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Latest revision as of 22:18, 28 May 2021

Green Trouble in Little Gotham
Date of Scene: 12 February 2021
Location: East Park Side (Crime Alley), Old Gotham
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Oracle, Captain America, Hulk

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl was out patrolling Gotham. It was a routine such patrol in all ways. A few petty crooks trying to mug, a car theft. They were all left packaged up for GCPD, even with little bows on top.

She made her way to Crime Alley. It wasn't an area that was exactly a favorite with the Bat family for personal reasons. But it definitely earns a lot of their attention. Standing atop roof of the Gotham Arms Hotel, Batgirl gazed out over the area below just taking a few moments to listen and observe.

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers has a motorcycle of his own as he makes his way through Gotham. He wasn't as familiar with these streets, tending to respect the territorial claims of the ones who defended it. Not rational, perhaps, but when was putting on a costume and fighting crime rational? He knew this wasn't his place and it wasn't his rules.

But now his world had intruded here. His old friend and sometimes enemy, either vulnerable and lost or terrifyingly invulnerable...and likely just as lost. Cap had to find him and soon, before anything got too messy.

Hulk has posed:
You'd think that Bruce would put a tracker on his green uniform, right? Easy enough for the Avengers to find him after an episode, then. Of course, that also makes it easy for his /enemies/ to find him as well. Put a tracker on the suit, and sooner or later Abomination would come beating the snot out of him regularly. Or maybe Leader.

As Batgirl moves into Crime Alley, a roar can be heard, followed by the sounds of metal screeching against metal. Over to her right, somewhere.

For Steve, It's a distant roar, but it's clearly in the area around Crime Alley. He, however, would immediately recognize a Hulk feral roar.

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl canted her head, eyes narrowing as she tried to identify that roar. It didn't sound like Grundy or Croc. Now it was time to investigate. Hearing the metal on metal, that was not encouraging. Firing her grapple, she swung across the area to a better vantage point to see what may be happening below. And by whom. She wouldn't want to admit it but that roar actually sent a few chills down her spine.

Dropping atop a water tower she scanned the alley below. Who or what was there..

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers leans forward over the handlebars of his bike and hits the gas, pushing the speed of his bike higher. He weaves in and out of alleyways, his remarkable reflexes letting him react quickly, even skipping like a stone over the roofs of a couple of cars in one gnarled spot. They looked pretty beaten up already, he doubted they'd mind much.

The important thing was he get to the Hulk and see if he could calm the big guy down before things got too far out of hand.

Hulk has posed:
As Batgirl rounds a corner, she can see a massive muscular creature, deep green with a slightly lighter suit around him. He's easily recognizable as the Hulk, with her knowledge. Somewhat luckily for her, it seems like he's not being pestered at least, and he's just... walking down a street, occasionally bumping into a car. The metal on metal can easily be guessed as a car he walked over entirely casually. She can also barely feel a minor quake from the rooftop as he walks, too. Muscular and /massive/, weighting a ton.

He doesn't seem to have a specific destination in mind just yet, with the way he twists his head this way and that, as if getting his bearings.

He also seems to be ignoring the bystanders that were along the way. He makes no moves toward them as they get out of his way.

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl swallows. Oh boy. That's one big guy. But the bystanders. They were her concern. If one of them panicked? Did something that seemed aggressive? It was going to be ugly. She knows Hulk can cause damage on a level Gotham really is not prepared to experience if he should rampage cross-town.

Dropping down to the alley, she looks to the cowering bystanders behind him. She gestures - slow. Leave. Now. Motioning behind her and away. Then she made sure she was between the people and Hulk. She didn't want to surprise him, though.

She fired her grapple again, rising several stories into the air beore using her cape to glide over and then in front of Hulk. She didn't want to upset him. But she was better prepared to deal with Hulk's anger than the citizens of Gotham.

Landing ten meters in ront of Hulk, she stood up, hands raised, palms out. "Hulk.. nice night for a walk, isn't it?" Her voice trying hard to sound calm while her mind raced over options.

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers comes into the scene at a rapid pace, turning his bike and skidding to a halt with a screech of tires, dragging two lines of burned rubber in his wake and yet somehow stopping right next to Batgirl. "Good to see the local constabulary about," he says with a half nod to a member of the Bat-Family.

"Hulk. You seem to be lost, old friend. Perhaps I can have a quinjet brought in to take you somewhere more comfortable?"

Hulk has posed:
When Batgirl drops in front of him, The Hulk stops, his foot crunching down on a car with a loud /screech/ as he basically pancakes it like it's wet tissue paper. Then, he leans forward, his narrowing just slightly as he sniffs at her.

It's very easy to get the feeling of a feral animal taking in an unknown quantity. "Hulk doesn't know you. Hulk came from somewhere else, and Hulk is a bit lost." He mentions warily. So far, no aggressive movements on his part, at least.

Then, Steve comes along, and Hulk sits up a bit, watching the incoming newcomer. He doesn't speak until Steve does, "Hulk was somewhere that way." He points... generally westward.

Steve would know by reports that the incident in question was around Alabama. Westward indeed.

"Is Hulk needed somewhere?"

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl glances over as Captain America arrives, "Captain. Welcome to Gotham" she offers with a grim smile. "I think this is more your AOE than mine. I'll let you handle it..?" She looks to Hulk, "I'm from this city. But the Captain and I are on the same side. I'm not here to cause you trouble. Just to look out for the people of Gotham. They're not used to a handsome guy like you paying us a visit."

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers steps off the bike, "Well, you're always needed somewhere, Hulk. I'm your friend, as are a lot of the other Avengers. But there's nobody for you to fight, nobody after you, thankfully. I just thought you might like a place to relax where you wouldn't have to worry about...them," he says, gesturing towards some fearful bystanders running down to get out of the way of the emerald giant. "They're scared because they don't know you. I know you, Hulk. It's okay. Let's get you someplace where we can get you a nice drink and let you put your feet up."

Hulk has posed:
There's a snort as the Hulk a moment before the Hulk crashes down to the ground, sitting on top of the ruins of the pancaked car as he moves into a cross legged position right in the middle of the street. His angry breathing is evident, but he's got his eyes on Steve, apparently waiting. "Hulk will wait."

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl looks back to Hulk. Then to Cap. "... you've got this?" she asks. Perhaps just a little too hopeful for the situation. But really, if anyone is going to succeed here, it sn't going to be her. Unlike the Big Bat, she isn't inclined to keep her nose in situations she isn't qualified to handle.

A few steps back are taken as she watches.

Captain America has posed:
Steve Rogers signals the Quinjet and nods, "I'll wait with you. We'll hitch a ride together," he says, taking a seat himself. "Maybe something will come up, after all. You never know. Just be...cool," he says. He nods to Batgirl, "I've got this. As much as anybody can. Give my regards to Batman and the others."

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl nods to Captain America, "Thank you Captain. I'll get the word out so you don't have any others poking in on you." She looks back to Hulk, "It was nice to meet you Hulk. Hope you can find your way with the Captain.." She offers a nod to the large figure then steps back again and disappears into the shadows.