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Latest revision as of 13:07, 5 June 2021

Coffee Talk
Date of Scene: 01 June 2021
Location: The Coffee Bean - Manhattan
Synopsis: Coffee Talk
Cast of Characters: Sunspot, Red

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa is sitting in the window sipping a hot cup of latte, watching people walk by. It's a bit far from his offices but has the best Brasilian roast in the city. He has a pastry something sweet with a crunch that sits untouched on his plate. He's is dressed per usual in an immaculately tailored three piece suit.

    The shop is between the lunch and breakfast rush and in a lul while those behind the counter work to catch up from breakfast and set up for lunch.

Red has posed:
Alice didn't stray from Brunswick and Flatbush often, living in the one and having resumed working in the other recently. It's a filler in her CV after Xaviers closed the college classes. But she had delivered a box of fixed up costume parts to one of the various broadway shows. The one about trains on rollerscates. Someone had broken the TGV's chest piece and they needed a quick repair beyond ducktape for the next show... something that her employer could provide over night... thanks to Alice.

Having just made the dropoff, she took the way back to try and snatch a good coffee at the 'bean, giving a short wave to the somewhat familiar face of Roberto as she went in to order her brew.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa is stretched out like a cat in the sunshine, he smiles at Alice, "Ola, menina." He catches the eye of the barista and points at Alice and then at himself, the message clear she's on my tab. Though whoever heard of a tab in a coffee shop and how much coffee would necessitate running a tab... but hey, it's New York. "What brings you out of Brooklyn?"

Red has posed:
Alice chuckles a moment at the call to her as she orders before turning to him as she waits for her fix of caffinated drink with chocolate and cream. "Work. Had to get the French Engine costume fixed up for Bobo or Coco in a pinch. They had some stage accident last night and needed a replacement for the first show... So sat at that thing like all morning and had it delivered. And you?"

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa smiles and shrugs, "One cannot save the whole world without a proper cup of Brazilian roast. No other place understands the complexities of Brazillian coffee quite so well, also their cinnanmon crullers are to die for. French engine? OH! The train musical? Yes, I have heard... things about that one. Hamilton is quite wonderful. " He nods.

Red has posed:
"Not a big musical fan, but you know, they go through an awful lot of costumes, and if they need one fixed in a pinch... less dependable than film crews, and they usually tend to have their replacements on hand, but once in a while." Alice comments on business, taking her coffee cup before moving over. "Saving the world on a flip of a coffee cup? That's impressive. I just save some people's show."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa shrugs, "It's a slow day, maybe just the upper west side? I have been at this a while, and to those whom much is given, much is expected and all that. There is no such thing as a small hero. I am sure they were grateful that the show could go on."

Red has posed:
Alice chuckles a little at the assesment of just saving the upper west side. "why that part? That can save itself. Save Brunswick instead, and have the inhabitants save the rest of the town for you," she suggests with a little smile, brushing the red hair back. "well, they could have just replaced the engine costume with another, but that means different style required on stage, and the actor didn't want to give up sending kiss hands or something."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa grins and laughs, "It is the french engine. Actors, they are as bad as heroes in their way." He meets your gaze watching as you brush your hair back and his smiles brightens just a little, "You are right Menina, there is no need for me to to do it all myself. After all, isn't that why X-Corporation is in Bushwick to help lift the populace to take care fo themselves, to empower them and make them self-sufficient."

Red has posed:
Alice shrugs with a chuckle. "They only have so many roles and costumes. And Brunswick might be the third most powerful population of active X-gene carriers in the world after Genosha..." she doesn't mention who the second most powerful place might be, just shrugging. "but autarky isn't what one should strive for. Integration. That's the goal."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa shrugs easily, "Third, fourth, fifth, it is a community and the important part is growing that community. Integration will come in time, empowering ourselves to be seen as equals is not a road to autocracy. We are not building a strikeforce, just helping mutants position themselves in the work force, enabling them to make a living for their families, support themselves. Your powers like my own have strong commercial applications and that should be celebrrated as much as the more militaristic applications."

Red has posed:
"Autocracy is some form of governance. Autarky is independence from the outside world. Self-sufficiency." Alice reminds, glaring at the idea o a strikeforce. "I mean, even trying to achieve Autarky would mean severing and seggregating from society. That's the wrong way! Integrate as much as you can and gain acceptance, that's how you prevent progroms and stuff."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa rests his hand on his chin regarding you coolly, "Which part of job training are you decrying as segregation? We're training mutants to be become valuable parts of the existing economy not create their own. All minorities create their own space, at least until they're ready to merge with the dominant population on their own terms. This isn't Autarky. Honestly, it's not even segregation. It's being most comfortable around those like yourself, those with whom you share a history, a language, a culture."

Red has posed:
Alice raises an eyebrow. "That's integration. I said pushing for self reliance alone is supporting seggregation. We can't shield them from the general population. They can't live in ghettos. Ever watched Shindler's list? Or district 9? If you seggregate, you make yourself an easy target."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa titls his head, "I meant self-relience in economic terms on an individual basis, being able to make a living, not requiring assistance, not in any separate yet equal sense, I want mutants to be a part of the economic apparatus of this nation, a valued part. I'm also not advocating for ghettos, I am realizing that there is safety and comfort in groups. That resources can be shared and are more easily allocated. Though the end game has been and always will be integration. In the economy, society, government, all aspects of society. Yes, grouping does make you an easier target but hiding makes it harder to find opportunities and leaving in small groups closed off makes it more difficult to share opportunities and resources."

    Roberto smiles easily, "Alice, if you wanted to come over all you had to do was ask. Dinner, a movie, maybe if I'm good you'd let me brush your hair?"

Red has posed:
"Thats's fine and such..." Alice starts, blinking at the addition. "Wait, what? Dinner, movie, what're you talking bout there?" she asks, blinking twice to try to sort things. "I never suggested something like that. I just meant to illustrate about the whole ghetto thing."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa nods slowly, "Yes, because as a billionaire growing up in one of the most impoverished cities in in South America I am totally unfamiliar with them. Of course as an American you are completely unfamiliar with the homes I've had built and the steps I've taken to improve the conditions in Rio. To mitigate that economic disparity to raise them up. But thank you for the suggestion."

Red has posed:
"I didn't thought about that, but aren't those favelas more economic than just trying to stay among yourselves? Anyway... I got a train to catch. See you another day? And thanks for the coffee!" Alice blurted, eying the clock abve the barrista a few moments.