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X-Force! First Mission!
Date of Scene: 06 May 2021
Location: Somewhere in New Mexico
Synopsis: X-Force's first mission was a success!
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Havok, Deadpool, Polaris, Psylocke

Wolverine has posed:
    The desert stretches and stretches, past the horizon and far into the night. It's a desolate place seemingly empty and with no hint of the world beyond. Yet the stars are ever present in that night to keep one company, along with the faint glow of distant eyes from the occasional coyote. There's an inherent beauty to the stretch of land. And tonight it's only marred by the mark of man.
    Across the landscape, distantly near a rise in the dunes there is a large camp. It's a camp with the glow of lanterns and lights as well as the occasional sweep of a sensor that slices across the ground. Heavy fencing encircles it, along with barbed wire upon the top. A quartet of guard towers mark the four corners of that camp, the presence of guards within able to be discerned with those having strong enough vision or night vision goggles. A gate holds prominence on the eastern side of the compound, several groups of armed guards holding there. Within one can see a dozen buildings, some tent structures, a motor pool, and an entrance to likely an underground complex. Yet what might draw the eye is the shimmering field that gleams above the entire complex, likely a flicker of illusion that's meant to hide the presence of that camp from aerial observation.
    Yet one way someone might become keen to this compound... is if say some young women wandered through the desert on a camping trip and decided to set a fire for heir nearby campsite. The light in the darkness would assuredly draw attention. And eventually a vehicle would roll out of that compound carrying a few armed men who might well be intent on running the campers off. Can't have witnesses after all.
    Which might be why the team that would come to be called X-Force had set up such a campsite. As the large 4WD vehicle rolls through the sand and towards it.

Havok has posed:
    Normally in a situation like this, Alex would be right out in front playing the dumb blonde surfer dude and setting the patsies at ease before the group snatched the vehicle right out from under them. Not this time though, because as much as he hates the damned thing, he's wearing one of his many many 'Look at Me, I'm Super' suits. Why? Because this one actually allows him to fly. Therefore, he's hiding somewhere close, likely griping to himself about how much spandex chafes...

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool sits next to the fire with a hoddy over his Blonde wig covered head., blocking the outfit underneath looking at the fire, "I don't understand why we don't just walk in there... I mean they stand no chance against us even in a direct fight." Deadpool moans over the fire looking to see if anyone brought any marshmellows. He looks over in the general direction then back down, "Sure it is more open, and will be a bit messier, and maybe some of the mutants might be used against us. But where is the fun in sneaking in man." he shakes his head at that.

He had agreed to the plan, and wouldn't mess it up now that they all knew it, but still didn't mean he couldn't complain about the boring way. He lightly kicks the big circular pack that he has on the ground next to him. "If anyone can't see in the dark I did bring some night vision, and some stairs. Might make it a bit easier to get in or out of the second floors. Doubt they will be expecting it, but who knows once we get in there." he doesn't open the pack though it is a good size to fit in the trunk, or back seat.

Then off topic he goes again, "And why does this feel familer.. though if I am right it was a bit of a rougher buch." and laughs to himself to looking into the fire again to think about it.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane hadn't hesitated to be the 'bait', in fact she was sort of looking forward to it. It seems the green-haired lady is in one of her moods. Better to set her out on those that deserve it, than let people around her suffer for it. Green hair is pulled back in a ponytail, and it looks like she's in some layered t-shirts and some oversized shorts with hiking boots, thanks to Betsy's illusion. She almost looks like some alternative crunchy granola hiker, which is sort of the point.
     Green eyes roll as she toasts a marshmallow, because she is never one to pass up toasted mallows. "Good god, shut up. This is the plan for a reason, versus guns blazing. We don't know how many people in there are there against their will, that's why. Shut up and eat." Grumpy Lorna is grumpy.

Psylocke has posed:
One of those campers was a pretty blonde wearing a pair of Daisy-Duke shorts, a flannel shirt that was tied up just below her chest giving a view of both cleavage and midriff. She had on hiking boots and a pair of heavy ankle socks.

