make him unable to hurt kids?" Lucas says, his anger towards the Owner not really outweighting his dislike of killing. "The only thing he likes, is money. And without it, he can't do anything. He's human, around fifty. I don't have a picture. He lives up North, in Ontario." It would be quite difficult for anyone to identify the Owner with such a bare description. "I'll find more information, that could help you find him, then we can talk more about it?."

Although the /price/ seems more than fair, Lucas takes a time to consider it carefully. Too good offers rarely are so good.

"Volunteering, participating," he repeats thoughtfully, "I can do that, tho I have no idea what they want me to do, they did not assign me to any work duty yet."

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool looks around, "Look kid your not even supposed to be talking to me, but listen.. This.. killing him thing I will do, but it won't help." he sighs a bit, and takes a seat leaning back. "You despite how ya may act now, are one of them. Ya might not want to admit it, but you are." he grins looking over at him. "This won't make ya feel any better about it.. Won't make the nighmares stop.." he speaks looking forward talking about maybe some of his own things as well. He glances over at him, "I know... I know you don't believe me.. They never do.. But I am right."

He sighs a bit sitting there in the chair, "Look... The only way to get past it is to become part of something more.. Thats what they do here, but the only way to be a part of it is to participate." he shrugs a bit, "If you can do that I will kill this guy for ya a hundred times kid, because it is worth it so no-one has to go through the same stuff I and people like me did.." he glances over at him with a confused look on his face.. "Ya understand any of this kid?"

Lucas Farmer has posed:
Deadpool speaks words of wisdom, and experience. The young man in front of him can feel this. The words reach his brain, and his heart. Sighing, he also sits down, tiredness visibly taking a hold of him. "You're probably right, sir, I mean... Wade," he finally replies after a moment.

The man is right, events are still too fresh in Lucas's mind, he didn't have time to think about the new life that is opening in front of him. It is some sort of fate that, while trying to find the kitchen this morning, he lost his way in the large mansion, afraid to ask for directions, and finally got to meet Deadpool in the Wellness Office.

Lucas remains silent, as he looks at his new friend. Wade gave him some serious food for thoughts. The new life here might be full of good things, and he might make new friends, like Wade. He simply states, "I don't want to be part of the Farm, or it being part of me." That's a first step.

Deadpool has posed:
Wade holds up a finger, but lowers it when he corrects himself, and chuckles a bit, "Not bad kid... I wish I was as smart as you when I was your age," and chuckles a bit with a look. He stands and looks at the microwave as it dings done though it is full of burnt noodles. He gives an.. "Ooops" and glances down at Lucas, "Another thing we will keep to ourselves huh?" and chuckles a bit. "Don't worry kid I will take care of him.. I have something special in mind for that guy." he grins to himself. "I will make sure he gets his so just focus on the here, and now."

He glances around a bit, "And umm... if anyone asks I am just nuts okay?" he gives a grin with a crazy look, "If they realize how much is up here.. the big wigs start to worry." he gives a shrug, "Part of the life kid, one you want no part of.. Always those watching waiting for that one screw up." he shakes his head moving to the door now. "Think about what we said, and keep in mind Jean is just trying to help you.. Sometimes she just can't see how dirty the world really is." he starts moving to the door again, and stops.. "Oh and Scott... That dude is more wound up then you are, but he means well." giving a final wave he opens the door and heads back out into the busy hallway.

It isn't a few steps till he is gone hidden in the crowd despite how he just sticks out or maybe he just hid behind a pillar.