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Are you there dad, it's me, Alex
Date of Scene: 20 May 2021
Location: Jersey, The Aaron Residence
Synopsis: Alexander and Natasha speak with Ares about Hermes' transgressions as well as about their relationship.

(OOC Note: Ares was emitted for the scene, included his character number for history tracking)

Cast of Characters: Phobos, Black Widow (Romanoff)
Cast of NPCs: Ares

Phobos has posed:
    Sometimes one has to beard the devil in his den. And in this case it was in New Jersey. John Aaron was a man who had settled down and decided to try to live life as he could along the ways he at first imagined mortals led their lives, eventually realizing his ideas of that were all wrong, then eventually taking the time to get to know them... and after the first fifty or so years it started to click for him.
    It started with the job, then the relationship, then the kid, and then it went all haywire for a time there. But then it came back to something close to normal. Though certainly he wasn't entirely normal by all standards, it was more normal by his own. Sure he was considered a prepper, and sure he had hundreds of firearms hidden about his suburban cape home. And alright he did have underground facilities there. Also he owned no fewer than seven safehouses in the greater metropolitan area. But those were all just for peace of mind. Of course.
    His son was not hugely different in some ways. He strove for aspects of normalcy while at times craziness came knocking on his door. And this last time... well it was because of Uncle Hermes. And that... required telling his father about.
    Also some small matter about the woman who stole his heart. That might be a thing to relate.
    Which had the two of them out in the car out front of that Cape. Arrangements had been made to visit. Yet for now they both sat outside in that SUV and Alexander looked up the walk toward the house he grew up in. He takes a deep breath, then eyes Natasha sidelong and murmurs, "You sure about this?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"I'm not sure what the problem is," Natasha said for not the first time since they got into the SUV and made the drive over to New Jersey for the visit. She sat in the driver's seat--because of course she drove--, turned a bit sideways to regard Alex in the passenger.

"John and I have been friends for a very long time." Like she needed to remind him? "He definitely needs to know about what Hermes did and his claim of why. But he also is going to learn eventually about us, since we are intending to be together for a very long time. And he'll be around just as long. So..."

She tilted her head. "Would you prefer we pretend not to be together? What bothers you about him learning?"

Phobos has posed:
    She'll see him worry his lower lip for a time as that smile spreads over his features. And for a moment he turns to look at her and she can see such warmth in that gaze. "There's not a problem really." He looks back to the house and then his smile slides towards the wry, "I just know he's going to give me shit."
    Which is a fair assumption. But then he rests a hand on her leg and leans in to touch a small kiss to her cheek, "And yeah, you're right. We're going to be together for a while, so this is best. And no. I don't..."
    She'll see his brow furrow a bit as he murmurs, "Now that we're in the open about it, I sorta don't want to pretend anything like that. You know?"
    Another kiss, this time light upon the lips before he murmurs, "C'mon, let's go." That said he pushes the door open and gets out of the car.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
While she hadn't wanted to hide things from his father, she would have lot a time at least if he wasn't ready to do this tonight. But when he agrees, Natasha smiles and returns that soft kiss. Then she shifts in her seat, opening her door and hopping out. A close of the door and the beep-beep as she sets the alarm with the key fob. She waits for him to come around to join her then they cross the street to head up the walk.

She's dressed down. Jeans and a plain black t-shirt. Short black boots on her feet with no heel. She had considered wearing her Mew-tiny tee. Because she had come to love the stupid thing. But she didn't feel like dealing with John's sense of humor and hearing about it for...potentially decades.

"I'm more worried how he'll react to our little adventure in not Greece."

