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Saving the kid and the day
Date of Scene: 16 May 2021
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: Willow's providential magic rescue might help more than just a drowning kid
Cast of Characters: Hellequin, Willow Rosenberg

Hellequin has posed:
Once again, Henri de Fontainebleau visited the Central Parl, close to where he had noticed kids building a makeshift bridge with half-rotten planks and ropes. It is a miracle that noone fell amd drowned already and even more, that the City didn't dismantle it. Maybe if was dismantled, and rebuilt right back by the kids.

Standing by the banl of the water body over which hangs the crooked bridge, Henri seems to hesitate between dismantling the thing, or minding his own business and walk away. Right now, there aren't any kids around, which is perfect.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:

It was the last Sunday before Willow's new job, and she was excited! So much so, she had gone to Central Park, bought herself a vegetarian hot dog, made a trip to the nearby bakery for dessert, and got herself a coffee, before finding herself a park bench nearby the water to sit down.

It really was a gorgeous day.

Hellequin has posed:
Looking around, still wondering about the bridge and how to go about dismantling it - maybe looking for someone to help with the task - Henri notices Willow approaching. The Frenchman frowns lightly, wondering of the fate or a Higher Power decidedly has a plan for them two to contunually meet. Something to ponder about, really.

Nonetheless, there is a bridge to be taken down before an accident happens. As Willow approaches, and unsure if she already noticed him, Henri walks in her direction, "Bonjour," he says, "It seems that our paths keep converging. Say, on your way here, did you see any City worker?" He didn't see any himself, it being a Sunday and, without a cellphone, he can't call them.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
With her pastry in a bag, and her hog dog *right there* she feels guilty. She only bought one of everything. Then again, really, he wasn't going to invite himself.. is he?

"Uh.." Willow knew she was being talked to, and happened to see the makeshift bridge that some children were playing on. "No.." But now she is worried as well. Dagnabbit! "Someone could hurt themselves. I suppose we could put up a sign? And.."

She stopped.

"Do you have a cell phone?" Then again it was Sunday. To use the emergency number was going to take some time. "Would you like the pastry or the hot hog?" Because by the time they had phoned, her lunch would be ruined.

Hellequin has posed:
Pastries are often a good distraction, especially for a French national. But Henri disregards the offer for now, especially at the sight of what is called a hot-dog. The Frenchman shakes his head.

"I do not own a cellphone," he admits, "A sign would not stop an accident from happening. For now, this contraption has to be removed." He hesitates, then adds, "Drowning is not a lively experience."

Did he jinx himself, or the kids, but as he speaks, cries can be heard from the kids running away from the bridge, effectively collapsing. One of the kids can't run fast enough, and is falling towards the water underneath.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Remove the contraption?!?

"Could I have my lunch, first?" Willow was quite certain the pastry would fare well, but the hotdog, and now the coffee would definitely not! *sigh* She threw everything except the pastry out (she'd have to try again!), and was ready. "Okay. What do you want me to dooo.."

As she is saying that, the bridge is collapsing, and more so, one of the kids slipped and was falling into the pond - which was deeper than normal due to the spring rains! "Help him!"

She doesn't know he's afraid of the water himself!

Hellequin has posed:
"Merde!" Henri groans as he heads for the water. "The kid is trapped under the planks!" And then he rushes into the water - ruining his perfect Paris-made suit - wading towards the fallen bridge. Water already reaches to his waist, and he keeps pushing toward the kid. There is no one around to help them, the other kids having fled the scene.

"I do not know how to swim!" he exclaims, annoyance in his voice. "I'll drown... again, merde. I won't be of any help if I die now." Well, thanks for stating the obvious!

In his mortal form, the Hellequin cannot help much, especially in the dreaded water. He's courageous, sure, but not of much help, and might drown trying to help a kid. It seems that the kid's life is in Willow's hands.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Darn it!" It's as close to a swear as Willow gets..

But.. couldn't she use her magic to lift the child out of danger? She definitely couldn't help two of them, by swimming, or by magic (this thinks).

"Stop. I don't want to have both needing my help." Really, she didn't.

Hopefully he listened, because her attention immediately refocused on the kid. He was right, As they ran from the structure, the boards were thrown up, and then down trapping the boy. He was literally trapped and drowning, and probably wouldn't be able to get help by swimming.

From then, Willow knew what she needed to do. Her hands were outstretched, and one hand worked on 'throwing' the boards out of the way, while the other hand raised his body out of the water. And when the boards were gone, she carried him to the shore, had she placed him down, and he began to cough and threw up the water he had swallowed.

Willow was tired. But the boy, and Henry, were safe.

