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Latest revision as of 11:06, 18 May 2021

Akward meetings long overdue.
Date of Scene: 17 May 2021
Location: Uptown, St. Martin's Island
Synopsis: Flash makes a new friend.. Owen is not amused.
Cast of Characters: Flash, Captain Boomerang

Flash has posed:
Flash appears outside of the very headquarters that is used for some of his most dangerous opponents though he isn't there for that today thankfully. He always hated meeting them 'in the field' cause he knew what he had to do directly countered them. He was the cop they were the robbers, but today he wasn't sure what he would find as he stood in his Flash outfit. He had heard rumors of a son, thankfully not his, he brow wipes on that one, but of Captain Boomerang. That was a guy though a bit on the crazier of the list that were in his gallery a tough sob that could drink.

Flash thought about him for a minute and shook his head, he was not why he was here he had heard a few things about a son, some good, some bad, he wasn't sure, but this wasn't a good sign. He had been lead here because of course this is where someone ends up when they choose this life, Barry could only hope some of the good stories were true as he flashed over to the door to open it to look inside.

He was ready for any 'greeting' from someone who didn't get the message of they shouldn't attack the Flash here as many knew ya don't poop where ya eat as they say it, but some were either not informed or too dumb to try it.

Captain Boomerang has posed:
Owen Mercer didn't really visit the Rogues that much. He was still a little bitter that they had left him in prison, when the Outsiders came for their man who was falsely locked up. It was in fact the main reason for his complete heel turn, and why he joined them. That and his former cellmate refused to leave unless they took Owen with him. He still wasn't too sure how the Outsiders had managed to sort all the legal drama that came from breaking out of prison, but they obviously had some very good lawyers.

Today was a rare day that he happened to be in the mood to reminisce, as the Rogues knew his father best. So as he approached, walking entirely at normal speed, he saw a man dressed up in red and yellow spandex, or whatever it was made of. For Owen's part, he was officially in costume, but his costume was almost entirely civilian in appearance. The boomerangs hanging out of pockets in his jacket, and the shin pads, were the biggest giveaways to it being something other than regular clothes. And he wore his scarf, which was blue with a tiny white boomerang pattern based off his father's original costume.

As he approached the building, and the Flash, he asked from the side, "picking up or dropping off?"

Flash has posed:
Turning to face him his hands move so fast catching two glasses that were thrown at him from inside as he points at the offenders with a grin. He wasn't going to do anything to them, and they knew it if nothing they were just testing his reflexes nothing else serious happends. Flash looks at him and grins, "I am guessing you are the one I am here to find actually.." he holds up a hand.. "Whoa now.. don't run." he grins bit, "Not because I can catch you, but because I am here to talk."

He nods, "Want to talk inside, or out.. Up to you really." he gives a shrug taking a step back to let him inside if he wants to go. "Up to you... I knew your father we can talk about him, but what I came to talk to you today was about you not him." he says honestly being upfront. Too many people hide their meanings anymore he was just trying to be honest here today it was the best policy.

Captain Boomerang has posed:
The young man, who looked to be about twenty-four, which made little sense, given how old his father was when he died, did not look impressed. He had his hands in his pockets, regular pockets, not the one with the boomerangs, although there could be retractable boomerangs in there, or paperclips. Really, almost anything could be turned into a makeshift boomerang in the right hands.

"Okay," he said, when asked not to run. He didn't intend to. He cast a sideways glance at the Rogues headquarters, then tilted his head, and began walking along the sidewalk at normal speed, expecting the Flash to walk along. His eyes did perk up when the Flash mentioned he knew Digger. His heart also began to beat faster. "I'd like to hear about my father. What do you want me for?" Owen returned the directness.

Flash has posed:
Barry lets the door shut, and decides to follow he doesn't recoil when you put the hands in your pockets just looks at you calmly like a normal person talking to another normal person. He turns to walk with the man and chuckles to himself. "Well first I will say I expected you to be.. well younger, but I guess we all have our stories right?" he walks a bit, "Your father.. Loved the buisness I do not think I seen someone who enjoyed it so much." he shakes his head.

"I came to you because well.. I heard rumors.. Stories really about you." he looks up. "I won't say they are all good, but your father despite his... eccentricness was not a bad guy at heart." he sighs a bit, "So I thought I deserved to give his kid a chance you know. For something different.. I owe him that at least." he chuckles a bit at that rubbing the back of his head. "Sounds silly saying it to someone who is your age, but keep in mind way older.." and grins a bit.