Phobos has posed:
    It's strange to get that feeling from Alexander. The slight hint of nervousness. It's barely there, most anyone else wouldn't notice it. But she might when she'll feel his fingers brush hers for a moment as they climb up to the gate and through. It was that instinct that he'd developed, wanting to hold her hand, but then checking it. Perhaps so as to not tip their hand too soon.
    As for him he's wearing blue jeans but he's wearing a buttoned up white shirt as well as a belt for once, and black leather shoes. Not /quite/ dressed up. But close as he usually gets. He holds the gate for her, and answers to the side, "Yeah, even money he flips out."
    That said they reach up to the front door and the lingering scent of... charcoal catches them right then, and on the wings of that scent of a flame and fire from a grill comes John Aaron's voice.
    "Back here!" Gruff and sharp and deep, the voice of the God of War resonates even as Alex sort of grins at her then instead of knocking starts to walk around the side of the house.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
She noticed the way he stopped himself from touching her hand. Natasha said nothing. Didn't try to catch his hand. He would deal with this his own way and in his own time. She would respect that.

"Wow, he must be glad we're visiting. Breaking out the grill." Which isn't entirely true though Nat makes the joke. He seemed to grill. A lot. Maybe it was an Olympian thing. Or just a guy thing. When she'd visited in the past, he'd been out on that deck doing the same thing. Without guests.

They stepped off the porch onto the little path leading around to the back. Through the gate then the rest of the way to that patio area set up off the back of the house.

"John, good to see you. Something smells amazing."

Phobos has posed:
    "Natasha," Is the first word that comes from the tall burly man, indeed standing before that grill. He wears an old pair of rough and ragged blue jeans as well as a black t-shirt that fits a little too tightly upon his broad chest and thickly muscled body. He turns, presenting them with the apron he wears which proudly proclaims, 'Kiss the Cook!'
    And then he eyes Alexander, "Boy."
    "Dad." Is Alexander's response.
    "It is Wagyu Beef. You shall have some and enjoy it." Declaratives all, even as Ares gestures with a wave of one hand toward the nearby wooden deck table and chairs, "Sit, drink, there are beers in the cooler." No questions. This is how things are to be.
    Alexander looks at Natasha and smiles a little, then moseys over to take the seat, pulling open the cooler and producing a Corona. He holds it up and gestures with it towards her, and if she wants he'll toss it to her, then he takes one for himself.
    "What brings you before me?" John says as he turns back to the grill, he holds up a piece of marinated beef and leers at it like a man starving, then hehs to himself as he drops it onto the grill to sizzle.
    "Family things," Alexander says to start, which covers most of it to be fair.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
It used to be when she looked at John in t-shirts like that, she wondered if he did it on purpose. To show off his physique. To draw the eye. Now? She knew somewhere in that house was a box of t-shirts bought in bulk for cheap. And that the shirt likely had come out of that box at some point, the sizes probably variable or just whatever happened to be in that lot on sale. After all, they had a box of shirts they were using. It made so much more sense now and she couldn't help grinning a little as she took her seat not far from Alexander.

As he offered the beer, she gave a nod then caught the bottle as it was lightly tossed her way. She twisted off the top and flicked it into the nearby bin that was there for any trash while cooking. Unlikely it was out here all the time but it was for the moment.

"Got any lime?" she asked as she rose to her feet, prepared to go inside searching if she needed to. THen she added to what Alexander had said. "Your family specifically. What relation is Hermes? I really need to read up on mythology," she muttered.

Phobos has posed:
    A grunt of sound is heard which translates as 'Limes are over there,' when it's combined with an arm gesture toward another container of various seasonings and flavor elements meant for cooking that he has on hand. It's in a container that holds herbs and packets and mills all suitable for turning a dish into a masterpiece. And indeed, limes lie within.
    "Family things?" He straightens up a little as the steak sizzles behind him, a small bit of smoke rising behind him from one of the vents. "Hermes is my half-brother."
    Alexander doesn't avail himself of a lime, for now, instead he just takes a sip then says. "Though actually, it's sort of both?"
    "Speak clearly, boy. I did not teach you to mince words."
    Which has Alexander heaving a small 'heh' as he looks to the side, and then back. "While I was working, we went on a mission. To find some lost aircraft. Apparently Hermes had a hand in it."
    Which has Ares scowling, "What did that idiot of a messenger want?"
    "It was... he claimed it was to honor the great heroes of SHIELD, that grandfather wished it so, and to do so he wanted to take several of SHIELD's best with him to Olympus, or Elysium? I couldn't tell where we were."
    The tongs click and he turns around quickly, "He took you?" The tall man's voice is sharp.
    "He transgressed!" Now it was angry.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Now she has a vision of Hermes being thrown on the grill. Natasha takes her lime, squeezing into a bit then shoving the whole thing into the bottle until it plops down into the golden liquid. She moves back toward her seat.