"Because we want to get inside with as little fuss as possible so they don't have time to try to move the people they are holding. If we can get in, get a little more info, then take care of business, it should work out better," she explained to the girl next to her.

The telepathic illusion would be enough to hide their actual forms, and their true faces, so no one will be able to identify them later.

She moved around the fire, poking at it with a stick as she crouched down, tracking the approach of the truck and the people in it. "They are annoyed they are having to come run us off. So this should be fun."

Wolverine has posed:
    As for Logan, he's one of the team that's hiding under a cascade of sand that was thrown on him with a settled boulder for cover. Not too far from Havok, but far enough that a casual glance won't bring the two of them into the same line of sight. Out of sight, hopefully out of mind as that SUV rolls along the heavy curves of the terrain and its bright spotlight flashes on from the passenger side window.
    A voice is heard calling out, "Hey!"
    The 8-seater SUV rumbles low as it comes to a halt and the engine turns off. The headlights go out, but the spot remains on the campfire and the people near. "You fucks are on private property!"
    The spotlight washes across them and then remains steady on those near the fire. "Get your shit and get out. Or else!" And as he says that he works the slide of what is likely a shotgun, the cha-chakk sound rather easily discerned.
    Though for those looking in that direction, they'll see Wolverine rising slowly out of his camouflage, the sand slithering off the black and red uniform he wears even as the blades from his fists slide forward sloooowly, catching a faint glint from the firelight.

Havok has posed:
    That's his girl down there! ...and that dude is yelling at her and calling her names! ...and Alex is grinning ear to ear knowing that Lorna will make the fucker pay for it somehow. Maybe the guy's wearing a metal belt buckle. He almost chuckles out loud at the thought of a magnetically induced atomic wedgie from the front. He's chewing on a piece of gum, even blowing tiny little bubbles. He's far enough away to not be heard. He does peek around his cover though, just to get an eye on how many are confronting the others.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool grins and waits for the people, he wasn't sure if what she did would make him look that different, but the others sure did so he was just going to go with it. Standing up as the Suv starts to arrive he tosses the stick to the side. "Oh no!" he gives off in his best female voice. "I told you we shouldn't of come out this far away from anyone, or thing that knows we are out here." he is closely moving backwards as he talks. If he can get close enough to the group he will throw himself down on the ground infront of them. "Oh they are going to ravish us now!" he says is a loud voice.. "Look at their eyes their Perverted eyes!"

He is still talking in a loud voice, throwing up dust, and taking varied posses as he talks. If the illusion covers it then he would sound like Psylocke ment it, but if not he sounds like a dude trying to hit a high pitched voice. He rolls around a little... "No... Don't hurt little ol me!" he is about to draw a weapon soon as there were two of them, but was hoping to buy time for Logan to get closer, doing what he does and talk enough to irritate them, or at least focus on him while the others did what they do.

There would be plenty of killing soon, he didn't need to get ahead of himself with the people here. Not to mention if they had to wear their gear later.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane looks up, irritated expression on her face. Then there was the sound that was music to her ears, the sound of that shotgun. She sort of can't help it, she smiles even as she stands up, eating the marshmallow off the end of her stick. "What the fuck is your problem, man? We're not out here hurting anyone." But that shotgun? It will suddenly jerk in the man's hands, as Lorna aims to smack him hard in the nose. Maybe she can get lucky and hit the sweet spot and break it.

Psylocke has posed:
For her part, 'Daisy' stood slowly from her crouched position. The way that women never do in real life but always do in movies and tv. That slow pushing up of the bottom first until they are standing bent over and showing off their physique. Then moving to a full standing position. Turning quickly at the sound of the shotgun and putting her hands in the air.

When the gun jumps, she doesn't even move. Deadpool is closer than she is to the second one with his antics. He will not be winning the Oscar this year but she has to admit it's amusing.

Already she is reaching into the minds of the men, ripping through them for information. It likely will give them a headache. Everything she can get about the compound they are going to, procedures, layouts.