Hellequin has posed:
And Henri witnessed all of it, Willow working her magic, literally. Turning around and making his way back on the bank, frowning. Surely it's not a matter of ruined suit that's annoying the man.

Back to safety, Henri checks on the kid who's getting on his feet, and can't help but admonish him. "Young man, you own your mortal soul to this woman. Thank her properly, learn your lesson then go to your parents."

The kid steps back, still coughing a few times, before thanking Willow. "Thanks ma'am!" He then turns around and runs away. Kids!

Henri then looks down at his ruined suit, still that frown on his face. Were the kids guided by a holy hand, making it sure that Henri would witness Willow's good deeds? Foor for thoughts!

He's not really ready to admit it openly, but maybe the witch showed that not ALL magic is evil. "You saved the kid," he states, a bit puzzled.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow's cheeks flushed when the boy thanked her. "It wasn't very much.. but, please, don't do it again. You scared me!"

But he was gone. Just as well.

How much, though, did Henry witness?

"I just did what you would have, really I did." She saw his clothes though. "Did you get hurt? I couldn't keep my eyes on the kid, and you too."

She wriggled her fingers, very surreptitiously, to blow dry his suit when he wasn't looking. After all, it was the least she could do for him.

Hellequin has posed:
Did he notice that his clothes weren't dripping? Maybe, but this doesn't seem to be at the top of his thoughts. Looking around, as if to find something to do, he notices the discarded paper bag with Willow's lunch, and picks it up from the ground, holding it to her.

He then nods in the direction of a nearby bench, Willow's initial destination most likely, and heads in this direction.

"No, I wasn't hurt," he says in a low voice, "I just... dislike water above all." He then adds, "I drowned once. I mean, I /died/ drowning."

Reaching the bench, he waits to see if Willow will sit down. "You used magic," he says, almost spitting the word /magic/. "I can feel it, you know? Even in the darkest of nights, I can sense it when magic is used."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
She took up her bag. "Would you like to split the pastry?" After all, it's all she's got, and she sits on the bench opposite to him.

"I didn't know that, I mean, you drowned." So he was both alive.. and dead? "Nobody likes to go into the water unless they can swim. Even so, most people don't like open water. It's scary to them."

Willow sat quietly for a moment. "Yes, I did use magic. If I didn't he would have drowned. Possibly you as well. It's something like.. well.. it's like breathing. I can't not use it. You keep on being amazed, but it *is* who and what I am. It would be wrong not to use it if I could."

Hellequin has posed:
No matter that you can't die of hunger, or really need to eat to survive, the pastry looks very good! "But there's barely enough for one person," Henri points out as he sits down.

Then Henri remains silent, his minds assaulted by all kinds of theories about the events that just unfolded.

"You saved the kid and would have saved me, although in the later case, it is really not necessary." Course not, since he'll die in a few hours anyway. "But..." he sighs, then adds, "Nothing happens for no reason. God has mysterious ways, and I feel He had made it so to happen today. Why? I am to eradicate the evil magic users, the Malin's spawns... and then, He shows me that you are not one of them. You say it is who you are... and yet, He made you." And he's not reaching any conclusion here, just stating the troubling thoughts in his mind.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
She rips the pastry in half and offers the slightly bigger piece to him. "There's just enough for two to have a little taste."

Willow eats the second half and thinks. "I guess? But it wouldn't have felt right to let you die just because you do die every night. Do you know what I mean? You still would have had to fight for your life now. There's dying, and being killed. And I couldn't let you unless there was no other way to do it."

"I'm not that person."

Hellequin has posed:
The half pastry is accepted with a nod. He's not yet on smiling terms with the witch, but today proved to him - to a point anyway - that she's not the evil being he first thought. Her explaining of how she would not have let him die seems to confirm that he is really needing a recalibration of his assessment of her.

After a moment, eating the pastry, he then explains, "I die everyday," he starts, "I died a thousand times and more, I'm used to it. Drowning... is just something I really hate." And then, he comes to this conclusion, based on her actions today and her words, "I believe God sent you to give me a message." The nature of the message, though, isn't clear.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow nods and smiles. "I hope when you hear it you'll tell it to me."

Hellequin has posed:
With a nod, Henri then stands, glancing at his now dry clothes. With a suspicious glance at the witch - suspecting she might have something to do with clothes drying so fast - he steps back. "We will see, in time," he says in a low, almost mysterious, voice. "I should be on my way now. You..." he hesitates, then finishes his sentence, "Have a nice day." On that, he nods and walks away, with lots to think about.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
As he walked away, she realized he might give HER a message too. She didn't like him much better, but he still had a purpose as well. But for now? Willow goes and gets another hot dog (vegan!) and eats it on the way home.