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Latest revision as of 13:30, 12 June 2021

Orbital Aftermath
Date of Scene: 12 June 2021
Location: Martial Fields, Kvalvika, New Asgard
Synopsis: Thor and Power Girl talk after the space battle.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Power Girl

Thor has posed:
    The mood in New Asgard is somber, for battle and war has once again called upon her people. There had been stern acceptance of victory, but at such a price. For there were six warriors that no longer would return home to the shores of Kvalvikka. Six soldiers who would no longer hear the voices of their families nor feel their arms as they embrace. Their bodies were lost to the void of space, to the explosions that wracked and tore apart the Svartalfar ship...
    So there was naught to send to their rest. Though their souls were already in Valhall. But the people gathered upon the docks of Kvalvikka bay. Rows of figures standing upon the wooden slats and stone walkways. Upon the tall walls and before the houses that hold the people who now call this place home. In the shadow of the grand fortress that is there to protect them, and near the landing strip where the Svartalf skiff crouches like a vulture.
    It was there that Thor held vigil for a time. Quiet prayers were murmured until finally he spoke.

    "Lo, there do I see my mother and father."
    "Lo, there do I see my ancestors and family."
    "They bid me take my place with them."
    "In the halls of Valhalla."
    "Where our enemies have been vanquished."
    "Where the brave shall live forever."
    "We shall not mourn, but instead rejoice."
    "For those that have died the glorious death..."
    "For there do I see the line of my people."
    "Stretching on forever and ever."

    Quiet words, then just as quietly the people departed. Leaving the still blazed and burnt Asgardian there alone with his thoughts.

Power Girl has posed:
There was at least one outsider present. Karen Starr had been staying in New Asgard, studying with the artisans and learning more about their version of science. Which was what they called magic. AKA Science that Earth hadn't learned yet, in Karen's mind. She was dressed as she had been when the cry went up that the Asgardians were returning. Jeans, a white button up shirt, a pair of brown hiking boots.

She moved out with others to greet those returning only to learn of their loss. She stayed to the back of the crowd, feeling like she was intruding or spying on something she should not. Though she was assured everyone was welcome to honor those who had moved on. The warriors were all in Valhalla so there would be celebration for them later most assuredly. At least so her undestanding of such things went.

As everyone wandered off, she started to do the same although her eyes were on their King. Not for the expression on his face but the fact he still was scorched and hadn't taken the time to have himself looked at.

Which had that side of her telling her body to act. Next thing she knew, she was standing near Thor. "Are you alright?" she asked, looking to the side that showed the signs of an explosion on his clothing and skin. "Come inside. We can ge someone to help you get cleaned up and make sure here are no injuries hiding under all that."

Thor has posed:
    A hand was lifted to the side though he does not look upon her. Just a small gesture to stay her. No words given for the space of several heartbeats. Not a glance shared. Until finally, a few moments later, he turns and gives her a nod. Then that blue eye meets her gaze and he nods again. "I'll be fine."
    He looks back and toward the docks, the buildings surrounding that bay in heir eclectic combination of Asgardian and Midgardian architecture. Shaking his head slightly he murmurs, "They need time away from my presence. Some likely need to have thoughts as to how I have led. Others need to reflect."
    He exhales slowly, "There are some who will hold this against me, and the loss of the Wisdom. And perhaps rightfully so."
    His brow furrows as he considers the buildings far off before he looks to the blond heroine. "What passed here while I was gone?"

Power Girl has posed:
"Not really sure. I was away on a Justice League situation myself, over in South America. Got it resolved and headed back here. Had time to change and then heard the murmurs that you had gone to face a threat," Karen explained as she remained where she was, glancing off at the fortress then back to the ruler.

"The little I heard, they approved of your actions. That you used the resources available to go into battle to save your people. Yes, there is sadness at the loss of life and the ship but that is it. No one seemed to be against what you did. Again, I only heard a little. You all were back before I had a chance to go up myself." Because she would have if it had been a few minutes later.

Thor has posed:
    A small smile and Thor nods to her, then gestures with the burnt blackened hand, more just char and smoke and grime than any severe injury to himself. Perhaps it was worse some small time ago or during the events, but now it at least does not seem to affect him. "There was some small element of secrecy to it I'm told. At first a rumbling of suspicion then matters escalated quickly."
    Shaking his head, Thor looks back to the bay. Then turns away and starts to move down the docks. But not before his unburnt hand lifts to rest on her shoulder and give a small squeeze of recognition for her sentiments, her thoughts, her presence. Then he continues on and flexes that burnt hand, frowning to himself as he makes a fist and releases it while he walks.
    "Thankfully we were able to handle it. But at a cost. It seems the people of Midgard being so at odds with each other endanger themselves with their rivalry."