Wolverine has posed:
    The first two words heard from the men after Deadpool's performance are words clearly of condemnation and a lack of understanding regarding the nuance of such a scene of humanity given expression. "The fuck?"
    One of the two men, the taller one steps back as he holds that shotgun in front of him but up and to the side in the ready position. The other scowls and snaps back, "We won't do shit if you just fuck off, damn. Getting all dramatic and shit."
    But that's the moment when abruptly that shotgun spins in the other man's grasp and /WHACKS!/ straight into his nose with a dull crunch that sends him reeling another two steps to cover his now bleeding nose with his hands.
    "Tony?" The first man says as he tries to look over the roof of the SUV, only able to see the top his head as he reels.
    "Don't fuckin' use my name, man." Says the newly known Tony even as he blinks at the floating shotgun before him.
    Yet it's the mystery man who suffers as Psylocke goes through his thoughts she might feel the abrupt surge of adrenalin and fear in the man as he feels the cold chill of three blades sliding cleanly into each lung, then sliding back out with barely a whisper. The man who had been threatening them falls silent to the ground, both lungs punctured and only a dull rasping gasp able to come from him.
    << Alright, in the car. Head for the gate. At the gate take out the guards, Psylocke and I will break to the flanks and take out the towers. Deadpool, Havok, Lorna, continue inside to the motor pool and try and find the barracks and containment facility. Deadpool... take care of the barracks. Havok and Lorna, we need to get the prisoners out. >>
    And with that plan of attack the Way Better and Much Handsomer Canadian mutant moves to get into the vehicle.

Havok has posed:
    Alex's grin widens, there's a little crazy glint in his eye as he watches Lorna 'draw first blood'. He's still chewing on that gum. Can mental groans be heard via that telepathic link? Because that grin fades and Havok does groan to himself before thinking <<Wade, I swear to GOD, you fuck this shit up by pulling a Wade and I will melt your face... again.>> Because that face surely already looks melted. <<Got it, Logan.>> He heads for the vehicle. If Betsy doesn't cover him with her mind magics, he'll just hide in the floorboards on the approach.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool stands looing at the person infront of him, and stands taking the person in what almost looks like an embrace. He whispers something into his ear, though if it gets through or not is hard to see on the already panicing guard as Wade twist his arms, and shifts the weight of his body and there is a *Crack* noise from the persons neck. Wade smiles, as he uses the embrace to lower him down to the ground again. <<Kid I was doing this while you still were figuring where to put it>> and without cerimony starts stripping the dead body infront of him.

He whistles a little tune while he works, not minding it as he tosses the discarded outfit to the side for whoever it was to wear. After he is done, and now there is a naked dude infront of them, sure he had to take it all off, he looks down at his work with a grin. <<Almost forgot>> he says pulling out a knife. He reaches down, and carves a one into the dead-mans head. Of course now it isn't as bloody an affair, but he wipes the blade of on the body.

<<All done>> he notes moving to the uniform itself he with no shame starts stripping infront of everyone. He had to put on the guard outfit, and puts on the guard on as it turns out it was for him after all. So stripping down to his tighty whites with his name on the back he changes outfit again before moving to the vehicle. <<Alright.. I am ready. You two coming or what?>> with a laugh it was time to go to work.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane will make a disgusted noise at Wade's bullshit, before she's moving to put out the fire, using sand and a boot to scoop it over the flames. She's being responsible, what? Her hands will move to pull her ponytail tighter, to make sure it stays up and out of her face. She'll brush her hands down over her actual clothes, since the illusion doesn't keep her clothes clean. She checks herself, a slew of thin metal rings tucked away so she can use them as needed. She'll go ahead and get in the car, slouching waaaaaay down in the very back.

Havok has posed:
    There's really no need to do the mental thing with them all here and the asshats down. So Alex just says, "Guys, dontcha think there should only be two in the vehicle when it returns and maybe Psyclocke should make the two visible look like... well, the ones that just left?" Because nothing sets off red flags like two men leaving and three people coming back, one of them a woman? "I can fly in. It's dark, they won't see me, take out whoever I can as I make my way to where I need to be?"

Psylocke has posed:
As soon as the men are down, Betsy is jumping into the back of the vehicle. "I'll mask us as as we go in the gate. So there will only be two and they will both be the ones that left. When we get inside, Logan and I will slip out and the rest of you can drive inside. Here.."

