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Tree in Trisk!
Date of Scene: 11 June 2021
Location: Medical Ward, The Triskelion
Synopsis: Groot is helped with his mental wounds from the Dark Elf weapons by a Psylocke, at the request of Thor.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Groot, Psylocke

Thor has posed:
    At the end of the battle in the skies above North America, the heroes of the moment were brought back to Earth in the depths of the grim Svartalfar skiff. Within it was uncomfortable, cramped, and the ergonomics seem designed as if whomever built the craft liked pain, sharp edges, and pointy bits. It had been, thankfully, a brief flight that had the wicked ship landing upon the rooftop of the Triskelion where the teams were met with medical staff as well as security forces.
    There was perhaps some tension with the newcomers, particularly the Rabbit and the Plant. Yet after some hurried words their identities and loyalties were vouched for and they were rushed through the secure building toward the medical facilities that were on hand. Though Rocket only had a few blast marks, Groot had been exposed to vacuum for a good bit of time that while not as crippling as it was to normal humans, it still took a toll. And then there was the wound which had seemed decidedly nasty.
    So much so that Thor did not go with his countrymen when they took the Svartalfar ship to New Asgard. Instead he took flight from the roof of the Triskelion and made his way to Xavier's School for the Gifted. And one particular soul that was there. Eventually he returned and was not alone.

Groot has posed:
As big as Groot is, the ship is even more cramped for him than for others. The ergonomics don't bother him much. He's a tree. He doesn't have soft, fleshy skin to poke into, but bark that is more or less impervious to such trifles.

By the time the Triskelion is reached, Groot seems to be much recovered from his immersion in the vacuum of space. There are a few spots that look like they have frost damage, mainly on his extremities and leaves. Mostly, it seems to be the wound which is causing Groot issues. As big and heavy as he is, finding a gurney to tote him from the ship to medical hadn't been possible. And so slow way had been made to the medical facility on foot. Groot is normally fairly slow on his feet anyway. When everything is spinning around him, he's even more slow than normal.

It takes the better part of an hour for him to get there, and once there, he gets just inside the door and sinks to sit there against the wall. "I am Groot <<Rocket, I am tired>>," is said quietly as the Plant's eyes close. The wound looks pretty nasty. Middle of his torso, it's scalded around the edges and the trains of clear sap that had leaked can still be seen, though they have slowed and dried for the most part now. The wound itself is blackened and pockmarked, like bits of his bark-like skin had died and been burnt, alternately.

Psylocke has posed:
This was a familiar tune although Betsy had hoped they were done with such things. The last time she'd had to deal with was after the Asgardians' ship crash landed on Earth. She had been able to help many of their people by removing the taint left from Svartalfar weapons. But those had been old wounds, things that had become shadows that attacked the minds and spirits. This was something else entirely for the telepathic Brit.

As she walked into the medlab, in jeans and a button up blouse with a pair of short boots, she managed to not stumble. Thor had said alien. She was prepared. She thought. But seeing a giant tree person? That was one for the books. She gave a glance to Thor and then moved toward Groot's side. "Hello, my name is Betsy. I'm here to try to help with your wound. I can't do anything about the physical but this particular weaponry attacks the mind. I'm a telepath so I can hopefully help to remove that portion. If not completely remove, at least slow the advancement of the attack enough to give more time then I can go in for another session later." She gave the tree man a smile. "Will you be comfortable with me going into your mind? I do not intend to peek around while in there, but it may be impossible to miss some thoughts so I wish to be sure you are alright with the invasion of privacy."

Thor has posed:
    In walked Thor with his side burnt and his armor cracked. Yet he did not seem anywhere near in the state of Groot for his armor had shielded him and the Svartalfar were old foes of the Asgardians. He still looked haggard, but seemed at ease enough to shadow the X-Man as she entered the facility.
    "This is the one I spoke of," If there was any doubt as to who was the alien amongst the very human support staff. He took up a place near, arms folded over his broad chest. A furrow touched his brow, "From whence he came, I know not. But during battle he aided ours and took this wound against the Svartalfs. If you can aid him I will be grateful."
    That having been said he steps back and to the side, hovering near enough to pay attention but also trying to stay clear and out of the way for now.

Groot has posed:
Groot opens his eyes as he hears people coming into the medlab. He'd dozed for a little bit and seems to be a little bit more perky. He regenerates fairly quickly. But, it hasn't been that long so there's not much in the way of visible improvements just yet. Maybe a little less black on his leaves and around that wound. He lifts his head to look to those who enter. Thor, he recognizes from the battle. Betsy, not at all. The surprise doesn't go unnoticed. But he's used to it and pays it no mind. Colossi are not known much off of their planet.

