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Latest revision as of 20:38, 11 May 2021

Someone let Deadpool get to the Ethyl Alcohol.
Date of Scene: 11 May 2021
Location: Harry's Hideaway (Bar), Salem Centre
Synopsis: Deadpool makes a new friend, though it took trashing a local bar to do so!
Cast of Characters: Deadpool, Storm

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool sits at the bar of the first place he found as he walked from the school to find a place as he needed to think. Things weren't making sense to him and he wasn't sure why so he needed a way to clear his mind, though this had brough him to this barr. He remembers walking in, and drinking and drinking.. Bottles littered around his seat he remembered it not working for a long time, though as he remembers one of the people passed out on the table fall to the floor. This night in this barr, Deadpool sits in a barr full of beaten people. They lay around all still alive though beaten to the point of not able yet/ or wanting to get up again. He sighs into his glass empty as the only person other then him stading is across the barr looking very nervious and scared at the masked man. "Look sir.. we don't have anything left.. All we have is the 100% proof stuff we keep in the barck, but that is for our brewery." is being explained.

While still not really drunk Deadpool did look very distracted, he didn't mean to start the fight, and it had taken him a minute to end it, but this wasn't the kind of place that called the cops. Instead the Bartender heads to the barck to get him what he asked for, but he makes a stop to make a call. He whispers into the phone, "Hi.. I am not sure this is the right place to call. But you said if I ran into anyone... wierd I should call you guys. There is some guy in Red, and black that just got in a barr-fight, and beat up everyone... I mean everyone." from the barckground can be heard, "Bring it out.. Bring it out!" as it is Deadpool's voice calling for the drink.

The man ends his message with, "Please come help... He hasn't hurt me yet.. But he could get violent at any moment!" there is a sound in the barckground as the door opens and Deadpools voice can be heard. "Frank.. You aint calling the cops are you?" again Deadpools voice though calm and serious. When the Bartender says "of course not" in a almost offended tone DP can be heard again.. "Oh... Okay hurry up then!" and leaving out the door again... "Help..." the barrtender whispers once more and hangs up.

Storm has posed:
Grading papers. Shuffling out books. Writing recommendations to the school board of ciricullumn changes. Work was an evil Mistress and Ororo was destined to conquer her. The last file was dropped into the drawer, and Ororo sits back, bare feet upon her desk with arms behind her head to stare at the ceiling. Instead of thinking, 'Life has to be more than just this', she was thinking about her next meal. Or her next excursion out of town or the next guided meditation meeting with Charles.

But then the phone rings, Ororo picks it up to listen upon the other end of the secretary who took the call from Harry's, her eyes darting towards the window and then the door to her office, one shoulder lifted in a partial shrug as if whomever could see her on the other end of the phone would know her answer.

"Alright, I'll go get him." She nods, as if they could see her again, then murmurs. "Ase'." Then hangs up the phone. Dressing the part wasn't required but she still does; basic jeans and a T-shirt that looks damn near bleached but it was the intended style. Regular chucks. Hair in ponytail. Nice, thick checkered ruana to stave off whatever wind that tries to attack her and fails.

Landing outside the doors of Harry, 'Ro tugs the ruana tight against her shoulders as she pushes open the door. The littering of bodies along the floor, and even one attempting to leave gets a frown. There was no asking what happened here, but a gesture to the frightened barkeep for an empty glass with ice is quietly asked for as she approaches the table.

"Care for company?" Ororo asks, without even a hello.

Deadpool has posed:
As Storm enters he is holding a small vial now empty over his mouth droping some sort of clear liquid. It actually doesn't have a smell as the pure alchol was something unrefined yet so had such a solid smell it really didn't smell like anything. He sighs, and pulls his mask down looking like he is going to shoo off whoever comes in then stops looking at storm. He glances back at Harry as he is getting a glass with ice for the lady, "This is who you called." he does sound a little slurred now, but it is only for a bit before it too will just get burned away by his system. He nods slowly holding onto the bar, "Miss I am sorry, but I am not very good company... Well ever it seems." he says as he looks around the bar itself again. The people laying there, he sighs to himself looking down at the vial infront of him. "Another one!" and smiles a bit as this stuff realy worked at least for a little bit

The bartender looks at the Deadpool when he requests, then at the Storm, "You should be dead right now.. That much.." and looks a bit startled at them now as no-one just drank it pure like that it was dangerous stuff. He pauses so not heading to get more as Wade waves at him turning to look at Ororo again, "Name is Wade... I will warn you if you are female I will most likely piss you off before the night ends." he stage whispers, the smell actually a bit strong for a moment. "It is my curse.. I can not get it right."

