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Latest revision as of 11:18, 28 June 2021

All the worlds a stage
Date of Scene: 12 June 2021
Location: Gym - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Kurt teaches Megan how to fall with Style!
Cast of Characters: Nightcrawler, Pixie

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner is flying through the air with the greatest of ease, looks it's Nightcrawler, king of the flying trapeze! He performs a graceful flip, catching hold of a hanging rope as he falls through the air, using his momentum to send him flying upwards, performing several more impressive flips, back arched, toes pointed, a perfecct swan dive towards the floor, a maniacal demonic grin on his face. Ohhhhh scary. The floor comes closer, and closer and closer. He's gonna SPLAT! Then...


The imp is crouched in the rafters, the stench of brimstone and a puff of swirling purple smoke the only sign he was there. He rises to his feet and then once again launches himself across the catwalks, a leaping, crazy, energetic, acrobat who knows absolutely no fear. He pushes himself to see how far he can jump, how many flips he can perform in the air. His tail seems to be tied with a rope, to keep him from using it. Interesting choice. Several other students watch him with mouths wide open... Kurt is reminded of his circus days.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn steps into the gym, determined to get in a proper workout, even if she's not as strong as so e, as combat savvy, or even as agile and acrobat as others. Even so, she'd like to enjoy herself, learn a bit here or there of everything!

Dressed in a plain pink tshirt and black biker shirts, pink hair pulled back into a high ponytail, she steps towards the climbing bars and starts to swing from one of them..It's hard to ignore Kurt'a much more agile acrobatics.

"Wooow Kurt, that's amazing...." she swoons.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt comes to a rest at a crouch and looks down at his adoring fans, He stands, and takes a bow, "Thank you! Thank you!" As if he is performing before an audience of hundreds and not like three. Four if you count Megan...and Kurt does. He grins and performs a flourishing bow towards Megan, then with another toothy grin, he launches himself out of the rafters, SHOWOFF! and lands in a crouch beside the pink haired fairy-like Megan. He rises and nods gently to the girl and then to the climbing bars curious as to her intentions. "How are you today Miss Megan?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn swings up on the bars, wings flared out as she balances on the narrow bar, walking towards the end. Ooh, but it would sooo much cooler to perform fancy flips like Kurt over there. She pauses to applaud him. "Hurrah! You're Soo awesome up there! Say, think you could teach me a few cool tricks?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner grins, "It would be my pleasure Fraulein. But first we must come up with your Stage name!" He grins and looks up at the rafters, "You aren't afraid of heights are you? I will not let you fall!" Yes you have wings, but not everyone with wings can fly, though he seems to recall that you can....still not everyone that can fly is okay with heights.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles, "Of course I'm not afraid of heights, not when I can fly! As for a stage name, um.." she bites her lip, pondering a good one. "Well my code name is Pixie, can't I just use that?" of course Megan once used a helmet when flying, but she's quite capable and confident without one now. "So, where do we start?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner nods, "You have seen the aerial acts at the circus yes?" Kurt nods up towards the rafters and he ponders you for a moment with his strange yellow eyes and looks at his tail still tied to his body and unbinds it. He considers you, "Can you keep yourself from using your wings?" Curious.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner adds, The beautiful Pixie. It will work." Kurt adds with a mischievious impish smile.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods, "Well, never been to a live circus but I've seen em on tv." as for not using her wings, she shrugs, "Hmmmwell Sam once taught me some tricks without relying on my wings. I gotta admit, it's sometimes hard not to rely on them and I can get lazy.,Although i do like em there as a kind of, safety net.."

As it is, she has her wings folded tightly against her back as she leaps to grab a bar a little higher up, swinging round and round. "Come one, show me how to flip without falling and landing on my back! It looks Soo cool!"

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner grins, and say's, "Well you use your wings for balance, and what I have to teach you is to use your body, and perhaps to place your trust in your partner." He grins. "Trust is the most important lesson I have for you. Do you trust me?"


He motions for you to join him in the rafters. "Without your wings. How fast can you get up here?" He asks. He didn't say anything about teleporting however. Loopholes..... Well he doesn't know much about your powers. He will correct that!

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks. He's right, it's easy to flare her wings out for balance, and even if she's not using them to fly, it can be compromising. "Oh, right..Umm but don't you use your teleportation to kind cheat in your acts too?"

As for trusting, Megan smiles and nods, "Of course I trust you, plus you actually know what you're doing.."she peers up at the rafters and swallows. It'd be easy to flutter or port up there, but she's not about to let that hold her back either.

"Alright, here I go!" she leaps and bounds up on higher poles and grabs a couple of rings, swinging over them, running on a narrow bar and maybe moving too hastily, as she nearly loses her balance.

"Meep!" she slows down, stumbling a bit, kneeling down to grip the beam and steady herself a bit. "Phew, that was close..Without my wings, it's a bit scarier at this height.." she peers up at Kurt, still quite a ways a way, and swallows, pondering the safest track up there.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner kurt narrows his eyes and watches you struggle through the task but is happy you decided to take the hard way. "Yes, but before I had my powers, I learned this. It takes hard work, and climbing up, is so much harder than falling. I bind my tail when I practice because it helps me balance. If I can do it without my tail, just imagine how much better I can with my tail. What happens if my tail gets injured? Or my tail gets ripped off my body!" He blinks his yellow eyes, "I won't let you fall. Be not afraid. Know that if you do slip, I will catch you. Take risks!" He encourages you to leap further, and push your limits.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods and smiles, encouraged by his words. "Alright! I guess it'd be kinda scary to lose your tail, and that must make it way easier to balance yourself..But here goes!" she continues to climb higher, leaping from one bar or set of rings to another, swinging and leaping and running, using her momentum to leap ever higher and climb ever closer to Kurt.