Power Girl has posed:
Being that she's the stranger in their midst, the fact she wasn't in the know wasn't a surprise. Nor an annoyance in anyway. Honestly, likely a lot of their people weren't even told immediately. Certainly word would spread considering he source of the attack though.

At his summation, she considered, falling into step with him. "You mean because so many countries have their own things happening and don't necessarily unite? We have at times. Some countries, at least. And a world threat, it's possible? Maybe?" She didn't sound entirely convinced.

Thor has posed:
    A deep breath is taken as Thor continues to walk. He pauses long enough to look to the side at her, brow furrowing. Shaking his head he murmurs, "In times past, when a similar situation faced us, my father took a path that he felt was ultimately for the greater good. Conquest, gaining control of Vanaheim, Alfheim, the places closest to Asgard. To secure the safety of our people. And in turn that led to us extending of ourselves outwards to all the Nine Realms."
    Shaking his head, Thor frowns. "But here and now, that is a path that would be horrible to contemplate. Though at its core the idea is not without merit. There are so many cultures without, so many factions, empires, even creatures that could threaten Midgard as a whole. It will be hard enough to face those entities, let alone be victorious so long as there are others that seek only their benefit as opposed to the world's."
    Then he gestures to the side, "And yet who would deny anyone their freedom? For the right of self-determination is a grand gift. Just I fear there shall be a tragedy that will fall upon the world before some will be moved to seek the protection of their brothers."
    He stops there at the docks, resting his hands on his hips with Mjolnir hanging from his side. "I had hoped my people could find peace. But that may not be so."

Power Girl has posed:
"When we were facing the attacks in from outside forces in the last few years, it seemed many countries were willing to set aside their differences to face them. Don't give up hope on us yet, okay?" Karen asked, sad to see the usually so upbeat ruler burdened this way.

She could understand it. The threat that destroyed his homeworld was rearing it's ugly head again. It would be enough to give anyone pause. "We do have a lot of people here willing to help though. You aren't alone here. The Justice League, Avengers, not to mention many countries would help if they were welcome to."

Thor has posed:
    "No, we're not alone." Which has him reflecting for a moment as he looks to the water, then back to her. His brow furrows as he gives a nod then he gestures in the direction of the tall castle that stands sentinel over the settlement. "I am heading this way, will you walk with me?"
    And should she seem so inclined he will head to the high road that leads up and around in a curve toward the fortress. He gestures to the side, "Enough of what has passed beyond. Tell me of your studies and what you have found. The artisans have spoken well of you."
    Then there's a wry half-smile, "And there are even some of the nobility who find you very comely. I would not be surprised if you found yourself confronted with no small number of suitors."
    She can likely tell he is trying to change the subject, to shift away from the weighty matters of the day, embracing what passes for 'mundane' in New Asgard.

Power Girl has posed:
"I've found I have no skill for magic. Whatsoever," Karen says, recognizing the shift in conversation for what it was. And she wasn't going to begrudge that. He had enough on his mind. Something light might help.

She continued to walk with him, giving a slight smile. "But it is fascinating. Just very limited on what I can do since I need someone else to perform the necessary magic I've been running every test I can think of and literally, nothing shows up on them. It's like the magic isn't something real but I see it and know it is. It's baffling but I know it's just science we haven't learned yet here. I want to consult with some Earth magic users and see how theirs compares. If it is like or utterly different."

And she was babbling. She cleared her throat at his mention of suitors. "There have been a few I could tell were interested but when I start going on about the latest experiment and their eyes sort of glaze over, I just move on."

Thor has posed:
    "That is wise," He offers in reply, about the cross-referencing of native Midgardian magic and its interaction with Asgardian. Perhaps there are points of connection that might serve the efforts. "I shall have to think on inviting some practicioners here."
    That said he nods a few times as Thor's thoughts take him in that direction. But then his smile is crooked as he looks back, "Ah. Yes, it pains me to say it but many of those in the court are not the most... robust of interests. For some there is little more for them than the hunt, celebration, and battle. Which is fine as that is our way."
    A few more strides up the steps and there are some Asgardians they pass in these morning hours. He gives them nods and they return them, both somber. It's enough to maintain the grim mood though he tries to ease it as he speaks. "Perhaps I told you of this, I cannot recall. But if you find yourself set upon by some who seem persistent..."
    He pauses as he gives her an apologetic look, "You tell them that you 'Await your love's return after a long journey.' It is a courtly phrase that is a custom of Asgard, to let one maintain face in the light of rejection. There are many variations, but something along those lines is suitable."

Power Girl has posed:
"That's an interesting phrasing," Karen says as she enters with him, giving a brief nod to the other Asgardians as she has come to know a few in her weeks here visiting. "So that way, even if you have no love yet, it still lets them down lightly instead of like that Meghan Trainor song. Gotcha."