A quick bit of telepathic transference. "Is the layout of the place and everything I was able to learn on their procedures, passwords, so on."

Then they should be heading for the compound with--please say Deadpool isn't driving! "If you want to fly in and can do so without alerting anyone."

Wolverine has posed:
    << Yer driving the vehicle after I get out, Summers. To go get the people. >> Logan says into the mental connection, even as he's getting into the SUV on the driver side. The car's engine thrums back to life, he flicks on the headlights and glances sidelong toward the others as they get settled.
    Only once the seats are decided and Psylocke has their disguise finagled does the vehicle start moving and heading back toward that compound. It's a steady, though rough ride at points, the dunes not cooperating at all. Yet once they get within thirty meters the gate starts whirrrring back open while the two gunmen there gesture to wave the vehicle on through. Perhaps the change in uniforms is a bit overkill considering how lax the mercenaries seem to be...
    The SUV rolls on up, and then within moments... they're through the gate.

Havok has posed:
    Alex settled himself into seat closest the driver's seat then. <<A'ight.>> He's still snappin' that gum, his leg bouncing up and down just a little bit. Anyone that didn't know him better would think he's on something. <<Do we know how many there are?>>
    Lorna isn't worried about all the mental chatter, her only thought is making sure the guards on the inside don't get more antsy and trigger happy than the ones on the outside. She takes care of that right quick by ripping their weapons from their person with one quick jerking movement of her hands. Logan, Deadpool... that's your cue to put'm down. Once Logan's out of the vehicle and Alex slips behind the wheel, she takes his vacated seat.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool rides with a 'Wheee!' as they go over the dunes, it looks like he is enjoying the ride as he urges Logan to go faster. Though he just gives a nod to any security that may look at him with a look of confidence that he should be there almost as if he truely believed it. He doesn't say anything to them thankfully, but Logan does help as he keeps going any form of communication passed in moments as DP sighs. <<No fun>> he pouts as they get to their first stop.

Spotting the baracks he starts to step out <<Standard blend till alarms go off then distraction?>> he asks as he starts heading towards his goal. His job wasn't that different then normal actually, just he wasn't paid as well, but that could wait as he just walked towards the Barracks like he belonged there.

His goal was to start closing entrances, or exits while he blended into the others. When the time came he would have everyone inside to himself, and then if they still needed him after that they would tell him. So he whistled a little tune as he got to work looking at the people around to decide how many numbers he was going to have to carve today, and just smiled to himself he was finally her herald once again.

Psylocke has posed:
As they entered through the gate and the two guards found themselves weaponless, Psylocke was already jumping out of the back of the truck for one of them. She had pulled a piece of clothing over the lower portion of her face, so she wasn't as obviously her if her telepathy failed or they had some sort of cameras that might catch them, since her powers couldn't change her appearance on that.

The first guard was hers, the second would be Logan's.

She came out fast, two quick steps and kicking the guard in the head so he dropped. She followed up with a punch even as the purple energy appeared around her hand, adding psi-blade to the package.

Wolverine has posed:
    It's only after the two guards at the gate are down that Logan's 'voice' is heard on the mental frequency in answer to Havok's question, << Nope. Four less now. >>
    Even as the Wolverine rises from the crouch he held over the fallen guard, a small stream of blood flowing along the lines of those silvered claws. With a silent rasp they disappear into the sheathes in his forearms. He catches Psylocke's eye and motions to the two guard towards on the North side, he takes the South.
    << Pool, the barracks. Biggest building. >> Even as the other Canadian (though much less handsome) heads off to recon. He'll get a good read of it as he moves toward the entrance. Within the hour is late enough, dark enough, that he has any number of approaches to the building with a front and back door. No visible guards there. But from the low rumble of noise he can likely tell there are perhaps seventeen... eighteen within? Maybe some sleeping or trying to. It's a typical pre-fab building that he's likely seen any number of during his career. Weak walls, haggard interior, an easy kill-zone.
    While Havok now has the goal of getting to the underground entrance which does have a single sentry who is seated on a plastic bucket at the set of cement steps that lead downward into the grime of the earth.

