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SHIELD Zero-G Training
Date of Scene: 09 June 2021
Location: Roof Landing, The Triskelion
Synopsis: SHIELD agents go on a field trip and learn how to function in zero-G.
Cast of Characters: Phobos, Black Widow (Romanoff), Liansong "Song" Qing, Quake, Yaozu Lin

Phobos has posed:
    Several missions now had taken some of the operatives from SHIELD into space of late. Investigations and reactions to incursions led to teams of agents being forced into combat with only the initial training used for Zero-G ops. It had led to the powers that be offering refresher courses and scheduling the use of several of the modified C-5M Super Galaxy transports reserved and modified for just such a purpose.
    Two of the large craft had been hunkered down on the Triskelion runway, their hulls dark and their huge engines whining as the crews made them ready for their high atmosphere efforts. Modified with some of the more modern (for Earth) technology that SHIELD had access to, they'd be able to climb to great heights over the course of an hour, then descend at a controlled speed for roughly twenty minutes to create a simulated zero-G environment in the large cargo holds that had been tailored with hand holds, faux cover, and a myriad of gear to allow the conduct of exercises in those twenty minute periods.
    Once the planes were ready, the trainees were loaded into the bay, the great vehicles rumbled down the runway with a heavy roar, then lurched into the air on a slow sojourn upward, ever upward.
    Of course, in the time it took the large plane to climb to its full ceiling it didn't take long for it to live up to its nickname as the 'Vomit Comet'.
    "Ah man, we weren't even doing Zero-G shit yet," Agent Kelso grimaced as he leaned over in his seat against the hull of the ship, still holding the military air-sick bag in his hands as he tried to regain his composure while other members of his squad around him gave him support and grief in alternating waves.
    "I know man, I know." Agent Aaron thumped him on the shoulder, "You gonna be alright?"
    "Think so," Replied Kelso as the plane's engines continued to strain against the pull of gravity.
    "You need anything?" Agent O'Hara leaned forward from her seat, her harness straining a little as she turned her head toward her teammate. "Maybe some ginger ale?"
    Aaron then asked, "Or I could grab the medic?"
    Then Agent Nelson smirks from his place on the other side of Kelso, "Or how about some lukewarm pork?"
    Which had Kelso /leaning/ forward and making another round of retching noises while the other squaddies laughed, though Agent O'Hara took a token swing at Nelson though she was smirking too.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha might have been partially to blame for this training. She had complained to Fury about her last foray into space. Not because of the lack of training, although the training they had received was very minimal, but because she had wanted to learn more since she seemed to end up out there repeatedly of late. Though it usually was something to do with the Avengers portion of her life, this time it had bled over and SHIELD had been involved too.

She didn't realize that Fury would take that to request to mean /everyone/ should be receiving more training. Maybe she should have.

She was seated in her jump seat across from the lower level agents who were commiserating with Agent Kelso. She managed not to smirk at the bad joke that set the poor man off again, instead shaking her head a bit.

Liansong "Song" Qing has posed:
The medic is here like everyone else. There might be need for them even on space missions, afterall. Liansong is the one who'd gotten picked this time, as he's newest man in the medical team here.

With his hearing as sensative as it is, he doesn't miss the byplay between the guys teasing Kelso. His beak clacks once, sharp in the confines of the Vomit Comet. He doesn't say anything, though those owl eyes are watching them. Liansong remains, for the moment, where he is.

Quake has posed:
"And who do I have to blame this on?"

Oh, Skye knew. Of course she was joking. Mostly. "So.. what are we supposed to do?" Hell, when will she put it into play? (Skye still forgets she's not only data retrieval anymore.)

Yaozu Lin has posed:
Thankfully, heights aren't a particular issue for Yaozu. Which is probably a good thing, overall. Since it's a training exercise, he's dressed in a pair of black combat-style boots, black cargo pants, and a long-sleeved black turtleneck. His black hair is neatly braid, the length of it resting down his back. He seems calm and at ease, having climbed aboard and settled in on the 'affectionately' nicknamed 'Vomit Comet'. He's near to Liansong, and not terribly far from Kelso and his mates, and so he hears the grief that's delivered to the poor fellow.