Captain Boomerang has posed:
Owen didn't actually come from the Rogues Headquarters, he was on his way there, but thought better of visiting while the Flash was around, and he had been walking with his hands in his pockets since before he had even seen the Flash there. Owen was chill, very chill, Captain Cold would be proud of him chill. "Yeah, we do, I bet you have a few to tell, good and bad." Owen was having a hard time covering his interest in hearing more about his father, good or bad. The man had father issues. Being raised by a single mom, adoptive mom at that, gave him certain insecurities. Although he usually hid it well.

It was hard to gauge age when all you could see was lower face, and around the eyes. There was a bit of skin on display, but not enough for Owen to guess the Flash's age. Older, but how much he didn't know. "I'd like to hear about him, good or bad. The more I learn, the better picture I have of him. And uh, thanks, I guess." He was kind of insulted, but it wasn't the first time someone judged, or even hinted at judging him based on what his father did. He was no angel, he had made mistakes early on in his costumed career. Not adopting a domino mask or something like that was a big one, but that ship had sailed. "So, what can I do for you, Flash?"

Flash has posed:
Barry looks and listens, thinking about what to say he considers it a moment before he continues. "I am not sure how to explain this so I will just be honest with you. Keep in mind I am not the best at this, but I am trying to help okay." he starts before he will continue with some of the things he prepaired before coming down here.

"The real question is what do you want? Keep in mind there is so much I do not know." he shakes his head, "Listen before I ran over here, just incase, I prepaired a job, and a starter rental place. It is for people who want to start over at a normal life." he shrugs, "It doesn't seem to be what you need, but it is there if you wanted it." he stops and looks at him. "What do you want? I mean this is your chance to speak up. That is what I am here for today."

Looking around he looks back, "If you are good where your at, then I mean you no hastle, but I can at least take the time to ask." he grins, "Stopping to listen believe it or not is kind of my thing.. I can't help it." he admits. "It is how I actually got to know your father. He was.. Ahem.. Tied up at the time, but we talked about football, and random things." he ends with a chuckle remembering.

Captain Boomerang has posed:
This seemed like, a genuinely nice effort, although horribly misplaced. Owen was fairly together. He had an apartment. He had a job, not a great job, in fact, he was doing the job of what should have been his superior, but without the title, or the pay. He did get paid more than his title would suggest, so it was complicated. He had been through that many times with his boss.

He was also part of a team. He was a superhero, and this was suggesting that he needed help, it was kind of insulting. But the Flash wasn't Batman. Batman got under his skin so quickly. At least the Flash seemed to mean well. So he didn't unload both proverbial barrels at him. Little did he know that they were distant relatives. "Football?" His ears perked up, "American, Soccer, Australian, rugby league, rugby union?"

Flash has posed:
Barry chuckles, and catches up he doesn't miss a step.. "Of course Rugby.. Would never shut up about how American Football was full of weaklings." and he chuckles a bit shaking his head. "To be honest I had to google it to get information, but I never told him." he grins at him, You know you have that same frustrated look he would get when I misspoke the names of the players. He shakes his head, "Look I am being honest with you here, what is up?" he glances at himself. "Is it the suit or something?"

Of course he hasn't insulted the person by his knowledge yet, he had offered a good place, a good start that anyone could offer in his postion bending way out to reach an arm out. He hadn't assumed anything of this person yet as he would offer anyone that was in this position the same thing despite who they maybe. It was good to know you had an ally that would help if ya needed it, and not if ya didn't as he had hopefully clearly said.. Maybe he just had that face, but he could of swore it looked like his father at times.. Best to ask just incase.

Captain Boomerang has posed:
"I wouldn't say it was weak, I just don't understand why Americans need fifty pounds of protective gear in order to play rugby, and why even with all that gear, they get hurt more often. It might have something to do with the false feeling of invulnerability. If all you see is body armor, it's easy to forge that there's a person in there." Owen was a fan of the Melbourne Storm, a rugby league side. He also liked Melbourne Victory, a soccer club.

Owen didn't really know what the Flash was getting at, about something being up, or the suit, but he did think back, "is it true that you store your suits in a ring and some kind of gas? Do you put your civvies in another ring, or what's that all about?"

Flash has posed:
Flash shrugs, and thinks about it for a moment. "To be honest I am not sure. I never really became a fan of American Football either so never considered it. But I will say I think American Football is about hitting each other harder then Rugby is. Rugby is tough, but its more about the goal not everyones goal to ram down the other person." he shrugs, "I don't know I don't understand it.. More into running myself." and laughs at that.

He does nod to the question, "I get that a bit, and yes but the clothes I wear don't shrink so I have to carry them, or leave them." he shrugs a bit. "When you fast enough distance becomes... well less then others think of it." he looks out a bit. "It is like the two points are closer so what I consider far isn't the same as normal." he shrugs before continuing. "I would have to kind of get into time.. Like how long do you think we have been talking?" he looks around, "A few minutes right? Well for me it has been longer.. Not that its bad, I like taking my time for a stroll, but.. It is just differen as things are so much slower then people realize."