"He claimed he was just the messenger," she says. "And that he didn't meant to take Alexander. Just other SHIELD agents because Alexander has joined us. Something about though they couldn't bother you or him, they could bother those around you."

She looked to Alexander to see if she had phrased that properly.

Phobos has posed:
    Alexander met her gaze and gave a nod, then he looks back to his father. And if anyone could hold a pair of grill tongs menacing, it was the God of War.
    "They... he, rather. Tried to play it off as an accident. But I think it was mainly done to sort of flex a bit and to reclaim the right to being able to affect the mortal world, and said that just because I happened to be amongst mortals, didn't mean their agreement extended to them." Alexander took a deep breath and murmured quietly, "It was sort of a threat and a warning I think. But you know how Hermes speaks."
    "Indeed, like a poofy haired ponce." Which has Alex sort of smirking behind his beer as he takes a long swig.
    "This sits poorly with me," John says, folding his arms over his chest as the steak continues to sizzle. Without looking he reaches back with the tongs and flips the steak which causes a fresh round of sizzling to sound. "Why would they feel it is important to remind you that the protection extends only to yourself?"
    Which has Alexander smiling a little as he scrunches up one eye and looks at his father. "Well, as to that..."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"I think that's a combination of things," Natasha says after taking a swig of her Corona, that mix of the beer with the lime perfect. She sits comfortably, bottle grasped in her hand and dangling a little as she addresses the question.

"With Alexander being part of SHIELD, he has gotten more friends than he had back at school. Some of his fellow cadets who have become part of his squad. They're close and that can make them a target."

She glanced to Alexander, having noted that little hesitation on just spitting it all out. His body language doesn't show he is reluctant to share it so she continues.

"And there is also the fact that Alexander is now seeing someone..."

Phobos has posed:
    The God of War remains intense, focused entirely on the two people before him. There is wariness in those dark reddish eyes, and a slight scowl along the corner of his mouth. He looks between the two of them, and it's when Natasha finishes speaking he seems dismissive as he waves a hand to the side.
    "He has often been seeing people, Alexander is a handsome youth. And he makes friends well despite his obvious short-comings."
    "Hey." Alex pipes up, but Ares continues.
    "Something else must have changed."
    "She's right," Alexander raises his voice a little more seriously, "I've become seriously involved with someone."
    Which has Ares straightening up, frowning, but then his features shift a little confused and then accepting as he perhaps argues with himself in the depths of his mind until he says, "Well, that is... good. If unexpected. With whom then?"
    And at that Alexander points sideways towards Natasha. Which causes Ares to blink a few times, perhaps not entirely getting it at first.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
At which point Natasha raises her free hand up in the air at shoulder level and wiggles her fingers in a 'hi' motion. Just to be sure that he got it clearly, she does speak as well.

"That would be me. We had spent some time together then he came to SHIELD and I was keeping an eye on him. Things then sort of happened and ...we are now together. Have been for a few months now."

She watched John carefully, hoping he was going to take this positively.

Phobos has posed:
    The God of War is a stern man, grim in manner and bearing, yet one thing he is not... is a man with a poker face. She can read him so easily, those emotions writ large on his heavy features as they flow through his mind. It's like having a ticker tape of the stock market in hand only it offers readings on the man's state of mind.
    First there is confusion as his brow knits together. He looks between the two of them, back and forth, forth and back. Then his eyes narrrrrow into slits as he realizes and there's wariness. He looks at Alexander for a time, frowning the while, then he looks at Natasha and there's a hint of him thinking... perhaps she is mad.
    Yet eventually he takes a deep breath and then he /takes/ the steak off the grill, straightens up to his full considerable height as he disengages the propane with a twist. Then he folds his arms over his massive chest and scowls most severely as he looks down on Alexander. "Boy, you had better not be lying to me."
    Alexander, thankfully, does not seem cowed in the least as he says, "I'm not."
    Then Ares looks to Natasha and says firmly, sternly. "Romanoff," Uh oh, using her last name. "Give me some time with my son. I would hear what he has to say for himself."
    Which has Alexander heaving a small exhalation of breath then his eyes slipping to the side to meet Natasha's. She'll see him mouth silently, 'It's ok.'

