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Latest revision as of 13:10, 5 June 2021

An Afternoon Treat
Date of Scene: 23 May 2021
Location: Living Room, Willow's Apartment
Synopsis: Pietro decides to visit Willow while on a run and stops by to pick up ice cream cones on the way.
Cast of Characters: Quicksilver, Willow Rosenberg

Quicksilver has posed:
There are a lot of reasons to run, for Pietro. Finding a reason -not- to run? That one is harder. For today? Today, the white-haired speedster has been running. He ended up at a vantage point that gave a fairly good overlook of the city. There, he'd stopped for a little while. He'd snapped a picture, then sent it to Willow along with the text: 'Thought I would share the view. What can I pick you up as a treat?' And then he waits for a reply, pacing amongst the trees that grow at this particular spot and trying not to check his phone every few seconds.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow was working on her ever-present potions. She still couldn't figure it out. She measured three decimals degrees out, and still couldn't figure it out. Unless it was specifically polymorphic potions? Then again, maybe she shouldn't try so hard - perhaps she should try it without the measuring spoon and just wing it.

She put a note: Wing it?

She was about to do it again, there was a vibration from her phone. What would she like?! Oooooh..

<Wills> Ice cream! Of course. D'uh.

Willow was liking this 'faster than the speed of sound' friend in Pietro. On a hot day, like today, he could bring an ice cream cone without spilling a drop to the heat.

<Wills> Can you get sprinkles on it as well? *bot* *bot* :) :) :)

And she quickly cleaned up her stuff before he arrived.

Quicksilver has posed:
Though he likely realizes that there's a fairly good possibility that he could be interrupting something, he doesn't allow the notion to stall him from sending messages to Willow. If she was doing something important, then she wouldn't reply right away. And it's not her fault that time is different to him than to pretty much the rest of the world, and the ticking of merely a few seconds feels vastly longer to him. He was in the midst of pulling the fingers of one of his hands through his hair when he reply came in, and he laughed. 'Of course! Chocolate with extra chocolate and more chocolate? ;p Definitely sprinkles!'

He tucked his phone into a safe pocket, and with a bit of attention on it yet for when the next message would come, he started to head back towards the city and a handmade ice cream parlour that's along the way.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:

She could fix up the mess (the potion), or she could throw on new clothes. Willow kinda frowned at that. When did she ever think of her clothes?! Never, that's when. Still.. Willow could not help noticing the spills she managed to get while stirring.

Note to self: Be more neat!! (underlined using the google docs)

Oh well, the big mess was important, more so than her clothes.

Quicksilver has posed:
It didn't take long for Pietro to get to the ice cream parlour. But once he's there, then he's forced to do the thing that he enjoys so much -- waiting. Because there's a line of others who also think ice cream is a fine idea on a day like today. He gets in line, lifts his left hand to pull his fingers through his hair, and then retrieves his phone with his right hand. It takes him only a moment to unlock it with a swipe of his thumb, and then he types out a message to her.

'It'll be a couple of minutes. It seems you're not the only one who thinks today is a good day for ice cream. ;)'

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
When the next text came, Willow giggled.

<Wills> Ah, we forgot the major flaw with people. They all think alike on a hot sunny day in spring. And we love to wait in line.


Willow quickly put all the dishes into a tub of hot, soapy water to soak. Some things were put in the fridge in the crisper marker: Do Not Touch. Willow's experiments. And because she had a few minutes at least she could change her top.

Quicksilver has posed:
Though he's not really able to pace whilst waiting in line since that could mean losing his spot in said line, he does fidget. Mostly it's in the form of turning and adjusting and moving a ring that's worn on his right hand, but it also manifests in tapping as well as looking about. When it's finally his turn, he places the order for Willow and himself, and then... he waits a bit more. It seems to be the way of the world, sometimes. He pays (and he tips, too), which helps to pass the time, and then he collects the pair of cones with their napkins wrapped around the lower half of them.

He steps away from the window, walks partway around the building, and then he runs the distance from there to Willow's apartment. It doesn't take long -- it seldom does take long, when he runs. And once he's come to darken her doorstep, so to speak, he shifts the cones a touch and then knocks on the door.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
The doorman is used to him. When Pietro is not around, he refers to him as 'wired' and sometimes why Ms. Rosenburg has such weird friends. She looks like such a nice girl..

When the door knocks, there is a 'eeek' from one of the bedrooms, and then a peek out of the door. "Come in! It's open. Make yourself at home." Pause. "You can lick the drips off of my ice cream cone. Just the drips!"

Somehow she has gotten her top twisted.

"Dagnabbit!" A longer pause then before. "Help?"

Quicksilver has posed:
This time, much like previous occassions, Pietro had given a nod of greeting as he'd passed to the apartment itself. Even if his fidgetty and impatient seeming behaviours didn't mark him as weird then his white hair probably did.

One of his eyebrows quirks up at the eek from within the apartment, and he tilts his head a touch to one side, listening. Then he can't help but to smirk a bit, since he has his hands full. Again. He shifts the cones a bit to be holding both of them in one hand, and then he opens the door before peeking in at first and then stepping in properly. He nudges the door closed, then steps over to the kitchen to retrieve a pair of glasses from the cupboard in order to slip the cones one into each for safe keeping. There's a quick rinse and dry of his hands, and then returns to the door to remove his shoes there, a bit quickly. He's dressed pretty simply, for today -- a pair of khaki slacks, running shoes in a navy blue, and a navy blue button up shirt with short sleeves. He half jogs over to the bedroom door from which her voice had come, suffers a brief moment of conscience, and then opens the door to peek inside. "Oh, umm... a little bit stuck, eh?" he asks, one of his eyebrows quirking up a bit. He opens the door further and steps inside, coming up behind her to rescue her from the perils of her twisted shirt.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Somehow Willow has twisted one of the arms inside out, and couldn't figure it out. Probably in her haste to get it done. Really, with two of them it's easy, and she puts it on, this time, right.

"I'm so embarrassed. I thought I'd do it since you were in a line. Instead.." She shrugs. "I should have known. And you know what else, you wouldn't have noticed the stains on my shirt." Or wouldn't have mentioned them. "Thank you. Though I hope our ice creams didn't melt!"

Quicksilver has posed:
Ah, the joys of having another set of hands to be able to help! And Pietro doesn't seem to mind helping with getting the shirt sorted out and back to rights so that it can be put on properly. A smile quirks at the corners of his lips, and he gives a small shake of his head.

"Ah, no, there's no need to be, not at all," Pietro says in a soft tone. "It's fine, really. Stained shirt, clean shirt... I'm not here to see your shirt, I'm here to see you. Yes?" he suggests, raising an eyebrow slightly. "You're welcome, always. I don't think that they have melted very much, if at all. I put them into glasses, in the kitchen," he says.