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Nanite Testing
Date of Scene: 26 June 2021
Location: A remote Midwest forest
Synopsis: Lex takes control of Supergirl with prototype nanotechnology... but the control is crude at best. More testing and refining is required.
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, Supergirl

Lex Luthor has posed:
It's been a week or three since nanites have been injected into Kara's body via a kryptonite needle. More than enough time for them to settle into their functions in the new body.

Of course, this being prototype technology in a complicated DNA strand, the control is imperfect... but Lex doesn't need perfect. He needs functional. He can refine the whole process later.

The initial activation was made late at night, so her dissppearance would be less noticable... and the nanites power up and hijack Kara's nervous system, sending her flying west. Far west, and over a forest.

With a complete lack of control over her motor functions, Kara is a prisoner in her own body, for now.... but as she starts to lower into the forest, the sounds of nature assault her senses... and she can feel that green and purple armored figure standing in a grove of trees, on top of a small hill. Green glowing 'eyes' focus on her as she descends.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers had had trouble sleeping that night. The weird stiffening or involuntary jerks in her limbs had been rather intermittent, coming and going at unpredictable moments. Eventually however, she jerked awake in the middle of the night, finding her body moving on its own accord no matter how hard she tried to fight it.

It was an incredibly frightening experience as if some unknown force was controlling her on puppet strings, and as she flew west for a long while, she continued to fight it every inch of the way..

But it was no good. Kara felt mentally exhausted by the time she landed in a forest in the middle of nowhere, eyes widened in fear and anger as she peers around. Once her feet touch the ground she gasps, breathing heavily, not from exertion so much as shock, trauma. Losing control is one if the most frightening concepts she has ever experienced.

And then she sees that armoured figured and she snarls, finding she can at the very least speak, a little. "You...What do you..Want?" she snarls between her teeth, still fighting against his control.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Kara is ignored. The armored figure walking over to circle around her. A hand comes up, and a purple hued beam of some sort flicks over her briefly. Nothing changes for Kara, but the armored figure walks in front of her and stops, mere feet away. "A better world." A synthetic voice replies. There are no inflections or tone for Kara to try to connect to anyone. Whoever this is, they've covered their body footprint well.... and this close, she can feel the subtle signs of nearby kryptonite. With the radiation she feels, his suit is laced with it. It's not enough to hurt her from this distance, but it might be able to burn if she tries to punch or grab the suit.

Just more circumstantial evidence of Lex being the perp here... but it's not a direct link.

A few moments later, and Kara can feel something inside of her jolt... but nothing else. "Where were you born?" The voice asks. Lex is testing how much control over the memory regions he has now.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers sneers, "A better world..Huh? Funny, do t think you'll accomplish that by attacking the good guys." she laughs, still defiant, but flinches as she feels a faint ripple of Kryptonite in the air around him. "Who the heck are you?!"

And then she feels some sort of jolt and is uncertain what it might mean. She tries to fight the muscle control agains as she watches him steadily. "Where am I from? Why do you want to know?" of course her birthplace is not a huge secret.

Even so, she can feel something prickling at her mind, an involuntary twitch. "A-Argo city, Krypton.."

Lex Luthor has posed:
There's a moment as the armored figure just... stares at her. "You're all the same. You play vigilante, and then pretend you're 'good'. You have no concept of the real issues." Again, no tone to it. One can easily infer a 'resigned' feel to it though, behind the modulator.

"Where do you live?" He asks, prodding into something more sensitive.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers blinks, "You don't know what you're talking about! People like me, like the Titans help innocents every day..We don't pretend anything, or don't you pay attention to the news?" she sighs, "Where is all this anger even coming from? You got a personal stake in this or something?"

And more questions keep coming. She doesn't trust this..Person? Machine? Cyborg? Whatever it or he is, she doesn't trust him. Even so, the words pass involuntarily perhaps, from her lips. "Ugh..I'm living at the Titans tower.."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Of course you'd say that." The armored figure continues. The purple hued glow comes out of a gauntlet again as he speaks, "What is your name?"

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers frowns, "What do you know? Don't you see how hard we fight to keep everybody safe? Seems like you just sit on your high horse and judge us for no good reason...Who *are* you?" but there are more questions, and she has trouble resisting them for some reason. "Ughhh...I'm..Supergirl!"

Lex Luthor has posed:
The purple hue continues briefly, before it turns blue. "What's your Earth name?" The figure asks.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers blinks slowly, frowning at the armoured figure, teeth gritted in frustration.."Ugh..I won't.." she can be pretty stubborn when she wants, but she's never experienced this level of control before..Dammit! "K-Karen D-Daniels!" she blurts out, managing somehow to get around the control this time.

Lex Luthor has posed:
There's a long minute as the armored figure just stands there. Inside the suit, Lex is accessing databases and files, his brain downloading searches of dozens of individuals going by that name at once...

"Control is imperfect. Unfortunate." Lex's modulated voice finally says. "Dance the robot." Lex orders. Time to find out how precise the motor functions can get.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers quietly swallows, wondering idly if he can see through her obvious lie. But it was a made up name and who knows, maybe there really is a Karen Daniels out there. Her brow furrows in concentration and worry..If that were the case, then she may put someone else in danger..

And then he's asking her, no ordering her to dance and she grins her teeth, trying to resist with all her might..Which works at first at least, although he4 feet are jerkily starting to take slow dance steps. "Nooo! Why are you doing this?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
Kara is ignored once again. Then, the man gives another order. A gauntleted finger points to a tree nearby, "Punch that down." Lex orders.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers grins her teeth, fighting harder than ever against his next order. "Argggh...!" she grunts as she balls her fist, pulling it back, getting ready to..No..No, she can't let him win, she has to..Breaj free somehow. "I...Will...Not!" she spins around on her heel at the last second, attempting to rush at the armoured guy instead, trying to punch him into the ground hard if she can.

Lex Luthor has posed:
He could easily dodge it, with the way she basically telegraphs the attack... but he doesn't dodge it.

Instead, one hand comes up and /grabs/ the punch as it's thrown. It's sloppy, but it has force behind it. And the man just catches it with a loud clang.

He holds it in place with tons of force, even, "Interesting, fine motor controls can be brute forced." Lex notes. Then, he releases her fist, "Try that again." He mocks.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara Danvers's eyes burn with fury, and when she's mad she can get dangerous...So why is he just standing there instead of fearing for his life? He grabs the punch and she blinks, trying to pull away. "What the heck? What are you?" she looks like she may just try blasting him with heat vision, before he lets go and she gasps, stumbling back.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Go home." He instead orders of her. For his part, Lex suddenly brings his hands to his sides, palms down, and trails of energy stream behind him as he launches up... and starts flying away.

The armored man has just proven he can control Kara somehow. What next?