From where he was sitting, he tilts his head to one side, studying the fellow for a moment. Then he shifts slightly, and he offers a hand towards Kelso, waiting until this latest round of puking has passed. "Agent Kelso. Arm?" he asks softly, simply. A weird request. "Nei Guan," he adds, without explaining anything any further. He is... perhaps a bit odd sometimes.

Phobos has posed:
    Doesn't take much longer for the plane to rise high into the upper atmosphere with its jets roaring. Outside the windows in the large jumbo jet one could see the curve of the earth against the horizon as well as the hint of space darkening the normal blue of the sky. There's the hissing crackle of the pilot on the comms as he murmurs, "Alright ladies and gentlemen, we're starting our first descent. You can take this one easy, get your sea legs under you. This free fall will last roughly twenty minutes."
    The comms click off in the cargo hold training area and then the plane makes that slooooow leisurely nose-over as it twists in the air through a smooth arc until it angles down. For those in the training area it feels very gentle. Just a slow lightening of weight, the feeling of the seat-belts and straps starting to press in more as they hold people in place. Eventually those with longer hair will notice it start floating upwards until finally there is the sensation of weightlessness...
    Which for first timers is a funky funky feeling.
    "Oh man," Kelso says as he holds the bag in front of his mouth, shaking his head. "I shoulda called in sick today."
    Nelson smirks, his handsome features wry with amusement as he nudges his team-mate. "Yeah you shoulda, then we wouldn't be stuck with your sorry ass."
    Which earns another thump from O'Hara.
    Only for the Tactical Response Team member beckoned by Yaozu to look up. Kelso blinks blearily a few times then starts to apologize, "Sorry, sir. Just gotta..." But then he recognizes the request for his arm. A nod is given then he wipes his palms on the black legs of his combat suit, then extends his arm in the other agent's direction. "Sir?"
    On the comms, "Alright folks, you are free to move about the cabin. Next round of training we'll start with the target practice." And that should be fun.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As the time comes, Natasha unlatches the harness holdingher in place. She keeps hold of it though as she very carefully pushes off a little, just enough to move that jump seat into it's upright and secured position so it is less of something for them to crash into as they are moving about the cabin.

"Target practice?" That was new. She didn't remember that in their first training.

Then she touched her foot to the wall and released that jumpseat, going into a slow series of flips through the air as she tested things.

Liansong "Song" Qing has posed:
Liansong looks to Skye, but doesn't offer up an answer since he doesn't know it. His attention turns next to Yaozu and Kelso. He sits passively, without interference. He has an idea what Yaozu is planning, and might well approve. At least, if his not interfering is any indication, he approves.

As the weighlessness starts to come, Liansong's feathers all slick down with the odd feeling. He tilts his head. "Target practice? Sounds like fun," he says. He unclips the belts keeping him in place and slips from the seat. Used to moving in three dimensions already from being able to fly, the owl-man pushes off into the weightless air. For once, he doesn't use his wings. One, this is a confined space, and two, he doesn't want to risk striking anyone with them. Three, there's no reaction with limb movement. He seems to be moving okay to start with, though he's not doing flips like Natasha is.

Quake has posed:
Actually, Skye has a bit of practice at this. Sort of. She can fly. Well she usually flies and down, so this is sorta the same? At least it's not totally new!

While she gives her body to this semi-new position, Nat's voice reminds her. "Wait? Target practice?" Already she's thinking how to do this. Is it so very different? She doesn't think so.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
The Chinaman isn't particularly known for saying a lot, most of the time. That calmness remains with him even as the feeling of being restrained is more obvious. Even as his long braid floats up to snake through through the air with a slither of freedom. It's a funky feeling and it's a particularly awesome feeling that Yaozu has been lucky enough to experience before.