Does he have any idea what that song is? Very unlikely. But she's sure it probably gets the point across. "And by using long journey, it means don't try again in a month. Honestly, I don't think it's going to be an issue though. While they like my looks, most of them figure I'm too fragile anyway." Which has her smiling a bit. "Seems they haven't met Kryptonians and assume I'm human. Which again, works for me."

Thor has posed:
    "Just so," Though he likely has no idea about this Meghan Trainor. But he gives a nod as he continues on that steady incline. It's enough to slow his pace as he walks, and there is some weariness in his stride. But at the least it seems he has no lasting injuries. Though with all he burns and scorchmarks... he could use a bath.
    "Though the truth of your origins might well serve to dissuade some more. There are few that handle well the possibility of when a lover is so much stronger than themselves." Then there's a glimmer of a memory and she likely has no insight into it, but she can see in his eyes that flicker of something amusing as he then says in a gruff tone that reminds him of his youth.
    "Of course that is no problem for me, since I am the strongest of all. So I would never encounter that issue."

Power Girl has posed:
"But it's a delicate balance. If the ones who are detered cause they think I'm human learn I'm stronger than likely they are, that might give them hope to try after all. And the ones threatened by a woman stronger than them, wouldn't be on my list for being attractive anyway."

Then he adds that last comment which earns a smirk from Karen. "Of course you are." Like someone patting their kid on the head and telling him how strong he was when he showed his non-existent muscles. At least Thor actually had muscles and she knew he was extremely strong. "I mean we can put that to the test, if you want. I'm always up for a good fight. Or maybe something more civilized like arm wrestling."

Thor has posed:
    It was on that turning pathway that led up and hugged alongside the wall of Fortress Asgard. There in the early morning sun with the mountains blocking most of the sunlight save for a stream of beams that caused a great reflection in the so bright green and blue water. There that he turned and met her eyes with a smile, his own gaze drifting between hers as he at first just rested a hand on her shoulder as they stopped walking and stood there.
    Then he took a deep breath and he says quietly, "It is a common belief, when one faces the realities of the world, and when death calls taking its tithe from the living, that the reaction of the soul is to rage against that passing. To fight against death by embracing life. And seeing you now, in this moment, Karen. I know that belief is true. Yet I should be strong."
    His smile is gentle, a little sad as he lifts that hand to cup her cheek and brush his thumb there very softly. A small smear of char is left upon her pale skin as he looks into her eyes and says quietly. "So I will allow myself this one weakness. And hope you forgive me my transgress."
    For in that moment, having lost so much in the last five years, and having been set upon so strongly by an unknown enemy, he allows himself to lower that guard. And in that moment he brings his lips to hers, his eye closing as they touch very gently. A soft kiss, longer than the one she had given him, but not pressing nor seeking. Just taking solace in the contact with another living soul.

Power Girl has posed:
That...made sense. She understood. Facing death, facing tragedy like this, made one very aware of their life. How fragile such a thing could be. Sometimes people would go out and opt for dangerous hobby. Others might find religion and be found in a church for quite a while.

And others sometimes just wanted to feel another person next to them.

She didn't resist the kiss. Tilting her head to the side so their lips could met, angling so their noses brushed past one another. Her hands came up to touch his chest gently though even now she was aware of that burned side and quickly removed that hand instantly in the hopes if he was hurt, she didn't aggravate the wound. He didn't seem hurt but people sometimes hid things well.

When they did part, she focused on his good eye with a small smile. "There is nothing to forgive, Thor. I..liked it."

Thor has posed:
    For a time it was all warmth and heat, nearness and touch. That close contact, the sharing of breath, the parting of lips. Then it was over and she murmured those words quietly.
    "And I..." Thor says as he smiles into her eyes, then his lips extend into a crooked half-smile. His hand comes up and he lightly tries to wipe away at the smudge he gave her upon her cheek as he says softly, "Am filthy." A step back and he murmurs quietly. "I am going to go take a bath. Then perhaps rest. And once I am awake perhaps you will break bread with me whenever that may be..."
    A look across the settlement as he considers exactly... what time of day it is. Morning assuredly? But then he smiles to her and takes another step away. "Lunch or dinner, and we shall talk more. But for now..."
    He should rest.
    He turns and begins to continue up that path and says to her as he holds her gaze. "Thank you for your kind words, Karen."

Power Girl has posed:
"I'll...see you later," Karen says as she watches him move off. Her expression shows a bit of confusion. Because surely this is just the stress of the situation. Or--does he actually like her?

Karen turns then, to head the opposite direction. To head toward her sleeping quarters. It was no use going to join the artisans because they would not be doing their work today. Not after the losses their people had suffered. Not after learning an ancient enemy was still out there.

Maybe she needed to learn more about that enemy to see what could be done.