But for all her lightness and grace, she's still not as agile or experienced at Kurt. At one particular point, she attempts to take an especially big leap and yelps as she realizes she underestimated the distance. Her grasp slips and she starts to fall down down down..."Aaaahh!"

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner has been anticipating that you would fall. Not because he's a dick, but because then he could do this!


You feel the three fingered grip of Nightcrawler around your wrist, though you are still falling, your momentum slows, and with a flip of his arm Kurt flings you upwards. "Catch!" He calls as he has flings you almost effortlessly towards a nearby bar, even with the help, you are gonna have to stretch to catch it!

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn meeps s she falls, knowing she could just glide, but her wings are still wrapped tightly against her, and she's trying not to rely on them. Cuz you never know. Fortunately, Kurt is quick and sure footed, and manages to grasp her hand before she can go splat! "Phew, thanks! That's a long way down.." she's breathing a bit rapidly, "Where'd I go wrong?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
As you catch the bar and hang there, he say's, "You did nothing wrong frauline. You fell. We all fall! Falling is all this is. Falling gracefully. With style eh?" He grins and then leaps for a bar and swings himself in an arc around it once, twice and then leaps to the next swinging easily like a damn monkey. "Point your toes next time. It makes it look deliberate!" That's his advice? Point your toes?

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn arches a brow and chuckles, "What, like ballet school?" she shrugs and nods, "Okaay, but how do I fall safely?" even as she speaks, Megan does as suggested, pointing her toes as she swings and leaps after him, her movements, not so graceful or agile, but she's a fast learner.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner smiles, "You don't." He nods, "Nothing is safe about falling." He nods, "Dangerous business falling. I wouldn't recommend it without wings or teleportation devices." He jokes. Then perches near you. "It is not the fall that will hurt, it is hitting the ground." He nods, "So...don't hit the ground." He nods, "And if the ground is inevitable, work on your landing. And of course try and slow your descent always." He nods, "Tree branches, other people, air planes." He nods crookedly.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs, "It's nice to have wings, but even wings can be dangerous. I used to wear a helmet you know? Cuz at first I crashed a lot, but at least I could use my wings to glide safely at the very least. But how do you work on your landing better?" it's not something she ever really mastered, hence the helmet.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner smiles an evil little smile, "You roll with your fall." He hmmms, "So, the best way to learn is to practice." He nods looking down at the matt far below. "There are several ways you can do this. You can jump from here, use as many obstacles as you can to slow your descent and roll when you get to the bottom. He grins, "If I think you are about to hurt yourself I will stop your descent, but try and remember to point your toes yes?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods, "Right! Pointy toes.." she flexes her toes, "Umm, why's that so important, anyway?" as she speaks, she continue to climb, trying hard not to fall, even if she'd like to be ready for if she does. it seems the obstacles get trickier the higher you go of course. And she starts to panic as she reaches for a beam again finding it too far away for her short jump. "Meep!" she's falling again, but does as he suggested, pointy toes, trying to grab o to anything to slow her descent. The ground is getting closer though..Can she do it?

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner is ready, there is a rope coming quick at you, and below that a catwalk, Kurt has to literally keep himself from rescuing you too soon, wanting you to succeed. He has faith in you. He is calculating your chances even as he prepares to teleport to the catwalk to make sure you don't crash into it.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn glances up, seeing the rope and curls her body protectively, in case she might fall, even as she reaches out to grab the rope. She nearly slips, but manages to grab it firmly at the last minute. "Phew! That was close!" she swings slowly back and forth, a few feet from the ground. "But hey, when you were in the circus, I'll bet you didn't always have a rope or safety net.."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner nods, "When I was first learning yes. But they soon learned I didn't need it." He grins. "But the others... They weren't as brave as you." He notes. He smiles, "That was good stopping your desecent, but you weren't to stop your descent entirely, you need to fall all the way to the ground and roll." He admonishes. "But nice pointy toes. And pointy toes are all part of falling with Style!" He winks a bright yellow eye at your playfully. What an imp!

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles, "Ooh, you're so funny! Okay, style us always good too, I'll definitely put in more practice..Thanks for showing me these tricks! I hope we can practice again soon!"

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner laughs softly, "I will help you frauline. Next time you fall for real, you shall be a sight to behold and all the world will bow to your greatness. The incredibly beautiful Frauline Pixie and her humble servant, Nightcrawler!" He jokes. Then nods to a bar that is about 20 feet above the matts and leaps for it, swinging himself up on top of it. "Practice this as much as you can Frauline!" He leaps off of the bar, does a flip and rolls to the matt coming up in a crouch and then stands and takes a practiced bow. His toes were pointed the whole time!!!! "Practice that eh?" He nods, "A lot."