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Latest revision as of 13:31, 12 June 2021

Oh What Brotherly Love...
Date of Scene: 10 June 2021
Location: Club Lux, Melville
Synopsis: Castiel pays a visit to Club Lux and, more importantly, Lucifer. They're soon joined by a Dracula.
Cast of Characters: Lucifer, Castiel, Dracula

Lucifer has posed:
Two o'clock in the morning comes quick when hanging out at Club Lux. Last call is shouted, the DJ begins winding down the tunes, the newly opened casino is cashing out the last of the chips for the night. A smattering of people begin to leave the club, some in their own cars, others in taxis or ubers. And among the thick of the sheep vacating the club is Lucifer Morningstar. Immaculately dressed in a three piece black suit with a red handkerchief sticking out of his left breast pocket, black hair slicked back, blue eyes shining. He stands at his 'perch', a spot on the stairs that jets out just enough where he can keep his gaze fixated on below while standing above.

Some would figure he prefers it that way.

A glass filled with an amber liquid is raised to his lips, sipped from, and then lowered again as more people begin to pay their tabs and leave. A handful are likely finishing up their last rounds as quick as they possibly can before the bouncers begin their final sweep or two of those remaining. It's a good night. A calm night.

Which means anything can still happen in Lucifer's near-perfect world.

Castiel has posed:
Castiel is rarely immaculate and certainly not today. He wears the same rumpled suit and trenchcoat he always wears. There are smears of chocolate frosting near the collar, from the donuts he had earlier. His human friends taught him some of the pleasures of junk food and, while gluttony may be a sin, there's nothing wrong with indulgence in moderation.

He looks about at the tired, glassy eyes of the patrons. Some enjoy themselves, truly, revelling in the atmosphere of decadence. Others have strained smiles, artificially heightened by drugs, smoothing over pain and self-hatred and loneliness with too much to drink and sweating themselves under lights or, later on, under sheets, shrouded in darkness.

Castiel brushes gently away a young woman who tries to press herself on him and walks up towards the bar and Lucifer with his hands thrust in his pockets. "Hello, Lucifer."

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer watches as a final sweep is made and the last of the humans are poured out of the club in droves. He cares not where they go or how they remember or forget the night, cause for a moment they were here, they were happy, and Lucifer drinks in the power of their sins. It's a beautiful thing to him - the downfall of mankind. He doesn't blink or even look over when hearing that voice speak his name in greeting. He doesn't have to. He knows what his brother looks like.

"Hello, Castiel." Comes a smooth voice, almost silken, and yet dark. "You missed out. She likely would have fucked you in the alley." Straightening then, he downs the rest of his drink and then gives a half shrug of his shoulders. "I mean if you're going to indulge, baby brother, you might as well go all out..." Finally turning to face the other angel. "So. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit? Did Daddy send you after me next to try and return me to Hell?"

Castiel has posed:
Castiel keeps his face still and impassive, as best he can. He knows the intention is entirely to provoke him. Stirring up trouble, messing with his mind. The way bullies always do.

"She should go home to her child and now she will. She is lonely. I would not take advantage of it," he says.

"I haven't talked to Our Father in quite some time. I don't think He's very pleased with me, although you will always be the champion in that regard. I came of my own accord. I like to keep tabs on demon activity and you're one of the most active."

Lucifer has posed:
"No? Not like you took advantage of whatever morsel left that chocolate stain on your collar?" Lucifer points out and then motions as he steps away from his perch and moves back to the bar. Settling on a stool for the moment, he regards Castiel for a lingering passing of time before setting his glass down. It refills on it's own. With the mortals gone, he doesn't have to hide everything that he is or can do.

"We both know that I am not a demon. I am an angel, just like you, just like Amenadiel. Michael. Uriel. I could go on... the /only/ difference is that I tried to do just that. Make a difference. For humanity's sake. Just because Father didn't like it..." Lucifer pauses, scoffing, and then lifts his glass for another drink. He's not drunk. Alcohol doesn't affect him. He just likes the taste. "Good to know I'm still ranked the most hated in Heaven. You have no idea how much that tickles me."