"I am Groot <<I came from a salvaged Ravager ship>>." Well. That answers that, doesn't it? Not so much! His eyes turn to Betsy and he nods once, an obvious motion. "I am Groot <<If you can help, do what you must. I will endure>>." He takes it as a given that they won't understand him, but he says what he's going to say anyway. Very few people in the galaxy understand him outside of his own people. And of those, they all are part of the Guardians crew. He's not expecting either of the two people, or any of the medical staff, to understand him. And Rocket... is probably having a look at the tech in this place. Somewhere.

Psylocke has posed:
Rocket is likely under triple guard while doing so. Not that he probably would be impressed enough with their tech to take something but he is not one of their usual people on the grounds so would be kept track of at all times.

Hearing those words and the way they are given, the nod of acknowledgment. He agreed but this language barrier might become an issue for her possibly. "With your permission, I would like to access information on your language in the hopes of understanding you directly?"

She pulled up a chair to the side of the alien, reaching out a hand. "Physical contact isn't necessary but it does allow for a stronger link between us. I will do my best not to be 'felt' by you while I'm in there but depending on how this goes, I can make no promises." And with a thought, a purple glow develops around her eyes, much like a butterfly in shape. "Shall we begin?"

Thor has posed:
    Though Psylocke seems to not understand, to Thor it makes perfect sense as he nods at the first trio of words that come from the Plant Man when he speaks. Then at the next few words he gives a second nod as he hrms succinctly while turning and stepping to the side.
    Yet when Elizabeth Braddock seems to not grasp what the fellow is saying, Thor is kind enough to explain as to him... Groot did not introduce himself yet. So he says calmly, "Perhaps I can be of aid. This is Groot."
    Which might not exactly be the most helpful thing to mention.
    Then he goes on, "He says he arrived here on a salvaged Ravager ship." He lifts his chin and murmurs, "Ravagers are... pirates. Space corsairs, if you will." A hand uncurls to gesture to the injured alien as he adds, "He says that if you can help him, do what you must, he will survive."
    That said he shifts his weight to the other boot and gives a short nod now to Groot, letting him know the information is so conveyed.

Groot has posed:
Groot wouldn't be surprised if Rocket was under quadruple or more guard, honestly. He loves the raccoon dearly, but he knows how itchy those fingers can be! To Betsy, Groot nods, once, solemnly to the request. "I am Groot <<Permission granted>>." Short, sweet, to the point. Groot, it might be noted, hasn't moved anything but his head and eyes since the pair had entered the medical ward in search of him.

And he's slow to move when Betsy reaches out her hand. Slow, but he doesn't seem hesitant. Just.. slow. And in a few moments, his left hand places itself into hers. His skin feels just like the bark on a tree's limbs. Mostly smooth, but somewhat rough. But despite his hand laid on Betsy's, the Plant doesn't offer up much in the way of grip. The combination of poison and psychic attack is weighing heavily on his psyche as well as his body.

Saying he's Groot really isn't the most helpful thing, given that that's what he'd been saying every time he spoke... of course, Thor understands the language, so that's probably not what he's hearing! And also not likely what Groot is actually saying. Never the less, Groot nods to the introduction. It's accurate. He is Groot.

With that short nod and information conveyed, Groot nods back. And closes his eyes once more. He opens his mind as much as he is able, relaxing to allow whatever needs doing. Not that he could stop it if he wanted to, or had the energy to do so, but maybe that'll make it that much easier for Betsy.

Psylocke has posed:
With her mind hope and his permissions, Betsy reaches out with her mental touch toward the mind of Groot. She isn't hesitant, yet she takes her time since sometimes an extremely fast mental intrusion can be somewhat uncomfortable. He has suffered enough. She doesn't want to add to it.

She closes her eyes as the butterfly glow increases.

Into his mind, picking up any surface thoughts simply because it was impossible not to. A mental tendril moves toward the language memory, to try to access that. It isn't the priority.

Her main focus is on those shadows already starting to work their way into the alien's mind. Only these are not just lingering vestiges. They are active and aggressive.

This was going to be challenging.

THe first thing she would try to do is help his mental defenses, building mental walls that are designed to hold out the attacks if possible. But like constructing such a thing in reality, it takes time to do so.

Thor has posed:
    What those last words said by Groot mean, Thor seems to not feel the need to translate them as likely their intent is conveyed well enough by the moment and the alien's body language such as it is so limited with ihs recline. Yet now the Asgardian is left without as the two heroes travel within and he takes a deep breath. Holds it...
    Then, to be fair, he does spare a second glance for Psylocke as she focuses. After which he seems to shake his head slightly and refocus on the situation at hand.
    Shifting his weight to the other boot again he keeps his arms folded over his chest and his expression somewhat grim, not knowing of what passes, but knowing it is both difficult and dangerous for the two of them.