He gives a small shake of his head at the apology. "It is fine," he says, inclining his head slightly towards Kelso. There is a ghost of a smile that flits across his features. Even as the announcement is made to give them freedom, Yaozu unstraps himself to then be able to drift closer to Kelso. And he reaches out to gently turn Kelso's hand palm up before reaching along the inner wrist to find the point that he was looking for. With his thumb, he applies a firm downward pressure but not enough that would hurt, and he lets it last for only thirty seconds before he lifts the pressure away. It might cause a tingling sensation. It should be enough to relieve at least some of the nausea. "Acupressure. When done in some ways, it can help with many things. When done in other ways, it can cause great pain," Yaozu says, giving a single nod. An explanation, at least.

He glances towards Natasha and Skye, his hearing easily catching all that they say, and one of his eyebrows quirks up slightly. "Target practice should be interesting," Yao comments, a whisper of what might be amusement coming to his voice. He looks then to Liansong, to watch him, and a smile ghosts past his features again before his attention turns back to Kelso.

Phobos has posed:
    The first cycle of free-fall is almost always reserved for the trainees to get their bearings. For them to get a feeling for that weightlessness, and also... to be entirely honest, to play. To get all the goofiness out of the way and for the jokes and laughter before the more demanding trials that come on the second, third, and fourth loop.
    Right now across the large cargo bay there are a few other squads that are getting free of their restraints and some letting themselves float up... up up toward the ceiling of the two story-high cargo area. Others start to edge along the hull and get used to the feeling of being able to move themselves about albeit slowly.
    While Nelson? Well he pushes straight off of the wall and starts to float across the cabin with a small yahoo of delight. Which has him twisting in the air like an errant satellite seemingly unable to find purchase.
    Agent Aaron crawled along the edge of the ship's interior hull, finding handholds and places to grab those walls, moving along the edge and up toward the 'ceiling'. It was his voice that was heard as he motioned with a nod across the way. "They have some airsoft rifles and targets. Though having a bunch of plastic pellets floating around with everyone..." Doesn't seem like a good idea. O'Hara follows suit into the air not long after that. But Kelso?
    Kelso is turned and considering Yaozu with open appraisal and curiousity. He blinks a few times and gives a nod. "Sure," He says when asked for his arm. Starting to float up out of his seat he grabs a strap to anchor himself then returns his attention to the agent with that long braid.
    Then there's the pressure of a searching thumb finding that chi-point and it's enough to get the TRT member to raise his eyebrows in surprise. Then a smile comes, "Oh hey, yeah... I can feel it. That's... funky. I feel better."
    Which has some of his squaddies giving a small round of applause.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As she finishes the slow flips, Natasha comes to a stop as her feet touch the roof. She continues her motion to catch a handhold there, to stop her from pushing back off the opposite direction.

That was the danger of zero gee. Getting an opposite reaction from movement like that. It was something in the world of gravity but so exaggerated when there was none. Which a few of the newer people were learning as they bounced off things only to be spun in another direction when they got a little too aggressive in their push off from a hard surface.

"I get the why on the target practice but I suspect this is going to be...interesting." She says, glancing over to see how Skye and the others are doing.

Quake has posed:
Okay. It's not the same as everyone else, but it's not so different. Sure she /could/ free fall, but what's the point of that? Fury wants them to use the zero-G to their advantage. And for Skye at means floating with her powers, not just free-falling.

Skye knew within moments that it was more like 'flying' the free falling. More so, if she timed it right, she probably could 'fly' as well as on earth. Maybe it would be different out in space, but here? In a bounded space..

She knew /what/ to do, now to practice.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
There's a small nod to Kelso as he releases the fellow's hand, the movement causing a slight ripple through the long braid that slithers through the air near to him. He lifts his left hand, to gesture towards Kelso's other arm. "There is a matching point on your other wrist, at the same spot. Thirty seconds and no more," Yaozu says, offering up enough information for the fellow to be able to use the technique by himself. A smile quirks at the corners of his lips, and he inclines his head towards the fellow. "It is... funky, as you say," Yao agrees. "Good, that was the intent," he adds. There is a slight bow offered, to Kelso and to his squadmates, and a murmured, "Xiexie ni."