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
At least it wasn't her full name. But this was bad enough. Natasha hadn't really expected him to be annoyed at things. Now she was the one having doubts and Alexander might feel that fear that this would mess things up.

Yet outwardly? She gave a little smile and rose to her feet after seeing the words mouthed by Alexander. "Of course." She took her beer with her and headed into the house. Sliding open the glass door then pulling it to behind her as she wandered into the living room. There she stood awkwardly a moment before flopping onto the couch, taking a long draw off her beer and wishing she had brought a second one in with her.

She wasn't going outside to get it now.

Phobos has posed:
    Outside Ares continues to stand looking so grim and domineering. He has his arms folded, those massive biceps tensed and flexing off and on, as if wanting something to punch. Alexander, on the other hand... is looking up at him with a tired look on his face as if to say, 'get on with it.'
    For a time Ares leans forward, scowling at Alexander and shaking his head. "Has she distanced herself?" He asks.
    Alexander glances to the side, looking into the living room. He catches sight of Natasha on the couch, smiles a little to himself, then he looks back to Ares and says, "Yah, she's far enough away. What is it you feel compelled to say?" His words a little feisty, whatever the problem is, Alexander's not going down without a fight.
    Ares leeeeeans closer and frowns as he murmurs, "Are you certain?"
    "Very well." He then lets his features twist into a riotous smile, Ares shakes his head and says, "Excellent work, boy. Excellent work. She is an exceptional woman." And with that he holds up a hand and says something he's never said before.
    "High five."
    Which if there is /anything/ that would strike Alexander dumb... it is that. Though he does manage to hold up a hand a little.
    And /SLAP!/ the hand is struck.
    "Natasha," Ares says as he rises and looks away then back towards the grill. He takes a few steps quickly over to it and replaces the steak on it, twisting the ignition switch and getting the grill firing again. "Is a true warrior, storied and with tales worthy of a hero of any time. I have no idea how you won her heart, but that you have?"
    He pauses and looks over at Alexander, shaking his head and looking at his son with such curiousity and yet wariness. "It astounds me."
    "Gee thanks."
    "You know what I speak of, boy." Ares says back quickly, "If you truly care for her, then you well know the woman that she is. How lucky you are."
    A deep breath is taken as Alexander looks at his beer bottle, then takes a sip. Afterward he says, "I know I'm lucky. And we've... made oaths to each other."
    "Is this so?"
    "Well then, that could be why our family has taken notice."
    "Yeah I was thinking that too."
    "Very well, summon her back." Ares returns to his grill, poking at it some more with the tongs even as Alexander chuckles and shakes his head, rising to his feet.
    "Although know this, Alexander. You hurt her, misuse her, or do something stupid, I will be disappointed in you. But I will also thrash you terribly." Ares points with the tongs and clicks them threateningly.
    "Yes, sir." Alexander says, then shakes his head as he laughs a little. Natasha will hear the sliding door open and then Alex's voice lift.
    "Hey, he's done yelling at me."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
At the sound of the door, Natasha had looked that way. "So it's my turn now? Oh goody." But from the way Alexander sounds, perhaps it wasn't too much of a yelling at. He didn't seem upset or angry.

She rose to her feet and finished off that beer. The bottle was dropped into the proper receptacle for it then she headed out to the patio once again.

Retrieval of another beer, a slice of lime, then waiting before sitting in case she needed to be standing for this. "So, we all good now?" she asks curiously, looking from son to father as she tried to guess what that was all about.