Castiel has posed:
Castiel looks a bit self-conscious about the stain, trying to smudge it away quickly with his fingers only to smear it further onto the collar. He takes a napkin from the bar, dampens it in a glass of water and dabs at it fruitlessly.

"I never hated you. I still don't. I understand why you did what you did. The why was never the problem. It was the methods and the price. Not the price you were willing to pay - but the one you lead so many of your brothers into. You knew that rebellion was hopeless, but you did it anyway. The principle of the thing meant you didn't care. But those angels who fell with you - and the ones who lost their Grace - they really believed in you. You were smarter than them and better than them. And you used them and they died and fell for you. Not for a principle, Lucifer. For love of you, the most beautiful, the most clever, the most gifted of us all."

"So, no, I do not hate you. But I have always been disappointed by you. For you could be so much more than...this," he says, gesturing around at the bar.

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer sighs and flicks his fingers towards Castiel, the stain seeming to disappear after all the frivolous attempts to get rid of it otherwise. Lucifer listens to Castiel speak his peace and then he sighs and shakes his head some.

"It still proved a point. Regardless of what any of you believe. Father could have stopped it but he didn't. He knew I was going to fall, knew that humanity would not be the picture perfect creation He intended it to be. We, Castiel, WE were the ones He made to serve, honor and obey him. Why he decided to meddle further and make creatures of substandard proportions is beyond me. Eve didn't have to bite the apple, the ones who followed me could have stayed behind. Your disappointment in me is sorely misplaced and this..." He gestures to the club just as Castiel did a moment before.

"This isn't for anything else than the fact that I quit Hell. I suppose your non speaking terms with Father caused you to miss that memo. I left it. I mean, the job's open if you want to take it but the pay sucks." He chuckles. "I'm doing this for fun, and for the sheer fact that I can....and there's nothing Father can do about it. And he's tried."

Castiel has posed:
Castiel shakes his head, "I'm not so ill-informed as that. Your abeyance of the throne of Hell isn't exactly a secret. The power vacuum you left behind has its own casualties. I won't try to make you take responsibility for any of what you wrought. God Himself tried to do so and you refused to listen to Him - I would not presume to be able to make a more persuasive case than the Almighty."

"I don't blame you for wanting to have fun. Fun is good. I've had fun since coming to Earth myself. Most angels could do with a bit of fun. It would help them see the world more fairly and not just through the narrowed lenses of gazing down from on high."

"I do not follow, but I do still serve, in my own way. Or maybe I just serve the cause of right and I hope and pray that it aligns with His will. Unfortunately, many of our fellow angels don't see it that way and think they should decide from now on the way things should be run. Frankly, I think I like the humans better these days."

Lucifer has posed:
"Oh. Well at least there's that. I mean it's only been a few millenia since I fell from Grace. Seemed about time to shake things up again..." Lucifer offers, but then he sobers just a little. Not from being drunk, of course, but likely from being just an all around dick.

"Why did you come to Earth anyway? I'm asking sincerely. I figured things above would be too good to cause another to jaunt down to Earth on holiday. And if I've been keeping hot tips up to date... you've had a few of our brethren come to try and get you back to Heaven yourself haven't you?" He asks this, then looks to the bar. "You want something to drink? Doesn't have to be alcohol, of course, I have sodas and water if you prefer."

When Castiel speaks of not following, but serving in his own way, Lucifer grins. "See. Spend a little time down here and it does things to you. The world never was as black and white as we were always led to believe it was or should be. There are varying levels of gray... and I think Heaven will do itself a favor if it learned such a thing. The humans aren't so bad really...not most of them anyway. I still do love to see the bad ones suffer though."