He moves to stand but stumbles back into his seat not yet fully done with the drink he had just consumed. "Whoa.. Bring two when you get back. Plus whatever the lady is drinking of course." he nods to Stom holding up his empty vial like it is some cup to salute her. He tries pouring it again, but realizes its empty.. "Dang it... Frank." though the Bartender still looks at Storm before moving to get any more of that stuff. He wasn't going to kill someone if he could help it, not expecting the man to just chug it down like that.

Storm has posed:
It was quite the commotion; Frank, who looked as frightened as ever, moved with hesitancy but Ororo didn't stop him. She does wince her eyes in his direction, offering up a clear nod that it was totally okay. The glass of ice that Ororo requested? Soon filled with soda, at least before Frank moves to give Wade more of his deadly drinks..

"Oh, I know who you are." Ororo states, now settling down even if he didn't, fixing her ruana about her shoulders and tugging her ponytail out from away from her neck. The soda was sipped, then put aside so that she could focus on the matter at hand.

"Listen." She states. "After you sober up, we're going back to the school. Even though I can rightfully assume that it would not be too long, a night in the 'tank', as one would call it, would do you well. What do you say?"

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool sighs, and nods when she admits to knowing him, he was getting used to that a lot of people knew him, but he knew none of them. It was quite irritating at times, but he was starting to get used it trying to make new friends, though to all of them it was like he was who he was so it worked out about as well. He actually falls quiet a moment which is rare as he waits for the other vials to be brough to him, he looks at them and shakes his head, "I can't... I can't go back there." he looks at his hands, "They are nice people.. And I try to be." he looks over with a grin, "I do.. But I just can't be normal.. I can't be the person they want me to be." he sighs, and shakes his head again as it is clearing up already.

He doesn't seem to mind as she takes a seat, and doesn't move away from her seeming happy to sit just there until she mentions the tank. He looks at her and recoils a bit. "No.. Your not locking me up.. Not again." he looks at her with an upset look. "I haven't killed no-one.. I kept my promise. Only vampires, and they don't count as they are already dead." he stumbles back a little pushing some of the bottles around him asside. "You said you wouldn't lock me up if I stayed there.. I won't do it.". Deadpool might not remember but he had a deep adversion to two things, being locked up, and doctors and hearing about some tank brought back number one.

He still didn't look violent, more trying to move away from the issue, but he was pinned inside glancing around to see what was there, and maybe to just run if he needed to. Thankfully he was unarmed not picking up his weapons before he left he had nothing on him other then maybe a couple of hidden kitchen knives. "I just came to think... To try to figure something out. Its not my fault they started this." waving a hand to the area around them.

Storm has posed:
Ororo doesn't make a move. From what she's heard of him, and by what she sees, the man was unpredictable, on top of that, he was in a clear emotional state and trigger words were about to set him off that she said. Mentally, she was kicking herself. Outwardly, she keeps a cool and even look, but now, she shifts to place an elbow upon the table.

"Not to lock you up, Wade. But to calm you down." She finally says, now showing her hands. "I have severe claustrophobia. So I -understand- the need to be open, to be free. This place? Temporary. It's a place of meditation. A place to soothe. Granted, I could only last five minutes, but as a woman.." She brags upon her gender, which was clear, "..it doesn't take much for clarity and a plan of action." She smiles, then taps the table.

"Sit and tell me. Why aren't you allowed to be who you really, truly are? What is so bad about being you?"

Deadpool has posed:
He looks at her, and visably calms as she talks nodding in agreement with her he looks at her cautiously before he just sighs, and tosses the vial out the other way letting it smash against the wall. He does it almost if just tossing something away more then a violent outburst. "it wasn't helping anyway.." he explains as he falls to silence to think about where to begin. "A clear plan of action huh.." he says thinking about those words. "I am breaking a promise telling you this.." he says slowly, "But I was asked by a student to kill someone." he lets that soak in a minute as he doesn't look at her. "I am going to do it.. I can't not do it. But if I do it Jean will know and I can't go back to the school because they won't allow a murderer to just live around their students." he stops thinking about it. "Maybe that is just who I am I get rid of people the world no longer needs. Like some force that must feed to keep the balance ya know?" he smirks a bit "Maybe I should get a herald." then shakes his head at that he didn't want someone spoiling his plans.

He gets serious again quickly though looking at the bar infront of him. "I can't make a plan though.. Everytime I do.. Jeans face pops in my head.. That look she gets everytime she calls me into that office.. And there had been a few." he smirks as not all the times were horrible it was worth it for the carpet races. "It can't be here Telepathy.. I guess for some reason that stuff doesn't work right on me. I don't like it."