Havok has posed:
    <<I meant how many need saving?>> Alex clarifies. He concentrates on driving to get them to the motor pool while...
    Lorna sits beside him, head on a swivel, looking forward to stopping anyone that clues into the fact that they don't belong and tries to stopping them. When they get to the sentry, she'll find it. Maybe it's a belt buckle, maybe a watch, maybe steel toed boots, maybe it's a plate in his skull even - wouldn't that be fun! - there's something on the man that she can use to send him sliding over and then flying down those cement steps before he even knows what hit him.
    But it's Alex that takes the lead in going down the stairs if they're not wide enough for them to go side by side.

Deadpool has posed:
As Wade approaches the larger building he doesn't just go inside at first he wonders around just looking at it from the outside doing a circle of it just like he is on guard keeping his head down pulling the hood down a bit more so he can keep his face hidden incase the illusion dropped now that he was heading away from Psylocke. He just whistled his tune looking around fitting in so no-one really looked that hard at him until he found the door in the back without the guard.

He slowly closes it from the outside keying in the code he got mentaly from Psylocke to lock it, before he moved to a more shadowy area to stand away from the door again, and a bit closer to the front door. <<There is a few in here. If you know you are going to start it let me know, and I will.>> he stops to look away from someone who is passing. A random guard though he continues, <<Make sure a good portion are off your backs for a while.>>

He doesn't do anything, but waits it wasn't time yet, and until the others were discovered all he could do is stand in the darkness. Of course it is a matter of time before he is spotted, he is just standing there, but he figured those people going in there to save the others will prob set it off first.

Psylocke has posed:
Psylocke heads north, eyes on the targets. She gives them both a little nudge, a noise just outside the fence line they will hear which doesn't exist in reality. It is enough to draw their gazes that one, one even moving a little closer.

A glance in their minds has told her all she needed to know. Neither is worth saving. In fact, the world would be a better place without then in it. Especially his wife who would get a large insurance policy and no more beatings when he got bored.

Though she might tell herself it was for altruistic reasons. The reality? The violence called to her. More than it ever had. The Crimson Dawn influence.

As she got in range, she went for something fast although there would be a brief flare of purple light. She draws her power, focuses it, a pair of psi-mitars appearing. A moment later, the guards heads were down and the psionic manifestations disappeared. She would continue her route around the perimeter to finish off any other guards.

Wolverine has posed:
    << No idea. >> Is Logan's succinct answer on the mental comms, his voice reverberating with a faint echo as he breaks into a silent low-profiled run moving toward the guard tower in one of the compounds of the building.
    Meanwhile near that entrance to the underground part of the compound... one moment the guard is seated there, watching casually as the vehicle rolls close. Then the next the pin in his leg from a high school football injury suddenly twists sharply in his body, tearing ligaments and causing him to make a short bark of pain before he's lifted partially into the air and then /slammed/ down into the stairwell head first, leaving him lying there crumpled in a tangle of limbs.
    Then Havok and Lorna are able to get clear of the vehicle and begin the descent side by side down into the stairway, past the fallen guard, and to the door embedded in the ground. All it takes is a sharp pull and the door will open...
    Revealing at first a ripe horrid stench of mankind unwashed and left to its own devices and filth. The room itself is just one large gigantic hall, with chain-link fences keeping the people held within the cells that are carved out of the wall in this man-made cave. It looks to be ten cells, each with roughly four people within. Though in the central area of the hall stands a man who is rising from a seated posture, an automatic rifle in his hand that he brings up to take aim toward the two descending.
    "Who the fuck are you?!"
    At the Barracks, Wade will see the mild activity. Sometimes the front door will open as one of the guards steps out for a cigarette or to go to one of the porta-potties that stand in a row of four. He's got a good angle to observe, to see the building and the few other guards out and about. Not too many outside the barracks, the majority likely inside.
    One passes near Deadpool for a moment, but just glances at the hoodie, the guy, then strolls on past.
    As Psylocke handled the Northern guard towers, Logan moved to the South. His footsteps quick and light and barely leaving a trail in the sand. The first took a whistle, a slight trill of a bird to get the attention of one of the guards who looked over the side of the tower, only to have a blade slice into his throat and then his body pulled over the lip of the ladder. The second whirled in time to get an adamantium laced punch to the face which spun him around and ended with an arm around his neck, a quick tensing, and a crackle of bone before he fell to the ground. Then he was on the way to the next.