Castiel has posed:
Castiel leans back against the bar, arms crossed. "I came to try to prevent the End of the World. And I did. And then I...never went back. They've tried to come and get me but they're all fighting up there. Politics. Power hunger, greed, rebellion, infighting. I have no interesting in fighting with other angels. Not them. Not even you, brother."

"I think you're right about that. About the humans and Heaven learning something from them. There are smaller evils in this world I can still fight and I do. I try to help humans who do the same. I've heard rumors you even might do a little bit of that yourself, from time to time. Just rumors, of course," he says with a raised eyebrow.

Dracula has posed:
Shadows creep with slithering fingers of darkness, edging out of the corners of the establishment and out from beneath the tables. Stealthily do they grow and thicken, easing up the walls in soft swirls of darkness. There is no immediate malevolence within the shadows, but they seem to have a certain sort of presence to them.

And then the presence manifests to become not ethereal shadow but instead to become flesh and bone.

The presence that comes steps from out of the shadows, boot heels clicking with each step he takes. The fellow is tall, around six foot and five inches. His hair is blacker than the night itself, falling in soft curls to his shoulders. His eyes are so dark of a brown as to be nearly black. Vlad has a goatee and mustache, both of which are neat and tidy. He wears a long peacoat that's black in colour, the shirt beneath it also black yet with a crimson pocketsquare tucked in the pocket of it, and a pair of black slacks. The boots he wears are black leather with a half inch heel. In his right hand, he carries a black cane, though the end of it seldom touches the floor -- he needs it not, but he carries it all the same.

Lucifer has posed:
"Despite and contrary to popular belief, I am not - myself - evil. I am not a Master of Lies. I am the Lord of Hell. I am the Devil..but my existence has always been to take in those humans who rejected Our Father. To cause them suffering for their eternities." Lucifer offers. "Have I had my fun with it? Yes. Have I played my parts? Absolutely. But the rumors may be true. I have, at times, helped some people here do the same. A wonderful detective who can sometimes gain some use out of my...more special abilities..."

This is all said before the air becomes different again. If Lucifer notices those ethereal shadows, they do not seem to startle him - almost as if he's used to them. Then, as the shadows gather and manifest into something more of flesh and bone, the Devil smiles. "Ah. Vlad. A return visit so soon...I'm almost touched." A smirk quirks the edges of his lips as he looks to Castiel. "Allow me to make introductions. Vlad, this is Castiel...one of my many Heavenly brothers. Castiel...Vlad. Whom I do not think actually *needs* an introduction."

Castiel has posed:
Castiel allows a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth, "I never thought much of the whole 'must believe in me' aspect of salvation. Always seemed a bit egotistical to me," he admits.

The arrival of the vampire makes Castiel wary but not afraid. He is an angel of the Lord after all and vampires, even powerful ones, are not generally something which he needs to fear. He wouldn't provide a very tasty snack, after all, his blood practically being holy water in its own right.

Still, he can sense the potency in this one, enough so that, combined with the name Lucifer uses, the identity is easy to deduce.

"Dracula. For someone who isn't evil, Lucifer, you make interesting friends."

Dracula has posed:
There is a smile that tugs at the corners of the aristocratic fellow's lips, and he inclines his head towards Lucifer. "You serve the best drinks," comments Vlad, his voice dark and rich as velvet. One of his eyebrows quirks just a touch, and he tilts his head faintly to one side as he looks over Castiel for a moment before looking to Lucifer. "Do your Heavenly brothers come oft to visit with you?" he asks, a touch of curiosity to his voice.

He listens to the conversation that he seems to have interrupted, and he chuckles softly. "Ah, a religiously philosophical conversation," he says, a flicker of interest in his voice. His dark gaze flicks over Castiel, and then he inclines his head. "Indeed, I am he," he comments, a hint of a smile touching at the corners of his lips. He steps up to the bar, stopping only once he has reached it, and he neatly leans his cane against a stool there. "Am I interrupting your reunion?"