Then he lightly pushes himself off one of the handholds, heading for the ceiling, though before he reaches it he lightly flips so that his feet contact the ceiling. Yaozu crouches as his feet make that contact, to absorb the momentum, and one of his hands moves for his fingers to briefly touch the ceiling as well. He shifts one of his feet and pushes off to head for one of the side walls.

Liansong "Song" Qing has posed:
Liansong drifts across the cargo bay toward the other side, and up a little bit. He'd pushed off somewhat gently so he didn't wind up shooting across things. And as he comes to the other side, he catches with his hands, taloned fingers going around a handhold long enough to get himself turned about. He pushes off with his feet and legs, this time with a little more gusto so that he goes faster getting back to the other side.

He can't help it, though. Those wings flick out. Not that they /do/ anything in this environment. So he folds them back against his back and sides. Still, every now and again, one wing or the other will flick out as he tries to adjust his trajectory and has no success with doing so. By the time he reaches the other side, up close to the ceiling now, he looks frustrated.

Phobos has posed:
    The cabin was filled with people who were experimenting, acclimating. Across the way one of the agents was doing a forward flip and sloooowly floating across the cabin, while at the other end of the cargo bay two agents had leapt into the air while spinning and creating an orbit with the pair of them circling each other as they flooooat across the way.
    "You know," Agent Aaron says to perhaps no one in particular, "We could always break out the rifles early." And create a combat sim environment. Or just take pot shots at people. Though as if intending to put words to action he does float towards those storage containers near the front of the plane.
    A few of the agents look in Skye's direction, catching onto what she may be doing and giving her some leeway to test things out with her powers. Perhaps small fluctuations can be felt nearby. Yet most of the agents are lost in what they're doing themselves.
    Kelso though, thanks to Yaozu's efforts, seems to at least be able to keep his bearings and his feet. Though it'll be a sight before he builds up the gumption to take flight or do any flips. That doesn't stop the other members of his squad, however.
    One of the other agents calls out, "Agent Song? I think... look out, gonna pass near you." Nelson's voice is heard as he floats in that direction and finds himself unable to alter his trajectory or even change his posture, apparently having launched himself with too much or not enough momentum. He's not hurtling quickly, but might well interfere with Liansong's trajectory.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Honestly, Natasha was not sure that breaking out the rifles was a good idea. There was no sign of targets though. Nothing that they might be shooting. The fact they were going to be shooting at something?

Maybe they had intended all along for them to shoot each other? It was tricky because with zero gravity and recoil on a gun, it would send the shooter backwards even as the projectile was forced forward. Something she had learned first hand recently.

Would the air soft guns reach the same way? She found herself pushing off, sending her on a beeline at a good speed toward those crates. It would be entertaining because one would need to stay in motion, in control of their motion, and still being able to aim and fire without sending themselves floating off in the opposite direction. To say this likely would be funny as hell? Was an understatement.

Liansong "Song" Qing has posed:
With his field of vision being also how it is, Liansong sees Nelson coming in his direction. And he does it again. Flips his wings out. Only this time, it's with a purpose. "No worries, mate," he says to Nelson. "I've go'cha." He uses the wing closer, his left in this case, and ever so gently, shoves it against Nelson. This changes both their trajectories. And it's very controlled too, so that both keep going roughly the same direction they'd been going, but don't collide in the process.

Liansong does not go for the airsoft rifles, but instead takes a bit more time to get used to things.

Quake has posed:
Skye doesn't take a gun. However, she still had practice what she always had to practice: Holding firepower back. And moreover trying to hold her place in free fall while stopping the bullets.

Two jobs were harder than one. Much harder.

Until she has to 'feet' so to speak.