He stops turning and facing her his face very serious his tone flat and calm. "I am a killer, I kill for money, or sometimes just for the fun of it. It is what I do, and what I am good at.. And I will not." he emphasises with a point. "Will not let that kid down.. I won't let his request fall on deaf ears just because those two don't like it. I can't..."

Storm has posed:
Well, Ororo did -not- expect that. But considering she could clean -anyone- out in poker with just her stare alone, she doesn't let that surprise show. But why would she be? Most of the students there had traumatic experiences. So it was really only a matter of time.

But the promise was broken, which leaves Ororo even more intrigued. "Who and why?" She asks. Not being accusatory, but questioning. "Who wants what person dead, who is the person that needs to die, and why?" As if it wasn't clear.

She shakes her head. "Jean is my best friend. But please do not take what I ask and assume that I will tell her what we are discussing. Right now?" She gestures around. "Switzerland." She smiles. "Neutral ground. Whatever we say in Harry's stays in Harry's. Perhaps, I could at least help you in some way to make a decision."

She frowns a little, her thoughts not running wild, but she was attempting to come up with the correct course of action. But she needed to hear everything first before she tries to counsel. "Sucks being an adult, right? Especially one with a conscience."

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool looks at her, "You know I can't give up a clients name. I have said more then I should of about them already, but they are not important. This isn't going to help them, and I told them that, but this guy is still out there making victums." he shrugs at her, "He is human trash, forced labor, human trader camps. stuff like that.. World would be better without him." he waves it off like that part doesn't even bother him. "But... He isn't alone. There are more then just him out there. Where do I stop, am I a dark avenger to haunt the nights now."

He shakes his head, and looks at Storm, "Not to mention I would be breaking my promise to them at the school each time. Maybe I could hide it, but.. I seem to attract a type. Who did it would not remain quiet for long." he considered his mind clearing a bit more as he talked. He stops and turns looking at her, "But here we go again in a loop.. Everything in a loop." he repeats "in a loop" a few more times.

He stares ahead smilig a bit too widly.. "Talking about Jean... Did she tell ya what I got Scott and her for their new house?" he glances over... "A gun.. erased the serial number myself." he shakes his head at this. "She didn't even like it.. I thought I was being nice." he waves his hands, "Nothing... And Scott... Scott wants me on the Raft. So why do I keep listening to these people?"

He turns maybe realizing a bit of truth. "Why do I listen to these people who so dispise me.. I even angered Rogue who I thought was the aloof, but nice one.. No Idea how I did that!" he sighs thinking about what she said, "Is that really my conscience... am I being mislead."

Storm has posed:
"Indeed it would.." Ororo admits. "..but if this child is really angling for someone to be murdered, you really should come forward and at least say who it is." She purses her lips. "While, at the moment if they hear of this persons demise, they would be happy. Relieved. But it would only be fleeting, and that child would.. no, will suffer."

Ororo leans back, and watches. She could see where the conflict is, how he is in such a space. It was almost painful to watch, so she looks away to focus upon her soda to take a calming sip.

"I haven't been around Jean and Scott for my own personal reasons, so I did not hear. But.. bad idea. Flowers, would have been nice." She grins. "Key to think, when gifting someone something, and you finally find the item? Pick the extreme opposite." She holds out one hand. "Guns." She holds out the other. "Flowers. Easy to remember.

But back to the matter at hand, Ororo furrows her brow. "I don't think you're being mislead by yourself.. no." She says, her eyes lowering towards the table. Once again fishing, picking out what to say apropos of the situation. "Listen, while it may be clear that you do not belong with the school, quite possibly no where else... there is someone you can talk to about how to fit, where to fit, and how to make due. Granted.. he's a bit growly at times, lord help, worse than Big Mama's who cubs were being messed with, but he is good. In his own way."

She smiles, "I cannot help you, Wade. But Logan can. He's been through it all in his long life. Allow him to aide you with perspective instead of.." She gestures around. "..this. You know who you are. You know what your intentions are. You know what you can do and something in there?" She points at her chest with her knuckles, knocking. "Knows and feels where you belong. And if it even is not with us? So be it. But you need to take care of -you-, so you do not destroy the world of your choosing. Do you understand?"

Deadpool has posed:
Wade thinks about it, and thinks some more, and then a bit more. Finally he says, "I can not tell you their name. =One of two things will happen... One, he, just using he could use she, adjusts that is the price for killing the man. Two, he festers, and if he does this then they would show up for other things, and it would be obvious who it is." he shrugs a bit, "I believe he will take door number one, because he is a good kid not like me, or well us." he grins a bit, "And I think if i said anything it would take that choice away from him. You mean well, but this isn't a choice we can make.". He scratches his head a bit confused, he says in a mumble to himself.. 'carry the one'... before he continues. "Yes.. Yes that is what I mean." just to clearify that at least in his head that made sense.