Lucifer has posed:
Lucifer shrugs and then nods his head. "Egotistical. Jealous. He is many things. Benevolent being at the bottom of such a list." Offering this much and then he glances over to Vlad once more. "It's not very often they visit no. Father sent a few when I first abandoned Hell, but even those visits haven't occurred for the longest time." He explains. "Seems Castiel has been keeping tabs, and finally decided to show his face..." A grin then before he waves a hand and a drink appears on the bar near where Vlad lets his cane rest.

"What can I say, Castiel? Just because I'm not evil doesn't mean I won't keep friends who may be such. Course, evil is such a...loosey goosey term these days." Furthering that comment a moment before he looks back to Vlad and nods. "A bit philisophical. After lamenting a bit over I said, they said, truths and falsities. Apparently we have Castiel to thank for the latest halting of the impending apocalypse.... Which makes me wonder when the new Dooms Day Event is scheduled for..."

Castiel has posed:
Castiel looks away, "I'm not taking credit. I had a lot of help. And there's always another on the horizon. You might not run hell anymore, but you taught the devils well. They don't give up easily. Well, less easily than you anyway," he says.

"I still believe in good and evil. I just think the definitions have always been a little off. Too mired in technicalities and rulemongering. Not enough in compassion and understanding. I'm not here to judge anyone, Lucifer. Not even you. Not even your friend here. But I'll stand up for the weak every chance I get and I'll fight anyone who tries to victimize others. I might not be an archangel like you, but I can hold my own pretty well. I'm sure you remember."

Dracula has posed:
"Ah, I see. Family visits can be... interesting," Dracula offers, a touch of amusement to his voice. These days, he has no family. But the notion to create a family does cross his mind, now and again. He lifts his right hand and reaches out to pick up the glass just as it appears, inclining his head towards Lucifer as he does so. "Thank you," he says, a hint of warmth coming to his voice.

The elder vampire chuckles softly, darkly. "There is always an impending apocalypse to scare the sheep with. They prefer it that way. And it drives them to religion, to lining the church coffers with their hard earned coin," he comments. He takes a sip of his drink, and one of his eyebrows quirks just a touch. "It is always nice not to be judged. Though by your words, it does rather sound as though you have a yearning for you and I to come to blows. The sheep are my prey, after all, and so in that aspect of things, you could say that I victimize all whom I feed from," he says. He doesn't sound disturbed by this at all, interestingly enough.

Lucifer has posed:
"You can stand up for them outside these walls. Anyone within this club..." Lucifer looks between Castiel and Dracula then, "and I do mean anyone...is protected here. Aside from the sheep who reveal themselves monsters, but we have an accord there as well." He still speaks casually enough while sipping from his glass for a moment. "That said, you do what you need to survive, Vlad, and in doing so you normally don't bring permanant harm to the sheep - unless you've been lying to me, which I doubt." He smirks then.

"As for good and evil... I'm not doubting they exist or saying they don't because they do... but take for example the overused idea of a man stealing bread for his family because they are poor and hungry. Who is truly the evil in that story? The man? The shop? Or the ones who caused the man to become poor and hungry to begin with?" A chuckle from him then before he drains the last bit of his glass once more and then looks more pointedly to Dracula. "Fair eve thus far?"

Castiel has posed:
Castiel nods, "I can respect your rules within these walls, yes. As I said, I do not come to judge. I have learned a great deal during my time here. And while I disagree with you on many things, perhaps I have come to understand you better."

He turns his attention to Dracula properly now, "Your reputation precedes you, sir. I know of the atrocities you have committed. And while I will not fight you in my brother's house, if I find you taking blood from the unwilling, if I find you leaving bodies in your wake, then yes, you and will will likely do battle. But I did not come here to hunt you."

"Man has harmed man since time immemorial. There is plenty of evil to go around there. Although the shop's a bit of a stretch, you'd have to admit."