Phobos is over there picking off anyone. But Nat is smiling at her, very suspicious. Then without warning.. *POP*

Two things happen. The first seems simple enough: she holds her place. The second thing was more interesting: The pop forces a bullet out along the path of Skye. Except it never completes its trajectory. It stops in mid air and spins.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
Once Yaozu comes near to the wall, he bends his legs up in order to turn and bring his feet to contact the wall. One of his hands reaches out to grasp one of the handholds, and he tilts his head faintly to one side as he looks across the space. His hazel gaze finds Liansong, and he notices the frustration within his friend. His brow furrows briefly, and then his expression clears before he shifts a bit.

And then he shifts a bit more, to accomodate for Liansong's altered trajectory before he lightly kicks off the wall in order to head in his roommate's direction. He's not moving quickly, for he didn't kick off with a lot of force, and he keeps his feet together. It might look a bit like flailing of the arms, but the result is that Yaozu turns and mostly stops near to Song. And he smiles at Liansong. "How are you doing?" he asks quietly, knowing he doesn't need to speak very loud to be heard by him. His own hearing has become just as sharp.

Phobos has posed:
    Even as Nat floated over, Alexander's lip curled up. It was rare that they shared small moments during the work day, but it was nice to share this one as he drew out one of the rifles, checked the clip and ratcheted a round... then tossed it her direction. The weapon floated across the distance toward her end over end even as he dug one out for himself.
    "Hey, th-thanks!" Nelson says as he's still twisting a bit like an errant top, luckily cushioned somewhat by the soft embrace of Song's wings that spread out to catch... and then push against the slowly hurtling agent. It sends them twisting around in different trajectories, but likely sending the younger agent toward the wall of the cabin at a faster rate.
    But indeed after that moment of distribution of firearms, Alexander does start taking occasional pot shots. The plastic and metal rifle in his hands click-click-clicking as he sends a few plastic rounds downrange, small reddish pellets that fly through the air and bounce off people and surfaces.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha had crouched down, finding that there was little recoil in these things although it was enough in zero-gee to have her body wanting to shift backwards. Thus, she had to either compensate or put her back against something. She managed to position in that one knee down, one leg up so she could rest her elbow atop her upraised knee for aiming down the rifle sights. Her back foot was braced on the wall behind her and would allow her to keep her position.

A couple of shots went toward various agents then she did fire one toward Skye. But the other agent managed to stop it, causing Natasha to grin. And the two newcomers to their side of the pond? They both had shots fired their direction as well.

Quake has posed:
Skye grins at Nat. "No gun!"

But there was little else she could do. She could stop missiles from hitting her, but she wasn't quite practiced enough that she could hold her spot, stop the 'missiless' from hitting her, /and/ try to push back the people.

Unless, she did like on the AIM raid?

Not good Skye. This was learning precision. So, she settled on holding her spot, and defending.

Liansong "Song" Qing has posed:
It's true. Something doesn't have to be very loud for Liansong's ears to pick it up. He clacks his beak at Yaozu's question and nods his head once. "Just fine, mate," he says. "And you? Nothing unusual?" Liansong settles there against the wall and stays for a few moments. Nelson gets an owl grin tossed in his general direction. "You're welcome!"

And then there are pellets coming his way. Liansong hears them coming as well as sees them. "Ack!" he says as he doesn't evade in time and catches one in the feathers of his left wing. "Nice shot, mate!" he calls over Natasha's way. It had been. If it had been real, he'd be a dead birdie!

Yaozu Lin has posed:
There are the popping sounds of the rifles being fired, but Yaozu isn't overly concerned by it. The ammunition is fairly harmless, and target practice was part of the drill. The ones from Alexander earn his attention first, a glance given to the trajectories of them to satisfy himself that none were on their way towards him. The ones from Natasha's direction cause him to tilt his head faintly to one side, his gaze tracking to her after a moment. And he very nearly gets hit by the one that was aimed at him, perhaps too used to dodging in regular gravity, and the pellet ends up snared into his braid. Which might be a thing he discovers later, as he doesn't seem to notice it now.

