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Latest revision as of 07:47, 15 May 2021

The Drunken Poet
Date of Scene: 14 May 2021
Location: Midvale, New Troy
Synopsis: Seong Hunori and Owen Mercer enjoy a food truck before the rugby match.
Cast of Characters: Captain Boomerang, Hunori Seong

Captain Boomerang has posed:
It was late, very late, or early, depending on one's definition. It was about 1:00 in the morning, and Owen Mercer was heading down Peel Street in Metropolis. Usually when he was out and about at this time of night, he'd be prowling the streets as Captain Boomerang, looking for trouble to solve, or he'd be prowling the nightclubs, looking for, well, you get the idea. But not tonight.

Instead, he was wearing some kind of a sports team shirt, with a man holding a lightning bolt over his left breast, and some kind of logo on his right. Both had text, but that was harder to read unless up close. It had a 'V' pattern in yellow, with the rest of the shirt being a mixture of navy blue and purple. Across his chest, it said 'RedZed' in white. Below that, he had on blue jeans, and sturdy black boots.

As he walked, he passed by a food truck, and got into the queue. It seemed to have typical American fare, beef burgers, hot dogs, chips, although they listed them as French fries, and a few modest deserts as well.

Hunori Seong has posed:
Seong Hunori, or 'Hunni' as she often went by had indeed been out and about at this same hour. An hour that months ago she'd either have been sleeping or (more likely) sitting on her bed indulging in a late-night gaming session. Today however, her reasons were a little more exotic: apparently travelling in space wrecked havoc on one's sleeping patterns, that and getting over the fact she'd been in ACTUAL SPACE!

Wrapped in a pair of black jeans and her obnoxiously bright pink hoodie jacket, the woman was out and about wandering in some semblance of patrol. Or at least, that was the excuse she was going with as she rounded the corner towards the food truck!

Captain Boomerang has posed:
The food truck was taking its sweet time, even if there were only two people ahead of Owen. So he had a lot of time to figure out what he wanted to order. While waiting, he caught sight of a woman in an obnoxiously pink hoodie, "'ve you registered that?" He asked in a joking manner as the woman approached, "I reckon you could see it from space." The young man was clearly teasing, and smiling as he said it. By the sound of it, he hailed from the land down under, or up top, depending on one's perspective.

Hunori Seong has posed:
Accent meets accent as Hunni laughs lightly, shrugging her shoulders before answering in her own Seoul-spawned tones. "Well, I don't have the right complexion for bright yellow, and pink made for more popular merchandise anyway." A shrug of her shoulders, Hunni glances past towards the truck for a moment before tilting her head to the side. Serious considerations to be made about what food to be had, but she looks back toward Owen with a shrug. "Besides, sometimes it's fun to be eyecatching. It's a conversation starter if nothing else!"

Captain Boomerang has posed:
Owen listened, hearing that she had an accent, although hers was more due to English not being her native tongue, than regional differences. He nodded his head in understanding. "I can't fault you there, as it had it's intended effect." But then he was now at the front of the queue, and would ask for a beer burger, cheese, bacon, side of fries, and an ice cream. That was going to prove somewhat difficult to eat. Thankfully, there were a few plastic portable tables set up, no doubt set up by the food truck, for just that reason. And a can of Coca-Cola too. A pretty big meal this late. He would stand to the side, waiting for his food to be prepared.

Hunori Seong has posed:
She wasn't far behind, thanks in part to standing -right- behind him, so her own order was quick to follow. Hotdog, soda, neither healthy but certainly satisfying. Besides, this 'hero' business had her working out more than she had her entire life, and she wasn't exactly a slouch to begin with. Still, his collection of treats was...decidedly impressive, enough to make the girl give a little laugh as she watched the workers make their way through the order. "That is...did you not eat today?"

Captain Boomerang has posed:
"I'm heading to the Drunken Poet," a pub not too far from the food truck, "to catch the rugby match." That ten hour time difference was a killer for live sporting events. He was wearing a Melbourne Storm top. They were playing St. George Illawarra Dragons in Brisbane in about an hour. "And food truck is a hell of a lot cheaper than pub fare." His day job was as a cinema employee, so he needed to stretch every dollar. Moving to a table with his food, he asked, "care to join me? My name's Owen."

