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Latest revision as of 11:07, 18 May 2021

Date of Scene: 08 March 2021
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Spawn, Lex Luthor

Spawn has posed:
    Why is it always rooftops with these brooding vigilante types? The ones who glide or fall more than they fly, the ones who have the most to lose by not nailing that landing.

    In Spawn's case, he'd been watching the sun set while sitting along the side of a water tower. Staring into the ball of red and orange fire until it vanishes, and the dark of night starts to take hold. It's a rare sight of a Hellspawn perfectly relaxed, perfectly at ease as his cape only slightly twitches every now and then, and his chains are draped along his body as mere fashion statements. He almost looks vulnerable.


Lex Luthor has posed:

The sound seems to come from everywhere at once, and nowhere.

Spawn, however, can recognize it immediately for what it is; a sniper rifle being shot without a silencer.

Spawn has posed:
    A gunshot rings out, hot lead ripping through the Hellspawn's chest and entering the metal water tower directly behind him. The costumed man in the extravagant cape cries out in surprise rather than pain, and immediately drops down to the rooftop below. The cape instantly sprawls and covers him, and as he ducks behind some nearby cover, the cape looks like it slowly starts merging with the brick building. It looks as if Spawn completely vanishes, though this could just be very elaborate camouflage...

Lex Luthor has posed:
Another shot rings out, going right for the place where Spawn 'disappeared'.

Whoever is shooting, they've actively tracking him visually. Judging by the sounds, it's a 7.62. Probably an M24 or a variant. Either way, that's a an old school military grade sniper rifle, nothing civilian grade. Probably mercenaries. The military swapped those out years ago, so probably not them.

Spawn has posed:
    Brick and building explode, and instantly the figure emerges from his hiding spot, going from defensive to offensive with the pull of a glock. There's no warning before the automatic burst of gunfire, three shots blasting from where Spawn suspects the gunman is nested in. From his chest are two obvious wonds, the black and white glossy inky 'armor' trying to knit itself back together while green fluid oozes slowly down. And up top, two glowing green eyes narrow in anger as he mutters to himself.

    "Chose the wrong day to play, motherfucker. I don't have time for this."

Lex Luthor has posed:
Another shot is fired. It's getting easier to be sure where the man is; he moves from window to window in that building to the east. Looks like an office building.

Meanwhile, the rooftops silently start to get a man here, a man there. To his south and west, two men each come into view with what look like rifles and begin to aim in Spawns direction.

Whatever this is, it's a coordinated ambush.

Spawn has posed:
    The big man turns and regards the thugs marching in with their jackboots. Instantly that glock is swept up in their direction, two brief squeezes of the trigger resulting in two bursts of gunfire for them to try to deal with.

    "I'll be back for your punk asses later."

    Even as he speaks he is leaping into the air, chains from his body reaching out to tear and dig into the nearby eastern building, to pull the caped vigilante toward one of the window he suspects the sniper will next be in. Whether he's right or wrong, the near seven foot agent of Hell is smashing through glass and wood framing, that cape spread out around him like skeletal fingers.

Lex Luthor has posed:
The men on the rooftops duck as the shots are fired. They have good instincts at least, using the building as cover.

Meanwhile, when Spawn finds the window where the sniper was, they are gone... but he can hear footsteps through the office door going to the right. The sniper isn't far. If that is the sniper, anyway.

Of course, crashing through the wall and glass like that probably alerted them to Spawn's intentions.

Spawn has posed:
    Once inside the room, Spawn checks his ammo, and growling in annoyance at seeing how close he was to empty. On the plus side, two crumpled slugs were pushing their way out of his body even as the bullet wounds were gradually healing, so there was that at least. It was time to change his approach, and so his weapon was holstered and his cape wrapped around him a number of times, morphing into something more protective.

    And so the tall, slender caped figure became a hulking beast, inky black and white armor covered in tough looking dark-red kevlar, practically a juggernaut for all intents and purposes. Perhaps not as strong as others with that namesake, but he smashed through that door and bits of thin wall easily enough. Tracking the footsteps of his fleeing enemy, The Hellspawn jogged down the hallway with every thundrous footstep shaking the foundation just a little.

Lex Luthor has posed:
As Spawn 'armors up', there's the sound of a door opening with great haste... and Spawn, once he's out, can easily see the door that was opened, and the feet dashing down a set of chairs.

Looks like the sniper is running. Fleeing, or changing positions?

Spawn has posed:
    He saw feet, and instantly knew that trying to chase whoever that was in this big clunky suit wasn't going to work. Instead he shot out two chains, letting them snake through the air and try and encircle around one or both of those ankles. If he makes contact he can instantly pull and try to yank the gunman's feet right out from under them, even as he stomps closer and bellows out from down the hall.

    "You've made a terrible mistake tonight. If you're lucky, you'll live to regret it."

Lex Luthor has posed:
Initially, without seeing who it is, he misses... but the sniper is only a few feet in, so it's easy to blindly wrap around the legs by going a bit further down the stairs... and simply wrapping around from the front.

The sniper is easily dragged, and Spawn gets his first good look at the man. Wearing a non-descript grey uniform (camo, probably) The rifle itself is nowhere to be found... but Spawn can hear it clattering down the stairs just a bit before stopping. Dropped, it seems.

The man? He just looks terrified. "It was just a job... n-nothing personal!"

Spawn has posed:
    Those chains are capable of incredible articulation, and should Spawn wish it so, can manipulate something without causing it any damage. So the way they currently wrap around the sniper and squeeze and cut enough to draw blood and cut skin(without slicing completely into him), it was because he wanted the man to understand where he was on the pecking order.

    "Just following orders, maggot? Don't give me that shit."

    Suddenly those chains lift the sniper into the air and pull suddenly to the left, trying to smash the man into the wall. Just once, before the chains go limp and drop him to the floor again. The Hellspawn isn't particularly worried about being gentle.

    "You're here because you want to be. The ability to end a target's life from half a mile away, turning a man's face into red and pink mist with the squeeze of a trigger, it makes you feel like a god. Trust me, I get it. But I'm guessing you don't feel much like a god right now, do you?"

    As he speaks, the chains pull the sniper gradually closer. Inch by inch, as those eyes of his glow bright green, and smoke in the darkness.