It leaves him in a bad position for attempting to do anything about the pellet that he belatedly sees hitting Liansong in the wing, which makes his brow furrow slightly, and he mutters something. "Doing well, so far," Yaozu says softly, giving a small nod. He quirks a grin, and then he gives a shake of his head, his braid wriggling back and forth in the air behind him. "Nothing unusual. I will tell you if there is. I promise," he adds, sincerely and just as softly in tone.

Phobos has posed:
    As some of the other agents come by, Agent Aaron cheerfully gives them rifles and spare clips. And once they're armed those now enemy combatants start to float across the training area affecting 'evasive action' as they can while trying to track their targets as they take occasional pot shots.
    Some take to it quickly, while others aren't quite ready for even the small recoil caused by those practice weapons. It plays havoc with their expectations and forces them to learn... and compensate.
    Which is the main reason for this very exercise.
    Another box is opened at the other end of the cargo bay as more weapons are liberated until after a few more moments of free-fire, the groups start to split into teams simply by the nature of who is at what point in that plane. Rounds start to fire back and forth as make-shift cover is created by pulling some of the seats up and away from the walls.
    In short... chaos.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As more weapons are brought into play and it becomes a battle across the entirety of the space, Natasha tosses rifles to those that might want them when she can but eventually has to start dodging or she's going to end up shot. Not that it really matters. It wasn't like there were rules and once shot, they were out. No, it was simply training that was disguised as a game. They had to figure out how to deal with the weapons, not to read the trajectory of their targets and how those targets could bounce around like ping pong balls.

She dove to the side and found herself heading toward a wall, quickly tucking her body around so she would hit feet first as she pulled up the rifle and fired back at her attacker.

Liansong "Song" Qing has posed:
Liansong clacks his beak at something, but doesn't say anything. He does nod about anythig unusual and there not being anything. Liansong pushes away from the wall then, aiming toward Agent Aaron and the weapons there. He claims one and takes cover on that end of the cargo bay.

And then he cheats. He curls the toes of his feet through handholds, and uses his hands to fire shots at agents on the other side, anyone who isn't behind cover. With his sight, he's actually quite a good shot. For a science puke, it might be surprising.

Yaozu Lin has posed:
There's a brief glance given towards one end of the space, and then a glance given towards the other end. Chaos, it would seem, has erupted rather well and truly around them. He reaches out for a handhold, pulling himself in close to the wall and barely avoiding a pair of pellets that go past. One of his eyebrows quirks up, and he looks in the direction that had been the source of it.

A bit of a grin quirks at the corners of Yaozu's lips, and he pulls up his legs to plant his feet to the wall before pushing off to head towards the rifle crate near to Alexander, to retrieve a rifle of his own. Perhaps he has intentions of a bit of payback. The notion might have crossed his mind. And once he had a rifle in hand, and loaded it, he joined in the chaos as well. Let fly the little red pellets of doom!

Phobos has posed:
    The click-click-clicks of rounds firing from the practice guns are heard as the SHIELD teams engage each other. It is indeed mostly a game, but at least it is a game with something of a point as the rounds are sent down range. Some wing off one person or another, while another tries to duck only to push off the wall... and suddenly just be floating there and an easy target for everyone who proceed to pelt him with round after round in punishment.
    Some agents, fighting against the chaos, try to impose order by saying things like, "Ok man, you're out. You got hit." Especially Nelson, but people tend to just keep on firing.
    Eventually, however, the pilot's voice comes on the comms. "So I am hearing what sounds like weapons-fire back there. You are all impatient. But fine. You got ten minutes left, make it count then strap in. Don't want to be standing on your head when the gravity kicks back in."
    Yet for most of the SHIELD agents those words go unheard or at least unnoticed for right now it's all about tagging each other. At least for the next few minutes. And they still have three more rounds to go. It's gonna be... a long training exercise.