Havok has posed:
    The quarters are too close, too many innocents for Alex to unleash what he can bring to the game on the bastard that stands from that chair. "Me? I'm nobody," he informs the man. "Her?" he jerks a thumb in Lorna's direction. "She's your worst nightmare."
    Before Alex's little speech is even finished, Lorna is ripping that rifle out of the man's hands. The sound of metal bending and creaking is followed by one of the chain link fences being ripped away from one of the cells. It slams into the lone guard and with an upturned hand and a twist of her wrist, Lorna causes it to wrap around the man, tightly... tighter... tighter... it's getting harder for him to breathe.

Deadpool has posed:
Deadpool watches one go to the john, and chuckles to himself with a shake of his head, see many think he was bloodthirsty, but he looks at it is that mans lucky day. If he stays in there he could live through this, at least in DP's eyes he would't go after him. He was just lucky he figures as DP approaches the front door he is moving quickly, as he shuts the door behind him, and also locks that one. Turning around some are already starting to wonder what is going on, he holds up his hands and speaks in a loud voice.

"Everyone.. Everyone calm down." though there is still some people wondering they stop in shear confusion for a moment to listen to the person that is speaking.

"I am the herald of death... and all of your numbers has been called tonight. I am sorry, but tonight all of you are going to die a violent death." he says sounding a bit sad about it as they could of been good people in another life. "Do not worry.. I will make it quick." he is continuing as they are already movig towards him to detain, or at least see what he did to the door.

That is when Deadpool grabs for his gun, to realize wait... he doesn't have any guns. All of his guns were on his outfit so now he stands there weaponless in a barracks full of people <<Oooops>> comes through the mental channel as the first man approaches. As the man moves to shove him, Wade pushes his arm around spinning the man in a moment before he gets his back. With a snap he drops the body to the ground to look up at the others.. <<Oh wait.. I am good. Oh by the way... Things might start soon. Hope you found them.>> he talks again on the mental channel as he sees the deadman had a gun.

Of course now there is a bit of chaos in the Barracks, as things are soon to escilate quickly, but now he is armed at least. Also he makes a mental note to go pick up his stuff again, or at least make sure he leaves with it.

Psylocke has posed:
The second tower is breached differently from the first. Psylocke is moving that way but rather than use the ladder, she just steps into a shadow and disappears. It's like she fell into a hole. But thens he emerges in the shadows of that tower, since they didn't keep it lit up lest they become targets.

Sometimes it paid to be afraid of the dark.

She took a little more time with this pair, a little more personal touch. When she was done, one had a broken neck and the other--he'd live. But his brain would no longer function as it had before he met her.

Psylocke melted back into the shadows and moved toward the rendezvous point with Logan. The mental reaction of Deapool caught her attention. <<Do you need us to come help in the barracks?>>

Wolverine has posed:
    In the depths of the pens the one guard standing between the duo and their objective, he starts to bring his gun up only to have it betray him. The metal squeals as it twists around his neck like some firearm serpent that has it out for him entirely. It cinches up around his throat as he staggers back, features going bright red as he tries and tries for a breath that won't come... then falls down unconscious and likely soon to be dead.
    Which leaves those trapped within reaching out and shaking the wire fencing that keeps them in their cells. "Hey! Hey let us out!" One of the stronger prisoner calls out, even as some others can only manage to look on with woeful eyes.
    Outside the prison and in the Barracks indeed things have started to kick off. Deadpool was first greeted with wide eyes, scowling looks, and then some snorts of disagreement. Some of the men start to go for their guns while the one that had been stepping to him snarls, "Who the fuck are you suppo... /CRACK!/" As his neck is snapped and he hits the ground. Suddenly there's a pause. As all of those guards within freeze for a moment when they realize... this isn't normal. Or safe. And suddenly things kick off with a series of loud bangs as Wade gets his wish.
    On the comms Logan's voice is heard, << I'm in route back to the motor pool. What's the status? >>