Phobos has posed:
    Though the grill is going again that's not enough to stop Ares from turning around at Natasha's return. Once again there is that grim and dour visage, that so stern looking with the blazing red eyes of an Olympian God with a temper so formidable it has caused nations to quail. He affixes this Natasha Romanoff with his gaze and growls low under his breath.
    Then he says simply, sharply. "Natasha Romanoff." Uh oh the full name. "I would know your intentions toward my son, where you see yourself with him. For it is no small thing to bond oneself to a God. There are matters unknown to you that could bear weight upon your future, you make yourself vulnerable to prophecy and the fates."
    He gestures with those BBQ tongs toward Alexander oh so dismissively, "What right have you to presume taking one of the blood in your arms?"
    Which has Alexander raising his voice, "Dad." His own tone sharpening.
    "Silence, boy. I would hear her words undoctored with your own."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Most sane people would be ready to run for the hills if they knew who this man was before them. What he was. And that he was angry. Some would flee. Others might soil themselves.

Natasha was sane yet she wasn't like normal people. She was a mortal who fought beside gods against odds that should have seen her dead ten times over. Yet here she stood. Facing the angry God of War himself. She took a moment to set her beer on the railing then turned to face him fully. Standing up to her height, which was so tiny compared to his. Yet she carried herself as though she would take him if she needed to, with that confidence and aura that was around her.

"Presume?" The word is said softly. Cold. "I presume to do whatever I choose to do. If that involves taking 'one of the blood'..." One can almost see the air quotes though she doesn't do it physically. "Into my arm or my bed, that's my business. If you expected me to ask your permission just because of your bloodline, you are sorely mistaken."

Now her tone shifts to more normal. "What happened wasn't planned but I am never going to apologize for my feelings toward Alexander. I love him. Simple as that. And if you have a problem, I guess family holidays are going to be pretty damn awkward in the future."

Phobos has posed:
    "You love him?" Ares says slowly, as if trying to feel those words out, to translate them into something that makes sense. He shakes his head and now turns to lean to the side upon the picnic table. He takes a deep breath, exhales, then says with a smirk that might hint he's not actually that angry, "Why?"
    Which causes Ares to laugh, as he shakes his head, lowering his eyes and looking at his feet. It's then she might finally see where Alexander gets one of his expressions from. For Ares when he laughs and reflects... he bites his lower lip and worries at it for a moment as it not believing what he's hearing. Then he looks back up at her.
    "But very well, in truth, Natasha... I could not choose a better woman for him. If I suggested someone he would refuse just to spite me."
    Alexander actually doesn't protest those words, curiously enough. Since perhaps they're right.
    "But I have always considered you a being after my own soul. A warrior, first among peers. To hear this news, while it surprises me. It is a welcome surprise. I hope..."
    There's a pause as Ares looks between her and him, then back to her as he says. "I hope you find the happiness that I have lost. And if I go to Elysium tomorrow, or the next day, or the next after that, I will rest somewhat easier knowing you two have each other."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
That smirk before he asked why gave it away. He'd been doing so well up until that point. So when he asked and Alexander protested, Natasha had to laugh as well.

Then he goes all serious and she nods, picking up her bottle and moving back over to her seat next to Alexander. "Thank you," she says to John at his compliments to her and then that heartfelt statement that he could die (almost) happy knowing Alexander had found someone. It made her reach out a hand to Alexander, give it a squeeze, then focus back on his father.

"We truly are happy. I wasn't expecting this. At all. But I'm not going to let it slip through my fingers either, if that makes sense. And there is a lot of time ahead. Don't assume you won't find someone again someday."

Phobos has posed:
    Ares' answer is a succinct, "Bah," As he turns away and starts to poke at the steaks now on the grill. Over his shoulder he says, "Enough of this."
    Then he asks, "How do you like your steaks?"
    Which isn't answered immediately as Alexander leans over and kisses the side of Natasha's neck very gently, just a small touch of lips to let her know he's there and at her side, even as heir fingers entwine. He smiles into her eyes, then finally answers. "Medium rare, please."
    "Excellent," Says the God of War as the grill continues to sizzle along merrily.