Groot has posed:
Groot's surface thoughts consist mostly of pain. The physical pain from the wound and the poison, and the psychic pain from the magical aspects. That weapon had packed quite a punch. He doesn't really seem to be thinking about anything else in this moment. The language memory is accessed easily and without any interference. Groot's mind doesn't work quite like a human's does. Concepts, for one, are just plain out different.

As the telepath starts to help his mind build mental defenses, some of the pain eases and his surface thoughts turn to other things. His mind speeds up considerably. It's not slow like one would think a tree would be, but instead starts to move at speeds more normal for a human. Interestingly, there's mathematical equasions. Complicated mathematical equasions of the sort that engineers tend to use.

Psylocke has posed:
That was far different than she was expecting. Just proved not to judge a book by it's cover. Which considering what the alien resembled and what paper was made of--nix that thought right now.

The language was still assimiliating. Again, she could learn things from someone instantly if she wanted but it was like ripping it out of their minds. I would lead to headache and pain for the person she stole the information from. At times that was necessary but a good telepath tried not to.

Her focus remained on those walls. Soon the barriers were up, at least keeping the attacks and bay. There was already damage done and now she turned to start removing those shadowy entities that were attacking in his mental landscape.

Yet, she spared a small part of her mind. For his pain center. And suddenly, there was no pain for Groot. She simply turned it off. The damage was there but he wouldn't feel that constant input from it through his nerve endings.

Thor has posed:
    There was a feeling of something changing. Though Thor was no telepath he could feel a subtle shift in the tension in the room which caused him to look between the X-Man and the Guardian. He nodded slowly to himself, not opening his mouth or voicing any words so as to not distract those from their efforts. Instead he ponders what had passed only an hour ago. Perhaps a first time to reflect.
    Whatever thoughts Thor was allowing himself, they were not visible on his features though there may well be a subtle darkening of the clouds over the Triskelion for whatever is in the offing is assuredly an ill thing for him and his.

Groot has posed:
But the thought wasn't nixed quite quickly enough. And Groot sits straight upright as his eyes pop open, slightly wide. He very nearly rams his head into Betsy's face in the process, pulling back only at the last possible moment. "I am Groot <<You make things out of Colossi>>?!" His tone is indignant and startled. There's a quiet, for Groot, grunt, and he settles back. There's shock in his mind. But it fades fairly quickly with the continuing pain and fatigue.

Until the walls are up and the pain is simply gone. And then Groot's mind starts to move at the speed it normally does. Which is quite fast. In fact, if he's not running at genius level, he's not far from it. But outwardly, he simply looks like a tree. A big dumb tree. But inside.. now he's thinking about not only trees being turned into material to print information and other things on, but he's thinking of things like how warp technology works.

Psylocke has posed:
"Not Colossi," Betsy says in a reassuring voice without opening her eyes or reacting. "On this planet, trees are non-sentient. They are used for many things. I am sorry for the confusion."

Now it is time consuming. Prowling through his mind, finding those shadowy attackers, and removing them quickly. Yet once the ones inside his mind are gone, then it is the next portion. Start lowering a single wall. Bar the attacks with her own mind to isolate and remove the attacks coming in, track it down the nerves to the wound where it originated and destroy.

"I think we will be done here in just a moment," she said as she continued the methodical work. It was far more difficult. Far more challenging than what she has does before. But that doesn't stop her from giving her all to defeat this enemy.

Thor has posed:
    Thor tilts his head and frowns a little, then says. "Not Colossi, aye." As he reinforces Betsy's statement. A hand lowers to his hip to rest there as he looks toward the concentrating Psylocke before his attention returns to the tall bark-covered alien. He takes a deep breath then murmurs, "You may be the first of your kind to come here to Midgard."
    A glance is given to Psylocke and for a moment he rests his hand upon her shoulder to give what small reassurance that can, perhaps even an echo of his thoughts offering what help there may be if she can draw upon the Asgardian's strength for anything. Yet she is a powerful mentalist on her own.
    "You are a strong warrior, Groot. There are few who could take such a wound and survive." A nod of respect then follows those words.

Groot has posed:
Groot grunts, and grunts again. He is at least remaining relaxed. Of course, he doesn't have muscles to show tension, as such. "I am Groot <<Non-sentient is good. Inefficient>>," he says. And he goes quiet now. He knows what's going on inside his mind, for the most part. He can feel it, feel the bad things working inside his mind. And he can feel Betsy working to slow, stop, and destroy the attacks and attackers.

His eyes shift to look to Thor. "I am Groot <<I am the first, most of my kind do not stray from our home system>>."