Havok has posed:
    That piece of fencing continues to squeeze until the man wrapped up in it is cut to ribbons by it even after he's unconscious. Yes, he's dead. Lorna will open the rest of the makeshift cells in the same way as the first even as...
    Alex begins ushering those poor people out and toward the stairs. "Go... go go... we're here to help. Those that can walk, help the others." In unison, Alex and Lorna both mutter, "Fucking Wade," under their breath as they move up the stairs, side by side, in front of their new charges. If the way to the vehicle is clear, they'll hurry the freed captives in, having them sit on laps, on the floor, wherever need be to make room.
    Before Alex and Lorna join them, he sends a single blast down those stairs to destroy that room, wipe if away, erase it forever, just as he intends to do to this whole damned place once they're out.

Deadpool has posed:
There is no answer for a moment as it is a flurry of movement and bulets filling the air most of them are just confused shots he didn't have to worry about yet, but he looked to those who were close. Those were his first targets as he runs up to the bunk where someone is laying not getting the message, or not fast enough to beat his sprint getting up, and shoots him a single time before fliping into the air of the thing do do a flip in the air. He shoots at the crowd, taking a few more down as he lands the gun going click in his hand. <<No. this is what you hired me for do your part.. Don't leave me.. Ouch Damnit!>>

He turns getting hit in the arm, he throws the empty gun at the man. Okay he may off messed up stripping down, but it was for a good reason. He sighed to himself as he moved forward to kock the gun aside of a person that was close enough infront of him to use as a bullet sponge as he pushed forward. He had this, right? I mean it was only a few people sure it was going to hurt, as the bullet had already been kicked out of the hole and it was healing. He was more in a rush, as soon they were going to call him back, and then he would be out of time.

Psylocke has posed:
At the motor pool area, Psylocke meets up with Logan. <<How many prisoners?>> She calls out to the rest pair on rescue duty as she eyes the vehicles before her.

The motor pool has an array of vehicles at least. If they have a handful of people, one of the smaller ones will do. If there are lots, her eyes go the the 12 ton army surplus trucks.

Their job is to get the rides.

Wolverine has posed:
    It is a rough haul for those prisoners, some are helped along by others with support under their shoulders... others shuffle along raggedly as they rise from the underground holding area. Six of the prisoners have metal and electronic collars that are likely to hold their mutant powers in check, those are the ones that were in the largest cell.
    Yet as the thirty-seven of them... no, thirty-eight with that one that is lagging behind, as they get up to the surface they're greeted with the sound of gunfire coming from that barracks as Wade takes care of business.
    Though one guard emerges suddenly from the line of port-a-potties. His pants hang around his ankles and he has a magazine in his hand as he blinks wildly. "The fuck is going on!?" He shouts.
    Which is likely around the time that Psylocke and Logan are making their way back. << We need to get one of the big trucks. Mebbe two. >> Considering the number of people they've got needing a lift.
    << How are you holding up, Wade? Do you need to be rescued like a noob? >> One can almost hear the smirk in Logan's mental 'voice' even as he turns...
    Then he points at the man standing in front of the port-a-potties. "Get back in there!" Which, surprisingly... works as the guard's eyes go wide and he quickly runs back towards the portable toilet.

Havok has posed:
    Collars? As long as it doesn't hurt those wearing them, Lorna will take care of those with a simple gesture.
    <<Around 40>> Alex replies. The man is *seething*. His mental voice is dripping with barely contained rage. <<You need to get them and get out.>> RAGE. The question is, do they let him release that rage and turn this place into a fireball inferno of epic proportions? ...or not.
    Lorna knows her choice, "It's time to blow this popscicle stand, yeah?" ...pun intended.

