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Latest revision as of 13:56, 15 July 2021

A Moment in Time
Date of Scene: 04 June 2021
Location: Club Evolution, Mutant Town
Synopsis: Dancing and discussion
Cast of Characters: Sunspot, Pixie

Sunspot has posed:
The note send to wear your best party dress, you know the one, it gave you the time, the date and the club's address. Then there was the cryptic phrase 'Always go as high as you can.' It was igned with a flourished R. When you get to the club and show the staff, the make a face and shrug, "Boss has been up stairs all day, I think he's on the roof." They point you to the stairs, and it's a easy climb to the roof, what is it with Berto and stairs while you're in a pretty outfit and heels?

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn really loves dressing up. So asking her to wear one of her best dresses it of course going to be a hassle. But she eventually arrives, dressed up in a super cute, slightly punkish, slightly sexy dress with a puffy hot pink tutu style skirt that falls to just above the knees, paired with a sparkly black corset top with beads trickling down onto the skirt part, a black ribbon tied in a bow at the waist. Upon her feet and hands she wears short leather boots and gloves.

She zips into the building, then blinks at the staff. "Woah, on the roof? I didn't even know there was a hangout on the roof..?" but apparently there are stairs and...Darnit, she should have dressed in shorter heels at least! Oh well.

Megs climbs the steps carefully, reaching the top and stepping out onto the rooftop, peering around..

Sunspot has posed:
The roof has been turned into a tropical oasis, potted plants block sight lines to the most eggregious mundane items, fairy lights have been strung around the space to provide illumination, there are a few tables set out with refreshments and food, it is just the two of you but there is a nice selection. In the middle of if all is Roberto looking dashing in his tux, easily in command of the last minute details, he notices your arrival and his face lights up just a little, "I am glad you came, this would have been a little embrarssing had you decided to stay in." He winks and that's when the band started to play, he offers you his hand and nods to the dance floor, "May I have this dance?" Yes, a dance floor has been set up and there is a real band, they are actually pretty good.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn pauses as she arrives, peering around with a little smile. "Oooh. Wooow. I didn't even know this place was here!" she giggles as she twirls around among the plants and lights, peering up at the open sky in obvious delight.

"Wooow, Berto, this place is soooo pretty! I didn't even know it was here all along..And you look..Fabulous!" she can't help but blush just a little at the sight of him, although memory of what happened last time does cause her to hesitate, just a little.

"Umm..Maybe? What's the special occasion?"

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa smiles casually, with a chuckle, "Thank you, you look lovely as well. I did want to do more with the space, and this is kind of a dry run, if this works we'll try a few small events and then I'll talk to Sam about opening it up as a venue, probably only in the Summer maybe some of the fall. I heard you missed the homecoming dance and thought you might like to see how the other half lives? The school was smaller when I went there, we really didn't have any dances, the few we had were important. I wasn't sure if it was similar for you?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and nods. "Thanks! I thought I'd need something a little cooler tonight." she nods appraisingly as she glances around. "I really like it. It's peaceful and quiet and has a magical air about it..I feel like a fairy princess in a palace!" she giggles as she spins and twirls, though pressing her wings against her back, careful not to spray Roberto with her fairy dust.

She shrugs, "Hmm, well I caught the end of it, but I guess my date couldn't make it and most of the real fun was over by the time I got there..I guess it happens.."

Mention of the school causes her to smile fondly. "Hmm, I'm a later generation so we had bigger classes I suppose. But, it must have been nicer when you knew everyone on a more personal level too..I'll really miss the place though.."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa smirks a bit at the added effort to keep the evening dust free, appreciating it nonetheless. "It was yes, I think that was why our class is still so close, trauma bonded you might say." He chuckles, and smiles, watching you enjoy the moment and the space this night is about you after all, he is just a means to an end. "Obrigado, I am glad you like the space, I do have to check the zoning but a cursory exam doesn't preclude the use, they're usually just not very appealing." He shrugs, and nods, "I guess we just missed each other, I spent the night in the back of the house making sure things ran smoothly. I wouldn't say I don't miss it, they were carefree times, but I guess the world has just grabbed me so hard it is difficult to imagine it letting go in a way that would let me revisit them. Aren't you still living at the school? I mean the commute might be a bit much, but you still see everyone on a day to day basis?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn shrugs. "Hmm, well for the moment, I'm at the school..But since I'm in second year college anymore, and there's limited space in the school, I'll be transferring to another college soon. Heck, maybe I'll go to the same place as Connor. We were even talking about moving in togther. I mean, I know I'm an Xman, and that's always important to me, but I guess I never forged any deep bonds with anyone there really.." she shrugs, almost sad.