Captain Boomerang has posed:
It "makes sense," that the Flash would be more into running than American Football, and Owen listened to the explanation of the clothes. "Leave them? That must get expensive. I hope your day job provides enough to afford that." The few heroes he knew the secret identity of always seemed to wear designer clothes, which confused him further. How did they all get them? He was making movie theatre employee money. The talk about the speeds intrigued him. He was still quite new to it, only knowing a few tricks, like slowing time down for him to run, or throwing boomerangs at super speeds, but he wasn't at the running up walls, phasing through buildings, or creating whirlwinds stage like others. "That must suck if you experience every moment at super speed." He fortunately did not, and instead could shift gears between them.

Flash has posed:
Flash chuckles, "It isn't like we don't go back for them. Hide them well, and it could stay there for a while though most cases with me are done in a.." he stops and grins at him. Obviously with the name, but he just tries to lighten the mood a bit. "And I have a job, a normal job that pays well. Not to mention the Foundation so that I can help others if the need arrives." he looks around for a moment thinking about how to cover the next topic. He moves and picks up a dandelions.

"About it sucking, well I will honest it isn't for everyone.. I have learned patience so I am in super speed most the time now." he whirls a finger so fast it blurs making wind to blow the flower apart as one would if ya blew on it. He watches it silently, each pedal slowly going its own way he is able to watch all of them fall individualy slowly to the ground. "But what you get to see is amazing at times." he notes as the pedals eventually hit the ground. "If you take the time to appreciate it of course." he says, picking another and handing it to Owen.

Captain Boomerang has posed:
Owen was surprised that someone didn't take it, or throw it in the garbage. Just where can you hide a set of clothes in the city that will be fine to return to? People like Spider-Man at least were able to hide theirs in areas that aren't frequented by people very often. And he could stick his to walls, making it even harder to access. Where was Flash hiding his? He would watch the dandelion, and blow the one given to him. He wasn't ready to demonstrate his power to the Flash just yet. He wasn't that trusting. It was bad enough that the Flash knew his identity. But right now, Owen was listening, learning, paying close attention, but not volunteering much. "Interesting way to think about it."

Flash has posed:
Flash din't give him the flower to demonstrate on he hoped to get the point that it was okay to relax once in a while, but he eyed the man. "It is really a speedster thing that not many people get. I will tell ya one more thing that you might find intresting. One of the ways I test myself, push myself is to move normal speed even at super-speed. It sounds easy right, but imagine telling your body to slow down to a specific speed, and then having to remember that when doing other things." he shakes his head at that. "It is good practice for control I will tell you that." and grins.

"But enough about me... Are you good here? Are ya happy with what you got?" he looks at Owen. "I mean, do I need to worry about ya, or are you good?" he decides asking just outright. "I offered what I could, and I know the decision on what you do is your own. But I don't want ya to be afraid to ask if you need something either. Given it is within the law of course." and chuckles a bit looking back at where they met. "Unlike some I am a stickler on that kind of thing as you prob know."

Captain Boomerang has posed:
That was helpful advice, whether or not the Flash knew, or just suspected, that Owen was a speedster as well. And Owen made a point of remembering it, repeating it in his mind. "Oh, I'm good." Money would be nice. A trip home would be even nicer. He would have to save up to fly back to Melbourne, Victoria. Or train and learn how to actually run across the planet, but he was a long way off that level of control, or endurance. "Right, I get it, and uh, thanks. I appreciate the advice and offer of help." He didn't accept help easily, even getting insulted by it, but knew it was meant as a good thing. For some people, those with independent streaks, offering help was in some way a suggestion that they weren't able to do it on their own. Owen was in that group. Especially from a stranger.

Flash has posed:
Flash nods, "Okay, well here." he reaches into a sleave and pulls out a card that has Flash Foundation, and a number on it. "If you need something call. If it is me that is needed I will know soon after." he turns and looks out a bit. "You know I can't stay here for long the city needs me, but remember what I said.. Maybe minus my speedster ramblings." he didn't know but for some reason just felt like explaining it a little to this new person maybe to just hear it out loud.

He nods to Owen a final time, and holds a hand up as there is a strong breeze that comes by only to leave Owen realizing that the person now infront of him is an after image, as it fades away the Flash now gone running somewhere else at speeds people could only imagine. He went from 0 to full like it was as natrual as taking a step he felt as part of the speedforce so it was not entering or leaving it anymore just moving within it as he ran to go save someone in need some where.