Deadpool has posed:
Wade goes to work dipping, diving, shooting and moving as he cuts through the people like tender he actuall goes quiet a moment as he tries to seriously take out all the people. They let him get his hands on an automatic rifle, and it is over about as quick as he thinks <<16... 17>> he is getting by the time you are getting the trucks ready. He looks around now, in the field of bodies, did he miscount, he thought to himself as he does another quick count of the people, and thinks about it. Then he hears Logan the place riddled with holes now his gruff voice can be heard. <<Duh the toliet guy..>>

He turns tossing the gun behind him on the pile, and unlocks the door, walking out wiping his hands off against each other. It didn't help he was covered head to toe in blood. Walking out of the Baracks looks like something from a horror show as parts of bits hang off his shoulder, covered in said blood, he just smiles and waves over at the others.

<<Time to go already?>> he asks looking back at the place with a frown he was just starting to have some fun, but it was the plan so he was with it. <<Oh we need to stop at our camp.. I may of left something there.>> and chuckles to himself approaching the others.

Psylocke has posed:
This...needs covering up. Psylocke uses her mental powers so that the already tramatized prisoners weren't given more by the vision of Deadpool covered in gore and blood. He just looked like a generic guy. Which means, he was a gray man. He just blended. Nothing would be remembered as standing out about him.

She was behind the wheel of the big truck and brought it to a stop where the prisoners were being escorted out. "Quickly. Everyone in. Help those who can't get in themselves."

Then she looks over at Alex. "Once we are clear, do what you do."

Wolverine has posed:
    Seeing where Psylocke's eyes went toward those trucks, Logan gives her a short sharp nod and quick as that they're running toward them. A quick look over the cabin as Logan slides into the seat, his features sharpening to a grimace until he grabs at the windshield and pulls it down, letting the keys fall into his hand. He scowls, but good-naturedly as he murmurs, "Classic."
    As the two get those vehicles and bring them around it leaves Havok and Lorna there to stand guard over the prisoners they're saving, yet it only takes a few moments for the vehicles to drive on up with a rumble of their old diesel engines thrumming with power. Some gestures are exchanged to indicate to get the prisoners in the back even as Logan's voice is heard again on the mental comms. << Yup, time ta go. Get in the truck, Wade. >>
    Then shortly after... the trucks are in motion with their passengers.

Deadpool has posed:
Wade sighs, and slouches as he makes his way to the truck <<Shotgun!>> he calls as he goes over to the passenger side of one of them. He gets in, and looks back. it was a good night he had done his job for her well, and no-one was going to get on him about it as he was doing it for them. He grinned to himself, this wasn't that bad though they had to save a bunch of other people to do it he guessed that was fine.

He glances over at Logan the driver, and grins... "Aaaaaaaand..... 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer." he looks to the back the prisoners all ragged.. "Take one down pass it around...... 98 bottles of beer on the wall." he motions for them to start up with him "I can't hear you in the back.. 98 bottles of beer!" he offers incase they don't know what it is. And that is what he will be doing the ride back, trying to get these people singing, and see how many bottles before he is forced to stop.

Psylocke has posed:
Psylocke did get out to help with getting the prisoners into the two trucks. Then she got back in the driver's seat of hers. Yes, it was hers now. Possession being 99 percent of the law or something like that. For the moment. Besides, they needed to start adding vehicles to their motor pool for the team.

Though they really needed something that could fly.

As they rolled out the gates, she did take that detour toward their old campsite. Couldn't leave Deadpool's stuff laying around. Or the rest of the gear they used to setup their trap.

Havok has posed:
    Anyone that's been around Alex lately (Lorna), knows that he's been... more than a little out of sorts. Filled with all this pent up anger, conflicted, confused... drifting, missing from the mansion, not much talking to Scott... and did we mention anger. He nods, indicating that Lorna should get into the trucks with the others.
    After she places a quick kiss on his cheek - that's new, when did they move out of the friend zone? ...she reluctantly joins the others.
    ...leaving Alex to do his thing once everyone is clear. It's a spectacular thing. When he's finished, there will be nothing left of that building but melted and burning bits. It'll look like the building suffered a nuclear reactor meltdown, mini Chernobyl. The others can likely feel the heat from that blast even from the distance they've traveled. The downside is that the initial blasts, the explosion, will be seen from MILES away. He doesn't stop until he's almost completely spent, leaving himself just enough gas in the tank to lift himself into the air and catch up to the others.