Hunori Seong has posed:
"Rugby?" she repeats, clear furrow of her brow making it pretty clear that Hunni wasn't exactly familier with the sport. At least it wasn't Australian football, that would have been twice as many layers of confusing for her! Still, she shrugs, tilting her head to the side. "Do they allow you to bring food in from outside? I thought places in this city found that rude?" The brunette shrugs again, a moment of pondering for the offer. She wasn't going to be sleeping anytime soon. "I suppose I could check it out. My name is Hunori, or just 'Hunni' for short."

Captain Boomerang has posed:
He briefly thought about explaining that it was Rugby League, as opposed to Rugby Union, but that'd probably just confuse her further. "They don't, and they do," answering her in order, so he had to eat before going in. "Nice ta meet ya Hunni," he said, as he began eating, but never talking while eating. He would swallow first. "Melbourne Storm are playing St. George Illawarra Dragons." Then after a moment's pause, taking a bite out of his beef burger, "purple versus red. We want purple to win."

Hunori Seong has posed:
Along for the work and finally receiving her own food. A single hotdog and a can of drink was going to be a heck of a lot quicker to get through than his mini-feast, a little chuckle given at the simplified explaination. "Purple good, red bad...and this is a sport where they kick goals or go for touchdowns or..." she trails off, a little wave of her hand as she's muffled by her mouthful. "I'll just watch when others cheer."

Captain Boomerang has posed:
"Right, except the touchdown is called a try. There's also goal kicks, penalties, and drop goals. That works too." He smirks and continues to eat, probably making a bit of a bad impression, but he was hungry, he'll be up late, and he has to eat it all before the game, or else he'll have to leave it out here. But at least he had manners while eating quickly. "Big burly men in tight clothes, you'll love it," he added as an afterthought.

Hunori Seong has posed:
"Uh-huh," she muses at that last comment, the noise drawn out in clear bemused answer while she devours the last of her hotdog and looks back to the Aussie. "We'll see. At the very least it gets me out of the cold, and maybe there'll be pool or...something if I get bored. No harm in trying anyway."

Try? Goal? Drop Goal? And to think people said E-sports was confusing!

Captain Boomerang has posed:
He had made short work of his meal, not quite finishing it up, but he had managed to wolf down most of the beef burger, a good way through the chips, most of his drink too, and all he was going to have left was his ice cream. But seeing her finish before him, he slid the untouched ice cream across the table, since he still had more, "all yours if you want it."

Hunori Seong has posed:
Hands come up, a refusal of the ice cream...slightly undercut as she casually pinches one of his chips and places into her mouth with a grin. Giving a little grin, Hunni gestures with her free hand. "Well, lead the way to the 'pub' then? I am...still finding my way around the city." It was hard work being a hero in a city you didn't know your way around too!

Captain Boomerang has posed:
That was a shame. He was going to have to leave the ice cream for someone. As they rose from their seats, he picked up the ice cream and set it down on a table where a young couple seemed to be eating. His ice cream was still sealed with that little plastic lid, and looked to be untouched. "Bon Appetit," he said, "it's Dulce de Leche," and they thanked him. A few moments later, they were approaching the Drunken Poet. There were already a queue of people trying to get in, some wearing tops like his, others in red and white, presumably the Dragons. It seemed that it was a neutral pub, where people would enjoy it, no matter who they cheered for.

Hunori Seong has posed:
That was probably for the best, friendly neutrality rather than a football riot style confrontation. After all, if things got too violent she'd have to act, and finding somewhere to activate her powers in a crowded pub without being witnessed seemed like it would be next to impossible. More than once Hunni had found herself a little jealous of the 'Always on' supers who could simply wear their suits under their clothing!

"That was nice of you," she commented as they walked towards the line, a her hands lazily dropping to the front pockets of her hoodie. "Eyes bigger than your stomach?"