Wade holds up his hands, "And I am sorry.. Maybe I was a bit too harsh on them. So they didn't like a present I don't mean to curse their names. It stung sure, but whatever... Even the raft comment." he takes a breath, and nods. "Fine.. though I will hurt anyone who tries to put me in there." he looks at her seriously though continues in a tone like someone admitting something but not liking it. "I know they are good people trying to help me and those kids." then grins a bit, "But man Scott really needs to remove that stick sometimes."

He stops before he answers the last part though he looks outside then around at the people. "I don't know... It feels right, but it is all I know. I don't remember anything else, all those mistakes I have already made, and people.. Like Logan, are just waiting for me to make again," he sighs, and shrugs, "I apreciate the thought, but I am not Logan he was a normal man turned into an animal.. I am an animal acting like a normal man." and smiles at her as it made all the sense in the world to him.

Storm has posed:
"Scott aside.." Ororo says, not wanting to admit that he could be a stickler sometimes..

"What makes you think that Logan isn't just like you? An animal pretending to be a normal man?"

Ororo says nothing else, but she lets that sit.

Deadpool has posed:
Wade looks at her, "Oh I talked to him.. I actually remembered his name. A glitch or something in the curse believe it or not." he shakes his head, "Look he is pretty gruff, but how can I put this.." he thinks about it for a bit on how to explain the difference. "This may make me look a bit worse then I am, but... Logan stopped killing, and tearing people apart because he got tired of killing. As far as we talked he is really really really old. And that fire just died out." he thinks about it a bit. "I know I look like crap, but I am only thirty here.. The fire is still strong. I didn't quit because I got tired of it, or wanted to stop, but because I am fulfilling a promise." he thinks about it with a shrug, "I like the big guy, and I wouldn't call him soft because he aint. He just lost his taste for it.. After that long I get it, but I wouldn't compair him to." he thinks he read some about the other 'bad' guys out there.

They had made him read it after he freed Juggernaut so he would not make that mistake again. "Sabertooth... for example. Two different sorts. I think I would be closer to him then Logan to be honest." he grins a bit, "I do still enjoy it.. Find the fun in it. Though this guy I am doing for the kid is buisness. Besides you have any idea how much I charge... I am giving a giant discount here." and he laughs again.

Storm has posed:
Ororo finishes her soda, leaving the glass behind for Frank to clean once everything has calmed down. It seems that her work here was done, the suggestion was put out there to speak to Logan hopefully didn't fall on deaf ears. There was a little light at the end of the tunnel, right?!

"I am sure you charge, yes. Listen. Wade. I'm only telling you this for your own good, and mostly because I do like you and appreciate you." As a person! Not a murderer, Ororo herself doesn't condone that.

"Find -someone-. It doesn't matter who. Or.. find yourself. Then maybe people will come to terms with who and what you are. And if not?" Her fingers dance along the air, and for once she swears. "Fuck 'em."

And with that, she stands, moving towards the bar to offer Frank a credit card. "Put everything on my tab." She states, then nods towards Wade. "Get these people up and out, as a favor from one friend to another? I'll send students to mop and reconstruct. Fair?"

Deadpool has posed:
Wade nods, "I will consider it though I still think we are more different then you suspect. It is okay I think your smart so I will consider it more alright." he holds up his hands in a surrendering feature. He didn't carry ears anymore. or deaf ones so it fell on none of them him paying attention to her at least. Though he was hesitant.. He listens to the rest of it, and tilts his head.. he grins, "Someone huh.. How bowt it stranger." he wiggles a little with his arms out, he laughs and holds a hand out.. "Told ya by the end of the night." he jokes. "I kinda do have someone already though."

He followes her a bit expaining. "Lady death... I see her when I die.. Or well am blown up too much to stay in my body." he shrugs a bit. "Sometimes when I sleep." he smiles thinking about it. "Though sometimes she asks things from me too.. everyone wants something I guess get in where ya fit in." and grins with a laugh. Happy enough he just follows her out without even a sign he was drinking his system completly burning off any excess by now.

Though as they leave the Bartender looks at Storm confused... "Umm Okay, but that guy has already paid for it. Everything in here he paid to repair already.." he smiles at Storm, "Wouldn't want to charge ya twice now would we." and gives a wave as Dp just ignores the man and walks out patting his wallet. Most didn't know but he was actually very rich, and even surprised himself when he looked at his own bank account. He didn't like that part to spread because money made people weird sometimes.