Groot watches the interaction between the two on Thor's part. "I am Groot <<My people are resilient>>." He doesn't say anything, but the image of Thor piloting that ship of his in a suicide run against the larger ship of the svartalfs flashes through his mind, through his surface thoughts. A perfect memory of that part of the battle. Along with, **Suicidal. Best be careful with this one in a pinch.** Oops?

Psylocke has posed:
As she lowers the final wall and removes the attacking taint there, Betsy takes a moment to wait. In case something else was incoming from those nerve clusters as an attack on the brain. Nothing did.

She did pick up that random thought and considered. She spoke to Groot in his brain directly via telepathy. <<I think he is not afraid of death but I do not believe he was seeking it. His kind believe they will go to the best afterlife if they die in battle. A heroes death. So less suicidal, more willing to die for his people and these beings that attacked and an enemy to his people in the worst way.>>

Then she withdrew slowly from his mind. The purple glow dissappeared. That's when she becamse aware of the hand that touched her shoulder. She glanced over at it and up toward Thor, giving a tight smile. She looked--tired now. Slightly darker around the eyes.

Then her attention was back on Groot. "You should only have the physical wound to contend with now. I still have your pain receptors blocked but can open them if you like."

Thor has posed:
    Of course Thor... has no idea of the small internal conversation had there. But, to be fair, standing there with the side of his face marred with smoke and his armor cracked and burnt with that frazzled look to himself... he's perhaps not doing any favors of breaking away from that wild berserker stereotype some have at times accused him of. Yet the smile.
    That damn smile.
    When it comes to the fore seeing that at least in this small thing that there is a justice dealt for the soul that had gave so selflessly to join in the fight with the Svartalfar. Well it warms him.
    "So he will be well." He asks of her but then with the shifted glance toward Groot, him as well. "Good news then."
    He gives a sharp nod, "I knew he was strong."

Groot has posed:
Groot turns his eyes to Betsy as the thoughts come to him. He nods once, but doesn't speak. She's given him something to think on, and he is doing so! His thoughts are less wary of getting into a battle with Thor there, now, and more puzzling through his memories to see if maybe, just maybe, Betsy was right. And decides she probably is right. His memories don't really indicate a suicidal tendency so much as.. yes. A willingness to step up and die for his people if necessary. A newfound sense of a kindred spirit arises in Groot, and he looks to Thor, nodding once to the man.

The Colossi can feel it as the human retreats from his mind. Photonic imprinting is not too unlike this. Slower, but still something forein placed directly into the mind. This telepathy thing is almost better. Groot shifts his hand to curl his fingers a bit more around Betsy's, perhaps in response to her looking tired now. Perhaps because of something else. He seems a hundred percent better compared to when the pair had walked into this room.

"I am Groot <<Please open them>>. I am Groot <<Pain tells me when not to push too much>>. I am Groot <<Thank you for your kindness in blocking them before>>." Groot's eyes move to Thor. "I am Groot <<I will regenerate much better now>>."

Psylocke has posed:
The shifting of his hand lets Betsy know that she had shifted her own grip while working. Instead of actively gripping gently, now her hand was more resting atop Groot's. An extension of that tiredness perhaps.

There is that slight purple glow around her eyes then Groot will feel again, though she does so slowly. So he can become accustomed instead of a very abrupt full level slam.

Only then does she withdraw again and she gives a squeeze of his hand then leans back, releasing that. "Yes, you are indeed a strong warrior, as Thor says. Two peas in a pod." She glanced over at Thor.

"Were any others hit? I should see to them as well." And she moves to rise from her seat, despite the fact she should probably go rest a few hours. She did give them both another small smile. "I'm glad I was able to help."

Thor has posed:
    "Aye, some others. A fair number who did not survive. Yet there are wounded." That said he will step back and gesture to the side with the sweep of one arm. For a moment he meets Groot's eyes with his one good one and gives a single stern nod.
    "Until next time, Groot." With those words given he turns and starts to move away toward the door in that small corner of SHIELD's clinic. He holds it open for Psylocke to precede him but just a moment before they step through those near might well hear him say...
    "Two peas in a pod?" With the faintest tone of admonishment given to those words.

Groot has posed:
Groot doesn't rally seem to mind at all. Instead, he simply moved to accomodate the tiredness for as long as such should be needed. As the pain receptors are unblocked slowly, Groot makes a grateful sound. It's better than all at once! It is, at least, less than it was prior. There's a small smile, small for Groot, and he looks from Betsy to Thor. "I am Groot <<I do my best>>."

When the woman stands, Groot holds his arm steady to help. "I am Groot <<Thank you for the help>>. I am Groot <<I am grateful>>. I am Groot <<I am going to rest now>>." He is very tired. Another smile for Thor, though, and a nod. Until next time indeed. His eyes follow the pair from the room, and then close. He stays where he is and makes like a tree. A dormant, sleeping tree.