But Megan has never stayed very sad for very long. "It's alright though, new beginnings and all that. It was nice to see some familiar faces at the prom even if I wasn"t really close to any of them. Sorry I missed you too.."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa ahs and walks over to a nearby table picking up something and walking over to you, he carefully slips the tiara into your hair, adjusting it and the holding up a mirror so you can see, "No dance is complete without a queen." The tiara is intricately made, it's costume jewelry but pretty and does manage to complement your ensemble in the way any crown should really. Berto nods, as he considers your words, "I pulled back from the X-Men recently, so I understand, the team just feel different recently... Though I am actually looking into that very issue, I have a plan in development to build post grad dorms here in mutant town, as a place for students to land after they graduate." Roberto smiles, "I think that would be good for you, maybe if not the same school another one in the same city? Those commutes can be killer on a relationship."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, eyes widenned in obvious delight as he slips the tiara over her hair. "Soo pretty! Thanks!" she preens her hair as she peers through the mirror and giggles. "Well, now I really feel like a princess..What about you? You didn't like working with the X-men?" that causes her to pout a bit.

"That's kinda sad..I mean, we made a good team back in the danger room..You're always welcome there, you know? It's not like I ever really felt like I fit in with the older team mates there. I was always the awkard newbie til you came.." Megan actually seems a bit disappointed to know they wont get to be team mates anymore.

"But I guess running X-Corp must keep you pretty busy, huh. As for a college, not sure, maybe New York? Don't think there are even colleges in Mutant Town.."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa smiles and inclines his head graciously, "You are very welcome, it looks lovely on you as I knew it would."

     Berto considers your question, "I have not been feeling as connected to the team. Though I did enjoy working with you and with Shannon, helping you expand and understand your abilities, use them in new ways was rewarding. More rewarding than working with the team has been in a bit. I did enjoy working with you, you have been a highlight of my return honestly, your passion, your joy, you are someone I enjoy spending time with." He chuckles, "I understand the feelings but you have grown into your place and your abilities I would characterize you as neither a newbie nor awkward. Though, you have given me something to think about." Roberto taps his chin considering.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles, "Well you know, it's a big place, lots of people. Maybe we can join the New Mutants? Or maybe you can give it another shot, I dunno. I'll miss working with you thought.." she pouts a bit. But steps forward suddenly, offering her hand. "But while you're here, how about that dance?"

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa takes her hand and walks out onto the dance floor, then his arm is on her waist in a proper dance posture and he begins to move wth the music, guiding, leading trough a few simple steps and then into a spin, twrils, some foot work, Berto uses his expertise to move around you, letting you do the least of the work but still showing you off to anyone who might have been watching. He grins and hums along to the music, keeping pace easily.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is quite a good dancer it seems, hey, comes with the musical background afterall. But it's of course always more work for the male to lead the dance and she smiles and hums softly as she moves in perfect sync, with both the music and her partner. "Heey, you're pretty good. I wonder what other suprise skills you have?" she giggles as she twirls and dips.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa shrugs, and smiles, "Party planning, my devastating fashion sense and business acumen, dancing, soccer, pilot, oh." He slips into Greak and latin, "There is my minor in antiquities. Nothing more than the average Xaviers's graduate."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn ooohs, "Woow, I guess you're like, one of those super duper smartiepants types, huh? You probably got like ten masters degrees or something?" she giggles, "And here I am struggling with just one.." she tilts her head. "Did that all come with the massive inheritance or what?" she arches a brow, "Ooh and a pilot too? Like planes and stuff?"

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa nods, "Yes, I've always loved to fly. Well, my Mom is a world class Archaeologist and my Dad got the company where it is, they both had high standards. They expected a lot, and neither was willing to except less that my best. Not a super brain, I only have an MBA but my Father didn't even have college, so.. " He shrugs

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smirks, "Really..*only* an MBA. I mean, how old are you, even? You look so young. That must be a lot of responsibility, I imagine. Still.." she shrugs, "Soo I guess one day you'll be running some mega corporation or something, huh?" she sighs wistfully, "Wish I knew what to do with my life."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa smiles and squints, "I run Da Costa international now... I'm 21. It is, that's why I haven't been around, my Dad had some shady dealings, thing I needed to get a hand on, but it's better now, keep your friends close and your enemies closer as the saying goes."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks, "Waait a minute, soo you're running Da Costa International...And you're running X-corp too? Wow, you must be super busy!" she giggles, "And all at 21. Don't you just wish you could..I dunno, slack off, have fun? Sounds like you have sooo many responsibilities!"

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto Da Costa smiles, "I have learned on key skill in my 21 years. Delegate." Rob laughs and nods. It's the key to running any successful organization, "Hire the best and trust them to do their jobs."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn hmms and nods. "Oooh, I guess...Since I'm helping out at X-corp these days, I should work extra hard so you can be suer to trust me too, right?" she grins, "I promise i'll do my best. I mean, seems like I have a super cool boss too, so that's a bonus.." she twirls some more, enjoying the cool wind ruffling through her hair.