Dracula has posed:
Idly, Dracula lightly swirls the amber liquid held within his glass, and he lifts it in salute to Lucifer's words. There's a hint of a smile that touches his lips, and he takes a drink from the glass. "Well, you have already secured my word that those within are safe. At least until they are a certain distance beyond, and even so, I tend to focus somewhat o those who believe there is little need for behaving in the proper ways," Vlad muses. His tongue flicks out, lightly brushing over his lips, and he inclines his head towards Lucifer. "Indeed, I do what is necessary to survive. In the normal course of things, there is not a trail of bodies left in my wake. It would draw a particular amount of attention to my actions, and that would not behoove me well," he comments. "It has, thus far, been a fair eve. And for yourself?"

Dracula lifts his left hand in a slight gesture as he inclines his head towards Castiel. "My reputation often seems to find a way of being where I am not before I have arrived. They are all willing when I drink from them, and they remember naught of it afterwards," he says, sounding a trifle amused at that. "I have not come here to fight you, either," he adds.

Lucifer has posed:
"Except the shop's prices are fueled by supply and demand, which is also a victim of economical downfalls. But I digress. A bit of a stretch perhaps...but only by so much." Lucifer offers and then chuckles before shaking his head. "Well so long as we're all on the same page for within these walls. I do trust that even outside them, Cas won't have much cause to hunt you down for whatever reason. We all do what we must to survive and have adapted ourselves to fit within the boundaries of the lives we're in. The times we live through."

There's a moment's pause taken as he looks around and then he seems to drift his gaze more to the ceiling. "So... having taken in your company, Castiel, and further held a mildly entertaining discussion... have I set you at ease at all? You came here keeping tabs on a demon...I do hope you will leave thinking more of me than such."

Castiel has posed:
Castiel sits down at the bar, resting an elbow on the edge.

"I didn't know what to expect when I came here. I certainly didn't expect this. But I am pleased that we can find some common ground. I do not like fighting with my fellows. And if some of your friends still make me a little wary, well, I have had friends who are not so savory as well. Some of them even worse," he admits, thinking of the demon Crowley.

"I do not know that we can be friends, but I will always have love for you, brother."

Dracula has posed:
"Supply, demand, the cost of ingredients, shipping, et cetera and so forth. Business is a more complicated thing than what it was when I was younger," Vlad comments, giving a soft chuckle. One of his eyebrows quirks up as he looks to Lucifer, and he inclines his head towards the Lord of Hell. "I do not intend to give folk -- angelic or otherwise -- a reason to hunt me down just yet," he says, a hint of a smile touching his lips.

Vlad lifts his glass, taking a sip of the whiskey that is held within the glass. He chuckles softly, giving a glance to Lucifer before his attention slides to Castiel, and he inclines his head towards the angel. "If you are wary of me the you are wise. Many find it to be the best course of action," Dracula muses, a thoughtful tone to his words. He can be unpredictable, and wariness is justified.

Lucifer has posed:
"What, were you afraid that I would fight you the moment you came in here? Or shout at you until you got uncomfortable and left?" Lucifer asks Castiel. "I would never really do the former...thought about the latter for a brief moment but...not worth it. No matter what, brother, I still have love for you. For all our brethren. Just not for Him. Never again." Thus the course for the Fallen. Even if it meant gaining a place back in Heaven, he would never, and thus it likely would never be an offer. He knows his place, even if he's not there right now.

There's a nod to Dracula's words. "Quite right." He offers and then he seems to muse silently. He's not really sure what more to say in the moment, and so he picks up his glass, it being refilled mysteriously, and takes a slow sip of it.

Castiel has posed:
Castiel cocks his eye, "Do you think I'm such a fool as to tell Lucifer what I'm afraid of? Perish the thought," he says.

He turns and heads towards the stairs, although offering his back is its own form of trust. "I am pleased with the way this encounter went. I will be back to visit again. I would add an ominous and threatening promise about keeping your nose clean, but I find that human euphemism disgusting. You would never let your nose be dirty anyway."

"Nice to meet you, Dracula. I guess."